# Markdownify - Markdown Editor A drop-in JavaScript textarea replacement for writing beautiful and understandable markdown. The WYSIWYG-esque editor allows you to modify the markdown with toolbar buttons and shortcuts. It has been designed to be easy to use by users who are less technical. ![Preview](http://i.imgur.com/l5antiW.png) ### How it works Markdownify is an improvement of [lepture's Editor project](https://github.com/lepture/editor) and includes a great many number of changes. It is bundled with [CodeMirror](https://github.com/codemirror/codemirror) and [Font Awesome](http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/). ### Quickstart ``` ``` And then load Markdownify on the first textarea on a page ``` var markdownify = new Markdownify(); markdownify.render(); ``` ##### Use a specific textarea Pure JavaScript method ``` var markdownify = new Markdownify(document.getElementById("MyID")); markdownify.render(); ``` jQuery method ``` var markdownify = new Markdownify($("#MyID")[0]); markdownify.render(); ``` ## Get the content ``` markdownify.codemirror.getValue(); ``` ## Configuration - **element**: The DOM element for the textarea to use. Defaults to the first textarea on the page. - **status**: If set false, hide the statusbar. Defaults to true. - **tools**: If set false, hide the toolbar. Defaults to true. ``` new Markdownify({ element: document.getElementById("MyID"), status: false, tools: false, }); ```