// Create new instance import EasyMDE = require('./easymde'); const editor = new EasyMDE({ autoDownloadFontAwesome: false, element: document.getElementById('mdEditor')!, hideIcons: ['side-by-side', 'fullscreen'], inputStyle: 'textarea', shortcuts: { drawTable: 'Cmd-Alt-T', toggleFullScreen: null, }, previewClass: 'my-custom-class', spellChecker: false, onToggleFullScreen: (full: boolean) => { console.log('FullscreenToggled', full); }, theme: 'someOtherTheme', minHeight: '200px', }); // Editor functions const value = editor.value() as string; editor.value(value.toUpperCase()); const sbs = editor.isSideBySideActive() as boolean; const fullscreen = editor.isFullscreenActive() as boolean; // Access to codemirror object editor.codemirror.setOption('readOnly', true); // Static properties EasyMDE.toggleItalic = (editor: EasyMDE) => { console.log('SomeButtonOverride'); }; console.log(editor.options.blockStyles.bold); console.log(editor.options.insertTexts.horizontalRule[0]); console.log(editor.options.minHeight); console.log(editor.options.parsingConfig.allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace); console.log(editor.options.previewClass); console.log(editor.options.previewRender('Hello', document.body)); console.log(editor.options.shortcuts.cleanBlock); console.log(editor.options.status); console.log(editor.options.toolbar); console.log(editor.options.uploadImage); console.log(editor.options.imageMaxSize); console.log(editor.options.imageAccept); console.log(editor.options.imagePathAbsolute); console.log(editor.options.imageCSRFName); console.log(editor.options.imageCSRFHeader); console.log(editor.options.imageTexts.sbInit); console.log(editor.options.errorMessages.fileTooLarge); console.log(editor.options.errorCallback('Something went oops!')); console.log(editor.options.promptTexts.image); console.log(editor.options.direction); const editor2 = new EasyMDE({ autoDownloadFontAwesome: undefined, previewClass: ['my-custom-class', 'some-other-class'], nativeSpellcheck: true, unorderedListStyle: '-', inputStyle: 'contenteditable', toolbar: [ { name: 'bold', action: EasyMDE.toggleBold, className: 'fa fas fa-bolt', title: 'Bold', }, '|', 'undo', { name: 'alert', action: (editor: EasyMDE) => { alert('This is from a custom button action!'); // Custom functions have access to the `editor` instance. }, className: 'fa fas fa-star', title: 'A Custom Button', noDisable: undefined, noMobile: false, attributes: { 'data-custom': 'attribute', } }, '|', { name: 'link', action: 'https://github.com/Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor', className: 'fa fab fa-github', title: 'A Custom Link', noDisable: true, noMobile: true, }, 'preview', { name: 'links', className: 'fa fas fa-arrow-down', title: 'A Custom Link', children: [ { name: 'link', action: 'https://github.com/Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor', className: 'fa fab fa-github', title: 'A Custom Link', noDisable: true, noMobile: true, }, 'preview', { name: 'bold', action: EasyMDE.toggleBold, className: 'fa fas fa-bold', title: 'Bold', attributes: { 'data-custom': 'some value', 'data-custom-2': 'another value', } }, ], }, ], }); editor2.clearAutosavedValue(); editor2.updateStatusBar('upload-image', 'Drag & drop images!'); EasyMDE.togglePreview(editor2); EasyMDE.toggleSideBySide(editor2); const editorImages = new EasyMDE({ uploadImage: true, previewImagesInEditor: false, imageAccept: 'image/png, image/bmp', imageCSRFToken: undefined, unorderedListStyle: '+', imageMaxSize: 10485760, imageUploadEndpoint: 'https://my.domain/image-upload/', imageTexts: { sbInit: 'Drag & drop images!', sbOnDragEnter: 'Let it go, let it go', sbOnDrop: 'Uploading...', sbProgress: 'Uploading... (#progress#)', sbOnUploaded: 'Upload complete!', sizeUnits: 'b,Kb,Mb', }, errorMessages: { noFileGiven: 'Please select a file', typeNotAllowed: 'This file type is not allowed!', fileTooLarge: 'Image too big', importError: 'Something went oops!', }, errorCallback: errorMessage => { console.error(errorMessage); }, }); const editorImagesCustom = new EasyMDE({ uploadImage: true, imageAccept: 'image/png, image/bmp', imageCSRFToken: undefined, imageMaxSize: 10485760, imageUploadFunction: (file: File, onSuccess, onError) => { console.log(file); onSuccess('http://image.url/9.png'); onError('Failed because reasons.'); }, imageTexts: { sbInit: 'Drag & drop images!', sbOnDragEnter: 'Let it go, let it go', sbOnDrop: 'Uploading...', sbProgress: 'Uploading... (#progress#)', sbOnUploaded: 'Upload complete!', sizeUnits: 'b,Kb,Mb', }, errorMessages: { noFileGiven: 'Please select a file', typeNotAllowed: 'This file type is not allowed!', fileTooLarge: 'Image too big', importError: 'Something went oops!', }, errorCallback: errorMessage => { console.error(errorMessage); }, renderingConfig: { codeSyntaxHighlighting: true, markedOptions: { silent: true, highlight(code: string, lang: string, callback?: (error: (any | undefined), code: string) => void): string { return 'something'; }, }, }, promptTexts: { image: 'Insert URL', }, syncSideBySidePreviewScroll: true, }); new EasyMDE({ toolbarButtonClassPrefix: 'mde', sideBySideFullscreen: true, lineNumbers: false, unorderedListStyle: '*', autosave: { enabled: true, delay: 2000, submit_delay: 10000, uniqueId: 'abc', timeFormat: { locale: 'en-GB', format: { month: 'long', }, }, text: 'Stored: ', }, }); new EasyMDE({ sideBySideFullscreen: false, lineNumbers: true, maxHeight: '500px', toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', 'heading', '|', 'quote', 'unordered-list', 'ordered-list', 'table', 'upload-image', '|', 'link', ], }); new EasyMDE({ direction: 'ltr', }); new EasyMDE({ direction: 'rtl', }); new EasyMDE({ previewRender: (plainText: string) => { return '
' + plainText + '
'; } }); new EasyMDE({ previewRender: (plainText: string, preview) => { preview.innerHTML = '
' + plainText + '
'; return null; } });