Combine columns to prevent wrapping

Wes Cossick 9 years ago
parent f96ca0ecfa
commit 263827a690

@ -132,28 +132,28 @@ var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
Below are the built-in toolbar icons (only some of which are enabled by default), which can be reorganized however you like. "Name" is the name of the icon, referenced in the JS. "Action" is either a function or a URL to open. "Class" is the class given to the icon. "Tooltip" is the small tooltip that appears via the `title=""` attribute. The `Ctrl` and `Alt` in the title tags will be changed automatically to their Mac equivalents when needed. Additionally, you can add a separator between any icons by adding `"|"` to the toolbar array.
Name | Action | Class | Tooltip
:--- | :----- | :---- | :------
bold | toggleBold | fa fa-bold | Bold (Ctrl+B)
italic | toggleItalic | fa fa-italic | Italic (Ctrl+I)
strikethrough | toggleStrikethrough | fa fa-strikethrough | Strikethrough
heading | toggleHeadingSmaller | fa fa-header | Heading (Ctrl+H)
heading-smaller | toggleHeadingSmaller | fa fa-header | Smaller Heading (Ctrl+H)
heading-bigger | toggleHeadingBigger | fa fa-lg fa-header | Bigger Heading (Shift+Ctrl+H)
heading-1 | toggleHeading1 | fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-1 | Big Heading
heading-2 | toggleHeading2 | fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-2 | Medium Heading
heading-3 | toggleHeading3 | fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-3 | Small Heading
code | toggleCodeBlock | fa fa-code | Code (Ctrl+Alt+C)
quote | toggleBlockquote | fa fa-quote-left | Quote (Ctrl+')
unordered-list | toggleUnorderedList | fa fa-list-ul | Generic List (Ctrl+L)
ordered-list | toggleOrderedList | fa fa-list-ol | Numbered List (Ctrl+Alt+L)
link | drawLink | fa fa-link | Create Link (Ctrl+K)
image | drawImage | fa fa-picture-o | Insert Image (Ctrl+Alt+I)
horizontal-rule | drawHorizontalRule | fa fa-minus | Insert Horizontal Line
preview | togglePreview | fa fa-eye | Toggle Preview (Ctrl+P)
side-by-side | toggleSideBySide | fa fa-columns | Toggle Side by Side (F9)
fullscreen | toggleFullScreen | fa fa-arrows-alt | Toggle Fullscreen (F11)
guide | [This link]( | fa fa-question-circle | Markdown Guide
Name | Action | Tooltip<br>Class
:--- | :----- | :--------------
bold | toggleBold | Bold (Ctrl+B)<br>fa fa-bold
italic | toggleItalic | Italic (Ctrl+I)<br>fa fa-italic
strikethrough | toggleStrikethrough | Strikethrough<br>fa fa-strikethrough
heading | toggleHeadingSmaller | Heading (Ctrl+H)<br>fa fa-header
heading-smaller | toggleHeadingSmaller | Smaller Heading (Ctrl+H)<br>fa fa-header
heading-bigger | toggleHeadingBigger | Bigger Heading (Shift+Ctrl+H)<br>fa fa-lg fa-header
heading-1 | toggleHeading1 | Big Heading<br>fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-1
heading-2 | toggleHeading2 | Medium Heading<br>fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-2
heading-3 | toggleHeading3 | Small Heading<br>fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-3
code | toggleCodeBlock | Code (Ctrl+Alt+C)<br>fa fa-code
quote | toggleBlockquote | Quote (Ctrl+')<br>fa fa-quote-left
unordered-list | toggleUnorderedList | Generic List (Ctrl+L)<br>fa fa-list-ul
ordered-list | toggleOrderedList | Numbered List (Ctrl+Alt+L)<br>fa fa-list-ol
link | drawLink | Create Link (Ctrl+K)<br>fa fa-link
image | drawImage | Insert Image (Ctrl+Alt+I)<br>fa fa-picture-o
horizontal-rule | drawHorizontalRule | Insert Horizontal Line<br>fa fa-minus
preview | togglePreview | Toggle Preview (Ctrl+P)<br>fa fa-eye
side-by-side | toggleSideBySide | Toggle Side by Side (F9)<br>fa fa-columns
fullscreen | toggleFullScreen | Toggle Fullscreen (F11)<br>fa fa-arrows-alt
guide | [This link]( | Markdown Guide<br>fa fa-question-circle
Customize the toolbar using the `toolbar` option like:
