/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function ftoc(f) { return (f - 32) * 5 / 9; } function loadWeather(reload) { if (typeof reload == "undefined") { reload = false; } else { reload = reload == true; } if (userPosition.coords.accuracy > 99999) { app.dialog.alert("Couldn't find your location. Wait for a GPS signal and try again.", "Error"); return; } var requestfinished = false; var weatherdialogopen = false; $.ajax({ url: SETTINGS.weatherapi, dataType: 'json', data: { // Round the numbers off to increase user privacy // Accuracy with two decimal places is ~1.1km/0.6mi latitude: userPosition.coords.latitude.toFixed(2), longitude: userPosition.coords.longitude.toFixed(2) }, timeout: 15 * 1000, success: function (resp) { if (weatherdialogopen) { app.dialog.close(); weatherdialogopen = false; } requestfinished = true; if (resp.status == "OK") { // // Summary tab // var mintemp = (getStorage("units") == "metric" ? Math.round(ftoc(resp.summary.temp.min)) + " °C" : Math.round(resp.summary.temp.min) + " °F"); var maxtemp = (getStorage("units") == "metric" ? Math.round(ftoc(resp.summary.temp.max)) + " °C" : Math.round(resp.summary.temp.max) + " °F"); $("#summarylowtemp").html(mintemp); $("#summaryhightemp").html(maxtemp); $("#summaryprecipchance").text(Math.round(resp.summary.precipitation.chance * 100.0) + "% chance"); if (getStorage("units") == "metric") { $("#summarywindspeed").text(Math.round(resp.summary.windspeed * 1.609344) + " km/h"); } else { $("#summarywindspeed").text(Math.round(resp.summary.windspeed) + " mph"); } if (SETTINGS.weathericons.includes(resp.summary.icon)) { $("#summaryweathericon").attr("src", "assets/images/weather-" + resp.summary.icon + ".svg"); } else { $("#summaryweathericon").attr("src", "assets/images/weather-none.svg"); } $("#summary-forecast-location").text(resp.location_name); $("#summary-forecast-info").text("Forecast covers the next " + resp.summary.forecast_hours + " hours (until " + timestampToTimeString(resp.summary.forecast_until) + ")."); $("#summary-forecast-creditlink").text(resp.source.text); $("#summary-forecast-creditlink").attr("onclick", "openExternalBrowser('" + resp.source.url + "')"); // // Now tab // var temp = (getStorage("units") == "metric" ? Math.round(ftoc(resp.now.temp)) + " °C" : Math.round(resp.now.temp) + " °F"); var feelslike = (getStorage("units") == "metric" ? Math.round(ftoc(resp.now.feelslike)) + " °C" : Math.round(resp.now.feelslike) + " °F"); $("#nowtemp").html(temp); $("#nowfeelslike").html(feelslike); if (SETTINGS.weathericons.includes(resp.now.icon)) { $("#nowweathericon").attr("src", "assets/images/weather-" + resp.now.icon + ".svg"); } else { $("#nowweathericon").attr("src", "assets/images/weather-none.svg"); } app.gauge.get('#nowuvindexgauge').update({ value: Math.min(resp.now.uv_index, 10) / 10, valueText: resp.now.uv_index, borderColor: colorThemeNameToHex(uvIndexToColor(resp.now.uv_index)) }); if (getStorage("units") == "metric") { $("#nowwindspeed").text(Math.round(resp.now.windspeed * 1.609344) + " km/h"); } else { $("#nowwindspeed").text(Math.round(resp.now.windspeed) + " mph"); } $("#nowwinddirection").text(degreesToCardinal(resp.now.winddirection)); var minutelydata = []; var maxprecip = 0; for (var i = 0; i < resp.today.minutely.length; i++) { precip = resp.today.minutely[i].precip; if (getStorage("units") == "metric") { precip = precip * 25.4; } minutelydata[i] = { x: new Date(resp.today.minutely[i].time * 1000), y: precip }; if (precip > maxprecip) { maxprecip = precip; } } if (maxprecip > 0) { // only make rain chart if there's rain var precipChart = new Chart(document.getElementById('precipchart'), { type: "line", data: { datasets: [ { fill: true, data: minutelydata, borderWidth: 0, spanGaps: true, backgroundColor: "#03A9F4", borderColor: "#03A9F4" } ] }, options: { responsive: true, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: 'time', display: true, scaleLabel: { display: false }, gridLines: { display: true, drawBorder: false }, time: { unit: 'minute', stepSize: 5, displayFormats: { minute: 'h:mm', hour: 'hA' } } }], yAxes: [{ display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true }, gridLines: { display: false, drawBorder: false }, ticks: { min: 0, max: Math.round(maxprecip), stepSize: (Math.round(maxprecip) / 2), callback: function (value, index, values) { if (getStorage("units") == "metric") { return value + ' mm'; } else { return value + ' in'; } } } }] }, legend: { display: false }, tooltips: { enabled: false } } }); } // // Forecast tab // forecastItems = []; for (var i = 1; i < resp.forecast.length; i++) { var low = (getStorage("units") == "metric" ? Math.round(ftoc(resp.forecast[i].temp.min)) : Math.round(resp.forecast[i].temp.min)); var high = (getStorage("units") == "metric" ? Math.round(ftoc(resp.forecast[i].temp.max)) + " °C" : Math.round(resp.forecast[i].temp.max) + " °F"); var precipcolor = precipChanceToColor(resp.forecast[i].precipitation.chance); forecastItems.push({ day: formatTimestamp('l', resp.forecast[i].date), temps: low + " to " + high, uv_index: resp.forecast[i].uv_index, uv_color: uvIndexToColor(resp.forecast[i].uv_index), precip_chance: Math.round(resp.forecast[i].precipitation.chance * 100), precip_color: precipcolor }); } forecastItemTemplate = '
  • ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + ' {{temps}}' + '
    {{uv_index}}' + '   {{precip_chance}}%' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
  • '; forecastVirtualList = app.virtualList.create({ el: "#forecast-list", items: forecastItems, itemTemplate: forecastItemTemplate }); } else { app.dialog.alert(resp.message, "Error"); } }, error: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown) { if (weatherdialogopen) { app.dialog.close(); weatherdialogopen = false; } requestfinished = true; app.dialog.alert("There was a network issue while checking the weather. Please try again.", "Error"); } }); // Open a loading message if there's a delay or we're reloading if (reload) { app.dialog.preloader("Checking Weather..."); weatherdialogopen = true; } else { setTimeout(function () { if (!requestfinished) { app.dialog.preloader("Checking Weather..."); weatherdialogopen = true; } }, 1000); } } $("#app").on("click", "#weather-forecast .forecast-uv-badge", function () { app.toast.show({ text: " UV index", position: "bottom", destroyOnClose: true, closeTimeout: 1000 * 3 }); }); $("#app").on("click", "#weather-forecast .forecast-precip-badge", function () { app.toast.show({ text: " Chance of precipitation", position: "bottom", destroyOnClose: true, closeTimeout: 1000 * 3 }); }); function uvIndexToColor(index) { var uvcolor = "green"; if (index >= 11) { uvcolor = "purple"; } else if (index >= 8) { uvcolor = "red"; } else if (index >= 6) { uvcolor = "orange"; } else if (index >= 3) { uvcolor = "yellow"; } return uvcolor; } function precipChanceToColor(chance) { var color = "lightblue"; if (chance > 0.8) { color = "gray"; } else if (chance > 0.2) { color = "blue"; } else { color = "lightblue"; } return color; }