You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1314 lines
47 KiB

This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

;(function(window, undefined){
"use strict"
var _data = window.ColorPicker, // will be deleted in buildView() and holds:
// window.ColorPicker = { // comes from and will be overwritten.
// _html: ..., // holds the HTML markup of colorPicker
// _cssFunc: ..., // CSS for all the sliders
// _cssMain: ..., // CSS of the GUI
// _horizontalPng: ..., // horizontal background images for sliders
// _verticalPng: ..., // vertical background images for sliders
// _patchesPng: ..., // background images for square sliders in RGB mode
// _iconsPng: ..., // some icon sprite images
// _bgsPng: ..., // some more icon sprite images
// _blankPng: ... // the blank 16x16px image for the transparent cursor
// }
_devMode = !_data, // if no _data we assume that is missing (for development)
_isIE = document.createStyleSheet !== undefined && document.getElementById,
// _isIE8 = _isIE && document.querySelectorAll,
_valueRanges = {}, // will be assigned in initInstance() by Colors instance
// _valueRanges = {
// rgb: {r: [0, 255], g: [0, 255], b: [0, 255]},
// hsv: {h: [0, 360], s: [0, 100], v: [0, 100]},
// hsl: {h: [0, 360], s: [0, 100], l: [0, 100]},
// cmyk: {c: [0, 100], m: [0, 100], y: [0, 100], k: [0, 100]},
// cmy: {c: [0, 100], m: [0, 100], y: [0, 100]},
// XYZ: {X: [0, 100], Y: [0, 100], Z: [0, 100]},
// Lab: {L: [0, 100], a: [-128, 127], b: [-128, 127]},
// alpha: {alpha: [0, 1]},
// HEX: {HEX: [0, 16777215]}
// },
_bgTypes = {w: 'White', b: 'Black', c: 'Custom'},
_mouseMoveAction, // current mouseMove handler assigned on mouseDown
_mainTarget, // target on mouseDown, might be parent element though...
_valueType, // check this variable; gets missused/polutet over time
_delayState = 1, // mouseMove offset (y-axis) in display elements // same here...
_startCoords = {},
_targetOrigin = {},
_renderTimer, // animationFrame/interval variable
_newData = true,
_txt = {
selection: document.selection || window.getSelection(),
range: (document.createRange ? document.createRange() : document.body.createTextRange())
_renderVars = {}, // used only in renderAll and convertColors
_cashedVars = {}, // reset in initSliders
_previousInstance, // only used for recycling purposes in buildView()
_colorInstance = {},
_colors = {},
_options = {},
_nodes = {},
animationFrame = 'AnimationFrame', // we also need this later
requestAnimationFrame = 'request' + animationFrame,
cancelAnimationFrame = 'cancel' + animationFrame,
vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'],
ColorPicker = function(options) { // as tiny as possible...
this.options = {
color: 'rgba(204, 82, 37, 0.8)',
mode: 'rgb-b',
fps: 60, // 1000 / 60 = ~16.7ms
delayOffset: 8,
CSSPrefix: 'cp-',
scale: 1,
allMixDetails: true,
alphaBG: 'w'
// noAlpha: true,
// customBG: '#808080'
// size: 0,
// cmyOnly: false,
// memoryColors: [{r: 100, g: 200, b: 10}]// , a: 0.5
// opacityPositionRelative: undefined,
// customCSS: undefined,
// appenTo: document.body,
// noRangeBackground: false,
// textRight: false, ?????
// noHexButton: false,
// noResize: false,
// noRGBr: false,
// noRGBg: false,
// noRGBb: false,
// CSSStrength: 'div.',
// XYZMatrix: XYZMatrix,
// XYZReference: {},
// grey: grey,
// luminance: luminance,
// renderCallback: undefined,
// actionCallback: undefined,
// convertCallback: undefined,
initInstance(this, options || {});
window.ColorPicker = ColorPicker; // export differently
ColorPicker.addEvent = addEvent;
ColorPicker.removeEvent = removeEvent;
ColorPicker.getOrigin = getOrigin;
ColorPicker.limitValue = limitValue;
ColorPicker.changeClass = changeClass;
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
ColorPicker.prototype.setColor = function(newCol, type, alpha, forceRender) {
_valueType = true; // right cursor...
preRenderAll(_colorInstance.setColor.apply(_colorInstance, arguments));
if (forceRender) {
ColorPicker.prototype.saveAsBackground = function() {
return saveAsBackground();
Colors.prototype.setCustomBackground = function(col) {
focusInstance(this); // needed???
return _colorInstance.setCustomBackground(col);
ColorPicker.prototype.startRender = function(oneTime) {
if (oneTime) {
_mouseMoveAction = false; // prevents window[requestAnimationFrame] in renderAll()
} else {
_mouseMoveAction = 1;
_renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll);
ColorPicker.prototype.stopRender = function() {
focusInstance(this); // check again
if (_valueType) {
// renderAll();
_mouseMoveAction = 1;
stopChange(undefined, 'external');
// _valueType = undefined;
ColorPicker.prototype.setMode = function(mode) { // check again ... right cursor
ColorPicker.prototype.destroyAll = function() { // check this again...
var html = this.nodes.colorPicker,
destroyReferences = function(nodes) {
for (var n in nodes) {
if (nodes[n] && nodes[n].toString() === '[object Object]' || nodes[n] instanceof Array) {
nodes[n] = null;
delete nodes[n];
installEventListeners(this, true);
html = null;
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
function initInstance(THIS, options) {
var exporter, // do something here..
mode = '',
CSSPrefix = '',
for (var option in options) { // deep copy ??
THIS.options[option] = options[option];
_colorInstance = new Colors(THIS.options);
// We transfer the responsibility to the instance of Color (to save space and memory)
delete THIS.options;
_options = _colorInstance.options;
CSSPrefix = _options.CSSPrefix;
THIS.color = _colorInstance; // check this again...
_valueRanges = _options.valueRanges;
THIS.nodes = _nodes = getInstanceNodes(buildView(THIS), THIS); // ha, ha,... make this different
mode = ' ' + _options.mode.type + '-' + _options.mode.z;
_nodes.slds.className += mode;
_nodes.panel.className += mode;
//_nodes.colorPicker.className += ' cmy-' + _options.cmyOnly;
if (_options.noHexButton) {
changeClass(_nodes.HEX_butt, CSSPrefix + 'butt', CSSPrefix + 'labl')
if (_options.size !== undefined) {
resizeApp (undefined, _options.size);
optionButtons = {
alphaBG: _nodes.alpha_labl,
cmyOnly: _nodes.HEX_labl // test... take out
for (var n in optionButtons) {
if (_options[n] !== undefined) {
buttonActions({target: optionButtons[n], data: _options[n]});
if (_options.noAlpha) {
_nodes.colorPicker.className += ' no-alpha'; // IE6 ??? maybe for IE6 on document.body
memory = _options.memoryColors;
for (var n = _nodes.memos.length; n--; ) { // check again how to handle alpha...
_nodes.memos[n].style.cssText = 'background-color: ' + (memory && memory[n] !== undefined ?
color2string(memory[n]) + ';' + getOpacityCSS(memory[n]['a'] || 1) : 'rgb(0,0,0);');
_mouseMoveAction = true;
stopChange(undefined, 'init');
if (_previousInstance) {
function focusInstance(THIS) {
_newData = true;
if (_colorPicker !== THIS) {
_colorPicker = THIS;
_colors = THIS.color.colors;
_options = THIS.color.options;
_nodes = THIS.nodes;
_colorInstance = THIS.color;
_cashedVars = {};
function getUISizes() {
var sizes = ['L', 'S', 'XS', 'XXS'];
_options.sizes = {}; = 'position:absolute;left:-1000px;top:-1000px;';
for (var n = sizes.length; n--; ) {
_nodes.testNode.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'app ' + sizes[n];
_options.sizes[sizes[n]] = [_nodes.testNode.offsetWidth, _nodes.testNode.offsetHeight];
if (_nodes.testNode.removeNode) { // old IEs
} else {
function buildView(THIS) {
var app = document.createElement('div'),
prefix = _options.CSSPrefix,
urlData = 'data:image/png;base64,';
// development mode
if (_devMode) {
return THIS.color.options.devPicker;
if (_previousInstance = _colorPicker) {
// we need to be careful with recycling HTML as slider calssNames might have been changed...
app.innerHTML = _colorPicker ? _colorPicker.nodes.colorPicker.outerHTML : _data._html.replace(/§/g, prefix);
// _html = null;
// CSS
if (!document.getElementById('colorPickerCSS')) { // only once needed
// CSS - system
style = document.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
style.setAttribute('id', 'colorPickerCSS');
_data._cssFunc = _data._cssFunc.
replace(/§/g, prefix).
replace('_patches.png', !_isIE ? urlData + _data._patchesPng : '_patches.png').
replace('_vertical.png', !_isIE ? urlData + _data._verticalPng : '_vertical.png').
replace('_horizontal.png', !_isIE ? urlData + _data._horizontalPng : '_horizontal.png');
if (!style.styleSheet) {
if (style.styleSheet) { // IE compatible
document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1].cssText = _data._cssFunc;
// CSS - main
if (!_options.customCSS) {
style = document.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
_data._cssMain = _data._cssMain.
replace(/§/g, prefix).
replace('_bgs.png', !_isIE ? urlData + _data._bgsPng : '_bgs.png').
replace('_icons.png', !_isIE ? urlData + _data._iconsPng : '_icons.png').
replace('_blank.png', !_isIE ? urlData + _data._blankPng : '_blank.cur').
replace('"Courier New",', !_isIE ? '' : '"Courier New",');
// style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(_data._cssFunc));
if (!style.styleSheet) {
if (style.styleSheet) { // IE compatible
document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1].cssText = _data._cssMain;
for (var n in _data) { // almost 25k of memory ;o)
_data[n] = null;
return (_options.appenTo || document.body).appendChild(app.children[0]);
function getInstanceNodes(colorPicker, THIS) { // check nodes again... are they all needed?
var all = colorPicker.getElementsByTagName('*'),
nodes = {colorPicker: colorPicker}, // length ?? // rename nodes.colorPicker
memoCounter = 0,
regexp = new RegExp(_options.CSSPrefix);
// nodes.displayStyles = {}; // not needed ... or change to CSS
nodes.styles = {};
// nodes.styles.displays = {};
nodes.textNodes = {};
nodes.memos = [];
nodes.testNode = document.createElement('div');
for (var n = 0, m = all.length; n < m; n++) {
node = all[n];
if ((className = node.className) && regexp.test(className)) {
className = className.split(' ')[0].replace(_options.CSSPrefix, '').replace(/-/g, '_');
if (/_disp/.test(className)) {
className = className.replace('_disp', '');
// nodes.styles.displays[className] =;
nodes.styles[className] =;
nodes.textNodes[className] = node.firstChild;
node.contentEditable = true; // does this slow down rendering??
} else {
if (!(/(?:hs|cmyk|Lab).*?(?:butt|labl)/.test(className))) {
nodes[className] = node;
if (/(?:cur|sld[^s]|opacity|cont|col)/.test(className)) {
nodes.styles[className] = /(?:col\d)/.test(className) ? node.children[0].style :;
} else if (/memo/.test(node.parentNode.className)) {
return nodes;
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// ---- Add event listners to colorPicker and window ---- //
// -------------------------------------------------------//
function installEventListeners(THIS, off) {
var onOffEvent = off ? removeEvent : addEvent;
onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'mousedown', function(e) {
var event = e || window.event,
page = getPageXY(event),
target = || event.srcElement,
className = target.className;
_mainTarget = target;
stopChange(undefined, 'resetEventListener');
if (target == _nodes.sldl_3 || target == _nodes.curm) {
_mainTarget = _nodes.sldl_3;
_mouseMoveAction = changeXYValue;
changeClass(_nodes.slds, 'do-drag');
} else if (/sldr/.test(className) || target == _nodes.curl || target == _nodes.curr) {
_mainTarget = _nodes.sldr_4;
_mouseMoveAction = changeZValue;
} else if (target == _nodes.opacity.children[0] || target == _nodes.opacity_slider) {
_mainTarget = _nodes.opacity;
_mouseMoveAction = changeOpacityValue;
} else if (/-disp/.test(className) && !/HEX-/.test(className)) {
_mouseMoveAction = changeInputValue;
(target.nextSibling.nodeType === 3 ? target.nextSibling.nextSibling : target.nextSibling).
appendChild(_nodes.nsarrow); // nextSibling for better text selection
_valueType = className.split('-disp')[0].split('-');
_valueType = {type: _valueType[0], z: _valueType[1] || ''};
changeClass(_nodes.panel, 'start-change');
_delayState = 0;
} else if (target == _nodes.resize && !_options.noResize) {
if (!_options.sizes) {
_mainTarget = _nodes.resizer;
_mouseMoveAction = resizeApp;
} else {
_mouseMoveAction = undefined;
if (_mouseMoveAction) {
_startCoords = {pageX: page.X, pageY: page.Y}; = 'block';
_targetOrigin = getOrigin(_mainTarget);
_targetOrigin.width = _nodes.opacity.offsetWidth; // ???????
_targetOrigin.childWidth = _nodes.opacity_slider.offsetWidth; // ???????
addEvent(_isIE ? document.body : window, 'mousemove', _mouseMoveAction);
_renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll);
} else {
// console.log(className)
// console.log(THIS.nodes[className.split(' ')[0].replace('cp-', '').replace('-', '_')])
// resize, button states, etc...
// if (_mouseMoveAction !== changeInputValue) preventDefault(event);
if (!/-disp/.test(className)) {
return preventDefault(event);
// document.activeElement.blur();
onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'click', function(e) {
onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'dblclick', buttonActions);
onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'keydown', function(e) {
// keydown is before keypress and focuses already
onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'keypress', keyControl);
// onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'keyup', keyControl);
onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'paste', function(e) { = e.clipboardData.getData('Text');
return preventDefault(event);
addEvent(_isIE ? document.body : window, 'mouseup', stopChange);
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// --------- Event listner's callback functions -------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------//
function stopChange(e, action) {
var mouseMoveAction = _mouseMoveAction;
if (_mouseMoveAction) { // why??? please test again...
// if (document.selection && _mouseMoveAction !== changeInputValue) {
// //ie -> prevent showing the accelerator menu
// document.selection.empty();
// }
removeEvent(_isIE ? document.body : window, 'mousemove', _mouseMoveAction);
if (_delayState) { // hapens on inputs
_valueType = {type: 'alpha'};
// this is dirty... has to do with M|W|! button
if (typeof _mouseMoveAction === 'function' || typeof _mouseMoveAction === 'number') {
delete _options.webUnsave;
_delayState = 1;
_mouseMoveAction = undefined;
changeClass(_nodes.slds, 'do-drag', '');
changeClass(_nodes.panel, '(?:start-change|do-change)', ''); = ''; = 'background-color: ' +
color2string(_colors.RND.rgb) + '; ' + getOpacityCSS(_colors.alpha);
_nodes.memo.className = _nodes.memo.className.replace(/\s+(?:dark|light)/, '') +
// (/dark/.test(_nodes.colorPicker.className) ? ' dark' : ' light');
(_colors['rgbaMix' + _bgTypes[_options.alphaBG]].luminance < 0.22 ? ' dark' : ' light');
// (_colors.rgbaMixCustom.luminance < 0.22 ? ' dark' : ' light')
_valueType = undefined;
if (_options.actionCallback) {
_options.actionCallback(e, || action || 'external');
function changeXYValue(e) {
var event = e || window.event,
scale = _options.scale,
page = getPageXY(event),
x = (page.X - _targetOrigin.left) * (scale === 4 ? 2 : scale),
y = (page.Y - * scale,
mode = _options.mode;
_colors[mode.type][mode.x] = limitValue(x / 255, 0, 1);
_colors[mode.type][mode.y] = 1 - limitValue(y / 255, 0, 1);
return preventDefault(event);
function changeZValue(e) { // make this part of changeXYValue
var event = e || window.event,
page = getPageXY(event),
z = (page.Y - * _options.scale,
mode = _options.mode;
_colors[mode.type][mode.z] = 1 - limitValue(z / 255, 0, 1);
return preventDefault(event);
function changeOpacityValue(e) {
var event = e || window.event,
page = getPageXY(event);
_newData = true;
_colors.alpha = limitValue(Math.round(
(page.X - _targetOrigin.left) / _targetOrigin.width * 100), 0, 100
) / 100;
return preventDefault(event);
function changeInputValue(e) {
var event = e || window.event,
page = getPageXY(event),
delta = _startCoords.pageY - page.Y,
delayOffset = _options.delayOffset,
type = _valueType.type,
isAlpha = type === 'alpha',
if (_delayState || Math.abs(delta) >= delayOffset) {
if (!_delayState) {
_delayState = (delta > 0 ? -delayOffset : delayOffset) +
( * (isAlpha ? 100 : 1);
_startCoords.pageY += _delayState;
delta += _delayState;
_delayState = 1;
changeClass(_nodes.panel, 'start-change', 'do-change');
window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.selection.empty();
_renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll);
if (type === 'cmyk' && _options.cmyOnly) {
type = 'cmy';
if (isAlpha) {
_newData = true;
_colors.alpha = limitValue(delta / 100, 0, 1);
} else {
ranges = _valueRanges[type][_valueType.z];
_colors[type][_valueType.z] = type === 'Lab' ? limitValue(delta, ranges[0], ranges[1]) :
limitValue(delta / ranges[1], 0, 1);
convertColors(isAlpha ? 'alpha' : type);
// event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.
// event.returnValue = false; // see: pauseEvent(event);
return preventDefault(event);
function keyControl(e) { // this is quite big for what it does...
var event = e || window.event,
keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode,
key = String.fromCharCode(keyCode),
elm = document.activeElement,
cln = elm.className.replace(_options.CSSPrefix, '').split('-'),
type = cln[0],
mode = cln[1],
isAlpha = type === 'alpha',
isHex = type === 'HEX',
arrowKey = {k40: -1, k38: 1, k34: -10, k33: 10}['k' + keyCode] / (isAlpha ? 100 : 1),
validKeys = {'HEX': /[0-9a-fA-F]/, 'Lab': /[\-0-9]/, 'alpha': /[\.0-9]/}[type] || /[0-9]/,
valueRange = _valueRanges[type][type] || _valueRanges[type][mode], // let op!
textNode = elm.firstChild, // chnge on TAB key
rangeData = caret(elm),
origValue =, // do not change
val = origValue === '0' && !isHex ? [] : origValue.split(''); // gefixt
if (/^(?:27|13)$/.test(keyCode)) { // ENTER || ESC
// preventDefault(event);
} else if (event.type === 'keydown') { // functional keys
if (arrowKey) { // arrow/page keys
value = limitValue(Math.round((+origValue + arrowKey) * 1e+6) / 1e+6, valueRange[0], valueRange[1]);
} else if (/^(?:8|46)$/.test(keyCode)) { // DELETE / BACKSPACE
if (!rangeData.range) {
rangeData.start -= keyCode === 8 ? 1 : 0;
val.splice(rangeData.start, rangeData.range);
value = val.join('') || '0'; // never loose elm.firstChild
if (value !== undefined) { // prevent keypress
preventDefault(event, true);
} else if (event.type === 'keypress') {
if (!/^(?:37|39|8|46|9)$/.test(keyCode)) { // left, right,DEL, BACK, TAB for FF
preventDefault(event, true);
if (validKeys.test(key)) { // regular input
val.splice(rangeData.start, rangeData.range, key);
value = val.join('');
if (keyCode === 13 && isHex) {
if ( % 3 === 0 || === '0') { // &&
return _colorPicker.setColor( === '0' ? '000' :, 'rgb', _colors.alpha, true);
} else {
preventDefault(event, true);
return elm.focus();
if (isHex && value !== undefined) {
value = /^0+/.test(value) ? value : parseInt(''+value, 16) || 0;
if (value !== undefined && value !== '' && +value >= valueRange[0] && +value <= valueRange[1]) {
if (isHex) {
value = value.toString(16).toUpperCase() || '0';
if (isAlpha) {
_colors[type] = +value;
} else if (!isHex) {
_colors[type][mode] = +value / (type === 'Lab' ? 1 : valueRange[1]);
convertColors(isAlpha ? 'alpha' : type);
_mouseMoveAction = true;
stopChange(e, event.type); = value; // if
caret(elm, Math.min(, rangeData.start < 0 ? 0 : rangeData.start));
function buttonActions(e) {
var event = e || window.event,
target = || event.srcElement,
targetClass = target.className,
parent = target.parentNode,
options = _options,
RGB = _colors.RND.rgb,
customBG, alphaBG,
mode = _options.mode,
newMode = '',
prefix = options.CSSPrefix,
isModeButton = /(?:hs|rgb)/.test(parent.className) && /^[HSBLRG]$/.test(
target.firstChild ? : ''
isDblClick = /dblc/.test(event.type),
buttonAction = ''; // think this over again....
if (isDblClick && !isModeButton) {
} else if (targetClass.indexOf('-labl ' + prefix + 'labl') !== -1) { // HSB -> HSL; CMYK -> Lab buttons
changeClass(_nodes[targetClass.split('-')[0]], prefix + 'hide', '');
changeClass(_nodes[parent.className.split('-')[1]], prefix + 'hide');
} else if (targetClass.indexOf(prefix + 'butt') !== -1) { // BUTTONS
if (isModeButton) { // set render modes
if (isDblClick && _options.scale === 2) {
newMode = /hs/.test(mode.type) ? 'rgb' : /hide/.test(_nodes.hsl.className) ? 'hsv' : 'hsl';
newMode = newMode + '-' + newMode[mode.type.indexOf(mode.z)];
_colorPicker.setMode(newMode ? newMode : targetClass.replace('-butt', '').split(' ')[0]);
buttonAction = 'modeChange';
} else if (/^[rgb]/.test(targetClass)) { // no vertical slider rendering in RGB mode
newMode = targetClass.split('-')[1];
changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'no-rgb-' + newMode,
(options['noRGB' + newMode] = !options['noRGB' + newMode]) ? undefined : '');
buttonAction = 'noRGB' + newMode;
// preRenderAll();
} else if (target === _nodes.alpha_labl) { // alpha button right (background of raster)
customBG = options.customBG;
alphaBG = options.alphaBG;
changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'alpha-bg-' + alphaBG, 'alpha-bg-' +
(alphaBG = options.alphaBG = || (alphaBG === 'w' ? (customBG ? 'c' : 'b') :
alphaBG === 'c' ? 'b' : 'w'))); = alphaBG.toUpperCase(); = =
alphaBG !== 'c' ? '' : 'rgb(' + Math.round(customBG.r * 255) + ', ' +
Math.round(customBG.g * 255) + ', ' +
Math.round(customBG.b * 255) + ')'; = =
alphaBG !== 'c' ? '' : getOpacityCSS(customBG.luminance < 0.22 ? 0.5 : 0.4);
buttonAction = 'alphaBackground';
} else if (target === _nodes.alpha_butt) { // alpha button left (disable alpha rendering)
changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'mute-alpha', (options.muteAlpha = !options.muteAlpha) ? undefined : '');
buttonAction = 'alphaState';
} else if (target === _nodes.HEX_butt) { // make it on/off
changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'no-HEX', (options.HEXState = !options.HEXState) ? undefined : '');
buttonAction = 'HEXState';
} else if (target === _nodes.HEX_labl) { // web save state change
var isWebSave = _colors.saveColor === "web save";
if (_colors.saveColor !== "web smart" && !isWebSave) {
options.webUnsave = copyColor(RGB);
_colorPicker.setColor(_colors.webSmart, 'rgb');
} else if (!isWebSave) {
if (!options.webUnsave) {
options.webUnsave = copyColor(RGB);
_colorPicker.setColor(_colors.webSave, 'rgb');
} else {
_colorPicker.setColor(options.webUnsave, 'rgb');
buttonAction = 'webColorState';
} else if (/Lab-x-labl/.test(targetClass)) { //target === _nodes.cmyk_type) {
// switch between CMYK and CMY
changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'cmy-only', (options.cmyOnly = !options.cmyOnly) ? undefined : '');
buttonAction = 'cmykState';
} else if (target === _nodes.bsav) { // SAVE
buttonAction = 'saveAsBackground';
} else if (target === _nodes.bres) { // RESET
var tmpColor = copyColor(RGB),
tmpAlpha = _colors.alpha;
// a bit heavy but... doesn't matter here
// newCol, type, alpha, forceRender
_colorPicker.setColor(tmpColor, 'rgb', tmpAlpha);
buttonAction = 'resetColor';
} else if (parent === _nodes.col1) { // COLOR left
// _colors.hsv.h = (_colors.hsv.h + 0.5) % 1; // not acurate
_colors.hsv.h -= (_colors.hsv.h > 0.5 ? 0.5 : -0.5);
buttonAction = 'shiftColor';
} else if (parent === _nodes.col2) { // COLOR right
_colorPicker.setColor(, 'rgb', _colors.background.alpha);
buttonAction = 'setSavedColor';
} else if (parent === _nodes.memo) { // MEMORIES // revisit...
var resetBlink = function() {
if (_nodes.memos.blinker) = _nodes.memos.cssText;
doBlink = function(elm) {
_nodes.memos.blinker = elm; = 'background-color:' + (_colors.RGBLuminance > 0.22 ? '#333' : '#DDD');
window.setTimeout(resetBlink, 200);
if (target === _nodes.memo_cursor) { // save color in memo
_nodes.memos.blinker = undefined; =;
_nodes.memos.cssText =; // browser sees css
for (var n = _nodes.memos.length - 1; n--; ) { // check if color already exists
if (_nodes.memos.cssText === _nodes.memos[n].style.cssText) {
doBlink(_nodes.memos[n]); // sets _nodes.memos.blinker
if (!_nodes.memos.blinker) { // right shift colors
for (var n = _nodes.memos.length - 1; n--; ) {
_nodes.memos[n + 1].style.cssText = _nodes.memos[n].style.cssText;
_nodes.memos[0].style.cssText =;
buttonAction = 'toMemery';
} else { // reset color from memo
_colorPicker.setColor(, 'rgb', || 1);
_nodes.memos.cssText =;
// this is dirty... has to do with M|W|! button
_mouseMoveAction = 1;
buttonAction = 'fromMemory';
// think this over again, does this need to be like this??
if (buttonAction) {
_mouseMoveAction = _mouseMoveAction || true; // !!!! search for: // this is dirty...
stopChange(e, buttonAction);
function resizeApp(e, size) {
var event = e || window.event,
page = getPageXY(event),
isSize = size !== undefined,
x = isSize ? size : page.X - _targetOrigin.left + 8,
y = isSize ? size : page.Y - + 8,
values = [' S XS XXS', ' S XS', ' S', ''],
sizes = _options.sizes, // from getUISizes();
value = isSize ? values[size] :
y < sizes.XXS[1] + 25 ? values[0] :
x < sizes.XS[0] + 25? values[1] :
x < sizes.S[0] + 25 || y < sizes.S[1] + 25 ? values[2] : values[3],
isXXS = false,
tmp = '';
if (_cashedVars.resizer !== value) {
isXXS = /XX/.test(value);
mode = _options.mode;
if (isXXS && (!/hs/.test(mode.type) || mode.z === 'h')) {
tmp = mode.type + '-' + mode.z;
_colorPicker.setMode(/hs/.test(mode.type) ? mode.type + '-s': 'hsv-s');
_options.mode.original = tmp;
} else if (mode.original) {
// setMode(mode) creates a new object so mode.original gets deleted automatically
_nodes.colorPicker.className = _nodes.colorPicker.className.replace(/\s+(?:S|XS|XXS)/g, '') + value;
_options.scale = isXXS ? 4 : /S/.test(value) ? 2 : 1;
_cashedVars.resizer = value;
// fix this... from this point on inside if() ... convertColors();
_newData = true;
} = 'display: block;' +
'width: ' + (x > 10 ? x : 10) + 'px;' +
'height: ' + (y > 10 ? y : 10) + 'px;';
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// --- Colors calculation and rendering related stuff --- //
// -------------------------------------------------------//
function setMode(mode) {
var ModeMatrix = {
rgb_r : {x: 'b', y: 'g'},
rgb_g : {x: 'b', y: 'r'},
rgb_b : {x: 'r', y: 'g'},
hsv_h : {x: 's', y: 'v'},
hsv_s : {x: 'h', y: 'v'},
hsv_v : {x: 'h', y: 's'},
hsl_h : {x: 's', y: 'l'},
hsl_s : {x: 'h', y: 'l'},
hsl_l : {x: 'h', y: 's'}
key = mode.replace('-', '_'),
regex = '\\b(?:rg|hs)\\w\\-\\w\\b'; // \\b\\w{3}\\-\\w\\b';
// changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, '(?:.*?)$', mode);
// changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, '\\b\\w{3}\\-\\w\\b', mode);
// changeClass(_nodes.slds, '\\b\\w{3}\\-\\w\\b', mode);
changeClass(_nodes.panel, regex, mode);
changeClass(_nodes.slds, regex, mode);
mode = mode.split('-');
return _options.mode = {
type: mode[0],
x: ModeMatrix[key].x,
y: ModeMatrix[key].y,
z: mode[1]
function initSliders() { // function name...
var regex = /\s+(?:hue-)*(?:dark|light)/g;
_nodes.curl.className = _nodes.curl.className.replace(regex, ''); // .....
_nodes.curr.className = _nodes.curr.className.replace(regex, ''); // .....
_nodes.slds.className = _nodes.slds.className.replace(regex, '');
// var sldrs = ['sldr_2', 'sldr_4', 'sldl_3'];
// for (var n = sldrs.length; n--; ) {
// _nodes[sldrs[n]].className = _options.CSSPrefix + sldrs[n].replace('_', '-');
// }
_nodes.sldr_2.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'sldr-2';
_nodes.sldr_4.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'sldr-4';
_nodes.sldl_3.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'sldl-3';
for (var style in _nodes.styles) {
if (!style.indexOf('sld')) _nodes.styles[style].cssText = '';
_cashedVars = {};
function resetCursors() {
// _renderVars.isNoRGB = undefined;
_nodes.styles.curr.cssText = _nodes.styles.curl.cssText; // only coordinates
_nodes.curl.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'curl' + (
_renderVars.noRGBZ ? ' ' + _options.CSSPrefix + 'curl-' +_renderVars.noRGBZ: '');
_nodes.curr.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'curr ' + _options.CSSPrefix + 'curr-' +
(_options.mode.z === 'h' ? _renderVars.HUEContrast : _renderVars.noRGBZ ?
_renderVars.noRGBZ : _renderVars.RGBLuminance);
function convertColors(type) {
preRenderAll(_colorInstance.setColor(undefined, type || _options.mode.type));
_newData = true;
function saveAsBackground() {
_nodes.styles.col2.cssText = 'background-color: ' + color2string(_colors.background.RGB) + ';' +
return (_colors);
function preRenderAll(colors) { // do we need this??? yes, only calculate if values change... but how about _newData
var renderVars = _renderVars,
bgType = _bgTypes[_options.alphaBG];
renderVars.hueDelta = Math.round(colors['rgbaMixBGMix' + bgType].hueDelta * 100);
// renderVars.RGBLuminanceDelta = Math.round(colors.RGBLuminanceDelta * 100);
renderVars.luminanceDelta = Math.round(colors['rgbaMixBGMix' + bgType].luminanceDelta * 100);
renderVars.RGBLuminance = colors.RGBLuminance > 0.22 ? 'light' : 'dark';
renderVars.HUEContrast = colors.HUELuminance > 0.22 ? 'light' : 'dark';
// renderVars.contrast = renderVars.RGBLuminanceDelta > renderVars.hueDelta ? 'contrast' : '';
renderVars.contrast = renderVars.luminanceDelta > renderVars.hueDelta ? 'contrast' : '';
renderVars.readabiltiy =
colors['rgbaMixBGMix' + bgType].WCAG2Ratio >= 7 ? 'green' :
colors['rgbaMixBGMix' + bgType].WCAG2Ratio >= 4.5 ? 'orange': '';
renderVars.noRGBZ = _options['no' + _options.mode.type.toUpperCase() + _options.mode.z] ?
(_options.mode.z === 'g' && colors.rgb.g < 0.59 || _options.mode.z === 'b' || _options.mode.z === 'r' ?
'dark' : 'light') : undefined;
function renderAll() { // maybe render alpha seperately...
if (_mouseMoveAction) {
// _renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll);
if (!_newData) return (_renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll));
_newData = false;
// console.time('renderAll');
var options = _options, colors = _colors, renderVars = _renderVars, cashedVars = _cashedVars,
mode = options.mode, nodes = _nodes,
prefix = options.CSSPrefix,
valueRanges = _valueRanges,
valueType = _valueType,
CSS = nodes.styles,
textNodes = nodes.textNodes,
scale = _options.scale,
x = colors[mode.type][mode.x], X = Math.round(x * 255 / (scale === 4 ? 2 : scale)),
y_ = colors[mode.type][mode.y], y = 1 - y_, Y = Math.round(y * 255 / scale),
z = 1 - colors[mode.type][mode.z], Z = Math.round(z * 255 / scale),
coords = (1 === 1) ? [x, y_] : [0, 0], a = 0, b = 0, // (1 === 2) button label up
isRGB = mode.type === 'rgb', isHue = mode.z === 'h', isHSL = mode.type === 'hsl',
isHSL_S = isHSL && mode.z === 's',
display, tmp, value, slider,
moveXY = _mouseMoveAction === changeXYValue, moveZ = _mouseMoveAction === changeZValue;
if (isRGB) {
if (coords[0] >= coords[1]) b = 1; else a = 1;
if (cashedVars.sliderSwap !== a) {
nodes.sldr_2.className = options.CSSPrefix + 'sldr-' + (3 - a);
cashedVars.sliderSwap = a;
if ((isRGB && !moveZ) || (isHue && !moveXY) || (!isHue && !moveZ)) {
CSS[isHue ? 'sldl_2' : 'sldr_2'][isRGB ? 'cssText' : 'backgroundColor'] =
isRGB ? getOpacityCSS((coords[a] - coords[b]) / (1 - (coords[b]) || 0)) : color2string(colors.hueRGB);
if (!isHue) {
if (!moveZ) CSS.sldr_4.cssText = getOpacityCSS(isRGB ? coords[b] : isHSL_S ? Math.abs(1 - y * 2) : y);
if (!moveXY) CSS.sldl_3.cssText = getOpacityCSS(isHSL && mode.z === 'l' ? Math.abs(1 - z * 2) : z);
if (isHSL) { // switch slider class name for black/white color half way through in HSL(S|L) mode(s)
slider = isHSL_S ? 'sldr_4' : 'sldl_3';
tmp = isHSL_S ? 'r-' : 'l-';
value = isHSL_S ? (y > 0.5 ? 4 : 3) : (z > 0.5 ? 3 : 4);
if (cashedVars[slider] !== value) {
nodes[slider].className = options.CSSPrefix + 'sld' + tmp + value;
cashedVars[slider] = value;
if (!moveZ) CSS.curm.cssText = 'left: ' + X + 'px; top: ' + Y + 'px;';
if (!moveXY) = Z + 'px';
if (valueType) = Z + 'px'; // && valueType.type !== mode.type
if ((valueType && valueType.type === 'alpha') || _mainTarget === nodes.opacity) {
CSS.opacity_slider.left = options.opacityPositionRelative ? (colors.alpha * (
(_targetOrigin.width || nodes.opacity.offsetWidth) -
(_targetOrigin.childWidth || nodes.opacity_slider.offsetWidth))) + 'px' :
(colors.alpha * 100) + '%';
CSS.col1.cssText = 'background-color: ' + color2string(colors.RND.rgb) + '; ' +
(options.muteAlpha ? '' : getOpacityCSS(colors.alpha));
CSS.opacity.backgroundColor = color2string(colors.RND.rgb);
CSS.cold.width = renderVars.hueDelta + '%';
CSS.cont.width = renderVars.luminanceDelta + '%';
for (display in textNodes) {
tmp = display.split('_');
if (options.cmyOnly) {
tmp[0] = tmp[0].replace('k', '');
value = tmp[1] ? colors.RND[tmp[0]][tmp[1]] : colors.RND[tmp[0]] || colors[tmp[0]];
if (cashedVars[display] !== value) {
cashedVars[display] = value;
textNodes[display].data = value > 359.5 && display !== 'HEX' ? 0 : value;
if (display !== 'HEX' && !options.noRangeBackground) {
value = colors[tmp[0]][tmp[1]] !== undefined ? colors[tmp[0]][tmp[1]] : colors[tmp[0]];
if (tmp[0] === 'Lab') {
value = (value - valueRanges[tmp[0]][tmp[1]][0]) /
(valueRanges[tmp[0]][tmp[1]][1] - valueRanges[tmp[0]][tmp[1]][0]);
CSS[display].backgroundPosition = Math.round((1 - value) * 100) + '% 0%';
// Lab out of gammut
tmp = colors._rgb ? [
colors._rgb.r !== colors.rgb.r,
colors._rgb.g !== colors.rgb.g,
colors._rgb.b !== colors.rgb.b
] : [];
if (tmp.join('') !== cashedVars.outOfGammut) { = tmp[0] ? '!' : ' '; = tmp[1] ? '!' : ' '; = tmp[2] ? '!' : ' ';
cashedVars.outOfGammut = tmp.join('');
if (renderVars.noRGBZ) {
if (cashedVars.noRGBZ !== renderVars.noRGBZ) {
nodes.curl.className = prefix + 'curl ' + prefix + 'curl-' + renderVars.noRGBZ;
if (!moveZ) {
nodes.curr.className = prefix + 'curr ' + prefix + 'curr-' + renderVars.noRGBZ;
cashedVars.noRGBZ = renderVars.noRGBZ;
if (cashedVars.HUEContrast !== renderVars.HUEContrast && mode.z === 'h') {
nodes.slds.className = nodes.slds.className.replace(/\s+hue-(?:dark|light)/, '') +
' hue-' + renderVars.HUEContrast;
if (!moveZ) {
nodes.curr.className = prefix + 'curr ' + prefix + 'curr-' + renderVars.HUEContrast;
cashedVars.HUEContrast = renderVars.HUEContrast;
} else if (cashedVars.RGBLuminance !== renderVars.RGBLuminance) { // test for no else
nodes.colorPicker.className = nodes.colorPicker.className.replace(/\s+(?:dark|light)/, '') +
' ' + renderVars.RGBLuminance;
if (!moveZ && mode.z !== 'h' && !renderVars.noRGBZ) {
nodes.curr.className = prefix + 'curr ' + prefix + 'curr-' + renderVars.RGBLuminance;
cashedVars.RGBLuminance = renderVars.RGBLuminance;
if (cashedVars.contrast !== renderVars.contrast || cashedVars.readabiltiy !== renderVars.readabiltiy) {
nodes.ctrl.className = nodes.ctrl.className.replace(' contrast', '').replace(/\s*(?:orange|green)/, '') +
(renderVars.contrast ? ' ' + renderVars.contrast : '') +
(renderVars.readabiltiy ? ' ' + renderVars.readabiltiy : '');
cashedVars.contrast = renderVars.contrast;
cashedVars.readabiltiy = renderVars.readabiltiy;
if (cashedVars.saveColor !== colors.saveColor) { = !colors.saveColor ? '!' : colors.saveColor === 'web save' ? 'W' : 'M';
cashedVars.saveColor = colors.saveColor;
if (options.renderCallback) {
options.renderCallback(colors, mode); // maybe more parameters
if (_mouseMoveAction) {
_renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll);
// console.timeEnd('renderAll')
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// ------------------ helper functions ------------------ //
// -------------------------------------------------------//
function copyColor(color) {
var newColor = {};
for (var n in color) {
newColor[n] = color[n];
return newColor;
function color2string(color, type) {
var out = [],
n = 0;
type = type || 'rgb';
while (type[n] || type.charAt(n)) { // IE7
out.push(color[type[n] || type.charAt(n)]);
return type + '(' + out.join(', ') + ')';
function limitValue(value, min, max) {
return (value > max ? max : value < min ? min : value);
function getOpacityCSS(value) {
if (value === undefined) value = 1;
if (_isIE) {
return 'filter: alpha(opacity=' + Math.round(value * 100) + ');';
} else {
return 'opacity: ' + (Math.round(value * 10000000000) / 10000000000) + ';'; // value.toFixed(16) = 99% slower
// some speed test:
// return ['opacity: ', (Math.round(value * 1e+10) / 1e+10), ';'].join('');
function preventDefault(e, skip) {
e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false;
if (!skip) window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.selection.empty();
return false;
function changeClass(elm, cln, newCln) {
return !elm ? false : elm.className = (newCln !== undefined ?
elm.className.replace(new RegExp('\\s+?' + cln, 'g'), newCln ? ' ' + newCln : '') :
elm.className + ' ' + cln);
function getOrigin(elm) {
var box = (elm.getBoundingClientRect) ? elm.getBoundingClientRect() : {top: 0, left: 0},
doc = elm && elm.ownerDocument,
body = doc.body,
win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow || window,
docElem = doc.documentElement || body.parentNode,
clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, // border on html or body or both
clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
return {
left: box.left + (win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft) - clientLeft,
top: + (win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop) - clientTop
function getPageXY(e) {
return {
X: e.pageX || e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
Y: e.pageY || e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop
function addEvent(obj, type, func) {
addEvent.cache = addEvent.cache || {
_get: function(obj, type, func, checkOnly) {
var cache = addEvent.cache[type] || [];
for (var n = cache.length; n--; ) {
if (obj === cache[n].obj && '' + func === '' + cache[n].func) {
func = cache[n].func;
if (!checkOnly) {
cache[n] = cache[n].obj = cache[n].func = null;
cache.splice(n, 1);
return func;
_set: function(obj, type, func) {
var cache = addEvent.cache[type] = addEvent.cache[type] || [];
if (addEvent.cache._get(obj, type, func, true)) {
return true;
} else {
func: func,
obj: obj
if (! && addEvent.cache._set(obj, type, func) || typeof func !== 'function') {
if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(type, func, false);
else obj.attachEvent("on" + type, func);
function removeEvent(obj, type, func) {
if (typeof func !== 'function') return;
if (! {
func = addEvent.cache._get(obj, type, func) || func;
if (obj.removeEventListener) obj.removeEventListener(type, func, false);
else obj.detachEvent("on" + type, func);
function caret(target, pos) { // only for contenteditable
var out = {};
if (pos === undefined) { // get
if (window.getSelection) { // HTML5
var range1 = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0),
range2 = range1.cloneRange();
range2.setEnd(range1.endContainer, range1.endOffset);
out = {
end: range2.toString().length,
range: range1.toString().length
} else { // IE < 9
var range1 = document.selection.createRange(),
range2 = document.body.createTextRange();
range2.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range1);
out = {
end: range2.text.length,
range: range1.text.length
out.start = out.end - out.range;
return out;
// set
if (pos == -1) pos = target['text']().length;
if (window.getSelection) { // HTML5
window.getSelection().collapse(target.firstChild, pos);
} else { // IE < 9
var range = document.body.createTextRange();
range.moveStart('character', pos);
return pos;
// ------------- requestAnimationFrame shim ------------- //
// ---------- quite optimized for minification ---------- //
for(var n = vendors.length; n-- && !window[requestAnimationFrame]; ) {
window[requestAnimationFrame] = window[vendors[n] + 'Request' + animationFrame];
window[cancelAnimationFrame] = window[vendors[n] + 'Cancel' + animationFrame] ||
window[vendors[n] + 'CancelRequest' + animationFrame];
window[requestAnimationFrame] = window[requestAnimationFrame] || function(callback) {
// this is good enough... and better than setTimeout
return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / _options.fps);
// return _renderTimer ? _renderTimer : window.setInterval(callback, 1000 / _options.fps);
window[cancelAnimationFrame] = window[cancelAnimationFrame] || function(id) {
// console.log('OFF-', id + '-' + _renderTimer)
return _renderTimer = null;