"OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "length_chars", "hit" => "", "message" => "Message too short."]); } else if (str_word_count($msg_lower) < MSG_MIN_WORDS) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "length_words", "hit" => "", "message" => "Message too short."]); } } // // Check email domain // $banneddomainlist = file(BANNED_DOMAINS, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); foreach ($banneddomainlist as $domain) { if ($email_domain == $domain) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "domain", "hit" => $domain, "message" => "Emails from \"" . htmlspecialchars($domain) . "\" are not allowed because of spam/abuse." . ($domain == "googlemail.com" ? " (Hint: use gmail.com instead)" : "")]); } } // // Check if email address is sketchy // if (!empty($email_parts) && count($email_parts) == 2) { if ($email_parts[0] == $email_parts[1]) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "email_fake", "hit" => "", "message" => "Unacceptable email address."]); } } if (!empty($contactformdomain)) { if ($contactformdomain == $email_domain && $email_parts[0] != "test") { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "email_self", "hit" => "", "message" => "Please use your own email address, not ours."]); } } // // Check for blocked spammy words // $bannedwordlist = file(BANNED_WORDLIST, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); foreach ($bannedwordlist as $word) { if (strpos($msg_lower, $word) !== false) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "word", "hit" => $word, "message" => "\"" . htmlspecialchars($word) . "\" is not allowed because of spam/abuse."]); } } // // Lookup reported client IP address against stopforumspam.com CIDR range list // /** * https://stackoverflow.com/a/594134 */ function cidr_match($ip, $range) { list ($subnet, $bits) = explode('/', $range); if ($bits === null) { $bits = 32; } $ip = ip2long($ip); $subnet = ip2long($subnet); $mask = -1 << (32 - $bits); $subnet &= $mask; # nb: in case the supplied subnet wasn't correctly aligned return ($ip & $mask) == $subnet; } if (filter_var($clientip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, [FILTER_FLAG_IPV4])) { $bannedipcidrlist = file(BANNED_IP_CIDR, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); foreach ($bannedipcidrlist as $cidr) { if (cidr_match($clientip, $cidr)) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "toxic_ip_cidr", "hit" => $clientip, "message" => "Your computer's IP address is on a spam blacklist."]); } } } // // Lookup reported client IP address against stopforumspam.com full IP list // if (filter_var($clientip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, [FILTER_FLAG_IPV4])) { $bannediplist = file(BANNED_IP_LIST, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); foreach ($bannediplist as $ip) { if ($clientip == $ip) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "banned_ip", "hit" => $clientip, "message" => "Your computer's IP address is blacklisted for sending spam."]); } } } // // Lookup reported client IP address to see if it's in a botnet or something and sending spam // try { if (filter_var($clientip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, [FILTER_FLAG_IPV4])) { $blacklist = "xbl.spamhaus.org"; $url = implode(".", array_reverse(explode(".", $clientip))) . "." . $blacklist; // Cache IPs so we don't do a DNS lookup each time $cacheresp = $memcache->get("net.contactspam.$url"); if ($cacheresp !== false) { $dns_result = $cacheresp; } else { $dns_result = `host -t A $url b.gns.spamhaus.org`; $memcache->set("net.contactspam.$url", $dns_result, 60 * 60 * 24); } if (strpos($dns_result, "NXDOMAIN") === false && strpos($dns_result, "127.0.") !== false) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "spamhaus_xbl", "hit" => $clientip, "message" => "Your computer or a device on your network is infected with a virus and is sending spam messages, so our system is blocking your message."]); } } } catch (Exception $ex) { } // Check local spammer database if (env("require_database")) { if (!empty($clientip)) { if ($database->has("net_contactspam_spammers", ["ip" => $clientip])) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "netsyms_ip_blacklist", "hit" => $clientip, "message" => "A computer at your IP address has sent spam in the past. Your message has been blocked."]); } } if (!empty($clientip)) { if ($database->has("net_contactspam_spammers", ["email" => $email_lower])) { exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => false, "filter" => "netsyms_email_blacklist", "hit" => $clientip, "message" => "Someone put your email as the from address on a spam message. Your message has been blocked."]); } } } // // Well if we got here then the message tested negative for spam // exitWithJson(["status" => "OK", "clean" => true, "filter" => null, "hit" => null]);