diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3824e62..5e61481 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ easyMDE.value('New input for **EasyMDE**'); - **renderingConfig**: Adjust settings for parsing the Markdown during previewing (not editing). - **codeSyntaxHighlighting**: If set to `true`, will highlight using [highlight.js](https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js). Defaults to `false`. To use this feature you must include highlight.js on your page or pass in using the `hljs` option. For example, include the script and the CSS files like:
`` - **hljs**: An injectible instance of [highlight.js](https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js). If you don't want to rely on the global namespace (`window.hljs`), you can provide an instance here. Defaults to `undefined`. - - **markedOptions**: Set the internal Markdown renderer's [options](https://github.com/chjj/marked#options-1). Other `renderingConfig` options will take precedence. + - **markedOptions**: Set the internal Markdown renderer's [options](https://marked.js.org/#/USING_ADVANCED.md#options). Other `renderingConfig` options will take precedence. - **singleLineBreaks**: If set to `false`, disable parsing GFM single line breaks. Defaults to `true`. - **shortcuts**: Keyboard shortcuts associated with this instance. Defaults to the [array of shortcuts](#keyboard-shortcuts). - **showIcons**: An array of icon names to show. Can be used to show specific icons hidden by default without completely customizing the toolbar.