You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
4.1 KiB

5 years ago
/// <reference types="codemirror"/>
declare namespace EasyMDE {
interface AutoSaveOptions {
enabled?: boolean;
delay?: number;
uniqueId: string;
interface BlockStyleOptions {
bold?: string;
code?: string;
italic?: string;
interface InsertTextOptions {
horizontalRule?: string[];
image?: string[];
link?: string[];
table?: string[];
interface ParsingOptions {
allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace?: boolean;
strikethrough?: boolean;
underscoresBreakWords?: boolean;
interface RenderingOptions {
singleLineBreaks?: boolean;
codeSyntaxHighlighting: boolean;
interface ShortcutsArray {
[action: string]: string | undefined | null;
toggleBlockquote?: string | null;
toggleBold?: string | null;
cleanBlock?: string | null;
toggleHeadingSmaller?: string | null;
toggleItalic?: string | null;
drawLink?: string | null;
toggleUnorderedList?: string | null;
togglePreview?: string | null;
toggleCodeBlock?: string | null;
drawImage?: string | null;
toggleOrderedList?: string | null;
toggleHeadingBigger?: string | null;
toggleSideBySide?: string | null;
toggleFullScreen?: string | null;
interface StatusBarItem {
className: string;
defaultValue: (element: HTMLElement) => void;
onUpdate: (element: HTMLElement) => void;
interface ToolbarIcon {
name: string;
action: string|((editor: EasyMDE) => void);
className: string;
title: string;
interface Options {
autoDownloadFontAwesome?: boolean;
autofocus?: boolean;
autosave?: AutoSaveOptions;
blockStyles?: BlockStyleOptions;
element?: HTMLElement;
forceSync?: boolean;
hideIcons?: string[];
indentWithTabs?: boolean;
initialValue?: string;
insertTexts?: InsertTextOptions;
lineWrapping?: boolean;
parsingConfig?: ParsingOptions;
placeholder?: string;
previewRender?: (markdownPlaintext: string, previewElement: HTMLElement) => string;
promptURLs?: boolean;
renderingConfig?: RenderingOptions;
shortcuts?: ShortcutsArray;
showIcons?: string[];
spellChecker?: boolean;
status?: boolean|Array<string|StatusBarItem>;
styleSelectedText?: boolean;
tabSize?: number;
toolbar?: boolean|Array<string|ToolbarIcon>;
toolbarTips?: boolean;
declare class EasyMDE {
constructor(options?: EasyMDE.Options);
value(): string;
value(val: string): void;
codemirror: CodeMirror.Editor;
toTextArea(): void;
isPreviewActive(): boolean;
isSideBySideActive(): boolean;
isFullscreenActive(): boolean;
clearAutosavedValue(): void;
static toggleBold: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleItalic: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleStrikethrough: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleHeadingSmaller: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleHeadingBigger: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleHeading1: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleHeading2: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleHeading3: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleCodeBlock: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleBlockquote: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleUnorderedList: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleOrderedList: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static cleanBlock: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static drawLink: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static drawImage: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static drawTable: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static drawHorizontalRule: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static togglePreview: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleSideBySide: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static toggleFullScreen: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static undo: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
static redo: (editor: EasyMDE) => void;
export as namespace EasyMDE;
export = EasyMDE;