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class Tracking_UPS_MailInnovations_DataMatrix {
* @global type $SETTINGS
* @param string $code
* @return \TrackingInfo
* @throws TrackingException
public static function track(string $code): TrackingInfo {
$codeparts = explode("\t", $code);
$info = new TrackingInfo();
if (empty($codeparts[13])) {
$from = new Location();
$from->city = "Unknown";
$to = new Location();
$to->street = implode(" ", [$codeparts[4], $codeparts[5]]);
$to->city = $codeparts[6];
$to->state = $codeparts[7];
$to->zip = $codeparts[8];
$to->country = (new League\ISO3166\ISO3166)->numeric($codeparts[9])['alpha2'];
$info->setService(new Service("", "UPS Mail Innovations"));
$info->setCurrentStatus(new TrackingEntry(TrackingStatus::TRACKING_STATUS_UNKNOWN, "Item is an untracked flat or international mailpiece.", time(), new Location()));
} else {
$realcode = $codeparts[13];
$info = Tracking::track($realcode, "usps");
// Set detailed destination address from code data
$to = $info->getTo();
if (is_null($to)) {
$to = new Location();
$to->street = implode(" ", [$codeparts[4], $codeparts[5]]);
$to->city = $codeparts[6];
$to->state = $codeparts[7];
$to->zip = $codeparts[8];
$to->country = (new League\ISO3166\ISO3166)->numeric($codeparts[9])['alpha2'];
$info->setService(new Service("", "Parcel Select/UPS Mail Innovations"));
return $info;