You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

246 lines
7.6 KiB

* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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$output = [];
$lat = round($VARS["latitude"], 2);
$lon = round($VARS["longitude"], 2);
if (empty($VARS["nocache"])) {
$cacheresp = $memcache->get("$lat,$lon");
if ($cacheresp !== false) {
exitWithJson(json_decode($cacheresp, true));
$json = file_get_contents("$lat&lon=$lon&units=imperial&appid=" . env("openweathermap_appid", ""));
$weather = json_decode($json, TRUE);
$minutely = [];
foreach ($weather["minutely"] as $m) {
$minutely[] = [
"time" => $m["dt"],
"precip" => round($m["precipitation"] / 25.4, 3)
$hourly = [];
$mintemp = false;
$maxtemp = false;
$maxwind = false;
$precipchance = false;
$preciptype = "";
$maxcloudcover = false;
$cloudcovers = []; // For calculating average
$summaryicon = "clear";
$oldicon = "clear";
$nowicon = "clear";
$lasttimestamp = time();
foreach ($weather["hourly"] as $w) {
if ($w["dt"] > strtotime("now + " . env("weather_summary_hours", 8) . " hours")) {
$hourly[] = [
"time" => $w["dt"],
"temp" => $w["temp"],
"feelslike" => $w["feels_like"],
"windspeed" => $w["wind_speed"],
"winddirection" => $w["wind_deg"],
"precipchance" => $w["pop"]
if ($mintemp === false) {
$mintemp = $w["temp"];
if ($maxtemp === false) {
$maxtemp = $w["temp"];
if ($maxwind === false) {
$maxwind = $w["wind_speed"];
if ($precipchance === false) {
$precipchance = $w["pop"];
if ($maxcloudcover === false) {
$maxcloudcover = $w["clouds"];
$mintemp = min($w["temp"], $mintemp);
$maxtemp = max($w["temp"], $maxtemp);
$maxwind = max($w["wind_speed"], $maxwind);
$precipchance = max($w["pop"], $precipchance);
$maxcloudcover = max($w["clouds"], $maxcloudcover);
$cloudcovers[] = $w["clouds"];
$lasttimestamp = max($w["dt"], $lasttimestamp);
$avgcloudcover = array_sum($cloudcovers) / count($cloudcovers);
if ($precipchance > 0.2) {
$summaryicon = "rain";
$oldicon = "rain";
if ($maxtemp < 28) {
$summaryicon = "snow";
$oldicon = "snow";
} else if ($mintemp > 55 && $maxtemp > 85 && $avgcloudcover <= 25) {
$summaryicon = "heat";
} else if ($maxwind >= 20) {
$summaryicon = "windy";
$oldicon = "windy";
} else if ($avgcloudcover >= 75 || $maxcloudcover >= 90) {
$summaryicon = "cloudy";
$oldicon = "cloudy";
} else if ($avgcloudcover <= 15) {
$summaryicon = "mostly-sunny";
$oldicon = "partly-cloudy";
} else if ($maxcloudcover >= 33) {
$summaryicon = "partly-cloudy";
$oldicon = "partly-cloudy";
if (((string) $weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"])[0] == "2") {
$nowicon = "rain";
} else if (((string) $weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"])[0] == "3") {
$nowicon = "rain";
} else if (((string) $weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"])[0] == "5") {
$nowicon = "rain";
} else if (((string) $weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"])[0] == "6") {
$nowicon = "snow";
} else if (((string) $weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"])[0] == "7") {
$nowicon = "fog";
if ($weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"] == 781) {
// Tornado!!!
$nowicon = "hazard";
} else if ($weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"] == 801) {
$nowicon = "mostly-sunny";
} else if ($weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"] == 802) {
$nowicon = "partly-cloudy";
} else if ($weather["current"]["weather"][0]["id"] >= 803) {
$nowicon = "cloudy";
if (($nowicon == "mostly-sunny" || $nowicon == "clear" || $nowicon == "partly-cloudy") && $weather["current"]["feels_like"] > 80) {
$nowicon = "heat";
$dailyforecast = [];
foreach ($weather["daily"] as $w) {
$dailyforecast[] = [
"date" => $w["dt"],
"temp" => [
"min" => $w["temp"]["min"],
"max" => $w["temp"]["max"]
"precipitation" => [
"chance" => empty($w["pop"]) ? 0 : $w["pop"]
"windspeed" => $w["wind_speed"],
"uv_index" => round($w["uvi"], 1)
$reverse_geocode_url = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace("/gis/weather/", "/gis/geocode/reverse/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$geocode = json_decode(file_get_contents($reverse_geocode_url), TRUE);
$location_name = "";
$epa_uv_index = null;
if ($geocode["status"] == "OK") {
$location_name = implode(", ", [$geocode["address"]["city"], $geocode["address"]["state"]]);
$city = $geocode["address"]["city"];
$state = $geocode["address"]["state"];
try {
$epauv = $memcache->get("$state.$city");
if ($epauv !== false) {
$epa_data = json_decode($epauv, true);
} else {
$epa_url = "$city/STATE/$state/JSON";
$epa_json = file_get_contents($epa_url);
$epa_data = json_decode($epa_json, true);
$memcache->set("$state.$city", $epa_json, 60 * 60 * 4);
// Find which returned result is closest to the current date and time
$closest = $epa_data[0];
foreach ($epa_data as $entry) {
if (abs(time() - strtotime(str_replace("/", " ", $entry["DATE_TIME"]))) < abs(time() - strtotime(str_replace("/", " ", $closest["DATE_TIME"])))) {
$closest = $entry;
$epa_uv_index = min($closest["UV_VALUE"], 11);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$epa_uv_index = null;
} else {
$location_name = "Unknown";
$output = [
"status" => "OK",
"summary" => [
"icon" => $summaryicon,
"temp" => [
"min" => $mintemp,
"max" => $maxtemp
"precipitation" => [
"type" => $preciptype,
"chance" => $precipchance
"windspeed" => $maxwind,
"cloudcover" => $maxcloudcover,
"cloudcover_avg" => $avgcloudcover,
"forecast_hours" => env("weather_summary_hours", 8),
"forecast_until" => $lasttimestamp
"now" => [
"icon" => $nowicon,
"temp" => $weather["current"]["temp"],
"feelslike" => $weather["current"]["feels_like"],
"uv_index" => (is_null($epa_uv_index) ? min(round($weather["current"]["uvi"], 1), 11) : $epa_uv_index),
"windspeed" => $weather["current"]["wind_speed"],
"winddirection" => $weather["current"]["wind_deg"]
"today" => [
"minutely" => $minutely,
"hourly" => $hourly
"forecast" => $dailyforecast,
// From here to the next comment is deprecated
"icon" => $oldicon,
"temp" => [
"min" => $mintemp,
"max" => $maxtemp
"precipitation" => [
"type" => $preciptype,
"chance" => $precipchance
"windspeed" => $maxwind,
"cloudcover" => $maxcloudcover,
"cloudcover_avg" => $avgcloudcover,
"forecast_hours" => env("weather_summary_hours", 8),
"forecast_until" => $lasttimestamp,
// the next comment
"location_name" => $location_name,
"latitude" => $lat,
"longitude" => $lon,
"source" => [
"text" => "Data:" . (is_null($epa_uv_index) ? "" : ", EPA"),
"url" => ""
$memcache->set("$lat,$lon", json_encode($output), 60 * 10);