You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This file is part of HESK - PHP Help Desk Software.
* (c) Copyright Klemen Stirn. All rights reserved.
* For the full copyright and license agreement information visit
/* Check if this is a valid include */
if (!defined('IN_SCRIPT')) {die('Invalid attempt');}
function hesk_dbCollate()
global $hesklang;
// MySQL vesions prior to 5.6 don't support some collations
if ( in_array($hesklang['_COLLATE'], array('utf8_croatian_ci', 'utf8_german2_ci', 'utf8_vietnamese_ci')) )
if ( version_compare( hesk_dbResult( hesk_dbQuery('SELECT VERSION() AS version') ), '5.6', '<') )
$hesklang['_COLLATE'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
return hesk_dbEscape($hesklang['_COLLATE']);
} // END hesk_dbCollate()
function hesk_dbSetNames()
global $hesk_settings, $hesk_db_link;
if ($hesk_settings['db_vrsn'])
mysql_set_charset('utf8', $hesk_db_link);
hesk_dbQuery("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
} // END hesk_dbSetNames()
function hesk_dbFormatEmail($email, $field = 'email')
global $hesk_settings;
$email = hesk_dbLike($email);
if ($hesk_settings['multi_eml'])
return " (`".hesk_dbEscape($field)."` LIKE '".hesk_dbEscape($email)."' OR `".hesk_dbEscape($field)."` LIKE '%,".hesk_dbEscape($email)."' OR `".hesk_dbEscape($field)."` LIKE '".hesk_dbEscape($email).",%' OR `".hesk_dbEscape($field)."` LIKE '%,".hesk_dbEscape($email).",%') ";
return " `".hesk_dbEscape($field)."` LIKE '".hesk_dbEscape($email)."' ";
} // END hesk_dbFormatEmail()
function hesk_dbTime()
$res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT NOW()");
return strtotime(hesk_dbResult($res,0,0));
} // END hesk_dbTime()
function hesk_dbSetTimezone()
global $hesk_settings;
hesk_dbQuery('SET time_zone = "'.hesk_timeToHHMM(date('Z')).'"');
return true;
} // END hesk_dbSetTimezone()
function hesk_dbEscape($in)
global $hesk_db_link;
$in = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($in), $hesk_db_link);
$in = str_replace('`','&#96;',$in);
return $in;
} // END hesk_dbEscape()
function hesk_dbLike($in)
return str_replace( array('_', '%'), array('\\\\_', '\\\\%'), $in);
} // END hesk_dbLike()
function hesk_dbConnect()
global $hesk_settings;
global $hesk_db_link;
global $hesklang;
// Is mysql supported?
if ( ! function_exists('mysql_connect') )
// Connect to the database
$hesk_db_link = @mysql_connect($hesk_settings['db_host'], $hesk_settings['db_user'], $hesk_settings['db_pass']);
// Errors?
if ( ! $hesk_db_link)
$message = $hesklang['mysql_said'] . ': ' . mysql_error();
throw new \Core\Exceptions\SQLException($message);
if ( ! @mysql_select_db($hesk_settings['db_name'], $hesk_db_link)) {
$message = $hesklang['mysql_said'] . ': ' . mysql_error();
throw new \Core\Exceptions\SQLException($message);
// Check MySQL/PHP version and set encoding to utf8
// Set the correct timezone
return $hesk_db_link;
} // END hesk_dbConnect()
function hesk_dbClose()
global $hesk_db_link;
return @mysql_close($hesk_db_link);
} // END hesk_dbClose()
function hesk_dbQuery($query)
global $hesk_last_query;
global $hesk_db_link;
global $hesklang, $hesk_settings;
if ( ! $hesk_db_link && ! hesk_dbConnect())
return false;
$hesk_last_query = $query;
if ($res = @mysql_query($query, $hesk_db_link)) {
return $res;
$message = $hesklang['mysql_said'] . mysql_error();
throw new \Core\Exceptions\SQLException($message);
} // END hesk_dbQuery()
function hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res)
return @mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
} // END hesk_FetchAssoc()
function hesk_dbFetchRow($res)
return @mysql_fetch_row($res);
} // END hesk_FetchRow()
function hesk_dbResult($res, $row = 0, $column = 0)
return @mysql_result($res, $row, $column);
} // END hesk_dbResult()
function hesk_dbInsertID()
global $hesk_db_link;
if ($lastid = @mysql_insert_id($hesk_db_link))
return $lastid;
return null;
} // END hesk_dbInsertID()
function hesk_dbFreeResult($res)
return mysql_free_result($res);
} // END hesk_dbFreeResult()
function hesk_dbNumRows($res)
return @mysql_num_rows($res);
} // END hesk_dbNumRows()
function hesk_dbAffectedRows()
global $hesk_db_link;
return @mysql_affected_rows($hesk_db_link);
} // END hesk_dbAffectedRows()