/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var inCordova = false; var inNwjs = false; var setupMode = false; var serverUrl = ""; var apiKey = ""; function loadSetupMode() { $("#setupbtn").click(function () { var url = $("#serverurl").val(); if (url == "") { url = "https://pcinfo.netsyms.com/api"; } var key = $("#apikey").val(); if (key == "") { alert("Please enter a valid API key."); return; } $.getJSON(url, { key: key, action: 'ping' }, function (resp) { if (typeof resp['status'] != 'undefined') { if (resp['status'] == 'ERROR') { alert("Error: " + resp['message']); return; } else if (resp['status'] == 'OK') { localStorage.setItem('server', url); localStorage.setItem('apikey', key); alert("Setup complete."); document.location.href = "index.html"; } else { alert("Invalid reply from server."); } } else { alert("Invalid reply from server."); } }).fail(function (xhr) { try { var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (typeof resp['status'] != 'undefined' && resp['status'] == 'ERROR') { alert("Error: " + resp['message']); } else { alert("Error connecting to server."); } } catch (ex) { alert("Error connecting to server."); } }); }); $("#setupmode").removeClass("d-none"); } function loadUserMode() { $("#usermode").removeClass("d-none"); } document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () { inCordova = true; }); $(document).ready(function () { if (typeof nw !== 'undefined') { inNwjs = true; } if (localStorage.getItem('server') === null || localStorage.getItem('apikey') === null) { setupMode = true; } if (setupMode) { loadSetupMode(); } else { loadUserMode(); } });