$routeDesc ){ $routePath = preg_replace( $regex, $replacements, $routePath ); if( preg_match( '#^/?' . $routePath . '/?$#', $path, $matches ) ){ if( is_array( $routeDesc ) ) { $handler = $routeDesc[0]; if( isset( $routeDesc[2] )) { $middleware = $routeDesc[2]; } } else $handler = $routeDesc; $matched = $matches; break; } } } unset( $matched[0] ); if( isset($middleware) ){ $newMatched = self::callFunction( $middleware, $matched, $method ); /* If new wildcard param are there pass them to main handler */ if( $newMatched ) { self::callFunction( $handler, $newMatched, $method ); } else { self::callFunction( $handler, $matched, $method ); } } else { self::callFunction( $handler, $matched, $method ); } /* Call all the function that are to be executed after routing */ foreach( self::$afterFuncs as $afterFunc ) if( $afterFunc[1] ) { call_user_func_array( $afterFunc[0] , $afterFunc[1] ); } else { call_user_func( $afterFunc[0] ); } } /** * Static function that helps you generate links effortlessly and pass parameters to them, thus enabling to generate dynamic links * * @param string $name name of the route for which the link has to be generated * @param array $params An array of parameters that are replaced in the route if it contains wildcards * For e.g. if route is /name/{i}/{a} and parameters passed are 1, aps then link generated will be /name/1/aps */ public static function route( $name, $params = array() ) { $href = null; foreach ( self::$routes as $routePath => $routeDesc ) { if( is_array( $routeDesc ) ){ if( $name == $routeDesc[1] ){ $href = $routePath; for( $i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++){ $href = preg_replace('#{(.*?)}#', $params[$i], $href, 1); } } } } return $href; } /** * Static function to handle cases when route is not found, call handler of 404 if defined else * sends a 404 header */ public static function handle404() { /* Call '404' route if it exists */ if( isset ( self::$routes['404'] ) ) { call_user_func( self::$routes['404'] ); } else { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 404 Not Found"); } } /** * Static function to handle both middlewares' call and main handler's call. * * @param array|string $handler Handler that will handle the routes call or middleware * @param array $matched The parameters that we get from the route wildcard * @return array $newParams The parameters return in the case of middleware if you intend to * the wildcards that were originally passed, this newParams will * be next passed to main handler */ public static function callFunction( $handler , $matched, $method ) { if ( $handler ) { if ( is_callable( $handler ) ) { $newParams = call_user_func_array( $handler, $matched ) ; } else { /* Check if class exists in the case user is using RESTful pattern */ if( class_exists( $handler ) ) { $instanceOfHandler = new $handler(); // Won't work in case of middleware since we aren't using RESTful in that } else { print_r('Class or function ' . $handler . ' not found'); header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500); die(); } } } else { self::handle404(); } if( isset( $instanceOfHandler ) ) { if( method_exists( $instanceOfHandler, $method ) ) { try { $newParams = call_user_func_array( array( $instanceOfHandler, $method ), $matched ); } catch ( Exception $exception ){ $string = str_replace("\n", ' ', var_export($exception, TRUE)); error_log($string); //Log to error file only if display errors has been declared header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500); die(); } } } if( isset( $newParams ) && $newParams ) { return $newParams; } } /** * Static function to add functions that are to be excuted before each routing, must be called before Link::all * * @param string $funcName Name of the funtion to be called upon before * @param array $params Array of parameters that are to be passed to before function, can be null but if not * it must be an array */ public static function before( $funcName, $params = null ) { array_push( self::$beforeFuncs, [ $funcName, $params ]); } /** * Static function to add functions that are to be excuted after each routing, must be called before Link::all * * @param string $funcName Name of the funtion to be called upon after * @param array $params Array of parameters that are to be passed to after function, can be null but if not * it must be an array */ public static function after( $funcName, $params = null ) { array_push( self::$afterFuncs, [ $funcName, $params ]); } }