;(function(window, undefined){ "use strict" var _data = window.ColorPicker, // will be deleted in buildView() and holds: // window.ColorPicker = { // comes from colorPicker.data.js and will be overwritten. // _html: ..., // holds the HTML markup of colorPicker // _cssFunc: ..., // CSS for all the sliders // _cssMain: ..., // CSS of the GUI // _horizontalPng: ..., // horizontal background images for sliders // _verticalPng: ..., // vertical background images for sliders // _patchesPng: ..., // background images for square sliders in RGB mode // _iconsPng: ..., // some icon sprite images // _bgsPng: ..., // some more icon sprite images // _blankPng: ... // the blank 16x16px image for the transparent cursor // } _devMode = !_data, // if no _data we assume that colorPicker.data.js is missing (for development) _isIE = document.createStyleSheet !== undefined && document.getElementById || !!window.MSInputMethodContext, _doesOpacity = typeof document.body.style.opacity !== 'undefined', // _isIE8 = _isIE && document.querySelectorAll, _valueRanges = {}, // will be assigned in initInstance() by Colors instance // _valueRanges = { // rgb: {r: [0, 255], g: [0, 255], b: [0, 255]}, // hsv: {h: [0, 360], s: [0, 100], v: [0, 100]}, // hsl: {h: [0, 360], s: [0, 100], l: [0, 100]}, // cmyk: {c: [0, 100], m: [0, 100], y: [0, 100], k: [0, 100]}, // cmy: {c: [0, 100], m: [0, 100], y: [0, 100]}, // XYZ: {X: [0, 100], Y: [0, 100], Z: [0, 100]}, // Lab: {L: [0, 100], a: [-128, 127], b: [-128, 127]}, // alpha: {alpha: [0, 1]}, // HEX: {HEX: [0, 16777215]} // }, _bgTypes = {w: 'White', b: 'Black', c: 'Custom'}, _mouseMoveAction, // current mouseMove handler assigned on mouseDown _action = '', // needed for action callback; needed due to minification of javaScript _mainTarget, // target on mouseDown, might be parent element though... _valueType, // check this variable; gets missused/polutet over time _delayState = 1, // mouseMove offset (y-axis) in display elements // same here... _startCoords = {}, _targetOrigin = {}, _renderTimer, // animationFrame/interval variable _newData = true, // _txt = { // selection: document.selection || window.getSelection(), // range: (document.createRange ? document.createRange() : document.body.createTextRange()) // }, _renderVars = {}, // used only in renderAll and convertColors _cashedVars = {}, // reset in initSliders _colorPicker, _previousInstance, // only used for recycling purposes in buildView() _colorInstance = {}, _colors = {}, _options = {}, _nodes = {}, animationFrame = 'AnimationFrame', // we also need this later requestAnimationFrame = 'request' + animationFrame, cancelAnimationFrame = 'cancel' + animationFrame, vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'], ColorPicker = function(options) { // as tiny as possible... this.options = { color: 'rgba(204, 82, 37, 0.8)', mode: 'rgb-b', fps: 60, // 1000 / 60 = ~16.7ms delayOffset: 8, CSSPrefix: 'cp-', allMixDetails: true, alphaBG: 'w', imagePath: '' // devPicker: false // uses existing HTML for development... // noAlpha: true, // customBG: '#808080' // size: 0, // cmyOnly: false, // initStyle: 'display: none', // memoryColors: "'rgba(82,80,151,1)','rgba(100,200,10,0.5)','rgba(100,0,0,1)','rgba(0,0,0,1)'" // memoryColors: [{r: 100, g: 200, b: 10, a: 0.5}] // // opacityPositionRelative: undefined, // customCSS: undefined, // appendTo: document.body, // noRangeBackground: false, // textRight: false, ????? // noHexButton: false, // noResize: false, // noRGBr: false, // noRGBg: false, // noRGBb: false, // ------ CSSStrength: 'div.', // XYZMatrix: XYZMatrix, // XYZReference: {}, // grey: grey, // luminance: luminance, // renderCallback: undefined, // actionCallback: undefined, // convertCallback: undefined, }; initInstance(this, options || {}); }; window.ColorPicker = ColorPicker; // export differently ColorPicker.addEvent = addEvent; ColorPicker.removeEvent = removeEvent; ColorPicker.getOrigin = getOrigin; ColorPicker.limitValue = limitValue; ColorPicker.changeClass = changeClass; // ------------------------------------------------------ // ColorPicker.prototype.setColor = function(newCol, type, alpha, forceRender) { focusInstance(this); _valueType = true; // right cursor... // https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Optimization-killers preRenderAll(_colorInstance.setColor.apply(_colorInstance, arguments)); if (forceRender) { this.startRender(true); } }; ColorPicker.prototype.saveAsBackground = function() { focusInstance(this); return saveAsBackground(true); }; ColorPicker.prototype.setCustomBackground = function(col) { focusInstance(this); // needed??? return _colorInstance.setCustomBackground(col); }; ColorPicker.prototype.startRender = function(oneTime) { focusInstance(this); if (oneTime) { _mouseMoveAction = false; // prevents window[requestAnimationFrame] in renderAll() renderAll(); this.stopRender(); } else { _mouseMoveAction = 1; _renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll); } }; ColorPicker.prototype.stopRender = function() { focusInstance(this); // check again window[cancelAnimationFrame](_renderTimer); if (_valueType) { // renderAll(); _mouseMoveAction = 1; stopChange(undefined, 'external'); // _valueType = undefined; } }; ColorPicker.prototype.setMode = function(mode) { // check again ... right cursor focusInstance(this); setMode(mode); initSliders(); renderAll(); }; ColorPicker.prototype.destroyAll = function() { // check this again... var html = this.nodes.colorPicker, destroyReferences = function(nodes) { for (var n in nodes) { if (nodes[n] && nodes[n].toString() === '[object Object]' || nodes[n] instanceof Array) { destroyReferences(nodes[n]); } nodes[n] = null; delete nodes[n]; } }; this.stopRender(); installEventListeners(this, true); destroyReferences(this); html.parentNode.removeChild(html); html = null; }; ColorPicker.prototype.renderMemory = function(memory) { var memos = this.nodes.memos, tmp = []; if (typeof memory === 'string') { // revisit!!! memory = memory.replace(/^'|'$/g, '').replace(/\s*/, '').split('\',\''); } for (var n = memos.length; n--; ) { // check again how to handle alpha... if (memory && typeof memory[n] === 'string') { tmp = memory[n].replace('rgba(', '').replace(')', '').split(','); memory[n] = {r: tmp[0], g: tmp[1], b: tmp[2], a: tmp[3]} } memos[n].style.cssText = 'background-color: ' + (memory && memory[n] !== undefined ? color2string(memory[n]) + ';' + getOpacityCSS(memory[n]['a'] || 1) : 'rgb(0,0,0);'); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------ // function initInstance(THIS, options) { var exporter, // do something here.. mode = '', CSSPrefix = '', optionButtons; for (var option in options) { // deep copy ?? THIS.options[option] = options[option]; } _colorInstance = new Colors(THIS.options); // We transfer the responsibility to the instance of Color (to save space and memory) delete THIS.options; _options = _colorInstance.options; _options.scale = 1; CSSPrefix = _options.CSSPrefix; THIS.color = _colorInstance; // check this again... _valueRanges = _options.valueRanges; THIS.nodes = _nodes = getInstanceNodes(buildView(THIS), THIS); // ha, ha,... make this different setMode(_options.mode); focusInstance(THIS); saveAsBackground(); mode = ' ' + _options.mode.type + '-' + _options.mode.z; _nodes.slds.className += mode; _nodes.panel.className += mode; //_nodes.colorPicker.className += ' cmy-' + _options.cmyOnly; if (_options.noHexButton) { changeClass(_nodes.HEX_butt, CSSPrefix + 'butt', CSSPrefix + 'labl'); } if (_options.size !== undefined) { resizeApp(undefined, _options.size); } optionButtons = { alphaBG: _nodes.alpha_labl, cmyOnly: _nodes.HEX_labl // test... take out }; for (var n in optionButtons) { if (_options[n] !== undefined) { buttonActions({target: optionButtons[n], data: _options[n]}); } } if (_options.noAlpha) { _nodes.colorPicker.className += ' no-alpha'; // IE6 ??? maybe for IE6 on document.body } THIS.renderMemory(_options.memoryColors); installEventListeners(THIS); _mouseMoveAction = true; stopChange(undefined, 'init'); if (_previousInstance) { focusInstance(_previousInstance); renderAll(); } } function focusInstance(THIS) { _newData = true; if (_colorPicker !== THIS) { _colorPicker = THIS; _colors = THIS.color.colors; _options = THIS.color.options; _nodes = THIS.nodes; _colorInstance = THIS.color; _cashedVars = {}; preRenderAll(_colors); } } function getUISizes() { var sizes = ['L', 'S', 'XS', 'XXS']; _options.sizes = {}; _nodes.testNode.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:-1000px;top:-1000px;'; document.body.appendChild(_nodes.testNode); for (var n = sizes.length; n--; ) { _nodes.testNode.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'app ' + sizes[n]; _options.sizes[sizes[n]] = [_nodes.testNode.offsetWidth, _nodes.testNode.offsetHeight]; } if (_nodes.testNode.removeNode) { // old IEs _nodes.testNode.removeNode(true); } else { document.body.removeChild(_nodes.testNode); } } function buildView(THIS) { var app = document.createElement('div'), prefix = _options.CSSPrefix, urlData = 'data:image/png;base64,', addStyleSheet = function(cssText, id) { var style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); if (id) { style.setAttribute('id', id); } if (!style.styleSheet) { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssText)); } document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); if (style.styleSheet) { // IE compatible document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1].cssText = cssText; } }, processCSS = function(doesBAS64){ // CSS - system _data._cssFunc = _data._cssFunc. replace(/§/g, prefix). replace('_patches.png', doesBAS64 ? urlData + _data._patchesPng : _options.imagePath + '_patches.png'). replace('_vertical.png', doesBAS64 ? urlData + _data._verticalPng : _options.imagePath + '_vertical.png'). replace('_horizontal.png', doesBAS64 ? urlData + _data._horizontalPng : _options.imagePath + '_horizontal.png'); addStyleSheet(_data._cssFunc, 'colorPickerCSS'); // CSS - main if (!_options.customCSS) { _data._cssMain = _data._cssMain. replace(/§/g, prefix). replace('_bgs.png', doesBAS64 ? urlData + _data._bgsPng : _options.imagePath + '_bgs.png'). replace('_icons.png', doesBAS64 ? urlData + _data._iconsPng : _options.imagePath + '_icons.png'). replace('_blank.png', !_isIE ? urlData + _data._blankPng : _options.imagePath + '_blank.cur'). // replace('"Courier New",', !_isIE ? '' : '"Courier New",'). replace(/opacity:(\d*\.*(\d+))/g, function($1, $2){ return !_doesOpacity ? '-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=' + Math.round(+$2 * 100) + ')";filter: alpha(opacity=' + Math.round(+$2 * 100) + ')' : '-moz-opacity: ' + $2 + '; -khtml-opacity: ' + $2 + '; opacity: ' + $2; }); // style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(_data._cssFunc)); addStyleSheet(_data._cssMain); } for (var n in _data) { // almost 25k of memory ;o) _data[n] = null; } }, test = document.createElement('img'); // development mode if (_devMode) { return THIS.color.options.devPicker; } // HTML if (_previousInstance = _colorPicker) { // we need to be careful with recycling HTML as slider calssNames might have been changed... initSliders(); } // app.innerHTML = _colorPicker ? _colorPicker.nodes.colorPicker.outerHTML : _data._html.replace(/§/g, prefix); // faster ... FF8.0 (2011) though (but IE4) // outerHTML ... FF11 (2013) app.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', _colorPicker ? _colorPicker.nodes.colorPicker.outerHTML : _data._html.replace(/§/g, prefix)); // _html = null; // CSS if (!document.getElementById('colorPickerCSS')) { // only once needed test.onload = test.onerror = function(){ if (_data._cssFunc) { processCSS(this.width === 1 && this.height === 1); } }; test.src = ""; } app = app.children[0]; app.style.cssText = _options.initStyle || ''; // for initial hiding... // get a better addClass for this.... // app.className = app.className.split(' ')[0]; // cleanup for multy instances return (_options.appendTo || document.body).appendChild(app); } function getInstanceNodes(colorPicker, THIS) { // check nodes again... are they all needed? var all = colorPicker.getElementsByTagName('*'), nodes = {colorPicker: colorPicker}, // length ?? // rename nodes.colorPicker node, className, memoCounter = 0, regexp = new RegExp(_options.CSSPrefix); // nodes.displayStyles = {}; // not needed ... or change to CSS nodes.styles = {}; // nodes.styles.displays = {}; nodes.textNodes = {}; nodes.memos = []; nodes.testNode = document.createElement('div'); for (var n = 0, m = all.length; n < m; n++) { node = all[n]; if ((className = node.className) && regexp.test(className)) { className = className.split(' ')[0].replace(_options.CSSPrefix, '').replace(/-/g, '_'); if (/_disp/.test(className)) { className = className.replace('_disp', ''); // nodes.styles.displays[className] = node.style; nodes.styles[className] = node.style; nodes.textNodes[className] = node.firstChild; node.contentEditable = true; // does this slow down rendering?? } else { if (!(/(?:hs|cmyk|Lab).*?(?:butt|labl)/.test(className))) { nodes[className] = node; } if (/(?:cur|sld[^s]|opacity|cont|col)/.test(className)) { nodes.styles[className] = /(?:col\d)/.test(className) ? node.children[0].style : node.style; } } } else if (/memo/.test(node.parentNode.className)) { nodes.memos.push(node); } } // Chrome bug: focuses contenteditable on mouse over while dragging nodes.panelCover = nodes.panel.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); return nodes; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // // ---- Add event listners to colorPicker and window ---- // // -------------------------------------------------------// function installEventListeners(THIS, off) { var onOffEvent = off ? removeEvent : addEvent; onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'mousedown', function(e) { var event = e || window.event, page = getPageXY(event), target = event.target || event.srcElement, className = target.className; focusInstance(THIS); _mainTarget = target; stopChange(undefined, 'resetEventListener'); _action = ''; // needed due to minification of javaScript if (target === _nodes.sldl_3 || target === _nodes.curm) { _mainTarget = _nodes.sldl_3; _mouseMoveAction = changeXYValue; _action = 'changeXYValue'; changeClass(_nodes.slds, 'do-drag'); } else if (/sldr/.test(className) || target === _nodes.curl || target === _nodes.curr) { _mainTarget = _nodes.sldr_4; _mouseMoveAction = changeZValue; _action = 'changeZValue'; } else if (target === _nodes.opacity.children[0] || target === _nodes.opacity_slider) { _mainTarget = _nodes.opacity; _mouseMoveAction = changeOpacityValue; _action = 'changeOpacityValue'; } else if (/-disp/.test(className) && !/HEX-/.test(className)) { _mouseMoveAction = changeInputValue; _action = 'changeInputValue'; (target.nextSibling.nodeType === 3 ? target.nextSibling.nextSibling : target.nextSibling). appendChild(_nodes.nsarrow); // nextSibling for better text selection _valueType = className.split('-disp')[0].split('-'); _valueType = {type: _valueType[0], z: _valueType[1] || ''}; changeClass(_nodes.panel, 'start-change'); _delayState = 0; } else if (target === _nodes.resize && !_options.noResize) { if (!_options.sizes) { getUISizes(); } _mainTarget = _nodes.resizer; _mouseMoveAction = resizeApp; _action = 'resizeApp'; } else { _mouseMoveAction = undefined; } if (_mouseMoveAction) { _startCoords = {pageX: page.X, pageY: page.Y}; _mainTarget.style.display = 'block'; // for resizer... _targetOrigin = getOrigin(_mainTarget); _targetOrigin.width = _nodes.opacity.offsetWidth; // ??????? _targetOrigin.childWidth = _nodes.opacity_slider.offsetWidth; // ??????? _mainTarget.style.display = ''; // ??? for resizer... _mouseMoveAction(event); addEvent(_isIE ? document.body : window, 'mousemove', _mouseMoveAction); _renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll); } else { // console.log(className) // console.log(THIS.nodes[className.split(' ')[0].replace('cp-', '').replace('-', '_')]) // resize, button states, etc... } // if (_mouseMoveAction !== changeInputValue) preventDefault(event); if (!/-disp/.test(className)) { return preventDefault(event); // document.activeElement.blur(); } }); onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'click', function(e) { focusInstance(THIS); buttonActions(e); }); onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'dblclick', buttonActions); onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'keydown', function(e) { focusInstance(THIS); keyControl(e); }); // keydown is before keypress and focuses already onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'keypress', keyControl); // onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'keyup', keyControl); onOffEvent(_nodes.colorPicker, 'paste', function(e) { e.target.firstChild.data = e.clipboardData.getData('Text'); return preventDefault(e); }); } addEvent(_isIE ? document.body : window, 'mouseup', stopChange); // ------------------------------------------------------ // // --------- Event listner's callback functions -------- // // -------------------------------------------------------// function stopChange(e, action) { var mouseMoveAction = _mouseMoveAction; if (_mouseMoveAction) { // why??? please test again... // if (document.selection && _mouseMoveAction !== changeInputValue) { // //ie -> prevent showing the accelerator menu // document.selection.empty(); // } window[cancelAnimationFrame](_renderTimer); removeEvent(_isIE ? document.body : window, 'mousemove', _mouseMoveAction); if (_delayState) { // hapens on inputs _valueType = {type: 'alpha'}; renderAll(); } // this is dirty... has to do with M|W|! button if (typeof _mouseMoveAction === 'function' || typeof _mouseMoveAction === 'number') { delete _options.webUnsave; } _delayState = 1; _mouseMoveAction = undefined; changeClass(_nodes.slds, 'do-drag', ''); changeClass(_nodes.panel, '(?:start-change|do-change)', ''); _nodes.resizer.style.cssText = ''; _nodes.panelCover.style.cssText = ''; _nodes.memo_store.style.cssText = 'background-color: ' + color2string(_colors.RND.rgb) + '; ' + getOpacityCSS(_colors.alpha); _nodes.memo.className = _nodes.memo.className.replace(/\s+(?:dark|light)/, '') + // (/dark/.test(_nodes.colorPicker.className) ? ' dark' : ' light'); (_colors['rgbaMix' + _bgTypes[_options.alphaBG]].luminance < 0.22 ? ' dark' : ' light'); // (_colors.rgbaMixCustom.luminance < 0.22 ? ' dark' : ' light') _valueType = undefined; resetCursors(); if (_options.actionCallback) { _options.actionCallback(e, _action || mouseMoveAction.name || action || 'external'); } } } function changeXYValue(e) { var event = e || window.event, scale = _options.scale, page = getPageXY(event), x = (page.X - _targetOrigin.left) * (scale === 4 ? 2 : scale), y = (page.Y - _targetOrigin.top) * scale, mode = _options.mode; _colors[mode.type][mode.x] = limitValue(x / 255, 0, 1); _colors[mode.type][mode.y] = 1 - limitValue(y / 255, 0, 1); convertColors(); return preventDefault(event); } function changeZValue(e) { // make this part of changeXYValue var event = e || window.event, page = getPageXY(event), z = (page.Y - _targetOrigin.top) * _options.scale, mode = _options.mode; _colors[mode.type][mode.z] = 1 - limitValue(z / 255, 0, 1); convertColors(); return preventDefault(event); } function changeOpacityValue(e) { var event = e || window.event, page = getPageXY(event); _newData = true; _colors.alpha = limitValue(Math.round( (page.X - _targetOrigin.left) / _targetOrigin.width * 100), 0, 100 ) / 100; convertColors('alpha'); return preventDefault(event); } function changeInputValue(e) { var event = e || window.event, page = getPageXY(event), delta = _startCoords.pageY - page.Y, delayOffset = _options.delayOffset, type = _valueType.type, isAlpha = type === 'alpha', ranges; if (_delayState || Math.abs(delta) >= delayOffset) { if (!_delayState) { _delayState = (delta > 0 ? -delayOffset : delayOffset) + (+_mainTarget.firstChild.data) * (isAlpha ? 100 : 1); _startCoords.pageY += _delayState; delta += _delayState; _delayState = 1; changeClass(_nodes.panel, 'start-change', 'do-change'); _nodes.panelCover.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0'; // window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.selection.empty(); document.activeElement.blur(); _renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll); } if (type === 'cmyk' && _options.cmyOnly) { type = 'cmy'; } if (isAlpha) { _newData = true; _colors.alpha = limitValue(delta / 100, 0, 1); } else { ranges = _valueRanges[type][_valueType.z]; _colors[type][_valueType.z] = type === 'Lab' ? limitValue(delta, ranges[0], ranges[1]) : limitValue(delta / ranges[1], 0, 1); } convertColors(isAlpha ? 'alpha' : type); // event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. // event.returnValue = false; // see: pauseEvent(event); return preventDefault(event); } } function keyControl(e) { // this is quite big for what it does... var event = e || window.event, keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode, key = String.fromCharCode(keyCode), elm = document.activeElement, cln = elm.className.replace(_options.CSSPrefix, '').split('-'), type = cln[0], mode = cln[1], isAlpha = type === 'alpha', isHex = type === 'HEX', arrowKey = {k40: -1, k38: 1, k34: -10, k33: 10}['k' + keyCode] / (isAlpha ? 100 : 1), validKeys = {'HEX': /[0-9a-fA-F]/, 'Lab': /[\-0-9]/, 'alpha': /[\.0-9]/}[type] || /[0-9]/, valueRange = _valueRanges[type][type] || _valueRanges[type][mode], // let op! textNode = elm.firstChild, // chnge on TAB key rangeData = caret(elm), origValue = textNode.data, // do not change value, val = origValue === '0' && !isHex ? [] : origValue.split(''); // gefixt if (/^(?:27|13)$/.test(keyCode)) { // ENTER || ESC preventDefault(event); elm.blur(); } else if (event.type === 'keydown') { // functional keys if (arrowKey) { // arrow/page keys value = limitValue(Math.round((+origValue + arrowKey) * 1e+6) / 1e+6, valueRange[0], valueRange[1]); } else if (/^(?:8|46)$/.test(keyCode)) { // DELETE / BACKSPACE if (!rangeData.range) { rangeData.range++; rangeData.start -= keyCode === 8 ? 1 : 0; } val.splice(rangeData.start, rangeData.range); value = val.join('') || '0'; // never loose elm.firstChild } if (value !== undefined) { // prevent keypress preventDefault(event, true); } } else if (event.type === 'keypress') { if (!/^(?:37|39|8|46|9)$/.test(keyCode)) { // left, right,DEL, BACK, TAB for FF preventDefault(event, true); } if (validKeys.test(key)) { // regular input val.splice(rangeData.start, rangeData.range, key); value = val.join(''); } rangeData.start++; } if (keyCode === 13 && isHex) { if (textNode.data.length % 3 === 0 || textNode.data === '0') { // textNode.data.length && return _colorPicker.setColor(textNode.data === '0' ? '000' : textNode.data, 'rgb', _colors.alpha, true); } else { preventDefault(event, true); return elm.focus(); } } if (isHex && value !== undefined) { value = /^0+/.test(value) ? value : parseInt(''+value, 16) || 0; } if (value !== undefined && value !== '' && +value >= valueRange[0] && +value <= valueRange[1]) { if (isHex) { value = value.toString(16).toUpperCase() || '0'; } if (isAlpha) { _colors[type] = +value; } else if (!isHex) { _colors[type][mode] = +value / (type === 'Lab' ? 1 : valueRange[1]); } convertColors(isAlpha ? 'alpha' : type); preRenderAll(_colors); _mouseMoveAction = true; stopChange(e, event.type); textNode.data = value; // if caret(elm, Math.min(elm.firstChild.data.length, rangeData.start < 0 ? 0 : rangeData.start)); } } function buttonActions(e) { var event = e || window.event, target = event.target || event.srcElement, targetClass = target.className, parent = target.parentNode, options = _options, RGB = _colors.RND.rgb, customBG, alphaBG, mode = _options.mode, newMode = '', prefix = options.CSSPrefix, isModeButton = /(?:hs|rgb)/.test(parent.className) && /^[HSBLRG]$/.test( target.firstChild ? target.firstChild.data : '' ), isDblClick = /dblc/.test(event.type), buttonAction = ''; // think this over again.... if (isDblClick && !isModeButton) { return; } else if (targetClass.indexOf('-labl ' + prefix + 'labl') !== -1) { // HSB -> HSL; CMYK -> Lab buttons changeClass(_nodes[targetClass.split('-')[0]], prefix + 'hide', ''); changeClass(_nodes[parent.className.split('-')[1]], prefix + 'hide'); } else if (targetClass.indexOf(prefix + 'butt') !== -1) { // BUTTONS if (isModeButton) { // set render modes if (isDblClick && _options.scale === 2) { newMode = /hs/.test(mode.type) ? 'rgb' : /hide/.test(_nodes.hsl.className) ? 'hsv' : 'hsl'; newMode = newMode + '-' + newMode[mode.type.indexOf(mode.z)]; } _colorPicker.setMode(newMode ? newMode : targetClass.replace('-butt', '').split(' ')[0]); buttonAction = 'modeChange'; } else if (/^[rgb]/.test(targetClass)) { // no vertical slider rendering in RGB mode newMode = targetClass.split('-')[1]; changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'no-rgb-' + newMode, (options['noRGB' + newMode] = !options['noRGB' + newMode]) ? undefined : ''); buttonAction = 'noRGB' + newMode; // preRenderAll(); } else if (target === _nodes.alpha_labl) { // alpha button right (background of raster) customBG = options.customBG; alphaBG = options.alphaBG; changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'alpha-bg-' + alphaBG, 'alpha-bg-' + (alphaBG = options.alphaBG = e.data || (alphaBG === 'w' ? (customBG ? 'c' : 'b') : alphaBG === 'c' ? 'b' : 'w'))); target.firstChild.data = alphaBG.toUpperCase(); _nodes.ctrl.style.backgroundColor = _nodes.memo.style.backgroundColor = alphaBG !== 'c' ? '' : 'rgb(' + Math.round(customBG.r * 255) + ', ' + Math.round(customBG.g * 255) + ', ' + Math.round(customBG.b * 255) + ')'; _nodes.raster.style.cssText = _nodes.raster_bg.previousSibling.style.cssText = alphaBG !== 'c' ? '' : getOpacityCSS(customBG.luminance < 0.22 ? 0.5 : 0.4); buttonAction = 'alphaBackground'; } else if (target === _nodes.alpha_butt) { // alpha button left (disable alpha rendering) changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'mute-alpha', (options.muteAlpha = !options.muteAlpha) ? undefined : ''); buttonAction = 'alphaState'; } else if (target === _nodes.HEX_butt) { // make it on/off changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'no-HEX', (options.HEXState = !options.HEXState) ? undefined : ''); buttonAction = 'HEXState'; } else if (target === _nodes.HEX_labl) { // web save state change var isWebSave = _colors.saveColor === 'web save'; if (_colors.saveColor !== 'web smart' && !isWebSave) { options.webUnsave = copyColor(RGB); _colorPicker.setColor(_colors.webSmart, 'rgb'); } else if (!isWebSave) { if (!options.webUnsave) { options.webUnsave = copyColor(RGB); } _colorPicker.setColor(_colors.webSave, 'rgb'); } else { _colorPicker.setColor(options.webUnsave, 'rgb'); } buttonAction = 'webColorState'; } else if (/Lab-x-labl/.test(targetClass)) { //target === _nodes.cmyk_type) { // switch between CMYK and CMY changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, 'cmy-only', (options.cmyOnly = !options.cmyOnly) ? undefined : ''); buttonAction = 'cmykState'; } } else if (target === _nodes.bsav) { // SAVE saveAsBackground(); buttonAction = 'saveAsBackground'; } else if (target === _nodes.bres) { // RESET var tmpColor = copyColor(RGB), tmpAlpha = _colors.alpha; // a bit heavy but... doesn't matter here // newCol, type, alpha, forceRender _colorPicker.setColor(options.color); saveAsBackground(); _colorPicker.setColor(tmpColor, 'rgb', tmpAlpha); buttonAction = 'resetColor'; } else if (parent === _nodes.col1) { // COLOR left // _colors.hsv.h = (_colors.hsv.h + 0.5) % 1; // not acurate _colors.hsv.h -= (_colors.hsv.h > 0.5 ? 0.5 : -0.5); convertColors('hsv'); buttonAction = 'shiftColor'; } else if (parent === _nodes.col2) { // COLOR right _colorPicker.setColor(target.style.backgroundColor, 'rgb', _colors.background.alpha); buttonAction = 'setSavedColor'; } else if (parent === _nodes.memo) { // MEMORIES // revisit... var resetBlink = function() { if (_nodes.memos.blinker) _nodes.memos.blinker.style.cssText = _nodes.memos.cssText; }, doBlink = function(elm) { _nodes.memos.blinker = elm; elm.style.cssText = 'background-color:' + (_colors.RGBLuminance > 0.22 ? '#333' : '#DDD'); window.setTimeout(resetBlink, 200); }; if (target === _nodes.memo_cursor) { // save color in memo resetBlink(); _nodes.memos.blinker = undefined; _nodes.testNode.style.cssText = _nodes.memo_store.style.cssText; _nodes.memos.cssText = _nodes.testNode.style.cssText; // ...how browser sees css for (var n = _nodes.memos.length - 1; n--; ) { // check if color already exists if (_nodes.memos.cssText === _nodes.memos[n].style.cssText) { doBlink(_nodes.memos[n]); // sets _nodes.memos.blinker break; } } if (!_nodes.memos.blinker) { // right shift colors for (var n = _nodes.memos.length - 1; n--; ) { _nodes.memos[n + 1].style.cssText = _nodes.memos[n].style.cssText; } _nodes.memos[0].style.cssText = _nodes.memo_store.style.cssText; } buttonAction = 'toMemery'; } else { // reset color from memo resetBlink(); _colorPicker.setColor(target.style.backgroundColor, 'rgb', target.style.opacity || 1); _nodes.memos.cssText = target.style.cssText; doBlink(target); // this is dirty... has to do with M|W|! button _mouseMoveAction = 1; buttonAction = 'fromMemory'; } } // think this over again, does this need to be like this?? if (buttonAction) { preRenderAll(_colors); _mouseMoveAction = _mouseMoveAction || true; // !!!! search for: // this is dirty... stopChange(e, buttonAction); } } function resizeApp(e, size) { var event = e || window.event, page = event ? getPageXY(event) : {}, isSize = size !== undefined, x = isSize ? size : page.X - _targetOrigin.left + 8, y = isSize ? size : page.Y - _targetOrigin.top + 8, values = [' S XS XXS', ' S XS', ' S', ''], sizes = _options.sizes, // from getUISizes(); currentSize = isSize ? size : y < sizes.XXS[1] + 25 ? 0 : x < sizes.XS[0] + 25 ? 1 : x < sizes.S[0] + 25 || y < sizes.S[1] + 25 ? 2 : 3, value = values[currentSize], isXXS = false, mode, tmp = ''; if (_cashedVars.resizer !== value) { isXXS = /XX/.test(value); mode = _options.mode; if (isXXS && (!/hs/.test(mode.type) || mode.z === 'h')) { tmp = mode.type + '-' + mode.z; _colorPicker.setMode(/hs/.test(mode.type) ? mode.type + '-s': 'hsv-s'); _options.mode.original = tmp; } else if (mode.original) { // setMode(mode) creates a new object so mode.original gets deleted automatically _colorPicker.setMode(mode.original); } _nodes.colorPicker.className = _nodes.colorPicker.className.replace(/\s+(?:S|XS|XXS)/g, '') + value; _options.scale = isXXS ? 4 : /S/.test(value) ? 2 : 1; _options.currentSize = currentSize; _cashedVars.resizer = value; // fix this... from this point on inside if() ... convertColors(); _newData = true; renderAll(); resetCursors(); } _nodes.resizer.style.cssText = 'display: block;' + 'width: ' + (x > 10 ? x : 10) + 'px;' + 'height: ' + (y > 10 ? y : 10) + 'px;'; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // // --- Colors calculation and rendering related stuff --- // // -------------------------------------------------------// function setMode(mode) { var ModeMatrix = { rgb_r : {x: 'b', y: 'g'}, rgb_g : {x: 'b', y: 'r'}, rgb_b : {x: 'r', y: 'g'}, hsv_h : {x: 's', y: 'v'}, hsv_s : {x: 'h', y: 'v'}, hsv_v : {x: 'h', y: 's'}, hsl_h : {x: 's', y: 'l'}, hsl_s : {x: 'h', y: 'l'}, hsl_l : {x: 'h', y: 's'} }, key = mode.replace('-', '_'), regex = '\\b(?:rg|hs)\\w\\-\\w\\b'; // \\b\\w{3}\\-\\w\\b'; // changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, '(?:.*?)$', mode); // changeClass(_nodes.colorPicker, '\\b\\w{3}\\-\\w\\b', mode); // changeClass(_nodes.slds, '\\b\\w{3}\\-\\w\\b', mode); changeClass(_nodes.panel, regex, mode); changeClass(_nodes.slds, regex, mode); mode = mode.split('-'); return _options.mode = { type: mode[0], x: ModeMatrix[key].x, y: ModeMatrix[key].y, z: mode[1] }; } function initSliders() { // function name... var regex = /\s+(?:hue-)*(?:dark|light)/g, className = 'className'; // minification _nodes.curl[className] = _nodes.curl[className].replace(regex, ''); // ..... _nodes.curr[className] = _nodes.curr[className].replace(regex, ''); // ..... _nodes.slds[className] = _nodes.slds[className].replace(regex, ''); // var sldrs = ['sldr_2', 'sldr_4', 'sldl_3']; // for (var n = sldrs.length; n--; ) { // _nodes[sldrs[n]][className] = _options.CSSPrefix + sldrs[n].replace('_', '-'); // } _nodes.sldr_2[className] = _options.CSSPrefix + 'sldr-2'; _nodes.sldr_4[className] = _options.CSSPrefix + 'sldr-4'; _nodes.sldl_3[className] = _options.CSSPrefix + 'sldl-3'; for (var style in _nodes.styles) { if (!style.indexOf('sld')) _nodes.styles[style].cssText = ''; } _cashedVars = {}; } function resetCursors() { // _renderVars.isNoRGB = undefined; _nodes.styles.curr.cssText = _nodes.styles.curl.cssText; // only coordinates _nodes.curl.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'curl' + ( _renderVars.noRGBZ ? ' ' + _options.CSSPrefix + 'curl-' +_renderVars.noRGBZ: ''); _nodes.curr.className = _options.CSSPrefix + 'curr ' + _options.CSSPrefix + 'curr-' + (_options.mode.z === 'h' ? _renderVars.HUEContrast : _renderVars.noRGBZ ? _renderVars.noRGBZ : _renderVars.RGBLuminance); } function convertColors(type) { preRenderAll(_colorInstance.setColor(undefined, type || _options.mode.type)); _newData = true; } function saveAsBackground(refresh) { _colorInstance.saveAsBackground(); _nodes.styles.col2.cssText = 'background-color: ' + color2string(_colors.background.RGB) + ';' + getOpacityCSS(_colors.background.alpha); if (refresh) { preRenderAll(_colors); // renderAll(); } return (_colors); } function preRenderAll(colors) { var renderVars = _renderVars, bgType = _bgTypes[_options.alphaBG]; renderVars.hueDelta = Math.round(colors['rgbaMixBGMix' + bgType].hueDelta * 100); // renderVars.RGBLuminanceDelta = Math.round(colors.RGBLuminanceDelta * 100); renderVars.luminanceDelta = Math.round(colors['rgbaMixBGMix' + bgType].luminanceDelta * 100); renderVars.RGBLuminance = colors.RGBLuminance > 0.22 ? 'light' : 'dark'; renderVars.HUEContrast = colors.HUELuminance > 0.22 ? 'light' : 'dark'; // renderVars.contrast = renderVars.RGBLuminanceDelta > renderVars.hueDelta ? 'contrast' : ''; renderVars.contrast = renderVars.luminanceDelta > renderVars.hueDelta ? 'contrast' : ''; renderVars.readabiltiy = colors['rgbaMixBGMix' + bgType].WCAG2Ratio >= 7 ? 'green' : colors['rgbaMixBGMix' + bgType].WCAG2Ratio >= 4.5 ? 'orange': ''; renderVars.noRGBZ = _options['no' + _options.mode.type.toUpperCase() + _options.mode.z] ? (_options.mode.z === 'g' && colors.rgb.g < 0.59 || _options.mode.z === 'b' || _options.mode.z === 'r' ? 'dark' : 'light') : undefined; } function renderAll() { // maybe render alpha seperately... if (_mouseMoveAction) { // _renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll); if (!_newData) return (_renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll)); _newData = false; } // console.time('renderAll'); var options = _options, mode = options.mode, scale = options.scale, prefix = options.CSSPrefix, colors = _colors, nodes = _nodes, CSS = nodes.styles, textNodes = nodes.textNodes, valueRanges = _valueRanges, valueType = _valueType, renderVars = _renderVars, cashedVars = _cashedVars, a = 0, b = 0, x = colors[mode.type][mode.x], X = Math.round(x * 255 / (scale === 4 ? 2 : scale)), y_ = colors[mode.type][mode.y], y = 1 - y_, Y = Math.round(y * 255 / scale), z = 1 - colors[mode.type][mode.z], Z = Math.round(z * 255 / scale), coords = (1 === 1) ? [x, y_] : [0, 0], // (1 === 2) button label up isRGB = mode.type === 'rgb', isHue = mode.z === 'h', isHSL = mode.type === 'hsl', isHSL_S = isHSL && mode.z === 's', moveXY = _mouseMoveAction === changeXYValue, moveZ = _mouseMoveAction === changeZValue, display, tmp, value, slider; if (isRGB) { if (coords[0] >= coords[1]) b = 1; else a = 1; if (cashedVars.sliderSwap !== a) { nodes.sldr_2.className = options.CSSPrefix + 'sldr-' + (3 - a); cashedVars.sliderSwap = a; } } if ((isRGB && !moveZ) || (isHue && !moveXY) || (!isHue && !moveZ)) { CSS[isHue ? 'sldl_2' : 'sldr_2'][isRGB ? 'cssText' : 'backgroundColor'] = isRGB ? getOpacityCSS((coords[a] - coords[b]) / (1 - (coords[b]) || 0)) : color2string(colors.hueRGB); } if (!isHue) { if (!moveZ) CSS.sldr_4.cssText = getOpacityCSS(isRGB ? coords[b] : isHSL_S ? Math.abs(1 - y * 2) : y); if (!moveXY) CSS.sldl_3.cssText = getOpacityCSS(isHSL && mode.z === 'l' ? Math.abs(1 - z * 2) : z); if (isHSL) { // switch slider class name for black/white color half way through in HSL(S|L) mode(s) slider = isHSL_S ? 'sldr_4' : 'sldl_3'; tmp = isHSL_S ? 'r-' : 'l-'; value = isHSL_S ? (y > 0.5 ? 4 : 3) : (z > 0.5 ? 3 : 4); if (cashedVars[slider] !== value) { nodes[slider].className = options.CSSPrefix + 'sld' + tmp + value; cashedVars[slider] = value; } } } if (!moveZ) CSS.curm.cssText = 'left: ' + X + 'px; top: ' + Y + 'px;'; if (!moveXY) CSS.curl.top = Z + 'px'; if (valueType) CSS.curr.top = Z + 'px'; // && valueType.type !== mode.type if ((valueType && valueType.type === 'alpha') || _mainTarget === nodes.opacity) { CSS.opacity_slider.left = options.opacityPositionRelative ? (colors.alpha * ( (_targetOrigin.width || nodes.opacity.offsetWidth) - (_targetOrigin.childWidth || nodes.opacity_slider.offsetWidth))) + 'px' : (colors.alpha * 100) + '%'; } CSS.col1.cssText = 'background-color: ' + color2string(colors.RND.rgb) + '; ' + (options.muteAlpha ? '' : getOpacityCSS(colors.alpha)); CSS.opacity.backgroundColor = color2string(colors.RND.rgb); CSS.cold.width = renderVars.hueDelta + '%'; CSS.cont.width = renderVars.luminanceDelta + '%'; for (display in textNodes) { tmp = display.split('_'); if (options.cmyOnly) { tmp[0] = tmp[0].replace('k', ''); } value = tmp[1] ? colors.RND[tmp[0]][tmp[1]] : colors.RND[tmp[0]] || colors[tmp[0]]; if (cashedVars[display] !== value) { cashedVars[display] = value; textNodes[display].data = value > 359.5 && display !== 'HEX' ? 0 : value; if (display !== 'HEX' && !options.noRangeBackground) { value = colors[tmp[0]][tmp[1]] !== undefined ? colors[tmp[0]][tmp[1]] : colors[tmp[0]]; if (tmp[0] === 'Lab') { value = (value - valueRanges[tmp[0]][tmp[1]][0]) / (valueRanges[tmp[0]][tmp[1]][1] - valueRanges[tmp[0]][tmp[1]][0]); } CSS[display].backgroundPosition = Math.round((1 - value) * 100) + '% 0%'; } } } // Lab out of gammut tmp = colors._rgb ? [ colors._rgb.r !== colors.rgb.r, colors._rgb.g !== colors.rgb.g, colors._rgb.b !== colors.rgb.b ] : []; if (tmp.join('') !== cashedVars.outOfGammut) { nodes.rgb_r_labl.firstChild.data = tmp[0] ? '!' : ' '; nodes.rgb_g_labl.firstChild.data = tmp[1] ? '!' : ' '; nodes.rgb_b_labl.firstChild.data = tmp[2] ? '!' : ' '; cashedVars.outOfGammut = tmp.join(''); } if (renderVars.noRGBZ) { if (cashedVars.noRGBZ !== renderVars.noRGBZ) { nodes.curl.className = prefix + 'curl ' + prefix + 'curl-' + renderVars.noRGBZ; if (!moveZ) { nodes.curr.className = prefix + 'curr ' + prefix + 'curr-' + renderVars.noRGBZ; } cashedVars.noRGBZ = renderVars.noRGBZ; } } if (cashedVars.HUEContrast !== renderVars.HUEContrast && mode.z === 'h') { nodes.slds.className = nodes.slds.className.replace(/\s+hue-(?:dark|light)/, '') + ' hue-' + renderVars.HUEContrast; if (!moveZ) { nodes.curr.className = prefix + 'curr ' + prefix + 'curr-' + renderVars.HUEContrast; } cashedVars.HUEContrast = renderVars.HUEContrast; } else if (cashedVars.RGBLuminance !== renderVars.RGBLuminance) { // test for no else nodes.colorPicker.className = nodes.colorPicker.className.replace(/\s+(?:dark|light)/, '') + ' ' + renderVars.RGBLuminance; if (!moveZ && mode.z !== 'h' && !renderVars.noRGBZ) { nodes.curr.className = prefix + 'curr ' + prefix + 'curr-' + renderVars.RGBLuminance; } cashedVars.RGBLuminance = renderVars.RGBLuminance; } if (cashedVars.contrast !== renderVars.contrast || cashedVars.readabiltiy !== renderVars.readabiltiy) { nodes.ctrl.className = nodes.ctrl.className.replace(' contrast', '').replace(/\s*(?:orange|green)/, '') + (renderVars.contrast ? ' ' + renderVars.contrast : '') + (renderVars.readabiltiy ? ' ' + renderVars.readabiltiy : ''); cashedVars.contrast = renderVars.contrast; cashedVars.readabiltiy = renderVars.readabiltiy; } if (cashedVars.saveColor !== colors.saveColor) { nodes.HEX_labl.firstChild.data = !colors.saveColor ? '!' : colors.saveColor === 'web save' ? 'W' : 'M'; cashedVars.saveColor = colors.saveColor; } if (options.renderCallback) { options.renderCallback(colors, mode); // maybe more parameters } if (_mouseMoveAction) { _renderTimer = window[requestAnimationFrame](renderAll); } // console.timeEnd('renderAll') } // ------------------------------------------------------ // // ------------------ helper functions ------------------ // // -------------------------------------------------------// function copyColor(color) { var newColor = {}; for (var n in color) { newColor[n] = color[n]; } return newColor; } // function color2string(color, type) { // var out = [], // n = 0; // type = type || 'rgb'; // while (type.charAt(n)) { // IE7 // V8 type[n] || // out.push(color[type.charAt(n)]); // n++; // } // return type + '(' + out.join(', ') + ')'; // } function color2string(color, type) { // ~2 x faster on V8 var out = '', t = (type || 'rgb').split(''), n = t.length; for ( ; n--; ) { out = ', ' + color[t[n]] + out; } return (type || 'rgb') + '(' + out.substr(2) + ')'; } function limitValue(value, min, max) { // return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value)); // faster?? return (value > max ? max : value < min ? min : value); } function getOpacityCSS(value) { if (value === undefined) value = 1; if (_doesOpacity) { return 'opacity: ' + (Math.round(value * 10000000000) / 10000000000) + ';'; // value.toFixed(16) = 99% slower // some speed test: // return ['opacity: ', (Math.round(value * 1e+10) / 1e+10), ';'].join(''); } else { return 'filter: alpha(opacity=' + Math.round(value * 100) + ');'; } } function preventDefault(e, skip) { e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; if (!skip) window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.selection.empty(); return false; } function changeClass(elm, cln, newCln) { return !elm ? false : elm.className = (newCln !== undefined ? elm.className.replace(new RegExp('\\s+?' + cln, 'g'), newCln ? ' ' + newCln : '') : elm.className + ' ' + cln); } function getOrigin(elm) { var box = (elm.getBoundingClientRect) ? elm.getBoundingClientRect() : {top: 0, left: 0}, doc = elm && elm.ownerDocument, body = doc.body, win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow || window, docElem = doc.documentElement || body.parentNode, clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, // border on html or body or both clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0; return { left: box.left + (win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft) - clientLeft, top: box.top + (win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop) - clientTop }; } function getPageXY(e) { return { X: e.pageX || e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft, Y: e.pageY || e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop }; } function addEvent(obj, type, func) { addEvent.cache = addEvent.cache || { _get: function(obj, type, func, checkOnly) { var cache = addEvent.cache[type] || []; for (var n = cache.length; n--; ) { if (obj === cache[n].obj && '' + func === '' + cache[n].func) { func = cache[n].func; if (!checkOnly) { cache[n] = cache[n].obj = cache[n].func = null; cache.splice(n, 1); } return func; } } }, _set: function(obj, type, func) { var cache = addEvent.cache[type] = addEvent.cache[type] || []; if (addEvent.cache._get(obj, type, func, true)) { return true; } else { cache.push({ func: func, obj: obj }); } } }; if (!func.name && addEvent.cache._set(obj, type, func) || typeof func !== 'function') { return; } if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(type, func, false); else obj.attachEvent('on' + type, func); } function removeEvent(obj, type, func) { if (typeof func !== 'function') return; if (!func.name) { func = addEvent.cache._get(obj, type, func) || func; } if (obj.removeEventListener) obj.removeEventListener(type, func, false); else obj.detachEvent('on' + type, func); } function caret(target, pos) { // only for contenteditable var out = {}; if (pos === undefined) { // get if (window.getSelection) { // HTML5 target.focus(); var range1 = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0), range2 = range1.cloneRange(); range2.selectNodeContents(target); range2.setEnd(range1.endContainer, range1.endOffset); out = { end: range2.toString().length, range: range1.toString().length }; } else { // IE < 9 target.focus(); var range1 = document.selection.createRange(), range2 = document.body.createTextRange(); range2.moveToElementText(target); range2.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range1); out = { end: range2.text.length, range: range1.text.length }; } out.start = out.end - out.range; return out; } // set if (pos == -1) pos = target['text']().length; if (window.getSelection) { // HTML5 target.focus(); window.getSelection().collapse(target.firstChild, pos); } else { // IE < 9 var range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(target); range.moveStart('character', pos); range.collapse(true); range.select(); } return pos; } // ------------- requestAnimationFrame shim ------------- // // ---------- quite optimized for minification ---------- // for(var n = vendors.length; n-- && !window[requestAnimationFrame]; ) { window[requestAnimationFrame] = window[vendors[n] + 'Request' + animationFrame]; window[cancelAnimationFrame] = window[vendors[n] + 'Cancel' + animationFrame] || window[vendors[n] + 'CancelRequest' + animationFrame]; } window[requestAnimationFrame] = window[requestAnimationFrame] || function(callback) { // this is good enough... and better than setTimeout return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / _options.fps); // return _renderTimer ? _renderTimer : window.setInterval(callback, 1000 / _options.fps); }; window[cancelAnimationFrame] = window[cancelAnimationFrame] || function(id) { // console.log('OFF-', id + '-' + _renderTimer) window.clearTimeout(id); return _renderTimer = null; }; })(window);