;(function(window, undefined){ "use strict" var _valueRanges = { rgb: {r: [0, 255], g: [0, 255], b: [0, 255]}, hsv: {h: [0, 360], s: [0, 100], v: [0, 100]}, hsl: {h: [0, 360], s: [0, 100], l: [0, 100]}, cmy: {c: [0, 100], m: [0, 100], y: [0, 100]}, cmyk: {c: [0, 100], m: [0, 100], y: [0, 100], k: [0, 100]}, Lab: {L: [0, 100], a: [-128, 127], b: [-128, 127]}, XYZ: {X: [0, 100], Y: [0, 100], Z: [0, 100]}, alpha: {alpha: [0, 1]}, HEX: {HEX: [0, 16777215]} // maybe we don't need this }, _instance = {}, _colors = {}, // http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html for more XYZMatrix = { // Observer = 2° (CIE 1931), Illuminant = D65 X: [ 0.4124564, 0.3575761, 0.1804375], Y: [ 0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750], Z: [ 0.0193339, 0.1191920, 0.9503041], R: [ 3.2404542, -1.5371385, -0.4985314], G: [-0.9692660, 1.8760108, 0.0415560], B: [ 0.0556434, -0.2040259, 1.0572252] }, grey = {r: 0.298954, g: 0.586434, b: 0.114612}, // CIE-XYZ 1931 luminance = {r: 0.2126, g: 0.7152, b: 0.0722}, // W3C 2.0 Colors = window.Colors = function(options) { this.colors = {RND: {}}; this.options = { color: 'rgba(204, 82, 37, 0.8)', // init value(s)... XYZMatrix: XYZMatrix, // XYZReference: {}, grey: grey, luminance: luminance, valueRanges: _valueRanges // customBG: '#808080' // convertCallback: undefined, // allMixDetails: false }; initInstance(this, options || {}); }, initInstance = function(THIS, options) { var matrix, importColor, _options = THIS.options, customBG; focusInstance(THIS); for (var option in options) { if (options[option] !== undefined) _options[option] = options[option]; } matrix = _options.XYZMatrix; if (!options.XYZReference) _options.XYZReference = { X: matrix.X[0] + matrix.X[1] + matrix.X[2], Y: matrix.Y[0] + matrix.Y[1] + matrix.Y[2], Z: matrix.Z[0] + matrix.Z[1] + matrix.Z[2] }; customBG = _options.customBG; _options.customBG = (typeof customBG === 'string') ? ColorConverter.txt2color(customBG).rgb : customBG; _colors = setColor(THIS.colors, _options.color, undefined, true); // THIS.colors = _colors = }, focusInstance = function(THIS) { if (_instance !== THIS) { _instance = THIS; _colors = THIS.colors; } }; Colors.prototype.setColor = function(newCol, type, alpha) { focusInstance(this); if (newCol) { return setColor(this.colors, newCol, type, undefined, alpha); } else { if (alpha !== undefined) { this.colors.alpha = alpha; } return convertColors(type); } }; Colors.prototype.getColor = function(type) { var result = this.colors, n = 0; if (type) { type = type.split('.'); while (result[type[n]]) { result = result[type[n++]]; } if (type.length !== n) { result = undefined; } } return result; }; Colors.prototype.setCustomBackground = function(col) { // wild gues,... check again... focusInstance(this); // needed??? this.options.customBG = (typeof col === 'string') ? ColorConverter.txt2color(col).rgb : col; // return setColor(this.colors, this.options.customBG, 'rgb', true); // !!!!RGB return setColor(this.colors, undefined, 'rgb'); // just recalculate existing }; Colors.prototype.saveAsBackground = function() { // alpha focusInstance(this); // needed??? // return setColor(this.colors, this.colors.RND.rgb, 'rgb', true); return setColor(this.colors, undefined, 'rgb', true); }; Colors.prototype.convertColor = function(color, type) { var convert = ColorConverter, ranges = _valueRanges, types = type.split('2'), fromType = types[0], toType = types[1], test = /(?:RG|HS|CM|LA)/, normalizeFrom = test.test(fromType), normalizeTo = test.test(toType), exceptions = {LAB: 'Lab'}, normalize = function(color, type, reverse) { var result = {}, Lab = type === 'Lab' ? 1 : 0; for (var n in color) { // faster (but bigger) way: if/else outside 2 for loops result[n] = reverse ? Math.round(color[n] * (Lab || ranges[type][n][1])) : color[n] / (Lab || ranges[type][n][1]); } return result; }; fromType = ranges[fromType] ? fromType : exceptions[fromType] || fromType.toLowerCase(); toType = ranges[toType] ? toType : exceptions[toType] || toType.toLowerCase(); if (normalizeFrom && type !== 'RGB2HEX') { // from ABC to abc color = normalize(color, fromType); } color = fromType === toType ? color : ( // same type; returns same/normalized version convert[fromType + '2' + toType] ? convert[fromType + '2' + toType](color, true) : // existing converter toType === 'HEX' ? convert.RGB2HEX(type === 'RGB2HEX' ? color : normalize(fromType === 'rgb' ? color : convert[fromType + '2rgb'](color, true), 'rgb', true)) : convert['rgb2' + toType](convert[fromType + '2rgb'](color, true), true) // not in ColorConverter ); if (normalizeTo) { // from abc to ABC color = normalize(color, toType, true); } return color; }; // ------------------------------------------------------ // // ---------- Color calculation related stuff ---------- // // -------------------------------------------------------// function setColor(colors, color, type, save, alpha) { // color only full range if (typeof color === 'string') { var color = ColorConverter.txt2color(color); // new object type = color.type; _colors[type] = color[type]; alpha = alpha !== undefined ? alpha : color.alpha; } else if (color) { for (var n in color) { colors[type][n] = limitValue(color[n] / _valueRanges[type][n][1], 0 , 1); } } if (alpha !== undefined) { colors.alpha = +alpha; } return convertColors(type, save ? colors : undefined); } function saveAsBackground(RGB, rgb, alpha) { var grey = _instance.options.grey, color = {}; color.RGB = {r: RGB.r, g: RGB.g, b: RGB.b}; color.rgb = {r: rgb.r, g: rgb.g, b: rgb.b}; color.alpha = alpha; // color.RGBLuminance = getLuminance(RGB); color.equivalentGrey = Math.round(grey.r * RGB.r + grey.g * RGB.g + grey.b * RGB.b); color.rgbaMixBlack = mixColors(rgb, {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}, alpha, 1); color.rgbaMixWhite = mixColors(rgb, {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1}, alpha, 1); color.rgbaMixBlack.luminance = getLuminance(color.rgbaMixBlack, true); color.rgbaMixWhite.luminance = getLuminance(color.rgbaMixWhite, true); if (_instance.options.customBG) { color.rgbaMixCustom = mixColors(rgb, _instance.options.customBG, alpha, 1); color.rgbaMixCustom.luminance = getLuminance(color.rgbaMixCustom, true); _instance.options.customBG.luminance = getLuminance(_instance.options.customBG, true); } return color; } function convertColors(type, colorObj) { // console.time('convertColors'); var colors = colorObj || _colors, convert = ColorConverter, options = _instance.options, ranges = _valueRanges, RND = colors.RND, // type = colorType, // || _mode.type, modes, mode = '', from = '', // value = '', exceptions = {hsl: 'hsv', cmyk: 'cmy', rgb: type}, RGB = RND.rgb, SAVE, SMART; if (type !== 'alpha') { /* if (type !== 'rgb') colors.rgb = convert[type + '2rgb'](colors[type]); if (type !== 'hsv') colors.hsv = convert.rgb2hsv(colors.rgb); if (type !== 'hsl') colors.hsl = convert.hsv2hsl(colors.hsv); if (type !== 'cmy' && type !== 'cmyk') colors.cmy = convert.rgb2cmy(colors.rgb); if (type !== 'cmyk') colors.cmyk = convert.cmy2cmyk(colors.cmy); if (type !== 'Lab') { colors.Lab = convert.rgb2Lab(colors.rgb); delete colors._rgb; } */ for (var typ in ranges) { if (!ranges[typ][typ]) { // no alpha|HEX if (type !== typ && typ !== 'XYZ') { from = exceptions[typ] || 'rgb'; colors[typ] = convert[from + '2' + typ](colors[from]); } if (!RND[typ]) RND[typ] = {}; modes = colors[typ]; for(mode in modes) { RND[typ][mode] = Math.round(modes[mode] * (typ === 'Lab' ? 1 : ranges[typ][mode][1])); } } } if (type !== 'Lab') { delete colors._rgb; } RGB = RND.rgb; colors.HEX = convert.RGB2HEX(RGB); colors.equivalentGrey = options.grey.r * colors.rgb.r + options.grey.g * colors.rgb.g + options.grey.b * colors.rgb.b; colors.webSave = SAVE = getClosestWebColor(RGB, 51); // colors.webSave.HEX = convert.RGB2HEX(colors.webSave); colors.webSmart = SMART = getClosestWebColor(RGB, 17); // colors.webSmart.HEX = convert.RGB2HEX(colors.webSmart); colors.saveColor = RGB.r === SAVE.r && RGB.g === SAVE.g && RGB.b === SAVE.b ? 'web save' : RGB.r === SMART.r && RGB.g === SMART.g && RGB.b === SMART.b ? 'web smart' : ''; colors.hueRGB = ColorConverter.hue2RGB(colors.hsv.h); if (colorObj) { colors.background = saveAsBackground(RGB, colors.rgb, colors.alpha); } } // else RGB = RND.rgb; var rgb = colors.rgb, // for better minification... alpha = colors.alpha, luminance = 'luminance', background = colors.background, rgbaMixBlack, rgbaMixWhite, rgbaMixCustom, rgbaMixBG, rgbaMixBGMixBlack, rgbaMixBGMixWhite, rgbaMixBGMixCustom; rgbaMixBlack = mixColors(rgb, {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}, alpha, 1); rgbaMixBlack[luminance] = getLuminance(rgbaMixBlack, true); colors.rgbaMixBlack = rgbaMixBlack; rgbaMixWhite = mixColors(rgb, {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1}, alpha, 1); rgbaMixWhite[luminance] = getLuminance(rgbaMixWhite, true); colors.rgbaMixWhite = rgbaMixWhite; if (options.allMixDetails) { rgbaMixBlack.WCAG2Ratio = getWCAG2Ratio(rgbaMixBlack[luminance], 0); rgbaMixWhite.WCAG2Ratio = getWCAG2Ratio(rgbaMixWhite[luminance], 1); if (options.customBG) { rgbaMixCustom = mixColors(rgb, options.customBG, alpha, 1); rgbaMixCustom[luminance] = getLuminance(rgbaMixCustom, true); rgbaMixCustom.WCAG2Ratio = getWCAG2Ratio(rgbaMixCustom[luminance], options.customBG[luminance]); colors.rgbaMixCustom = rgbaMixCustom; } rgbaMixBG = mixColors(rgb, background.rgb, alpha, background.alpha); rgbaMixBG[luminance] = getLuminance(rgbaMixBG, true); // ?? do we need this? colors.rgbaMixBG = rgbaMixBG; rgbaMixBGMixBlack = mixColors(rgb, background.rgbaMixBlack, alpha, 1); rgbaMixBGMixBlack[luminance] = getLuminance(rgbaMixBGMixBlack, true); rgbaMixBGMixBlack.WCAG2Ratio = getWCAG2Ratio(rgbaMixBGMixBlack[luminance], background.rgbaMixBlack[luminance]); /* ------ */ rgbaMixBGMixBlack.luminanceDelta = Math.abs( rgbaMixBGMixBlack[luminance] - background.rgbaMixBlack[luminance]); rgbaMixBGMixBlack.hueDelta = getHueDelta(background.rgbaMixBlack, rgbaMixBGMixBlack, true); /* ------ */ colors.rgbaMixBGMixBlack = rgbaMixBGMixBlack; rgbaMixBGMixWhite = mixColors(rgb, background.rgbaMixWhite, alpha, 1); rgbaMixBGMixWhite[luminance] = getLuminance(rgbaMixBGMixWhite, true); rgbaMixBGMixWhite.WCAG2Ratio = getWCAG2Ratio(rgbaMixBGMixWhite[luminance], background.rgbaMixWhite[luminance]); /* ------ */ rgbaMixBGMixWhite.luminanceDelta = Math.abs( rgbaMixBGMixWhite[luminance] - background.rgbaMixWhite[luminance]); rgbaMixBGMixWhite.hueDelta = getHueDelta(background.rgbaMixWhite, rgbaMixBGMixWhite, true); /* ------ */ colors.rgbaMixBGMixWhite = rgbaMixBGMixWhite; } if (options.customBG) { rgbaMixBGMixCustom = mixColors(rgb, background.rgbaMixCustom, alpha, 1); rgbaMixBGMixCustom[luminance] = getLuminance(rgbaMixBGMixCustom, true); rgbaMixBGMixCustom.WCAG2Ratio = getWCAG2Ratio(rgbaMixBGMixCustom[luminance], background.rgbaMixCustom[luminance]); colors.rgbaMixBGMixCustom = rgbaMixBGMixCustom; /* ------ */ rgbaMixBGMixCustom.luminanceDelta = Math.abs( rgbaMixBGMixCustom[luminance] - background.rgbaMixCustom[luminance]); rgbaMixBGMixCustom.hueDelta = getHueDelta(background.rgbaMixCustom, rgbaMixBGMixCustom, true); /* ------ */ } colors.RGBLuminance = getLuminance(RGB); colors.HUELuminance = getLuminance(colors.hueRGB); // renderVars.readyToRender = true; if (options.convertCallback) { options.convertCallback(colors, type); //, convert); //, _mode); } // console.timeEnd('convertColors') // if (colorObj) return colors; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // // ------------------ color conversion ------------------ // // -------------------------------------------------------// var ColorConverter = { txt2color: function(txt) { var color = {}, parts = txt.replace(/(?:#|\)|%)/g, '').split('('), values = (parts[1] || '').split(/,\s*/), type = parts[1] ? parts[0].substr(0, 3) : 'rgb', m = ''; color.type = type; color[type] = {}; if (parts[1]) { for (var n = 3; n--; ) { m = type[n] || type.charAt(n); // IE7 color[type][m] = +values[n] / _valueRanges[type][m][1]; } } else { color.rgb = ColorConverter.HEX2rgb(parts[0]); } // color.color = color[type]; color.alpha = values[3] ? +values[3] : 1; return color; }, RGB2HEX: function(RGB) { return ( (RGB.r < 16 ? '0' : '') + RGB.r.toString(16) + (RGB.g < 16 ? '0' : '') + RGB.g.toString(16) + (RGB.b < 16 ? '0' : '') + RGB.b.toString(16) ).toUpperCase(); }, HEX2rgb: function(HEX) { HEX = HEX.split(''); // IE7 return { r: parseInt(HEX[0] + HEX[HEX[3] ? 1 : 0], 16) / 255, g: parseInt(HEX[HEX[3] ? 2 : 1] + (HEX[3] || HEX[1]), 16) / 255, b: parseInt((HEX[4] || HEX[2]) + (HEX[5] || HEX[2]), 16) / 255 }; }, hue2RGB: function(hue) { var h = hue * 6, mod = ~~h % 6, // Math.floor(h) -> faster in most browsers i = h === 6 ? 0 : (h - mod); return { r: Math.round([1, 1 - i, 0, 0, i, 1][mod] * 255), g: Math.round([i, 1, 1, 1 - i, 0, 0][mod] * 255), b: Math.round([0, 0, i, 1, 1, 1 - i][mod] * 255) }; }, // ------------------------ HSV ------------------------ // rgb2hsv: function(rgb) { // faster var r = rgb.r, g = rgb.g, b = rgb.b, k = 0, chroma, min, s; if (g < b) { g = b + (b = g, 0); k = -1; } min = b; if (r < g) { r = g + (g = r, 0); k = -2 / 6 - k; min = Math.min(g, b); // g < b ? g : b; ??? } chroma = r - min; s = r ? (chroma / r) : 0; return { h: s < 1e-15 ? ((_colors && _colors.hsl && _colors.hsl.h) || 0) : chroma ? Math.abs(k + (g - b) / (6 * chroma)) : 0, s: r ? (chroma / r) : ((_colors && _colors.hsv && _colors.hsv.s) || 0), // ??_colors.hsv.s || 0 v: r }; }, hsv2rgb: function(hsv) { var h = hsv.h * 6, s = hsv.s, v = hsv.v, i = ~~h, // Math.floor(h) -> faster in most browsers f = h - i, p = v * (1 - s), q = v * (1 - f * s), t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s), mod = i % 6; return { r: [v, q, p, p, t, v][mod], g: [t, v, v, q, p, p][mod], b: [p, p, t, v, v, q][mod] }; }, // ------------------------ HSL ------------------------ // hsv2hsl: function(hsv) { var l = (2 - hsv.s) * hsv.v, s = hsv.s * hsv.v; s = !hsv.s ? 0 : l < 1 ? (l ? s / l : 0) : s / (2 - l); return { h: hsv.h, s: !hsv.v && !s ? ((_colors && _colors.hs && _colors.hsl.s) || 0) : s, // ??? l: l / 2 }; }, rgb2hsl: function(rgb, dependent) { // not used in Color var hsv = ColorConverter.rgb2hsv(rgb); return ColorConverter.hsv2hsl(dependent ? hsv : (_colors.hsv = hsv)); }, hsl2rgb: function(hsl) { var h = hsl.h * 6, s = hsl.s, l = hsl.l, v = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : (l + s) - (s * l), m = l + l - v, sv = v ? ((v - m) / v) : 0, sextant = ~~h, // Math.floor(h) -> faster in most browsers fract = h - sextant, vsf = v * sv * fract, t = m + vsf, q = v - vsf, mod = sextant % 6; return { r: [v, q, m, m, t, v][mod], g: [t, v, v, q, m, m][mod], b: [m, m, t, v, v, q][mod] }; }, // ------------------------ CMYK ------------------------ // // Quote from Wikipedia: // "Since RGB and CMYK spaces are both device-dependent spaces, there is no // simple or general conversion formula that converts between them. // Conversions are generally done through color management systems, using // color profiles that describe the spaces being converted. Nevertheless, the // conversions cannot be exact, since these spaces have very different gamuts." // Translation: the following are just simple RGB to CMY(K) and visa versa conversion functions. rgb2cmy: function(rgb) { return { c: 1 - rgb.r, m: 1 - rgb.g, y: 1 - rgb.b }; }, cmy2cmyk: function(cmy) { var k = Math.min(Math.min(cmy.c, cmy.m), cmy.y), t = 1 - k || 1e-20; return { // regular c: (cmy.c - k) / t, m: (cmy.m - k) / t, y: (cmy.y - k) / t, k: k }; }, cmyk2cmy: function(cmyk) { var k = cmyk.k; return { // regular c: cmyk.c * (1 - k) + k, m: cmyk.m * (1 - k) + k, y: cmyk.y * (1 - k) + k }; }, cmy2rgb: function(cmy) { return { r: 1 - cmy.c, g: 1 - cmy.m, b: 1 - cmy.y }; }, rgb2cmyk: function(rgb, dependent) { var cmy = ColorConverter.rgb2cmy(rgb); // doppelt?? return ColorConverter.cmy2cmyk(dependent ? cmy : (_colors.cmy = cmy)); }, cmyk2rgb: function(cmyk, dependent) { var cmy = ColorConverter.cmyk2cmy(cmyk); // doppelt?? return ColorConverter.cmy2rgb(dependent ? cmy : (_colors.cmy = cmy)); }, // ------------------------ LAB ------------------------ // XYZ2rgb: function(XYZ, skip) { var M = _instance.options.XYZMatrix, X = XYZ.X, Y = XYZ.Y, Z = XYZ.Z, r = X * M.R[0] + Y * M.R[1] + Z * M.R[2], g = X * M.G[0] + Y * M.G[1] + Z * M.G[2], b = X * M.B[0] + Y * M.B[1] + Z * M.B[2], N = 1 / 2.4; M = 0.0031308; r = (r > M ? 1.055 * Math.pow(r, N) - 0.055 : 12.92 * r); g = (g > M ? 1.055 * Math.pow(g, N) - 0.055 : 12.92 * g); b = (b > M ? 1.055 * Math.pow(b, N) - 0.055 : 12.92 * b); if (!skip) { // out of gammut _colors._rgb = {r: r, g: g, b: b}; } return { r: limitValue(r, 0, 1), g: limitValue(g, 0, 1), b: limitValue(b, 0, 1) }; }, rgb2XYZ: function(rgb) { var M = _instance.options.XYZMatrix, r = rgb.r, g = rgb.g, b = rgb.b, N = 0.04045; r = (r > N ? Math.pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : r / 12.92); g = (g > N ? Math.pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : g / 12.92); b = (b > N ? Math.pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : b / 12.92); return { X: r * M.X[0] + g * M.X[1] + b * M.X[2], Y: r * M.Y[0] + g * M.Y[1] + b * M.Y[2], Z: r * M.Z[0] + g * M.Z[1] + b * M.Z[2] }; }, XYZ2Lab: function(XYZ) { var R = _instance.options.XYZReference, X = XYZ.X / R.X, Y = XYZ.Y / R.Y, Z = XYZ.Z / R.Z, N = 16 / 116, M = 1 / 3, K = 0.008856, L = 7.787037; X = X > K ? Math.pow(X, M) : (L * X) + N; Y = Y > K ? Math.pow(Y, M) : (L * Y) + N; Z = Z > K ? Math.pow(Z, M) : (L * Z) + N; return { L: (116 * Y) - 16, a: 500 * (X - Y), b: 200 * (Y - Z) }; }, Lab2XYZ: function(Lab) { var R = _instance.options.XYZReference, Y = (Lab.L + 16) / 116, X = Lab.a / 500 + Y, Z = Y - Lab.b / 200, X3 = Math.pow(X, 3), Y3 = Math.pow(Y, 3), Z3 = Math.pow(Z, 3), N = 16 / 116, K = 0.008856, L = 7.787037; return { X: (X3 > K ? X3 : (X - N) / L) * R.X, Y: (Y3 > K ? Y3 : (Y - N) / L) * R.Y, Z: (Z3 > K ? Z3 : (Z - N) / L) * R.Z }; }, rgb2Lab: function(rgb, dependent) { var XYZ = ColorConverter.rgb2XYZ(rgb); return ColorConverter.XYZ2Lab(dependent ? XYZ : (_colors.XYZ = XYZ)); }, Lab2rgb: function(Lab, dependent) { var XYZ = ColorConverter.Lab2XYZ(Lab); return ColorConverter.XYZ2rgb(dependent ? XYZ : (_colors.XYZ = XYZ), dependent); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------ // // ------------------ helper functions ------------------ // // -------------------------------------------------------// function getClosestWebColor(RGB, val) { var out = {}, tmp = 0, half = val / 2; for (var n in RGB) { tmp = RGB[n] % val; // 51 = 'web save', 17 = 'web smart' out[n] = RGB[n] + (tmp > half ? val - tmp : -tmp); } return out; } function getHueDelta(rgb1, rgb2, nominal) { return (Math.max(rgb1.r - rgb2.r, rgb2.r - rgb1.r) + Math.max(rgb1.g - rgb2.g, rgb2.g - rgb1.g) + Math.max(rgb1.b - rgb2.b, rgb2.b - rgb1.b)) * (nominal ? 255 : 1) / 765; } function getLuminance(rgb, normalized) { var div = normalized ? 1 : 255, RGB = [rgb.r / div, rgb.g / div, rgb.b / div], luminance = _instance.options.luminance; for (var i = RGB.length; i--; ) { RGB[i] = RGB[i] <= 0.03928 ? RGB[i] / 12.92 : Math.pow(((RGB[i] + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); } return ((luminance.r * RGB[0]) + (luminance.g * RGB[1]) + (luminance.b * RGB[2])); } /* function mixColors(topColor, bottomColor, topAlpha, bottomAlpha) { // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726549/algorithm-for-additive-color-mixing-for-rgb-values var newColor = {}, alphaTop = (topAlpha !== undefined ? topAlpha : 1), alphaBottom = (bottomAlpha !== undefined ? bottomAlpha : 1); // if (alphaTop >= 1) return topColor; for(var n in topColor) { newColor[n] = topColor[n] * alphaTop + bottomColor[n] * alphaBottom * (1 - alphaTop); } newColor.a = alphaTop + alphaBottom * (1 - alphaTop); return newColor; } */ function mixColors(topColor, bottomColor, topAlpha, bottomAlpha) { var newColor = {}, alphaTop = (topAlpha !== undefined ? topAlpha : 1), alphaBottom = (bottomAlpha !== undefined ? bottomAlpha : 1), alpha = alphaTop + alphaBottom * (1 - alphaTop); // 1 - (1 - alphaTop) * (1 - alphaBottom); for(var n in topColor) { newColor[n] = (topColor[n] * alphaTop + bottomColor[n] * alphaBottom * (1 - alphaTop)) / alpha; } newColor.a = alpha; return newColor; } function getWCAG2Ratio(lum1, lum2) { var ratio = 1; if (lum1 >= lum2) { ratio = (lum1 + 0.05) / (lum2 + 0.05); } else { ratio = (lum2 + 0.05) / (lum1 + 0.05); } return Math.round(ratio * 100) / 100; } function limitValue(value, min, max) { // return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value)); // faster?? return (value > max ? max : value < min ? min : value); } })(window);