import requests def main(): osm_iconset_url = '' r = requests.get(osm_iconset_url) osm_iconset = r.json() osm_iconset_keys = [ list(group['svgs'].keys()) for group in osm_iconset['iconGroups']] osm_iconset_keys = [ item for sublist in osm_iconset_keys for item in sublist] maki_url = '' r = requests.get(maki_url) maki_names = [x['name'] for x in r.json()] # Maki names are hyphenated; iconset names are both hyphenated and underscored # I'll take the iconset names and change the underscores to hyphens osm_iconset_keys = [x.replace('_', '-') for x in osm_iconset_keys] # Remove the -11.svg and -15.svg from each name list to easily deduplicate # each list maki_names = [ x.replace('-11.svg', '.svg').replace('-15.svg', '.svg') for x in maki_names] osm_iconset_keys = [ x.replace('-11.svg', '.svg').replace('-15.svg', '.svg') for x in osm_iconset_keys] maki_diff = set(maki_names).difference(osm_iconset_keys) osm_diff = set(osm_iconset_keys).difference(maki_names) print('Names in Maki unused by OSM Libery:') print(sorted(maki_diff)) print('\nNames in Maki unused by OSM Libery:') print(sorted(osm_diff)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()