You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

240 lines
5.7 KiB

import { marked } from 'marked';
import { EasyMDE } from './easymde';
interface ArrayOneOrMore<T> extends Array<T> {
0: T;
type ToolbarButton =
| 'bold'
| 'italic'
| 'quote'
| 'unordered-list'
| 'ordered-list'
| 'link'
| 'image'
| 'strikethrough'
| 'code'
| 'table'
| 'redo'
| 'heading'
| 'undo'
| 'heading-bigger'
| 'heading-smaller'
| 'heading-1'
| 'heading-2'
| 'heading-3'
| 'clean-block'
| 'horizontal-rule'
| 'preview'
| 'side-by-side'
| 'fullscreen'
| 'guide';
interface TimeFormatOptions {
locale?: string | string[];
format?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;
interface AutoSaveOptions {
enabled?: boolean;
delay?: number;
submit_delay?: number;
uniqueId: string;
timeFormat?: TimeFormatOptions;
text?: string;
interface BlockStyleOptions {
bold?: string;
code?: string;
strikethrough?: string;
italic?: string;
interface CustomAttributes {
[key: string]: string;
interface InsertTextOptions {
horizontalRule?: readonly string[];
image?: readonly string[];
link?: readonly string[];
table?: readonly string[];
interface ParsingOptions {
allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace?: boolean;
strikethrough?: boolean;
underscoresBreakWords?: boolean;
interface PromptTexts {
image?: string;
link?: string;
interface RenderingOptions {
codeSyntaxHighlighting?: boolean;
hljs?: any;
markedOptions?: marked.MarkedOptions;
sanitizerFunction?: (html: string) => string;
singleLineBreaks?: boolean;
interface Shortcuts {
[action: string]: string | undefined | null;
toggleBlockquote?: string | null;
toggleBold?: string | null;
cleanBlock?: string | null;
toggleHeadingSmaller?: string | null;
toggleItalic?: string | null;
drawLink?: string | null;
toggleUnorderedList?: string | null;
togglePreview?: string | null;
toggleCodeBlock?: string | null;
drawImage?: string | null;
toggleOrderedList?: string | null;
toggleHeadingBigger?: string | null;
toggleSideBySide?: string | null;
toggleFullScreen?: string | null;
interface StatusBarItem {
className: string;
defaultValue: (element: HTMLElement) => void;
onUpdate: (element: HTMLElement) => void;
interface ToolbarDropdownIcon {
name: string;
children: ArrayOneOrMore<ToolbarIcon | ToolbarButton>;
className: string;
title: string;
noDisable?: boolean;
noMobile?: boolean;
interface ToolbarIcon {
name: string;
action: string | ((editor: EasyMDE) => void);
className: string;
title: string;
noDisable?: boolean;
noMobile?: boolean;
icon?: string;
attributes?: CustomAttributes;
interface ImageTextsOptions {
sbInit?: string;
sbOnDragEnter?: string;
sbOnDrop?: string;
sbProgress?: string;
sbOnUploaded?: string;
sizeUnits?: string;
interface ImageErrorTextsOptions {
noFileGiven?: string;
typeNotAllowed?: string;
fileTooLarge?: string;
importError?: string;
interface OverlayModeOptions {
// mode: CodeMirror.Mode<any>;
combine?: boolean;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface SpellCheckerOptions {
// codeMirrorInstance: CodeMirror.Editor;
export interface InputOptions {
autoDownloadFontAwesome?: boolean;
autofocus?: boolean;
autosave?: AutoSaveOptions;
autoRefresh?: boolean | { delay: number };
blockStyles?: BlockStyleOptions;
element: HTMLTextAreaElement;
forceSync?: boolean;
hideIcons?: readonly string[];
indentWithTabs?: boolean;
initialValue?: string;
insertTexts?: InsertTextOptions;
lineNumbers?: boolean;
lineWrapping?: boolean;
minHeight?: string;
maxHeight?: string;
parsingConfig?: ParsingOptions;
placeholder?: string;
previewClass?: string | readonly string[];
previewImagesInEditor?: boolean;
previewRender?: (
markdownPlaintext: string,
previewElement: HTMLElement,
) => string;
promptURLs?: boolean;
renderingConfig?: RenderingOptions;
shortcuts?: Shortcuts;
showIcons?: readonly ToolbarButton[];
spellChecker?: boolean | ((options: SpellCheckerOptions) => void);
inputStyle?: 'textarea' | 'contenteditable';
nativeSpellcheck?: boolean;
sideBySideFullscreen?: boolean;
status?: boolean | ReadonlyArray<string | StatusBarItem>;
styleSelectedText?: boolean;
tabSize?: number;
| boolean
| ReadonlyArray<
'|' | ToolbarButton | ToolbarIcon | ToolbarDropdownIcon
toolbarTips?: boolean;
onToggleFullScreen?: (goingIntoFullScreen: boolean) => void;
theme?: string;
scrollbarStyle?: string;
unorderedListStyle?: '*' | '-' | '+';
uploadImage?: boolean;
imageMaxSize?: number;
imageAccept?: string;
imageUploadFunction?: (
file: File,
onSuccess: (url: string) => void,
onError: (error: string) => void,
) => void;
imageUploadEndpoint?: string;
imagePathAbsolute?: boolean;
imageCSRFToken?: string;
imageTexts?: ImageTextsOptions;
errorMessages?: ImageErrorTextsOptions;
errorCallback?: (errorMessage: string) => void;
promptTexts?: PromptTexts;
syncSideBySidePreviewScroll?: boolean;
overlayMode?: OverlayModeOptions;
direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl';
export interface Options {
statusbar?: boolean;
| boolean
| ReadonlyArray<
'|' | ToolbarButton | ToolbarIcon | ToolbarDropdownIcon
blockStyles: {
bold: string;
code: string;
strikethrough: string;
italic: string;