var toolbar = [ {name: 'bold', action: toggleBold, className: "fa fa-bold"}, {name: 'italic', action: toggleItalic, className: "fa fa-italic"}, '|', {name: 'quote', action: toggleBlockquote, className: "fa fa-quote-left"}, {name: 'unordered-list', action: toggleUnOrderedList, className: "fa fa-list-ul"}, {name: 'ordered-list', action: toggleOrderedList, className: "fa fa-list-ol"}, '|', {name: 'link', action: drawLink, className: "fa fa-link"}, {name: 'image', action: drawImage, className: "fa fa-picture-o"}, '|', {name: 'preview', action: togglePreview, className: "fa fa-eye"}, ]; /** * Interface of Markdownify. */ function Markdownify(options) { options = options || {}; if (options.element) { this.element = options.element; } options.toolbar = options.toolbar || Markdownify.toolbar; // you can customize toolbar with object // [{name: 'bold', shortcut: 'Ctrl-B', className: 'icon-bold'}] if (!options.hasOwnProperty('status')) { options.status = ['lines', 'words', 'cursor']; } this.options = options; // If user has passed an element, it should auto rendered if (this.element) { this.render(); } } /** * Default toolbar elements. */ Markdownify.toolbar = toolbar; /** * Default markdown render. */ Markdownify.markdown = function(text) { if (window.marked) { // use marked as markdown parser return marked(text); } }; /** * Render editor to the given element. */ Markdownify.prototype.render = function(el) { if (!el) { el = this.element || document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; } if (this._rendered && this._rendered === el) { // Already rendered. return; } this.element = el; var options = this.options; var self = this; var keyMaps = {}; for (var key in shortcuts) { (function(key) { keyMaps[fixShortcut(key)] = function(cm) { shortcuts[key](self); }; })(key); } keyMaps["Enter"] = "newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList"; keyMaps['Tab'] = 'tabAndIndentContinueMarkdownList'; keyMaps['Shift-Tab'] = 'shiftTabAndIndentContinueMarkdownList'; this.codemirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(el, { mode: 'markdown', theme: 'paper', tabSize: '2', indentWithTabs: true, lineNumbers: false, autofocus: false, extraKeys: keyMaps, lineWrapping: true }); if (options.toolbar !== false) { this.createToolbar(); } if (options.status !== false) { this.createStatusbar(); } this._rendered = this.element; }; Markdownify.prototype.createToolbar = function(items) { items = items || this.options.toolbar; if (!items || items.length === 0) { return; } var bar = document.createElement('div'); bar.className = 'editor-toolbar'; var self = this; var el; self.toolbar = {}; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { (function(item) { var el; if ( { el = createIcon(, item); } else if (item === '|') { el = createSep(); } else { el = createIcon(item); } // bind events, special for info if (item.action) { if (typeof item.action === 'function') { el.onclick = function(e) { item.action(self); }; } else if (typeof item.action === 'string') { el.href = item.action; = '_blank'; } } self.toolbar[ || item] = el; bar.appendChild(el); })(items[i]); } var cm = this.codemirror; cm.on('cursorActivity', function() { var stat = getState(cm); for (var key in self.toolbar) { (function(key) { var el = self.toolbar[key]; if (stat[key]) { el.className += ' active'; } else { el.className = el.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, ''); } })(key); } }); var cmWrapper = cm.getWrapperElement(); cmWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(bar, cmWrapper); return bar; }; Markdownify.prototype.createStatusbar = function(status) { status = status || this.options.status; if (!status || status.length === 0) return; var bar = document.createElement('div'); bar.className = 'editor-statusbar'; var pos, cm = this.codemirror; for (var i = 0; i < status.length; i++) { (function(name) { var el = document.createElement('span'); el.className = name; if (name === 'words') { el.innerHTML = '0'; cm.on('update', function() { el.innerHTML = wordCount(cm.getValue()); }); } else if (name === 'lines') { el.innerHTML = '0'; cm.on('update', function() { el.innerHTML = cm.lineCount(); }); } else if (name === 'cursor') { el.innerHTML = '0:0'; cm.on('cursorActivity', function() { pos = cm.getCursor(); el.innerHTML = pos.line + ':' +; }); } bar.appendChild(el); })(status[i]); } var cmWrapper = this.codemirror.getWrapperElement(); cmWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(bar, cmWrapper.nextSibling); return bar; }; /** * Get or set the text content. */ Markdownify.prototype.value = function(val) { if (val) { this.codemirror.getDoc().setValue(val); return this; } else { return this.codemirror.getValue(); } }; /** * Bind static methods for exports. */ Markdownify.toggleBold = toggleBold; Markdownify.toggleItalic = toggleItalic; Markdownify.toggleBlockquote = toggleBlockquote; Markdownify.toggleUnOrderedList = toggleUnOrderedList; Markdownify.toggleOrderedList = toggleOrderedList; Markdownify.drawLink = drawLink; Markdownify.drawImage = drawImage; Markdownify.undo = undo; Markdownify.redo = redo; Markdownify.togglePreview = togglePreview; Markdownify.toggleFullScreen = toggleFullScreen; /** * Bind instance methods for exports. */ Markdownify.prototype.toggleBold = function() { toggleBold(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.toggleItalic = function() { toggleItalic(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.toggleBlockquote = function() { toggleBlockquote(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.toggleUnOrderedList = function() { toggleUnOrderedList(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.toggleOrderedList = function() { toggleOrderedList(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.drawLink = function() { drawLink(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.drawImage = function() { drawImage(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.undo = function() { undo(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.redo = function() { redo(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.togglePreview = function() { togglePreview(this); }; Markdownify.prototype.toggleFullScreen = function() { toggleFullScreen(this); };