You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

605 lines
17 KiB

* Created by WittBulter on 2017/1/17.
import Base from './base'
export default class Action {
constructor (){
this.saved_overflow = ''
* Action for toggling bold.
8 years ago
static toggleBold (editor){
Base.toggleBlock(editor, "bold", editor.options.blockStyles.bold);
* Action for toggling italic.
static toggleItalic (editor){
Base.toggleBlock(editor, "italic", editor.options.blockStyles.italic);
* Action for drawing a link.
static drawLink (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
8 years ago
const stat = Base.getState(cm);
const options = editor.options;
let url = "http://";
8 years ago
if (options.promptURLs){
url = prompt(;
8 years ago
if (!url){
return false;
Base.replaceSelection(cm,,, url);
* Action for toggling heading size: normal -> h1 -> h2 -> h3 -> h4 -> h5 -> h6 -> normal
static toggleHeadingSmaller (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
Base.toggleHeading(cm, "smaller");
* Action for toggling heading size: normal -> h6 -> h5 -> h4 -> h3 -> h2 -> h1 -> normal
static toggleHeadingBigger (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
Base.toggleHeading(cm, "bigger");
* Action for drawing an img.
static drawImage (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
const stat = Base.getState(cm);
const options = editor.options;
let url = "http://";
8 years ago
if (options.promptURLs){
url = prompt(options.promptTexts.image);
8 years ago
if (!url){
return false;
Base.replaceSelection(cm, stat.image, options.insertTexts.image, url);
* Action for toggling blockquote.
static toggleBlockquote (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
Base.toggleLine(cm, "quote");
* Action for toggling ol.
static toggleOrderedList (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
Base.toggleLine(cm, "ordered-list");
* Action for toggling ul.
static toggleUnorderedList (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
Base.toggleLine(cm, "unordered-list");
* Action for toggling code block.
static toggleCodeBlock (editor){
let fenceCharsToInsert = editor.options.blockStyles.code;
8 years ago
const fencing_line = line =>{
/* return true, if this is a ``` or ~~~ line */
8 years ago
if (typeof line !== "object"){
throw "fencing_line() takes a 'line' object (not a line number, or line text). Got: " + typeof line + ": " + line;
return line.styles && line.styles[2] && line.styles[2].indexOf("formatting-code-block") !== -1;
const token_state = token =>{
// base goes an extra level deep when mode backdrops are used, e.g. spellchecker on
return token.state.base.base || token.state.base;
8 years ago
const code_type = (cm, line_num, line = cm.getLineHandle(line_num), firstTok, lastTok) =>{
* Return "single", "indented", "fenced" or false
* cm and line_num are required. Others are optional for efficiency
* To check in the middle of a line, pass in firstTok yourself.
firstTok = firstTok || cm.getTokenAt({
line: line_num,
ch: 1
lastTok = lastTok || (!!line.text && cm.getTokenAt({
line: line_num,
ch: line.text.length - 1
8 years ago
let types = firstTok.type? firstTok.type.split(" "): [];
if (lastTok && token_state(lastTok).indentedCode){
// have to check last char, since first chars of first line aren"t marked as indented
return "indented";
8 years ago
} else if (types.indexOf("comment") === -1){
// has to be after "indented" check, since first chars of first indented line aren"t marked as such
return false;
8 years ago
} else if (token_state(firstTok).fencedChars || token_state(lastTok).fencedChars || fencing_line(line)){
return "fenced";
8 years ago
} else{
return "single";
8 years ago
const insertFencingAtSelection = (cm, cur_start, cur_end, fenceCharsToInsert) =>{
let start_line_sel = cur_start.line + 1,
end_line_sel = cur_end.line + 1,
sel_multi = cur_start.line !== cur_end.line,
repl_start = fenceCharsToInsert + "\n",
repl_end = "\n" + fenceCharsToInsert;
8 years ago
if (sel_multi){
// handle last char including \n or not
8 years ago
if (sel_multi && === 0){
repl_end = fenceCharsToInsert + "\n";
Base.replaceSelection(cm, false, [repl_start, repl_end]);
line: start_line_sel,
ch: 0
}, {
line: end_line_sel,
ch: 0
let cm = editor.codemirror,
cur_start = cm.getCursor("start"),
cur_end = cm.getCursor("end"),
tok = cm.getTokenAt({
line: cur_start.line,
ch: || 1
}), // avoid ch 0 which is a cursor pos but not token
line = cm.getLineHandle(cur_start.line),
is_code = code_type(cm, cur_start.line, line, tok);
let block_start, block_end, lineCount;
8 years ago
if (is_code === "single"){
// similar to some SimpleMDE _toggleBlock logic
8 years ago
let start = line.text.slice(0,
.replace("`", ""),
end = line.text.slice(
.replace("`", "");
cm.replaceRange(start + end, {
line: cur_start.line,
ch: 0
}, {
line: cur_start.line,
ch: 99999999999999
8 years ago
if (cur_start !== cur_end){;
cm.setSelection(cur_start, cur_end);
8 years ago
} else if (is_code === "fenced"){
if (cur_start.line !== cur_end.line || !=={
// use selection
// find the fenced line so we know what type it is (tilde, backticks, number of them)
8 years ago
for (block_start = cur_start.line; block_start >= 0; block_start--){
line = cm.getLineHandle(block_start);
8 years ago
if (fencing_line(line)){
let fencedTok = cm.getTokenAt({
line: block_start,
ch: 1
let fence_chars = token_state(fencedTok).fencedChars;
let start_text, start_line;
let end_text, end_line;
// check for selection going up against fenced lines, in which case we don't want to add more fencing
8 years ago
if (fencing_line(cm.getLineHandle(cur_start.line))){
start_text = "";
start_line = cur_start.line;
8 years ago
} else if (fencing_line(cm.getLineHandle(cur_start.line - 1))){
start_text = "";
start_line = cur_start.line - 1;
8 years ago
} else{
start_text = fence_chars + "\n";
start_line = cur_start.line;
8 years ago
if (fencing_line(cm.getLineHandle(cur_end.line))){
end_text = "";
end_line = cur_end.line;
8 years ago
if ( === 0){
end_line += 1;
8 years ago
} else if ( !== 0 && fencing_line(cm.getLineHandle(cur_end.line + 1))){
end_text = "";
end_line = cur_end.line + 1;
8 years ago
} else{
end_text = fence_chars + "\n";
end_line = cur_end.line + 1;
8 years ago
if ( === 0){
// full last line selected, putting cursor at beginning of next
end_line -= 1;
8 years ago
cm.operation(function (){
// end line first, so that line numbers don't change
cm.replaceRange(end_text, {
line: end_line,
ch: 0
}, {
8 years ago
line: end_line + (end_text? 0: 1),
ch: 0
cm.replaceRange(start_text, {
line: start_line,
ch: 0
}, {
8 years ago
line: start_line + (start_text? 0: 1),
ch: 0
8 years ago
line: start_line + (start_text? 1: 0),
ch: 0
}, {
8 years ago
line: end_line + (start_text? 1: -1),
ch: 0
8 years ago
} else{
// no selection, search for ends of this fenced block
let search_from = cur_start.line;
8 years ago
if (fencing_line(cm.getLineHandle(cur_start.line))){ // gets a little tricky if cursor is right on a fenced line
if (code_type(cm, cur_start.line + 1) === "fenced"){
block_start = cur_start.line;
search_from = cur_start.line + 1; // for searching for "end"
8 years ago
} else{
block_end = cur_start.line;
search_from = cur_start.line - 1; // for searching for "start"
8 years ago
if (block_start === undefined){
for (block_start = search_from; block_start >= 0; block_start--){
line = cm.getLineHandle(block_start);
8 years ago
if (fencing_line(line)){
8 years ago
if (block_end === undefined){
lineCount = cm.lineCount();
8 years ago
for (block_end = search_from; block_end < lineCount; block_end++){
line = cm.getLineHandle(block_end);
8 years ago
if (fencing_line(line)){
8 years ago
cm.operation(function (){
cm.replaceRange("", {
line: block_start,
ch: 0
}, {
line: block_start + 1,
ch: 0
cm.replaceRange("", {
line: block_end - 1,
ch: 0
}, {
line: block_end,
ch: 0
8 years ago
} else if (is_code === "indented"){
if (cur_start.line !== cur_end.line || !=={
// use selection
block_start = cur_start.line;
block_end = cur_end.line;
8 years ago
if ( === 0){
8 years ago
} else{
// no selection, search for ends of this indented block
8 years ago
for (block_start = cur_start.line; block_start >= 0; block_start--){
line = cm.getLineHandle(block_start);
8 years ago
if (line.text.match(/^\s*$/)){
// empty or all whitespace - keep going
8 years ago
} else{
if (code_type(cm, block_start, line) !== "indented"){
block_start += 1;
lineCount = cm.lineCount();
8 years ago
for (block_end = cur_start.line; block_end < lineCount; block_end++){
line = cm.getLineHandle(block_end);
8 years ago
if (line.text.match(/^\s*$/)){
// empty or all whitespace - keep going
8 years ago
} else{
if (code_type(cm, block_end, line) !== "indented"){
block_end -= 1;
// if we are going to un-indent based on a selected set of lines, and the next line is indented too, we need to
// insert a blank line so that the next line(s) continue to be indented code
let next_line = cm.getLineHandle(block_end + 1),
next_line_last_tok = next_line && cm.getTokenAt({
line: block_end + 1,
ch: next_line.text.length - 1
next_line_indented = next_line_last_tok && token_state(next_line_last_tok).indentedCode;
8 years ago
if (next_line_indented){
cm.replaceRange("\n", {
line: block_end + 1,
ch: 0
8 years ago
for (var i = block_start; i <= block_end; i++){
cm.indentLine(i, "subtract"); // TODO: this doesn't get tracked in the history, so can't be undone :(
8 years ago
} else{
// insert code formatting
let no_sel_and_starting_of_line = (cur_start.line === cur_end.line && === && === 0);
let sel_multi = cur_start.line !== cur_end.line;
8 years ago
if (no_sel_and_starting_of_line || sel_multi){
insertFencingAtSelection(cm, cur_start, cur_end, fenceCharsToInsert);
8 years ago
} else{
Base.replaceSelection(cm, false, ["`", "`"]);
* Toggle full screen of the editor.
static toggleFullScreen (editor){
// Set fullscreen
let cm = editor.codemirror;
cm.setOption("fullScreen", !cm.getOption("fullScreen"));
// Prevent scrolling on body during fullscreen active
8 years ago
if (cm.getOption("fullScreen")){
this.saved_overflow =; = "hidden";
8 years ago
} else{ = this.saved_overflow;
// Update toolbar class
let wrap = cm.getWrapperElement();
8 years ago
if (!/fullscreen/.test(wrap.previousSibling.className)){
wrap.previousSibling.className += " fullscreen";
8 years ago
} else{
wrap.previousSibling.className = wrap.previousSibling.className.replace(/\s*fullscreen\b/, "");
// Update toolbar button
let toolbarButton = editor.toolbarElements.fullscreen;
8 years ago
if (!/active/.test(toolbarButton.className)){
toolbarButton.className += " active";
8 years ago
} else{
toolbarButton.className = toolbarButton.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "");
// Hide side by side if needed
const sidebyside = cm.getWrapperElement().nextSibling;
8 years ago
if (/editor-preview-active-side/.test(sidebyside.className))
8 years ago
* Toggle side by side preview
static toggleSideBySide (editor){
let cm = editor.codemirror;
let wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement();
let preview = wrapper.nextSibling;
let toolbarButton = editor.toolbarElements["side-by-side"];
let useSideBySideListener = false;
8 years ago
if (/editor-preview-active-side/.test(preview.className)){
preview.className = preview.className.replace(
/\s*editor-preview-active-side\s*/g, ""
toolbarButton.className = toolbarButton.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "");
wrapper.className = wrapper.className.replace(/\s*CodeMirror-sided\s*/g, " ");
8 years ago
} else{
// When the preview button is clicked for the first time,
// give some time for the transition from editor.css to fire and the view to slide from right to left,
// instead of just appearing.
8 years ago
setTimeout(function (){
if (!cm.getOption("fullScreen"))
8 years ago
preview.className += " editor-preview-active-side";
}, 1);
toolbarButton.className += " active";
wrapper.className += " CodeMirror-sided";
useSideBySideListener = true;
// Hide normal preview if active
let previewNormal = wrapper.lastChild;
8 years ago
if (/editor-preview-active/.test(previewNormal.className)){
previewNormal.className = previewNormal.className.replace(
/\s*editor-preview-active\s*/g, ""
let toolbar = editor.toolbarElements.preview;
let toolbar_div = wrapper.previousSibling;
toolbar.className = toolbar.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "");
toolbar_div.className = toolbar_div.className.replace(/\s*disabled-for-preview*/g, "");
8 years ago
const sideBySideRenderingFunction = function (){
preview.innerHTML = editor.options.previewRender(editor.value(), preview);
8 years ago
if (!cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction){
cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction = sideBySideRenderingFunction;
8 years ago
if (useSideBySideListener){
preview.innerHTML = editor.options.previewRender(editor.value(), preview);
cm.on("update", cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction);
8 years ago
} else{"update", cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction);
// Refresh to fix selection being off (#309)
* Preview action.
static togglePreview (editor){
let cm = editor.codemirror;
let wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement();
let toolbar_div = wrapper.previousSibling;
8 years ago
let toolbar = editor.options.toolbar? editor.toolbarElements.preview: false;
let preview = wrapper.lastChild;
8 years ago
if (!preview || !/editor-preview/.test(preview.className)){
preview = document.createElement("div");
preview.className = "editor-preview";
8 years ago
if (/editor-preview-active/.test(preview.className)){
preview.className = preview.className.replace(
/\s*editor-preview-active\s*/g, ""
8 years ago
if (toolbar){
toolbar.className = toolbar.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "");
toolbar_div.className = toolbar_div.className.replace(/\s*disabled-for-preview*/g, "");
8 years ago
} else{
// When the preview button is clicked for the first time,
// give some time for the transition from editor.css to fire and the view to slide from right to left,
// instead of just appearing.
8 years ago
setTimeout(function (){
preview.className += " editor-preview-active";
}, 1);
8 years ago
if (toolbar){
toolbar.className += " active";
toolbar_div.className += " disabled-for-preview";
preview.innerHTML = editor.options.previewRender(editor.value(), preview);
// Turn off side by side if needed
const sidebyside = cm.getWrapperElement().nextSibling;
8 years ago
if (/editor-preview-active-side/.test(sidebyside.className))
8 years ago
* Action for toggling strikethrough.
static toggleStrikethrough (editor){
Base.toggleBlock(editor, "strikethrough", "~~");
* Action for toggling heading size 1, 2, 3
static toggleHeading1 (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
Base.toggleHeading(cm, undefined, 1);
8 years ago
static toggleHeading2 (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
Base.toggleHeading(cm, undefined, 2);
8 years ago
static toggleHeading3 (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
Base.toggleHeading(cm, undefined, 3);
* Action for clean block (remove headline, list, blockquote code, markers)
static cleanBlock (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
* Action for drawing a table.
static drawTable (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
const stat = Base.getState(cm);
const options = editor.options;
Base.replaceSelection(cm, stat.table, options.insertTexts.table);
* Action for drawing a horizontal rule.
static drawHorizontalRule (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
const stat = Base.getState(cm);
const options = editor.options;
Base.replaceSelection(cm, stat.image, options.insertTexts.horizontalRule);
* Undo action.
static undo (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
* Redo action.
static redo (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;