var isMac = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform); var shortcuts = { 'Cmd-B': toggleBold, 'Cmd-I': toggleItalic, 'Cmd-K': drawLink, 'Cmd-Alt-I': drawImage, "Cmd-'": toggleBlockquote, 'Cmd-Alt-L': toggleOrderedList, 'Cmd-L': toggleUnOrderedList }; /** * Fix shortcut. Mac use Command, others use Ctrl. */ function fixShortcut(name) { if (isMac) { name = name.replace('Ctrl', 'Cmd'); } else { name = name.replace('Cmd', 'Ctrl'); } return name; } /** * Create icon element for toolbar. */ function createIcon(name, options) { options = options || {}; var el = document.createElement('a'); var shortcut = options.shortcut || shortcuts[name]; if (shortcut) { shortcut = fixShortcut(shortcut); el.title = shortcut; el.title = el.title.replace('Cmd', '⌘'); if (isMac) { el.title = el.title.replace('Alt', '⌥'); } } el.className = options.className || 'icon-' + name; return el; } function createSep() { el = document.createElement('i'); el.className = 'separator'; el.innerHTML = '|'; return el; } /** * The state of CodeMirror at the given position. */ function getState(cm, pos) { pos = pos || cm.getCursor('start'); var stat = cm.getTokenAt(pos); if (!stat.type) return {}; var types = stat.type.split(' '); var ret = {}, data, text; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { data = types[i]; if (data === 'strong') { ret.bold = true; } else if (data === 'variable-2') { text = cm.getLine(pos.line); if (/^\s*\d+\.\s/.test(text)) { ret['ordered-list'] = true; } else { ret['unordered-list'] = true; } } else if (data === 'atom') { ret.quote = true; } else if (data === 'em') { ret.italic = true; } else if (data === 'quote') { ret.quote = true; } } return ret; } /** * Toggle full screen of the editor. */ function toggleFullScreen(editor) { var el = editor.codemirror.getWrapperElement(); // var doc = document; var isFull = doc.fullScreen || doc.mozFullScreen || doc.webkitFullScreen; var request = function() { if (el.requestFullScreen) { el.requestFullScreen(); } else if (el.mozRequestFullScreen) { el.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (el.webkitRequestFullScreen) { el.webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); } }; var cancel = function() { if (doc.cancelFullScreen) { doc.cancelFullScreen(); } else if (doc.mozCancelFullScreen) { doc.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (doc.webkitCancelFullScreen) { doc.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } }; if (!isFull) { request(); } else if (cancel) { cancel(); } } /** * Action for toggling bold. */ function toggleBold(editor) { _toggleBlock(editor, 'bold', '**'); } /** * Action for toggling italic. */ function toggleItalic(editor) { _toggleBlock(editor, 'italic', '*'); } /** * Action for toggling code block. */ function toggleCodeBlock(editor) { _toggleBlock(editor, 'code', '```\r\n', '\r\n```'); } /** * Action for toggling blockquote. */ function toggleBlockquote(editor) { var cm = editor.codemirror; _toggleLine(cm, 'quote'); } /** * Action for toggling ul. */ function toggleUnOrderedList(editor) { var cm = editor.codemirror; _toggleLine(cm, 'unordered-list'); } /** * Action for toggling ol. */ function toggleOrderedList(editor) { var cm = editor.codemirror; _toggleLine(cm, 'ordered-list'); } /** * Action for drawing a link. */ function drawLink(editor) { var cm = editor.codemirror; var stat = getState(cm); _replaceSelection(cm,, '[', '](http://)'); } /** * Action for drawing an img. */ function drawImage(editor) { var cm = editor.codemirror; var stat = getState(cm); _replaceSelection(cm, stat.image, '![](http://', ')'); } /** * Undo action. */ function undo(editor) { var cm = editor.codemirror; cm.undo(); cm.focus(); } /** * Redo action. */ function redo(editor) { var cm = editor.codemirror; cm.redo(); cm.focus(); } /** * Preview action. */ function togglePreview(editor) { var toolbar_div = document.getElementsByClassName('editor-toolbar')[0]; var toolbar = editor.toolbar.preview; var parse = editor.constructor.markdown; var cm = editor.codemirror; var wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement(); var preview = wrapper.lastChild; if (!/editor-preview/.test(preview.className)) { preview = document.createElement('div'); preview.className = 'editor-preview'; wrapper.appendChild(preview); } if (/editor-preview-active/.test(preview.className)) { preview.className = preview.className.replace( /\s*editor-preview-active\s*/g, '' ); toolbar.className = toolbar.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, ''); toolbar_div.className = toolbar_div.className.replace(/\s*disabled-for-preview\s*/g, ''); } else { /* When the preview button is clicked for the first time, * give some time for the transition from editor.css to fire and the view to slide from right to left, * instead of just appearing. */ setTimeout(function() { preview.className += ' editor-preview-active' }, 1); toolbar.className += ' active'; toolbar_div.className += ' disabled-for-preview'; } var text = cm.getValue(); preview.innerHTML = parse(text); } function _replaceSelection(cm, active, start, end) { if (/editor-preview-active/.test(cm.getWrapperElement().lastChild.className)) return; var text; var startPoint = cm.getCursor('start'); var endPoint = cm.getCursor('end'); if (active) { text = cm.getLine(startPoint.line); start = text.slice(0,; end = text.slice(; cm.replaceRange(start + end, { line: startPoint.line, ch: 0 }); } else { text = cm.getSelection(); cm.replaceSelection(start + text + end); += start.length; += start.length; } cm.setSelection(startPoint, endPoint); cm.focus(); } function _toggleLine(cm, name) { if (/editor-preview-active/.test(cm.getWrapperElement().lastChild.className)) return; var stat = getState(cm); var startPoint = cm.getCursor('start'); var endPoint = cm.getCursor('end'); var repl = { 'quote': /^(\s*)\>\s+/, 'unordered-list': /^(\s*)(\*|\-|\+)\s+/, 'ordered-list': /^(\s*)\d+\.\s+/ }; var map = { 'quote': '> ', 'unordered-list': '* ', 'ordered-list': '1. ' }; for (var i = startPoint.line; i <= endPoint.line; i++) { (function(i) { var text = cm.getLine(i); if (stat[name]) { text = text.replace(repl[name], '$1'); } else { text = map[name] + text; } cm.replaceRange(text, { line: i, ch: 0 }, { line: i, ch: 99999999999999 }); })(i); } cm.focus(); } function _toggleBlock(editor, type, start_chars, end_chars) { if (/editor-preview-active/.test(editor.codemirror.getWrapperElement().lastChild.className)) return; end_chars = (typeof end_chars === 'undefined') ? start_chars : end_chars; var cm = editor.codemirror; var stat = getState(cm); var text; var start = start_chars; var end = end_chars; var startPoint = cm.getCursor('start'); var endPoint = cm.getCursor('end'); if (stat[type]) { text = cm.getLine(startPoint.line); start = text.slice(0,; end = text.slice(; if (type == "bold") { start = start.replace(/(\*\*|__)(?![\s\S]*(\*\*|__))/, ""); end = end.replace(/(\*\*|__)/, ""); } else if (type == "italic") { start = start.replace(/(\*|_)(?![\s\S]*(\*|_))/, ""); end = end.replace(/(\*|_)/, ""); } cm.replaceRange(start + end, { line: startPoint.line, ch: 0 }, { line: startPoint.line, ch: 99999999999999 }); if (type == "bold") { -= 2; -= 2; } else if (type == "italic") { -= 1; -= 1; } } else { text = cm.getSelection(); if (type == "bold") { text = text.split("**").join(""); text = text.split("__").join(""); } else if (type == "italic") { text = text.split("*").join(""); text = text.split("_").join(""); } cm.replaceSelection(start + text + end); += start_chars.length; = + text.length; } cm.setSelection(startPoint, endPoint); cm.focus(); } /* The right word count in respect for CJK. */ function wordCount(data) { var pattern = /[a-zA-Z0-9_\u0392-\u03c9]+|[\u4E00-\u9FFF\u3400-\u4dbf\uf900-\ufaff\u3040-\u309f\uac00-\ud7af]+/g; var m = data.match(pattern); var count = 0; if (m === null) return count; for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { if (m[i].charCodeAt(0) >= 0x4E00) { count += m[i].length; } else { count += 1; } } return count; } var toolbar = [{ name: 'bold', action: toggleBold, className: "fa fa-bold" }, { name: 'italic', action: toggleItalic, className: "fa fa-italic" }, '|', { name: 'quote', action: toggleBlockquote, className: "fa fa-quote-left" }, { name: 'unordered-list', action: toggleUnOrderedList, className: "fa fa-list-ul" }, { name: 'ordered-list', action: toggleOrderedList, className: "fa fa-list-ol" }, '|', { name: 'link', action: drawLink, className: "fa fa-link" }, { name: 'image', action: drawImage, className: "fa fa-picture-o" }, '|', { name: 'preview', action: togglePreview, className: "fa fa-eye" }, ]; /** * Interface of SimpleMDE. */ function SimpleMDE(options) { options = options || {}; if (options.element) { this.element = options.element; } if(options.toolbar === false) options.toolbar = false; else options.toolbar = options.toolbar || SimpleMDE.toolbar; // you can customize toolbar with object // [{name: 'bold', shortcut: 'Ctrl-B', className: 'icon-bold'}] if (!options.hasOwnProperty('status')) { options.status = ['lines', 'words', 'cursor']; } this.options = options; // If user has passed an element, it should auto rendered this.render(); } /** * Default toolbar elements. */ SimpleMDE.toolbar = toolbar; /** * Default markdown render. */ SimpleMDE.markdown = function(text) { if (window.marked) { // use marked as markdown parser return marked(text); } }; /** * Render editor to the given element. */ SimpleMDE.prototype.render = function(el) { if (!el) { el = this.element || document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; } if (this._rendered && this._rendered === el) { // Already rendered. return; } this.element = el; var options = this.options; var self = this; var keyMaps = {}; for (var key in shortcuts) { (function(key) { keyMaps[fixShortcut(key)] = function(cm) { shortcuts[key](self); }; })(key); } keyMaps["Enter"] = "newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList"; keyMaps['Tab'] = 'tabAndIndentContinueMarkdownList'; keyMaps['Shift-Tab'] = 'shiftTabAndIndentContinueMarkdownList'; this.codemirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(el, { mode: 'markdown', theme: 'paper', tabSize: (options.tabSize != undefined) ? options.tabSize : 2, indentWithTabs: (options.indentWithTabs === false) ? false : true, lineNumbers: false, autofocus: (options.autofocus === true) ? true : false, extraKeys: keyMaps, lineWrapping: (options.lineWrapping === false) ? false : true }); if (options.toolbar !== false) { this.createToolbar(); } if (options.status !== false) { this.createStatusbar(); } this._rendered = this.element; }; SimpleMDE.prototype.createToolbar = function(items) { items = items || this.options.toolbar; if (!items || items.length === 0) { return; } var bar = document.createElement('div'); bar.className = 'editor-toolbar'; var self = this; var el; self.toolbar = {}; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { (function(item) { var el; if ( { el = createIcon(, item); } else if (item === '|') { el = createSep(); } else { el = createIcon(item); } // bind events, special for info if (item.action) { if (typeof item.action === 'function') { el.onclick = function(e) { item.action(self); }; } else if (typeof item.action === 'string') { el.href = item.action; = '_blank'; } } self.toolbar[ || item] = el; bar.appendChild(el); })(items[i]); } var cm = this.codemirror; cm.on('cursorActivity', function() { var stat = getState(cm); for (var key in self.toolbar) { (function(key) { var el = self.toolbar[key]; if (stat[key]) { el.className += ' active'; } else { el.className = el.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, ''); } })(key); } }); var cmWrapper = cm.getWrapperElement(); cmWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(bar, cmWrapper); return bar; }; SimpleMDE.prototype.createStatusbar = function(status) { status = status || this.options.status; if (!status || status.length === 0) return; var bar = document.createElement('div'); bar.className = 'editor-statusbar'; var pos, cm = this.codemirror; for (var i = 0; i < status.length; i++) { (function(name) { var el = document.createElement('span'); el.className = name; if (name === 'words') { el.innerHTML = '0'; cm.on('update', function() { el.innerHTML = wordCount(cm.getValue()); }); } else if (name === 'lines') { el.innerHTML = '0'; cm.on('update', function() { el.innerHTML = cm.lineCount(); }); } else if (name === 'cursor') { el.innerHTML = '0:0'; cm.on('cursorActivity', function() { pos = cm.getCursor(); el.innerHTML = pos.line + ':' +; }); } bar.appendChild(el); })(status[i]); } var cmWrapper = this.codemirror.getWrapperElement(); cmWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(bar, cmWrapper.nextSibling); return bar; }; /** * Get or set the text content. */ SimpleMDE.prototype.value = function(val) { if (val) { this.codemirror.getDoc().setValue(val); return this; } else { return this.codemirror.getValue(); } }; /** * Bind static methods for exports. */ SimpleMDE.toggleBold = toggleBold; SimpleMDE.toggleItalic = toggleItalic; SimpleMDE.toggleBlockquote = toggleBlockquote; SimpleMDE.toggleUnOrderedList = toggleUnOrderedList; SimpleMDE.toggleOrderedList = toggleOrderedList; SimpleMDE.drawLink = drawLink; SimpleMDE.drawImage = drawImage; SimpleMDE.undo = undo; SimpleMDE.redo = redo; SimpleMDE.togglePreview = togglePreview; SimpleMDE.toggleFullScreen = toggleFullScreen; /** * Bind instance methods for exports. */ SimpleMDE.prototype.toggleBold = function() { toggleBold(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.toggleItalic = function() { toggleItalic(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.toggleBlockquote = function() { toggleBlockquote(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.toggleUnOrderedList = function() { toggleUnOrderedList(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.toggleOrderedList = function() { toggleOrderedList(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.drawLink = function() { drawLink(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.drawImage = function() { drawImage(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.undo = function() { undo(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.redo = function() { redo(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.togglePreview = function() { togglePreview(this); }; SimpleMDE.prototype.toggleFullScreen = function() { toggleFullScreen(this); };