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# Contributing
Hey, welcome to the party! 🎉
Thank you so much for contributing to EasyMDE. 😘
## Asking questions, suggesting wonderful ideas or reporting bugs
You can [submit an issue]( on this GitHub repository.
## Coding
### 📦 Prerequisites
You need node.js and npm.
To install them on Debian-based systems:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
echo -e "nodejs version:\t$(nodejs -v) \nnpm version:\t$(npm -v)"
# check that you have node.js and npm.
For other systems, please [read the official page](
### 🏗️ Installation
Here we go! 🤠 First, clone this repository:
git clone
Then install the EasyMDE for development environment with npm:
npm install
Yay! You are ready! 🍾
### ⤴️ Creating a pull request
1. First, [create a fork of this project](, and copy the https URL (*clone or download* button) of your project (something like );
- a) If you already cloned and worked on the project: `git remote add source`;
- b) otherwise, clone your fork: `git clone`;
3. create a new dedicated branch `git checkout -b myMergeRequest`;
4. write some nice code and commit your work;
5. check files against the ESLint syntax and build minified versions: `gulp`;
6. push it to a dedicated branch `git push origin myMergeRequest`;
7. got to the [main project page]( and click on the button *Compare and pull request*, then fill the description.
If you want to make other pull requests, go back to the development branch (`git checkout development`), update it (`git pull --rebase source development`), then follow the instructions above from step 3.
Thank you! 💜