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namespace pdt256\Shipping\Fedex;
use pdt256\Shipping;
use pdt256\Shipping\Arr;
use pdt256\Shipping\RateAdapter;
use pdt256\Shipping\RateRequest;
use DOMDocument;
use Exception;
class Rate extends RateAdapter
private $url_dev = '';
private $url_prod = '';
private $key = 'XXX';
private $password = 'XXX';
private $account_number = 'XXX';
private $meter_number = 'XXX';
private $drop_off_type = 'BUSINESS_SERVICE_CENTER';
public $approved_codes = [
private $shipping_codes = [
'EUROPE_FIRST_INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY' => 'Europe First International Priority',
'FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT' => 'Fedex 1 Day Freight',
'FEDEX_2_DAY' => 'Fedex 2 Day',
'FEDEX_2_DAY_AM' => 'Fedex 2 Day AM',
'FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT' => 'Fedex 2 Day Freight',
'FEDEX_3_DAY_FREIGHT' => 'Fedex 3 Day Freight',
'FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER' => 'Fedex Express Saver',
'FEDEX_FIRST_FREIGHT' => 'Fedex First Freight',
'FEDEX_FREIGHT_ECONOMY' => 'Fedex Freight Economy',
'FEDEX_FREIGHT_PRIORITY' => 'Fedex Freight Priority',
'FEDEX_GROUND' => 'Fedex Ground',
'FIRST_OVERNIGHT' => 'First Overnight',
'GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY' => 'Ground Home Delivery',
'INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY' => 'International Economy',
'INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_FREIGHT' => 'International Economy Freight',
'INTERNATIONAL_FIRST' => 'International First',
'INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY' => 'International Priority',
'INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_FREIGHT' => 'International Priority Freight',
'PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT' => 'Priority Overnight',
'SMART_POST' => 'Smart Post',
'STANDARD_OVERNIGHT' => 'Standard Overnight',
public function __construct($options = [])
if (isset($options['key'])) {
$this->key = $options['key'];
if (isset($options['password'])) {
$this->password = $options['password'];
if (isset($options['account_number'])) {
$this->account_number = $options['account_number'];
if (isset($options['meter_number'])) {
$this->meter_number = $options['meter_number'];
if (isset($options['approved_codes'])) {
$this->approved_codes = $options['approved_codes'];
if (isset($options['drop_off_type'])) {
$this->drop_off_type = $options['drop_off_type'];
if (isset($options['request_adapter'])) {
} else {
$this->set_request_adapter(new RateRequest\Post());
protected function prepare()
$to = Arr::get($this->shipment, 'to');
$shipper = Arr::get($this->shipment, 'from');
$dimensions = Arr::get($this->shipment, 'dimensions');
$pounds = (int) Arr::get($this->shipment, 'weight');
$ounces = 0;
if ($pounds < 1) {
throw new Exception('Weight missing');
$date = time();
$day_name = date('l', $date);
if ($day_name == 'Saturday') {
$date += 172800;
} elseif ($day_name == 'Sunday') {
$date += 86400;
$this->data =
'<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns="">
<Key>' . $this->key . '</Key>
<Password>' . $this->password . '</Password>
<AccountNumber>' . $this->account_number . '</AccountNumber>
<MeterNumber>' . $this->meter_number . '</MeterNumber>
<ShipTimestamp>' . date('c') . '</ShipTimestamp>
<DropoffType>' . $this->drop_off_type . '</DropoffType>
<PackagingType>' . Arr::get($this->shipment, 'packaging_type') . '</PackagingType>
<PostalCode>' . Arr::get($shipper, 'postal_code') . '</PostalCode>
<CountryCode>' . Arr::get($shipper, 'country_code') . '</CountryCode>
' . ((Arr::get($shipper, 'is_residential')) ? '<Residential>1</Residential>' : '') . '
<PostalCode>' . Arr::get($to, 'postal_code') . '</PostalCode>
<CountryCode>' . Arr::get($to, 'country_code') . '</CountryCode>
' . ((Arr::get($to, 'is_residential')) ? '<Residential>1</Residential>' : '') . '
<Value>' . $pounds . '</Value>
<Length>' . Arr::get($dimensions, 'length') . '</Length>
<Width>' . Arr::get($dimensions, 'width') . '</Width>
<Height>' . Arr::get($dimensions, 'height') . '</Height>
return $this;
protected function execute()
if ($this->is_prod) {
$url = $this->url_prod;
} else {
$url = $this->url_dev;
$this->response = $this->rate_request->execute($url, $this->data);
return $this;
protected function process()
try {
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$rate_reply = $dom->getElementsByTagName('RateReplyDetails');
if (empty($rate_reply->length)) {
throw new Exception('Unable to get FedEx Rates.');
} catch (Exception $e) {
// StatsD::increment('error.shipping.get_fedex_rate');
// Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, $e)->write();
throw $e;
foreach ($rate_reply as $rate) {
$code = $rate->getElementsByTagName('ServiceType')->item(0)->nodeValue;
if ( ! empty($this->approved_codes) AND ! in_array($code, $this->approved_codes)) {
$name = Arr::get($this->shipping_codes, $code);
$delivery_ts = @$rate->getElementsByTagName('DeliveryTimestamp')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$transit_time = @$rate->getElementsByTagName('TransitTime')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$cost = $rate
$this->rates[] = array(
'code' => $code,
'name' => $name,
'cost' => (int) $cost * 100,
'delivery_ts' => $delivery_ts,
'transit_time' => $transit_time,
return $this;