Fixed errorMessages

Jeroen Akkerman 5 years ago
parent 65af615c9b
commit cd7c9b8d4d

@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ easyMDE.value('New input for **EasyMDE**');
- **sizeUnits**: A comma-separated list of units used to display messages with human-readable file sizes. Defaults to `b,Kb,Mb`.
- **errorMessages**: Errors displayed to the user, using the `errorCallback` option, where `#image_name#`, `#image_size#` and `#image_max_size#` will replaced by their respective values, that can be used for customization or internationalization:
- **noFileGiven**: The server did not receive any file from the user. Defaults to `You must select a file.`.
- **imageTypeNotAllowed**: The user send a file type which doesn't match the `imageAccept` list, or the server returned this error code. Defaults to `This image type is not allowed.`.
- **imageTooLarge**: The size of the image being imported is bigger than the `imageMaxSize`, or if the server returned this error code. Defaults to `Image #image_name# is too big (#image_size#).\nMaximum file size is #image_max_size#.`.
- **imageImportError**: An unexpected error occurred when uploading the image. Defaults to `Something went wrong when uploading the image #image_name#.`.
- **typeNotAllowed**: The user send a file type which doesn't match the `imageAccept` list, or the server returned this error code. Defaults to `This image type is not allowed.`.
- **fileTooLarge**: The size of the image being imported is bigger than the `imageMaxSize`, or if the server returned this error code. Defaults to `Image #image_name# is too big (#image_size#).\nMaximum file size is #image_max_size#.`.
- **importError**: An unexpected error occurred when uploading the image. Defaults to `Something went wrong when uploading the image #image_name#.`.
- **errorCallback**: A callback function used to define how to display an error message. Defaults to `function(errorMessage) {alert(errorMessage);};`.
- **renderingConfig**: Adjust settings for parsing the Markdown during previewing (not editing).
- **codeSyntaxHighlighting**: If set to `true`, will highlight using [highlight.js]( Defaults to `false`. To use this feature you must include highlight.js on your page or pass in using the `hljs` option. For example, include the script and the CSS files like:<br>`<script src=""></script>`<br>`<link rel="stylesheet" href="">`

@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ const editorImages = new EasyMDE({
errorMessages: {
noFileGiven: 'Please select a file',
imageTypeNotAllowed: 'This file type is not allowed!',
imageTooLarge: 'Image too big',
imageImportError: 'Something went oops!',
typeNotAllowed: 'This file type is not allowed!',
fileTooLarge: 'Image too big',
importError: 'Something went oops!',
errorCallback: (errorMessage) => {

@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ declare namespace EasyMDE {
interface ImageErrorTextsOptions {
noFileGiven?: string;
imageTypeNotAllowed?: string;
imageTooLarge?: string;
imageImportError?: string;
typeNotAllowed?: string;
fileTooLarge?: string;
importError?: string;
interface Options {
