# matrix-bridge-voxtelesys When someone texts your Voxtelesys DID, this script creates a Matrix room named with the sender's number, posts their SMS in it, and invites you (the users in config.json) to the room. When someone posts a message in the room this script sends it as an SMS to the original sender. Back and forth it goes! ## Installation git clone https://source.netsyms.com/Netsyms/matrix-bridge-voxtelesys /opt/matrix-bridge-voxtelesys cd /opt/matrix-bridge-voxtelesys cp config.example.json config.json nano config.json npm install adduser --system --no-create-home matrix-bridge-voxtelesys cp matrix-bridge-voxtelesys.service /etc/systemd/system systemctl enable matrix-bridge-voxtelesys systemctl start matrix-bridge-voxtelesys Or just run `node main.js`. ## Configuration Here's what the various config options mean. * `homeserver`: Matrix homeserver. * `mediaurlpath`: The public HTTP url for accessing media sent by a Matrix user. The parts in curly brackets will be replaced with the proper values. Check what to set the domain to by right-clicking a media file in Element. * `matrixdomain`: The part after the @ in your username. * `matrixuser`: Bot account username for this bridge. * `matrixpass`: Bot account password. * `inviteusers`: List of users that the bot will invite to new SMS rooms. * `smsapikey`: Voxtelesys SMS API key. * `smsfrom`: Default DID. Outgoing SMS will be sent from this number. * `smsonlyto`: List of DIDs this bridge should handle incoming SMS from. * `listenport`: HTTP port for webhook endpoint server. * `publicurl`: Public URL of this bridge's built-in HTTP server. * `loglevel`: debug, info, or error. * `smsinterval`: Bridge will poll Voxtelesys API every X seconds. Set to 0 to use webhook only. ## Webhook Setup In the Voxtelesys Portal, go to APIs -> Messaging Applications. Edit your application and set HTTP Method to "POST", Events to "Inbound messages (MOs)", MO Webhook to "http://bridge-url:8069/webhook", and Authentication to "None". ## Starting a new conversation When a SMS is received from a new number, a new room is created. If you need to send a message to a new number, simply type something like `!sms 14065551234` into an existing SMS room. You'll be invited to join a new room and will then be able to send your message. ## Chat Commands Chat commands can be issued in any room the bot is joined to. * `!sms 1234567890`: Create a new empty SMS room for the provided phone number, and invite all `invitusers` to the room. Texts will send from the `smsfrom` number. * `!sms 1234567890 9876543210`: Create a new empty SMS room, and invite all `invitusers` to the room, as above. Texts will send from the second number entered. * `!fixusers`: Goes through all the SMS rooms, checking membership against `inviteusers`. If anyone's missing from a room, they're invited back. ## Known Issues/Limitations * Any messages posted in a Matrix room while the bot is offline will not be relayed to SMS when it comes back. * Only unread SMS are fetched, so if anything else is checking the API this bot won't get those. * If it crashes try the latest [Node.js LTS](https://github.com/nodesource/distributions) (v14 as of commit date)