Basic Command Reference

notify(var) Creates a popup box with the given content.
ask(prompt) Returns the entered text.
print(text) Outputs the given text to the screen. Does not require special prefix in Python.
diff("x^3", "x") Returns the derivative of the function with respect to the second argument.
integrate("3*x^2", "x") Returns the integral of the function with respect to the second argument.
$("command") Parses the given text with the Symja library.
simplify("expr") Simplifies the given expression.
vpa("expr") Attempts to find the numerical value of "expr".
replace("text", "find", "replace") Returns "text" with all occurrences of "find" changed to "replace".
subs("function", "var", "replace") Replaces all occurrences of "var" with "replace" and solves. Returns the answer or 0.0 if there is no numerical answer.
plot("function") Graphs the given function as if it were typed into a graph window. Uses the graph window bound to the current action.
plotname("name") Set the window title of the bound graph window.
plotname() Get the name of the plot window.
plotclr() Clears all drawings from the plot window.
plotscale({-1,0,1,2,3}) Scale the graph. Erases content when scaled. Smaller is farther out, larger closer.
drawDot(x,y) Draw a small red dot wherever you tell it.
rad(degrees), deg(radians) Convert degrees to radians and vice versa. Python has built-in radians(degrees) and degrees(radians) which work the same.
pause(1000) Pause script execution for a number of milliseconds.
factorial(n) Calculate (n!).
factor(n) Get an array (list) of all the factors of n.
add(n1,n2,n3...)|add(n[]) Add together the given numbers or array of numbers.
subtract(n1,n2,n3...)|subtract(n[]) Subtract the given numbers or array of numbers, as in (n1-n2-n3-...)
times(n1,n2,n3...)|times(n[]) Multiply together the given numbers or array of numbers.
divide(n1,n2,n3...)|divide(n[]) Divide the given numbers or array of numbers, as in (n1/n2/n3/...)
perms(a,b,c...)|perms(items[]) Get an array of all possible combinations of the given items.
rand() Get a random fraction between 0 and 1.
randb() Get a random boolean (true or false).
rand(min,max) Get a random integer between min and max, inclusive.
readfile(path) Read the text file at path and return the contents.
savefile(content,path) Save the content in the file at path.

For more information, consult the Wiki or SyMAT's source code.