// This file is based on https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/simplemde/index.d.ts, // which is written by Scalesoft and licensed under the MIT license: // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. /// import { marked } from 'marked'; interface ArrayOneOrMore extends Array { 0: T; } type ToolbarButton = 'bold' | 'italic' | 'quote' | 'unordered-list' | 'ordered-list' | 'link' | 'image' | 'upload-image' | 'strikethrough' | 'code' | 'table' | 'redo' | 'heading' | 'undo' | 'heading-bigger' | 'heading-smaller' | 'heading-1' | 'heading-2' | 'heading-3' | 'clean-block' | 'horizontal-rule' | 'preview' | 'side-by-side' | 'fullscreen' | 'guide'; declare namespace EasyMDE { interface TimeFormatOptions { locale?: string | string[]; format?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions; } interface AutoSaveOptions { enabled?: boolean; delay?: number; submit_delay?: number; uniqueId: string; timeFormat?: TimeFormatOptions; text?: string; } interface BlockStyleOptions { bold?: string; code?: string; italic?: string; } interface CustomAttributes { [key: string]: string; } interface InsertTextOptions { horizontalRule?: ReadonlyArray; image?: ReadonlyArray; link?: ReadonlyArray; table?: ReadonlyArray; } interface ParsingOptions { allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace?: boolean; strikethrough?: boolean; underscoresBreakWords?: boolean; } interface PromptTexts { image?: string; link?: string; } interface RenderingOptions { codeSyntaxHighlighting?: boolean; hljs?: any; markedOptions?: marked.MarkedOptions; sanitizerFunction?: (html: string) => string; singleLineBreaks?: boolean; } interface Shortcuts { [action: string]: string | undefined | null; toggleBlockquote?: string | null; toggleBold?: string | null; cleanBlock?: string | null; toggleHeadingSmaller?: string | null; toggleItalic?: string | null; drawLink?: string | null; toggleUnorderedList?: string | null; togglePreview?: string | null; toggleCodeBlock?: string | null; drawImage?: string | null; toggleOrderedList?: string | null; toggleHeadingBigger?: string | null; toggleSideBySide?: string | null; toggleFullScreen?: string | null; } interface StatusBarItem { className: string; defaultValue: (element: HTMLElement) => void; onUpdate: (element: HTMLElement) => void; } interface ToolbarDropdownIcon { name: string; children: ArrayOneOrMore; className: string; title: string; noDisable?: boolean; noMobile?: boolean; } interface ToolbarIcon { name: string; action: string | ((editor: EasyMDE) => void); className: string; text?: string; title: string; noDisable?: boolean; noMobile?: boolean; icon?: string; attributes?: CustomAttributes; } interface ImageTextsOptions { sbInit?: string; sbOnDragEnter?: string; sbOnDrop?: string; sbProgress?: string; sbOnUploaded?: string; sizeUnits?: string; } interface ImageErrorTextsOptions { noFileGiven?: string; typeNotAllowed?: string; fileTooLarge?: string; importError?: string; } interface OverlayModeOptions { mode: CodeMirror.Mode; combine?: boolean; } interface SpellCheckerOptions { codeMirrorInstance: CodeMirror.Editor; } interface Options { autoDownloadFontAwesome?: boolean; autofocus?: boolean; autosave?: AutoSaveOptions; autoRefresh?: boolean | { delay: number; }; blockStyles?: BlockStyleOptions; element?: HTMLElement; forceSync?: boolean; hideIcons?: ReadonlyArray; indentWithTabs?: boolean; initialValue?: string; insertTexts?: InsertTextOptions; lineNumbers?: boolean; lineWrapping?: boolean; minHeight?: string; maxHeight?: string; parsingConfig?: ParsingOptions; placeholder?: string; previewClass?: string | ReadonlyArray; previewImagesInEditor?: boolean; imagesPreviewHandler?: (src: string) => string, previewRender?: (markdownPlaintext: string, previewElement: HTMLElement) => string | null; promptURLs?: boolean; renderingConfig?: RenderingOptions; shortcuts?: Shortcuts; showIcons?: ReadonlyArray; spellChecker?: boolean | ((options: SpellCheckerOptions) => void); inputStyle?: 'textarea' | 'contenteditable'; nativeSpellcheck?: boolean; sideBySideFullscreen?: boolean; status?: boolean | ReadonlyArray; styleSelectedText?: boolean; tabSize?: number; toolbar?: boolean | ReadonlyArray<'|' | ToolbarButton | ToolbarIcon | ToolbarDropdownIcon>; toolbarTips?: boolean; toolbarButtonClassPrefix?: string; onToggleFullScreen?: (goingIntoFullScreen: boolean) => void; theme?: string; scrollbarStyle?: string; unorderedListStyle?: '*' | '-' | '+'; uploadImage?: boolean; imageMaxSize?: number; imageAccept?: string; imageUploadFunction?: (file: File, onSuccess: (url: string) => void, onError: (error: string) => void) => void; imageUploadEndpoint?: string; imagePathAbsolute?: boolean; imageCSRFToken?: string; imageCSRFName?: string; imageCSRFHeader?: boolean; imageTexts?: ImageTextsOptions; imageInputName?: string errorMessages?: ImageErrorTextsOptions; errorCallback?: (errorMessage: string) => void; promptTexts?: PromptTexts; syncSideBySidePreviewScroll?: boolean; overlayMode?: OverlayModeOptions; direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl'; } } declare class EasyMDE { constructor(options?: EasyMDE.Options); value(): string; value(val: string): void; codemirror: CodeMirror.Editor; cleanup(): void; toTextArea(): void; isPreviewActive(): boolean; isSideBySideActive(): boolean; isFullscreenActive(): boolean; clearAutosavedValue(): void; updateStatusBar(itemName: string, content: string): void; static toggleBold: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleItalic: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleStrikethrough: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleHeadingSmaller: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleHeadingBigger: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleHeading1: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleHeading2: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleHeading3: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleHeading4: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleHeading5: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleHeading6: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleCodeBlock: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleBlockquote: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleUnorderedList: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleOrderedList: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static cleanBlock: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static drawLink: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static drawImage: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static drawUploadedImage: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static drawTable: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static drawHorizontalRule: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static togglePreview: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleSideBySide: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static toggleFullScreen: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static undo: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; static redo: (editor: EasyMDE) => void; } export as namespace EasyMDE; export = EasyMDE;