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Skylar Ittner 6fcd22b533 Update to 2018.2.0 5 anos atrás
font Replace TinyMCE with Summernote, round 1 7 anos atrás
AdminLTE.min.css Getting started on a new backend look and feel 8 anos atrás
bootstrap-clockpicker.min.css Add clockpicker dependency for times 8 anos atrás
bootstrap-colorpicker.min.css Add colorpicker for categories and statuses 8 anos atrás
bootstrap-iconpicker.min.css Basic starting point for service message updates 9 anos atrás
bootstrap-select.min.css Starting to use bootstrap-select on admin_ticket to improve dropdowns 7 anos atrás
bootstrap-theme.css #128 Update Bootstrap and Boostrap-RTL 9 anos atrás
bootstrap.css #128 Update Bootstrap and Boostrap-RTL 9 anos atrás
colors.css Add bootstrap-select to all dropdowns in green, change background on ticket list 7 anos atrás
datepicker.css #91 Use Bootstrap datepicker instead of jQuery UI 9 anos atrás
displays.css Calendar uses new UI 8 anos atrás
dropzone-basic.min.css Dropzone is somewhat working, need to actually try it out 8 anos atrás
dropzone.min.css Dropzone is somewhat working, need to actually try it out 8 anos atrás
font-awesome.min.css #648 Update FontAwesome to 4.7, don't use external CDN 6 anos atrás
fullcalendar.min.css Udpate to FC 3, add jQuery 2 8 anos atrás
hesk_newStyle.css #253 Fix indentation across the project 9 anos atrás
leaflet.css #648 Update leaflet to 0.7.7, don't use external CDN 6 anos atrás
magnific-popup.css Replace fancybox with magnific popup (licensing) 7 anos atrás
mods-for-hesk-new.css Changes and fixes' 6 anos atrás
mods-for-hesk.css Updated priority colors on customer side 7 anos atrás
octicons.css #42 Started on adding icons to areas of the help desk 10 anos atrás
octicons.eot #42 Started on adding icons to areas of the help desk 10 anos atrás
octicons.svg #42 Started on adding icons to areas of the help desk 10 anos atrás
positions.css Calendar uses new UI 8 anos atrás
summernote.css Add 'css/summernote.css' 7 anos atrás
toastr.min.css Add toastr, fix several things regarding custom nav elements 7 anos atrás