packets as $pkt) { if ($pkt instanceof OpenPGP_PublicKeyPacket) { $fingerprint = $pkt->fingerprint; } else if ($pkt instanceof OpenPGP_UserIDPacket) { $name = $pkt->name ?? $name; $email = $pkt->email ?? $email; } } if ($database->has("notary_registry", ["fingerprint" => $fingerprint])) { sendJsonResp("A public key with fingerprint $fingerprint has already been submitted to the registry. If you need to make changes to the information in the registry, put your old and new information in a PDF file, sign it with your private key, and email the PDF to", "ERROR"); } $database->insert("notary_registry", [ "fingerprint" => $fingerprint, "fingerprint_short" => substr($fingerprint, -16), "fingerprint_tiny" => substr($fingerprint, -8), "name" => $name, "email" => $email, "location" => $location, "commissionexpires" => $commissionexpires, "idnumber" => $idnumber, "state" => $state, "publickey" => $pubkey ]); sendJsonResp("Your public key and notary profile have been submitted to the registry.", "OK");