= 1) { $ep = $route[0]; // Ignore URL parameters if present, // otherwise requests like /endpoint?abc=123 will have the endpoint "endpoint?abc=123" $ep = explode("?", $ep, 2)[0]; // Don't allow = in endpoint ID because it's confusing if (strpos($ep, "=") === FALSE) { $ENDPOINT = $ep; } } $urlkeyvaluepairs = []; if (count($route) >= 2 && strpos($route[1], "?") !== 0) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($route); $i++) { if (empty($route[$i])) { continue; } if (strpos($route[$i], "=") === false) { // Allow slashes in endpoint as long as no key/value pairs have // been found yet if (empty($urlkeyvaluepairs)) { $ENDPOINT .= "/" . $route[$i]; } continue; } $key = explode("=", $route[$i], 2)[0]; $val = explode("=", $route[$i], 2)[1]; $urlkeyvaluepairs[$key] = $val; } } $VARS += $urlkeyvaluepairs; // Make sure /endpoint/?key=val&key2=val2 works if (count($route) > 0 && strpos($route[count($route) - 1], "?") === 0) { $morevars = explode("&", substr($route[count($route) - 1], 1)); foreach ($morevars as $var) { $key = explode("=", $var, 2)[0]; $val = explode("=", $var, 2)[1]; $VARS[$key] = $val; } } // Deny access if authenticator returns false (add your logic to authenticator.php) if (!authenticaterequest()) { http_response_code(401); die("401 Unauthorized: You need to supply valid credentials."); } if (empty($ENDPOINT)) { http_response_code(404); die("404 No endpoint specified."); } if (!isset($APIS[$ENDPOINT])) { http_response_code(404); die("404 Requested endpoint not known."); } $APIENDPOINTCONFIG = $APIS[$ENDPOINT]; if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . "/endpoints/" . $APIENDPOINTCONFIG["load"])) { http_response_code(404); die("404 Requested endpoint known but not found."); } // Check and validate arguments/data passed from client based on configured patterns // This makes sure that all required variables are present and not malformed, reducing // the amount of validation code in each endpoint if (!empty($APIENDPOINTCONFIG["vars"])) { checkVars($APIENDPOINTCONFIG["vars"]); } // cleanup variables that won't be needed in endpoints unset($route, $ep, $key, $val, $urlkeyvaluepairs, $pos, $requestjson, $requestbody, $i, $routestr); require_once __DIR__ . "/endpoints/" . $APIENDPOINTCONFIG["load"];