/* * Apocalypse Laboratories * Open Source License * * Source code can be used for any purpose, as long as: * - Compiled binaries are rebranded and trademarks are not * visible by the end user at any time, except to give * credit to Apocalypse Laboratories, such as by showing * "Based on by Apocalypse Laboratories" or a * similar notice; * - You do not use the code for evil; * - Rebranded compiled applications have significant * differences in functionality; * - and you provide your modified source code for download, * under the terms of the GNU LGPL v3 or a comparable * license. * * Compiled binaries cannot be redistributed or mirrored, * unless: * - You have written permission from Apocalypse Laboratories; * - Downloads are not available from Apocalypse Laboratories, * not even behind a paywall or other blocking mechanism; * - or you have received a multi-computer license, in which * case you should take measures to prevent unauthorized * downloads, such as preventing download access from the * Internet. */ package net.apocalypselabs.symat; /** * This class handles DEBUG logging, so it's easy to disable. * * @author Skylar */ public class Debug { // If output should be on or off public static final boolean DEBUG = true; public static void println(Object data) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(data); } } public static void printerr(Object data) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(data); } } public static void stacktrace(Exception e) { if (DEBUG) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }