null, "familyid" => "", "camperid" => null, "adultid" => null, "youthid" => null, "firstname" => "", "lastname" => "", "address" => "", "zip" => "", "phone1" => "", "phone2" => "", "email" => "", "unit" => "", "shirt" => "", "sex" => "", "parentname" => "", "rank" => "", "days" => "", "den" => "", "health" => "", "notes" => "" ]; $type = "camper"; if (!empty($VARS['type']) && preg_match("/(camper|adult|youth)/", $VARS['type'])) { $type = $VARS['type']; } if (!empty($VARS['id']) && $database->has('people', ['personid' => $VARS['id']])) { $personid = $VARS['id']; $data = $database->get('people', ['personid (id)', 'familyid', 'camperid', 'adultid', 'youthid', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'address', 'zip', 'phone1', 'phone2', 'email', 'unit', 'shirt', 'sex', 'notes'], ['personid' => $personid]); if (!empty($data["camperid"])) { $type = "camper"; $data = array_merge($data, $database->get('campers', ['parentname', 'rank', 'den', 'health'], ['camperid' => $data["camperid"]])); } else if (!empty($data["adultid"])) { $type = "adult"; $data = array_merge($data, $database->get('adults', ['days', 'position'], ['adultid' => $data["adultid"]])); } else if (!empty($data["youthid"])) { $type = "youth"; $data = array_merge($data, $database->get('youth', ['days', 'position', 'parentname'], ['youthid' => $data["youthid"]])); } $editing = true; } ?>

build("Editing $type", ['person' => "" . htmlentities($data["firstname"] . " " . $data["lastname"]) . ""]); ?> get("Adding $type"); ?>
get("Cancel"); ?>

Enter a family ID.
"First Name", "name" => "firstname", "maxlength" => 255, "width" => 5, "value" => $data["firstname"], "error" => "Enter the person's first name." ], [ "label" => "Last Name", "name" => "lastname", "width" => 5, "maxlength" => 255, "value" => $data["lastname"], "error" => "Enter the person's last name." ] ]; if ($type == "camper") { $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Parent/Guardian Name", "name" => "parentname", "width" => 12, "maxlength" => 255, "value" => $data["parentname"], "error" => "Enter the parent or guardian's full name." ] ]); } $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Address", "name" => "address", "maxlength" => 500, "width" => 8, "value" => $data["address"], "error" => "Enter the person's home address." ], [ "label" => "ZIP Code", "name" => "zip", "maxlength" => 10, "width" => 4, "value" => $data["zip"], "pattern" => "[0-9]{5}(-?[0-9]{4})?", "error" => "Enter a valid 5 or 9 digit ZIP code." ], [ "label" => "Phone Number", "name" => "phone1", "type" => "tel", "maxlength" => 20, "width" => 3, "value" => $data["phone1"], "pattern" => "[0-9]{10}", "error" => "Enter a 10-digit phone number (numbers only)." ] ]); if ($type == "camper") { $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Alt. Phone Number", "name" => "phone2", "type" => "tel", "maxlength" => 20, "width" => 3, "value" => $data["phone2"], "optional" => true, "pattern" => "[0-9]{10}", "error" => "Enter a 10-digit phone number (numbers only)." ] ]); } $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Email", "name" => "email", "maxlength" => 255, "width" => 4, "type" => "email", "value" => $data["email"], "error" => "Enter your email address." ] ]); if ($type == "camper") { $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Pack #", "name" => "unit", "width" => 2, "maxlength" => 4, "pattern" => "[0-9]{3,4}", "value" => $data["unit"], "error" => "Enter the pack number." ], [ "label" => "Rank", "name" => "rank", "type" => "select", "width" => 2, "value" => $data["rank"], "options" => [ "" => "Choose...", "Tiger" => "Tiger", "Wolf" => "Wolf", "Bear" => "Bear", "Webelos" => "Webelos", "Arrow of Light" => "Arrow of Light", ], "error" => "Choose a rank." ] ]); } if ($type == "youth") { $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Parent Name", "name" => "parentname", "width" => 5, "maxlength" => 255, "value" => $data["parentname"], "error" => "Enter the parent or guardian's full name." ], [ "label" => "Parent Phone", "name" => "phone2", "type" => "tel", "maxlength" => 20, "width" => 3, "value" => $data["phone2"], "pattern" => "[0-9]{10}", "error" => "Enter a 10-digit phone number (numbers only)." ], [ "label" => "Unit #", "name" => "unit", "width" => 2, "maxlength" => 4, "pattern" => "[0-9]{3,4}", "value" => $data["unit"], "optional" => true, "error" => "Enter the unit number." ] ]); } if ($type == "adult" || $type == "youth") { if ($type == "adult") { $positions = [ "None" => "No Preference", "Den Walker" => "Den Walker", "Station Leader" => "Station Leader", "Tot Lot" => "Tot Lot", "First Aid" => "First Aid", "Floater" => "Floater" ]; } else { $positions = [ "None" => "No Preference", "Den Chief" => "Den Chief", "Station" => "Station", "Tot Lot" => "Tot Lot", "Floater" => "Floater" ]; } $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Available Days", "name" => "days", "type" => "checkboxes", "options" => [ "Tu" => "Tuesday", "We" => "Wednesday", "Th" => "Thursday", "Fr" => "Friday", ], "selected" => str_split($data['days'], 2), "error" => "Choose at least one day." ], [ "label" => "Preferred Position", "name" => "position", "type" => "select", "width" => 5, "options" => $positions, "value" => $data["position"], "error" => "Choose a position." ] ]); } $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Shirt Size", "name" => "shirt", "type" => "select", "value" => $data["shirt"], "width" => 3, "options" => [ "" => "Choose...", "NO" => "No Shirt", "YS" => "Youth Small", "YM" => "Youth Medium", "YL" => "Youth Large", "AS" => "Adult Small", "AM" => "Adult Medium", "AL" => "Adult Large", "AX" => "Adult Extra Large", "A2" => "Adult 2X Large" ], "error" => "Choose a shirt size." ], [ "label" => "Gender", "name" => "sex", "type" => "select", "width" => 3, "value" => $data["sex"], "options" => [ "" => "Choose...", "M" => "Male", "F" => "Female" ], "error" => "Choose a gender." ], ]); if ($type == "camper") { $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Den", "name" => "den", "width" => 3, "maxlength" => 255, "value" => $data["den"], "optional" => true, "error" => "Enter a den" ], [ "label" => "Health", "name" => "health", "type" => "textarea", "width" => 6, "value" => $data["health"], "optional" => true, "error" => "Error" ] ]); } $textboxes = array_merge($textboxes, [ [ "label" => "Notes", "name" => "notes", "type" => "textarea", "width" => 6, "value" => $data["notes"], "optional" => true, "error" => "Error" ] ]); foreach ($textboxes as $item) { ?>
$label) { ?>
" name="" data-name="" class="form-control" placeholder="" aria-label="" maxlength="" min="" pattern="" value="" />