differentiate noAlpha color memory (cookies)

peterd 10 years ago
parent dde7865325
commit d66ebd5f99

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
actionCallback = function(event, action) {
var colorPicker = colorPickers.current;
var options = this,
colorPicker = colorPickers.current;
if (action === 'toMemery') {
var memos = colorPicker.nodes.memos,
@ -52,8 +53,8 @@
replace(')', ',' + opacity + ')')
cookieTXT = '\'' + cookieTXT.join('\',\'') + '\'';
$.docCookies('colorPickerMemos', cookieTXT);
cookieTXT = '\'' + cookieTXT.join('\',\'') + '\'';console.log(options.noAlpha)
$.docCookies('colorPickerMemos' + (options.noAlpha ? 'NoAlpha' : ''), cookieTXT);
} else if (action === 'resizeApp') {
$.docCookies('colorPickerSize', colorPicker.color.options.currentSize);
} else if (action === 'modeChange') {
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
createInstance = function(elm, config) {
console.log('colorPickerMemos' + ((config || {}).noAlpha ? 'NoAlpha' : ''));
var initConfig = {
klass: window.ColorPicker,
input: elm,
@ -73,10 +75,14 @@
margin: {left: -1, top: 2},
// displayCallback: displayCallback,
/* --- regular colorPicker options from this point --- */
color: elm.value, // this has to go to focus as well!!!
color: elm.value,
initStyle: 'display: none',
mode: $.docCookies('colorPickerMode') || 'hsv-h',
memoryColors: $.docCookies('colorPickerMemos'), // no-alpha????
// memoryColors: (function(colors, config) {
// return config.noAlpha ?
// colors.replace(/\,\d*\.*\d*\)/g, ',1)') : colors;
// })($.docCookies('colorPickerMemos'), config || {}),
memoryColors: $.docCookies('colorPickerMemos' + ((config || {}).noAlpha ? 'NoAlpha' : '')),
size: $.docCookies('colorPickerSize') || 1,
renderCallback: renderCallback,
actionCallback: actionCallback
