/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // If true, we'll do a fancy zoom/pan in // Otherwise we'll just jump to the correct location var firstload = true; function mapboxMap() { if (getStorage("mapsource") == null) { setStorage("mapsource", "liberty"); } $("#mapbox").css("background-color", SETTINGS.maptileurls[getStorage("mapsource")].bgcolor); mapboxgl.accessToken = ''; var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'mapbox', style: SETTINGS.maptileurls[getStorage("mapsource")].json, //attributionControl: false, dragPan: true, pitch: 0, zoom: 2, maxZoom: 19 }); map.maptype = "mapbox"; map.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl({ visualizePitch: true }), 'top-left'); map.addControl( new mapboxgl.GeolocateControl({ positionOptions: { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 10 * 1000 }, fitBoundsOptions: { maxZoom: getStorage("trackzoom") == null ? 16 : getStorage("trackzoom") * 1 }, trackUserLocation: true }), 'top-left' ); if (getStorage("mapscale") !== "false") { map.addControl( new mapboxgl.ScaleControl({ unit: getStorage("units") == "imperial" ? "imperial" : "metric" }) ); } map.startLocateControl = function () { // stub } map.stopLocateControl = function () { // stub } map.mapEasing = function (t) { return t * (2 - t); } map.setMapHeading = function (heading) { if (typeof heading == 'number') { map.easeTo({ bearing: heading, easing: map.mapEasing }); } } map.setMapLocation = function (latitude, longitude) { map.easeTo({ center: [ longitude, latitude ] }); } map.openedPanelIconID = null; map.updatePackageLayer = function (data) { var oldmarkers = document.getElementsByClassName("package-marker"); if (oldmarkers.length > 0) { markerparent = oldmarkers[0].parentNode; while (oldmarkers.length > 0) { markerparent.removeChild(oldmarkers[0]); } } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { // JavaScript variable scope and anonymous functions are dumb // This is necessary, otherwise all the on(click)s will fire for the last iteration // of the loop, or something like that (function (datai) { var iconName = getMapIconForItems(datai.items); //console.log(iconName); var el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "package-marker package-marker-mapbox"; // Prevent selection highlight from going away after map refresh if (map.openedPanelIconID != null && map.openedPanelIconID == datai.id) { el.className += " selected"; } // Show different color highlight when nearby and undelivered if (packages[i].distance * 1 < getStorage("alertradius") * 1 && getUndeliveredCount(packages[i]) > 0) { el.className += " alerted"; } el.id = "marker-" + datai.id; el.style = "background-image: url(assets/images/" + iconName + ".png);"; el.addEventListener('click', function () { openPackageInfoSheet(datai.id); }); new mapboxgl.Marker(el) .setLngLat([datai.coords[1], datai.coords[0]]) .addTo(map); })(data[i]); } } map.animateMapIn = function (latitude, longitude, zoom, heading) { if (typeof zoom == 'undefined') { zoom = 16; } if (typeof heading == 'undefined') { heading = 0; } map.flyTo({ center: [ longitude, latitude ], speed: 1, zoom: zoom, heading: heading, pitch: 0 }); } map.animateMapIn(userPosition.coords.latitude, userPosition.coords.longitude, 12); return map; }