false, // Database connection settings // See http://medoo.in/api/new for info "database" => [ "type" => "mysql", "name" => "campportal", "server" => "localhost", "user" => "", "password" => "", "charset" => "utf8" ], // Name of the app. "site_title" => "Camp Portal", "stripe" => [ "pubkey" => "", "seckey" => "" ], // Settings for connecting to the AccountHub server. "accounthub" => [ // URL for the API endpoint "api" => "http://localhost/accounthub/api/", // URL of the home page "home" => "http://localhost/accounthub/home.php", // API key "key" => "123" ], "email" => [ "host" => "", "auth" => true, "secure" => "tls", "port" => 587, "user" => "", "password" => "", "fromaddress" => "", "fromname" => "", "notification_to" => "" ], // For supported values, see http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php "timezone" => "America/Denver", // Use Captcheck on login screen to slow down bots // https://captcheck.netsyms.com "captcha" => [ "enabled" => false, "server" => "https://captcheck.netsyms.com" ], // Language to use for localization. See langs folder to add a language. "language" => "en", // Shown in the footer of all the pages. "footer_text" => "", // Also shown in the footer, but with "Copyright " in front. "copyright" => "Netsyms Technologies", // Base URL for building links relative to the location of the app. // Only used when there's no good context for the path. // The default is almost definitely fine. "url" => "." ];