You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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use Iodev\Whois\Factory;
use Iodev\Whois\Exceptions\ConnectionException;
use Iodev\Whois\Exceptions\ServerMismatchException;
use Iodev\Whois\Exceptions\WhoisException;
use Iodev\Whois\Loaders\SocketLoader;
use Iodev\Whois\Loaders\MemcachedLoader;
$json = [];
$domain = $VARS["domain"];
if (empty($VARS["nocache"])) {
$cacheresp = $memcache->get("net.whois.$domain");
if ($cacheresp !== false) {
exitWithJson(json_decode($cacheresp, true));
try {
if ($memcache->enabled() && empty($VARS["nocache"])) {
$loader = new MemcachedLoader(new SocketLoader(), $memcache->getMemcached(), $memcache->getPrefix());
$whois = Factory::get()->createWhois($loader);
} else {
$whois = Factory::get()->createWhois();
$info = $whois->loadDomainInfo($domain);
$response = $whois->lookupDomain($domain);
if (!$info) {
$json = [
"domain" => $domain,
"registered" => false
} else {
$json = [
"domain" => $info->domainName,
"registered" => true,
"created" => $info->creationDate,
"expires" => $info->expirationDate,
"updated" => $info->updatedDate,
"registrar" => $info->registrar,
"owner" => $info->owner,
"nameservers" => $info->nameServers,
"raw" => $response->text
$json["status"] = "OK";
$memcache->set("net.whois.$domain", json_encode($json), 60 * 60 * 4);
} catch (ConnectionException $e) {
sendJsonResp("Disconnect or connection timeout", "ERROR");
} catch (ServerMismatchException $e) {
sendJsonResp("TLD server not found in current server hosts", "ERROR");
} catch (WhoisException $e) {
sendJsonResp("Whois server responded with error '{$e->getMessage()}'", "ERROR");
} catch (Exception $e) {
Logger::log("network.whois error: " . $e->getMessage());
sendJsonResp("An unknown error occurred.", "ERROR");