null, "familyid" => null, "camperid" => null, "adultid" => null, "youthid" => null, "firstname" => "", "lastname" => "", "address" => "", "zip" => "", "phone1" => "", "phone2" => "", "email" => "", "unit" => "", "shirt" => "", "sex" => "", "parentname" => "", "rank" => "", "den" => "", "health" => "", "notes" => "", "position" => "" ]; if (!empty($VARS['personid']) && $database->has("people", ['personid' => $VARS['personid']])) { $person = $database->get('people', ['personid (id)', 'familyid', 'camperid', 'adultid', 'youthid', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'address', 'zip', 'phone1', 'phone2', 'email', 'unit', 'shirt', 'sex', 'notes'], ['personid' => $VARS['personid']]); $editing = true; } function errorBack(string $errormsg) { returnToSender($errormsg); } $database->action(function($database) { global $person, $VARS, $editing; try { if (!empty($VARS['familyid']) && $database->has('families', ['familyid' => $VARS['familyid']])) { $familyid = $VARS['familyid']; } else if ($editing) { $familyid = $person['familyid']; } else { $database->insert("families", []); $familyid = $database->id(); } $people = array_merge($person, $VARS); $requiredfields = [ "firstname" => ".+", "lastname" => ".+", "address" => ".+", "zip" => "[0-9]{5}(-?[0-9]{4})?", "phone1" => "[0-9]{10}", "email" => "_EMAIL_", "shirt" => ["NO", "YS", "YM", "YL", "AS", "AM", "AL", "AX", "A2", "A3"], "sex" => ["M", "F"] ]; switch ($people["type"]) { case "camper": $checkfields = array_merge($requiredfields, [ "parentname" => ".+", "unit" => "[0-9]{3,4}", "rank" => ["Tiger", "Wolf", "Bear", "Webelos", "Arrow of Light"] ]); break; case "adult": $checkfields = array_merge($requiredfields, [ "position" => [ "None", "Den Walker", "Station Leader", "Tot Lot", "First Aid", "Floater" ] ]); break; case "youth": $checkfields = array_merge($requiredfields, [ "position" => [ "None", "Den Chief", "Station", "Tot Lot", "Floater" ], "parentname" => ".+" ]); break; default: errorBack("Invalid person type."); } foreach ($checkfields as $name => $regex) { $validatefunction = function ($str) use ($regex) { return preg_match("/$regex/", $str); }; if (is_array($regex)) { // Array of options $validatefunction = function ($str) use ($regex) { return in_array($str, $regex); }; } else if (strpos($regex, "_") === 0) { // Special cases switch ($regex) { case "_EMAIL_": $validatefunction = function ($str) { return filter_var($str, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); }; break; } } // Validate if (!$validatefunction($people[$name])) { errorBack("Please check your input and try again ($name)."); } } $days = ""; if (is_string($people["days"])) { $people["days"] = str_split($people["days"], 2); } if (is_array($people["days"])) { $validdays = ["Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr"]; $days = ""; foreach ($people["days"] as $day) { if (in_array($day, $validdays)) { $days .= $day; } } } switch ($people["type"]) { case "camper": $data = [ "parentname" => $people["parentname"], "rank" => $people["rank"], "den" => (empty($people["den"]) ? "" : $people["den"]), "health" => (empty($people["health"]) ? "" : $people["health"]) ]; if ($editing) { $database->update("campers", $data, ['camperid' => $person['camperid']]); $camperid = $person['camperid']; } else { $database->insert("campers", $data); $camperid = $database->id(); } break; case "adult": $data = [ "position" => $people["position"], "days" => $days ]; if ($editing) { $database->update("adults", $data, ['adultid' => $person['adultid']]); $adultid = $person['adultid']; } else { $database->insert("adults", $data); $adultid = $database->id(); } break; case "youth": $data = [ "position" => $people["position"], "days" => $days, "parentname" => $people["parentname"] ]; if ($editing) { $database->update("youth", $data, ['youthid' => $person['youthid']]); $youthid = $person['youthid']; } else { $database->insert("youth", $data); $youthid = $database->id(); } break; } $data = [ "familyid" => $familyid, "camperid" => $camperid, "adultid" => $adultid, "youthid" => $youthid, "firstname" => $people["firstname"], "lastname" => $people["lastname"], "address" => $people["address"], "zip" => $people["zip"], "phone1" => empty($people["phone1"]) ? "" : $people["phone1"], "phone2" => empty($people["phone2"]) ? "" : $people["phone2"], "email" => empty($people["email"]) ? "" : $people["email"], "unit" => $people["unit"], "shirt" => $people["shirt"], "sex" => $people["sex"], "notes" => (empty($people["notes"]) ? "" : $people["notes"]) ]; if ($editing) { $database->update("people", $data, ['personid' => $VARS['personid']]); } else { $database->insert("people", $data); } } catch (Exception $ex) { errorBack($ex->getMessage()); } }); returnToSender("person_saved", "&id=" . htmlentities($VARS['personid'])); break; case "deleteperson": if (!empty($VARS['id']) && $database->count("people", ['personid' => $VARS['id']]) === 1) { $ids = $database->get("people", ['camperid', 'adultid', 'youthid'], ['personid' => $VARS['id']]); if (!is_null($ids['camperid'])) { $database->delete("campers", ['camperid' => $ids['camperid']]); } else if (!is_null($ids['adultid'])) { $database->delete("adults", ['adultid' => $ids['adultid']]); } else if (!is_null($ids['youthid'])) { $database->delete("youth", ['youthid' => $ids['youthid']]); } $database->delete("people", ["personid" => $VARS['id']]); returnToSender("person_deleted"); } else { returnToSender("person_doesnt_exist"); } break; case "editpayment": if (!$database->has("families", ['familyid' => $VARS['familyid']])) { returnToSender("invalid_parameters"); } if (!is_numeric($VARS["amount"]) || $VARS["amount"] < 0) { returnToSender("invalid_parameters"); } if (!is_numeric($VARS["amountpaid"]) || $VARS["amountpaid"] < 0) { returnToSender("invalid_parameters"); } if (empty($VARS['date']) || strtotime($VARS['date']) === false) { returnToSender("invalid_parameters"); } if (!empty($VARS['paymentid']) && $database->has("payments", ['paymentid' => $VARS['paymentid']])) { $database->update("payments", [ "familyid" => $VARS["familyid"], "amount" => $VARS["amount"], "amountpaid" => $VARS["amountpaid"], "date" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($VARS['date'])), "type" => $VARS["type"] ], [ "paymentid" => $VARS["paymentid"] ]); $paymentid = $VARS["paymentid"]; } else { $database->insert("payments", [ "familyid" => $VARS["familyid"], "amount" => $VARS["amount"], "amountpaid" => $VARS["amountpaid"], "date" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($VARS['date'])), "type" => $VARS["type"] ]); $paymentid = $database->id(); } returnToSender("payment_saved", "&id=$paymentid"); break; case "familysearch": $people = $database->select('people', ['familyid (id)', 'firstname', 'lastname'], ['OR' => ['familyid' => $VARS['q'], 'lastname[~]' => $VARS['q'], 'firstname[~]' => $VARS['q']]]); $data = []; foreach ($people as $p) { $data[$p['id']]['names'][] = $p['firstname'] . " " . $p['lastname']; $data[$p['id']]['id'] = $p['id']; } $out = []; foreach ($data as $i) { $out[] = [ 'id' => $i['id'], 'name' => implode(", ", $i['names']) ]; } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($out); }