has('apikeys', ['key' => $VARS['key']])) { http_response_code(403); die('{"status": "ERROR", "message": "Invalid API key. Access denied."}'); } function sendError($type, $msg = "An error occurred.") { $code = 404; switch ($type) { case "nomachineid": $code = 400; $msg = "No machine ID sent."; break; case "dberror": $code = 500; $msg = "The database encountered an error: $msg"; } http_response_code($code); die(json_encode([ "status" => "ERROR", "message" => $msg ])); } switch ($VARS['action']) { /* Get info */ case "getmachineinfo": if (empty($VARS['id'])) { sendError("nomachineid"); } try { $machine = new Machine($VARS['id']); echo json_encode($machine->getMachineInfo()); } catch (Exception $e) { sendError("", $e->getMessage()); } break; case "getmachinehistory": if (empty($VARS['id'])) { sendError("nomachineid"); } try { $machine = new Machine($VARS['id']); echo json_encode($machine->getHistory()); } catch (Exception $e) { sendError("", $e->getMessage()); } break; case "getmachinecomponents": if (empty($VARS['id'])) { sendError("nomachineid"); } try { $machine = new Machine($VARS['id']); echo json_encode($machine->getComponents()); } catch (Exception $e) { sendError("", $e->getMessage()); } break; case "geteventtypes": echo json_encode($database->select('event_types', ['eventid (id)', 'eventname (name)'])); break; case "getcomponenttypes": echo json_encode($database->select('component_types', ['typeid (id)', 'typename (name)'])); break; /* Save info */ case "addmachine": if (empty($VARS['id'])) { sendError("nomachineid"); } if ($database->has('machines', ['machineid' => $VARS['id']])) { sendError("", "A machine with that ID already exists."); } $data = []; $data['machineid'] = $VARS['id']; if (empty($VARS['notes'])) { $data['notes'] = ""; } else { $data['notes'] = $VARS['notes']; } if (!empty($VARS['model'])) { $data['model'] = $VARS['model']; } if (!empty($VARS['condition'])) { if (is_numeric($VARS['condition']) && $VARS['condition'] > 0 && $VARS['condition'] < 10) { $data['condition'] = $VARS['condition'] * 1.0; } else { sendError("", "Machine condition must be a number and 0 < condition < 10."); } } if (!empty($VARS['price'])) { if (is_numeric($VARS['price']) && $VARS['price'] > 0 && $VARS['price'] < 10000.0) { $data['price'] = $VARS['price'] * 1.0; } else { sendError("", "Machine price must be a number and 0 < price < 10000."); } } $database->insert('machines', $data); if ($database->error()[1] != 0) { sendError("dberror", $database->error()[2]); } exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK"])); break; case "addhistory": if (empty($VARS['id'])) { sendError("nomachineid"); } try { $machine = new Machine($VARS['id']); $machine->addHistory($VARS['date'], $VARS['event'], $VARS['notes']); exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK"])); } catch (Exception $e) { sendError("", $e->getMessage()); } break; case "addcomponent": if (empty($VARS['id'])) { sendError("nomachineid"); } try { $machine = new Machine($VARS['id']); $machine->addComponent($VARS['serial'], $VARS['type'], $VARS['tested'], $VARS['notes'], $VARS['capacity'], $VARS['model']); exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK"])); } catch (Exception $e) { sendError("", $e->getMessage()); } break; default: sendError("", "Invalid action or no action sent."); }