*.'; $hesklang['quick_help_view_ticket']='Please fill out the required information on the right to view your ticket. If you forgot your Ticket tracking ID, click "Forgot tracking ID".'; $hesklang['information']='Information'; $hesklang['admin_sidebar_ticket_id']='TICKET ID'; $hesklang['priorityChange']=' - - Change Priority - - '; $hesklang['statusChange']=' - - Change Status - - '; $hesklang['ownerChange']=' - - Change Owner - - '; $hesklang['categoryChange']=' - - Change Category - - '; $hesklang['navigation']='Navigation'; $hesklang['nti']='New ticket'; $hesklang['savedResponses']='Saved Responses'; $hesklang['add_ticket_general_information']='General Information'; $hesklang['add_ticket_your_message']='Your Message'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods For HESK 1.2 $hesklang['statuses'] = 'Statuses'; $hesklang['basicProperties'] = 'Basic Properties'; $hesklang['textColor'] = 'Text Color'; $hesklang['textColorDescr'] = 'This is the hex color code for the status that will be used on the ticket search page and export search page'; $hesklang['closedQuestionMark'] = 'Closed?'; $hesklang['closedQuestionMarkDescr'] = 'If checked, tickets will be considered closed if they are set to this status.'; $hesklang['basicProperties'] = 'Basic Properties'; $hesklang['defaultStatusForAction'] = 'Default Status For Action'; $hesklang['isClosedByClientMsg'] = 'When a client clicks the "Close ticket" link, change the status to'; $hesklang['isStaffClosedOptionMsg'] = 'When a staff member clicks the "Close ticket" link, change the status to'; $hesklang['isStaffReopenedStatusMsg'] = 'When a staff member clicks the "Open ticket" link, change the status to'; $hesklang['isDefaultStaffReplyStatusMsg'] = 'When a staff member replies to a ticket, change the status to'; $hesklang['lockedTicketStatusMsg'] = 'When a ticket is locked, change the status to'; $hesklang['textColorRequired'] = 'Text Color is required.'; $hesklang['addNew'] = 'Add New'; $hesklang['close_action']='Close Ticket'; // Close ACTION $hesklang['whyCantIDeleteThisStatus'] = "Why Can't I Delete This Status?"; $hesklang['whyCantIDeleteThisStatusReason'] = 'This status cannot be deleted because it is being used as a default status for a particular action.'; $hesklang['isNewTicketMsg'] = 'When a new ticket is created, set its status to'; $hesklang['isRepliedByClientMsg'] = 'When a client replies to a ticket, set its status to'; $hesklang['close_this_ticket']='Close ticket'; $hesklang['closed']='closed'; $hesklang['resolved']='Resolved'; // Ticket has been RESOLVED $hesklang['quick_help_ticket']='Here is the information on your ticket. You can add a reply to this ticket, close it, or re-open the ticket if applicable.'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods For HESK 1.2.2 $hesklang['changeLanguage'] = 'Change language to'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods For HESK 1.4.0 $hesklang['navbarBackgroundColor'] = 'Navbar Background Color'; $hesklang['navbarBackgroundColorHelp'] = 'The main color of the top navigation bar. This applies only to the client-side.'; $hesklang['navbarBrandColor'] = 'Navbar Brand Color'; $hesklang['navbarBrandColorHelp'] = 'The text color of the \'brand\' on the left (also the name of the Help Desk).'; $hesklang['navbarBrandHoverColor'] = 'Navbar Brand Hover Color'; $hesklang['navbarBrandHoverColorHelp'] = 'The text color of the \'brand\' on the left when the use moves their mouse over the text.'; $hesklang['navbarItemTextColor'] = 'Navbar Item Text Color'; $hesklang['navbarItemTextColorHelp'] = 'The text color of the navigation items on the navigation bar.'; $hesklang['navbarItemTextHoverColor'] = 'Navbar Item Text Hover Color'; $hesklang['navbarItemTextHoverColorHelp'] = 'The text color of the navigation items on the navigation bar when the user hovers over one of the items.'; $hesklang['navbarItemTextSelectedColor'] = 'Navbar Item Text Selected Color'; $hesklang['navbarItemTextSelectedColorHelp'] = 'The text color of the navigation items on the navigation bar when the user clicks on an item, and a dropdown menu appears (such as \'Ticket\').'; $hesklang['navbarItemSelectedBackgroundColor'] = 'Navbar Item Selected Background Color'; $hesklang['navbarItemSelectedBackgroundColorHelp'] = 'The background color of the navigation items on the navigation bar when the user clicks on an item, and a dropdown menu appears (such as \'Ticket\').'; $hesklang['dropdownItemTextColor'] = 'Dropdown Item Text Color'; $hesklang['dropdownItemTextColorHelp'] = 'The text color of a dropdown item.'; $hesklang['dropdownItemTextHoverColor'] = 'Dropdown Item Text Hover Color'; $hesklang['dropdownItemTextHoverColorHelp'] = 'The text color of a dropdown item when the mouse hovers over it.'; $hesklang['questionMarkColor'] = 'Question Mark Color'; $hesklang['questionMarkColorHelp'] = 'The text color for the question mark circle, as seen on the \'Settings\' page and on other various pages.'; $hesklang['dropdownItemTextHoverBackgroundColor'] = 'Dropdown Item Text Hover Background Color'; $hesklang['dropdownItemTextHoverBackgroundColorHelp'] = 'The background color of a dropdown item when the mouse hovers over it.'; $hesklang['uiColors'] = 'UI Colors'; $hesklang['displayRtl'] = 'Display site right-to-left'; $hesklang['displayRtlHelp'] = 'Check this to set the text direction to right-to-left.'; $hesklang['showIcons'] = 'Show Icons'; $hesklang['showIconsHelp'] = 'Check this box to show icons next to navigation bar items'; $hesklang['maintenanceMode'] = 'Maintenance Mode'; $hesklang['maintenanceModeHelp'] = 'Check this box to put the Help Desk in maintenance mode. Staff can still log into the backend, but the front end will be inaccessible.'; $hesklang['none'] = 'None'; $hesklang['autorefresh'] = 'Autorefresh:'; $hesklang['autorefresh_restrictions'] = 'Enter value in milliseconds. Value must be greater than 1000 to use this feature. No fractional values.'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods For HESK 1.5.0 $hesklang['ticket_auto_refresh'] = 'Ticket Table Auto-Refresh:'; $hesklang['display_rtl'] = 'Display site right-to-left'; $hesklang['show_icons_navigation'] = 'Show icons on navigation bar'; $hesklang['enable_maintenance'] = 'Enable maintenance mode'; $hesklang['can_man_settings']='Can manage help desk settings'; $hesklang['disable_user'] = 'User is active (click to deactivate)'; $hesklang['enable_user'] = 'User is inactive (click to activate)'; $hesklang['user_activated'] = 'User has been activated'; $hesklang['user_deactivated'] = 'User has been deactivated'; $hesklang['active_user'] = 'Is active user'; $hesklang['self_deactivation'] = 'You cannot deactivate yourself!'; $hesklang['inactive_user'] = 'Your account is currently inactive. Contact an administrator for more information.'; $hesklang['cant_edit_admin'] = 'You cannot edit the God Admin (User ID = 1)'; $hesklang['notifications_disabled_info'] = 'Changing notifications settings has been disabled by your administrator.'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods For HESK 1.6.0 $hesklang['notify_note_unassigned'] = 'Someone adds a note to a ticket not assigned to me'; $hesklang['can_change_notification_settings'] = 'Can change notification settings'; $hesklang['add_row'] = 'Add row'; $hesklang['addnote'] = 'Add note'; $hesklang['mods_for_hesk'] = 'Mods for HESK'; $hesklang['err_modsForHesk_settings'] = 'Can\'t open file modsForHesk_settings.inc.php for writing. Please CHMOD this file to 666 (rw-rw-rw-)'; $hesklang['mods_for_hesk_version'] = 'Mods for HESK Version'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods For HESK 1.7.0 $hesklang['date_custom_field'] = 'Date'; $hesklang['date_custom_field_text'] = 'No options for this custom field type.'; $hesklang['multiple_select_custom_field'] = 'Multiple Select box'; $hesklang['multiple_select_custom_field_text'] = 'Options for this multi-select box, enter one option per line (each line will be a choice your customers can choose from). You need to enter at least two options!'; $hesklang['date_format'] = 'Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.'; $hesklang['custom_field_setting'] = 'Multilanguage support'; $hesklang['custom_field_setting_help'] = 'Enabling this setting will use the name of the custom field as the language file\'s key, rather than the direct name itself. This allows the custom field to be translated into different languages.'; $hesklang['enable_custom_field_language'] = 'Enable multilanguage support'; $hesklang['custom_language_key'] = 'Field language file key'; $hesklang['ticket_reopen_assigned'] = '[#%%TRACK_ID%%] Assigned ticket reopened'; $hesklang['verify_email'] = 'Verify Email'; $hesklang['email_verified'] = 'The email address %s has been verified. Additionally, the following tickets have been created:'; //%s: email address $hesklang['verify_no_records'] = 'No records were found for this activation key. Has this activation key already been used?'; $hesklang['activation_key'] = 'Activation Key'; $hesklang['no_tickets_created'] = 'No tickets created'; $hesklang['customer_email_verification'] = 'Customer Email Verifications'; $hesklang['customer_email_verification_help'] = 'Require customers to verify their email address via email. Once their address has been verified, it does not need to be re-verified in the future.

NOTE: Enabling this will disable the ability for the customer to provide multiple emails, as HESK will be unable to determine which email needs to be verified.'; $hesklang['require_customer_validate_email'] = 'Require customers to verify email'; $hesklang['multi_eml_disabled'] = 'This feature has been disabled because this help desk has been configured to require customers to verify their email address'; $hesklang['feature_disabled'] = 'Feature Disabled'; $hesklang['verify_your_email'] = 'Your ticket has been created; however your email needs to be verified before your ticket can be addressed. An email has been sent to the email provided for verification.'; $hesklang['installation_information'] = 'Installation Information'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods For HESK 2.0.0 $hesklang['saved_ticket_tpl'] = 'Saved Templates'; $hesklang['new_ticket_tpl']='Add or Edit a Ticket Template'; $hesklang['and_change_status_to'] = 'and change status to'; // Used in combination with $hesklang['submit_reply'] (Reads as "Submit reply and change status to") $hesklang['closed_title'] = 'Closed'; $hesklang['image'] = 'Image'; $hesklang['close_modal'] = 'Close'; $hesklang['email_custom_field'] = 'Email Address'; $hesklang['email_custom_field_help'] = 'Allows the input of an email address. Similar to a text field, however the email address(es) will be added to all emails for this ticket, in the Cc or Bcc section, depending on the option selected.'; $hesklang['email_custom_field_label'] = 'Address Type'; $hesklang['cc'] = 'Cc:'; $hesklang['bcc'] = 'Bcc:'; $hesklang['mailgun'] = 'Mailgun'; $hesklang['mailgun_help'] = 'Send mail using the Mailgun API. For more information on Mailgun, visit https://www.mailgun.com'; $hesklang['mailgun_api_key'] = 'Mailgun API Key'; $hesklang['mailgun_api_key_help'] = 'Your API key for Mailgun.'; $hesklang['mailgun_domain'] = 'Mailgun Domain'; $hesklang['mailgun_domain_help'] = 'Your registered domain for Mailgun'; $hesklang['html_emails'] = 'HTML Emails'; $hesklang['html_emails_help'] = 'Send HTML-supported emails to staff and customers.

To use this feature, create a new folder called html in your language\'s emails folder and create templates for each email file. Both the HTML and plaintext versions will be sent (recipient\'s email program will properly display either the HTML or plaintext version, depending on their mail client\'s settings).'; $hesklang['html_emails_text'] = 'Enable HTML-formatted emails'; $hesklang['beta_text'] = 'BETA'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.1.0 $hesklang['e_mfh_settings'] = 'You will not be able to save your settings unless this file is writable by the script (CHMOD to 666)!'; $hesklang['mfh_up_to_date'] = 'Mods for HESK is up to date'; $hesklang['use_bootstrap_theme'] = 'Use Boostrap Theme CSS'; $hesklang['use_bootstrap_theme_help'] = 'Enable this to use the bootstrap-theme.css file. Use this for a more 3D look and feel, or disable it for a flatter look.'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.1.1 $hesklang['new_article_default_type'] = 'Default Type for New Articles'; $hesklang['new_article_default_type_help'] = 'Choose the default type for new knowledgebase articles.'; $hesklang['kb_draft3'] = 'The article is saved but not yet published. It can only be read by staff who has permission to manage knowledgebase articles.'; // This is exactly the same as kb_draft2 with all HTML removed $hesklang['file_name'] = 'File Name'; $hesklang['action'] = 'Action'; $hesklang['click_to_preview'] = 'Click to preview'; $hesklang['attachment_removed'] = 'This attachment has been removed and cannot be viewed / downloaded'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.2.0 $hesklang['email_templates'] = 'Email templates'; $hesklang['email_templates_intro'] = 'You can edit your plaintext and HTML email templates here.'; $hesklang['edit_plain_text_template'] = 'Edit plain text template'; $hesklang['edit_html_template'] = 'Edit HTML template'; $hesklang['editing_plain_text_template'] = 'Editing plain text template %s'; // %s: The name of the template file, then language name $hesklang['editing_html_template'] = 'Editing HTML template %s'; // %s: The name of the template file, then language name $hesklang['show_special_tags'] = 'Show Special Tags'; $hesklang['hide_special_tags'] = 'Hide Special Tags'; $hesklang['special_tag'] = 'Special Tag'; $hesklang['description'] = 'Description'; $hesklang['customer_name'] = 'Customer name'; $hesklang['customer_email'] = 'Customer email'; $hesklang['ticket_subject'] = 'Ticket subject'; $hesklang['ticket_message'] = 'Ticket/Reply message'; $hesklang['ticket_created'] = 'Date and time of ticket submission'; $hesklang['ticket_updated'] = 'Date and time of ticket last update'; $hesklang['ticket_url'] = 'Ticket URL address'; $hesklang['ticket_category'] = 'Ticket category'; $hesklang['ticket_owner'] = 'Staff member assigned to the ticket'; $hesklang['ticket_priority'] = 'Ticket priority'; $hesklang['custom_field_x'] = 'Custom field %s'; // %s: Custom field #1-20 $hesklang['email_template_saved'] = 'The email template %s has been saved.'; // %s: Template file name $hesklang['error_saving_template'] = 'An error occurred when trying to save the email template!'; $hesklang['can_man_email_tpl'] = 'Edit email templates'; $hesklang['email_template_directory_not_writable'] = 'The email template %s is not writable by HESK. Please CHMOD it to 0666.'; // %s: template file name $hesklang['closable_question'] = 'Closable?'; $hesklang['closable_description'] = 'This setting is ignored if the "Closed?" setting is set to "Yes" for this status.

Determines if the customer and/or staff is able to close a ticket in this status.

Yes: Both customers and staff can close a ticket in this status.
Customers only: Customers can close a ticket in this status, but staff cannot.
Staff only: Staff can close a ticket in this status, but customers cannot.
No: No one is allowed to close a ticket in this status.'; // " = " $hesklang['customers_only'] = 'Customers only'; $hesklang['staff_only'] = 'Staff only'; $hesklang['yes_title_case'] = 'Yes'; $hesklang['no_title_case'] = 'No'; $hesklang['autoclose_ticket_status'] = 'When a ticket is closed automatically, change the status to'; $hesklang['recent_tickets'] = 'Recent tickets'; $hesklang['current_status_colon'] = 'Current status: %s'; // %s: status name (i.e. "Resolved", "New", etc.) $hesklang['email_attachments'] = 'Email attachments'; $hesklang['email_attachments_help'] = 'Show attachments as links: Links to attachments will be appended at the end of the email.

Attach directly to email: Attachments will be embedded directly into emails.'; $hesklang['show_attachments_as_links'] = 'Show attachments as links'; $hesklang['attach_directly_to_email'] = 'Attach directly to email'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.2.1 $hesklang['popart_no_colon']='Top Knowledgebase Articles'; // same as $hesklang['popart'] but without a colon (:) $hesklang['latart_no_colon']='Latest Knowledgebase Articles'; // same as $hesklang['latart'] but without a colon (:) $hesklang['ac_no_colon']='Articles in this Category'; // same as $hesklang['ac'] but without a colon (:) // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.3.0 $hesklang['sm_icon'] = 'Icon'; $hesklang['sm_icon_type'] = 'Icon Type'; $hesklang['sm_no_icon'] = 'No Icon'; $hesklang['sm_search_icon'] = 'Search Icon'; $hesklang['sm_iconpicker_footer_label'] = '{0} - {1} of {2}'; // {0}: lower bound of page, {1}: upper bound of page, {2}: total number of icons $hesklang['mods_for_hesk_acronym'] = 'MFH'; // THIS SHOULD NOT BE TRANSLATED $hesklang['added_in_mods_for_hesk'] = 'Added in Mods for HESK'; $hesklang['statuses_intro'] = 'Here you can add, remove, and modify ticket statuses, as well as changing the default status for particular actions.'; $hesklang['statuses_saved'] = 'Ticket statuses have been updated!'; $hesklang['email_template_not_saved'] = 'The email template %s was NOT saved due to an error. Enable debug mode to see if an error message appears, and ensure that your file has CHMOD 0666'; // %s: Template file name $hesklang['language_key'] = 'Language Key'; $hesklang['language_key_description'] = 'This is the language file \'key\' that contains the text you want to display'; $hesklang['can_man_ticket_statuses'] = 'Can manage ticket statuses'; $hesklang['key_required'] = 'Keys are required for all statuses'; $hesklang['x_merged'] = '(+%s merged)'; // %s number of tickets merged $hesklang['merged_tickets'] = 'Merged tickets: '; $hesklang['show_number_merged'] = 'Show number of tickets merged'; $hesklang['show_number_merged_descr'] = 'Show number of tickets merged next to Tracking ID'; $hesklang['show_number_merged_help'] = 'If enabled, the user will be able to see which tickets were merged into the other on the ticket search screen.'; $hesklang['latest_top_on_home'] = 'Latest/Top articles on home page'; $hesklang['latest_top_on_home_help'] = 'Select YES to display the top and latest knowledgebase articles on the home page. Otherwise, a link to the knowledgebase will appear on the home page.'; $hesklang['location_unavailable'] = "Location unavailable. Click for more information."; $hesklang['click_for_map'] = "View map of user's location"; $hesklang['request_user_location'] = "Request Location"; $hesklang['request_user_location_help'] = "If enabled, the help desk will ask for the customer's location, allowing staff to see a map of the customer's location when they created the ticket."; $hesklang['users_location'] = "User's Location"; $hesklang['location_unavailable_0'] = "User's location is not available because the ticket was created before location tracking was enabled."; $hesklang['location_unavailable_1'] = "User's location is not available because the user refused to share it."; $hesklang['location_unavailable_2'] = "User's location is not available because the help desk was unable to determine the user's position."; $hesklang['location_unavailable_3'] = "User's location is not available because the help desk was not able to determine the user's position in a reasonable amount of time."; $hesklang['location_unavailable_4'] = "An unknown error occurred when trying to obtain the user's location."; $hesklang['location_unavailable_5'] = "User's location is not available because the user's browser did not meet the minimum requirements for tracking their location when the ticket was submitted."; $hesklang['save_location'] = 'Save Location'; $hesklang['close_modal_without_saving'] = 'Close without saving'; $hesklang['ticket_location_updated'] = 'Ticket location has been updated!'; $hesklang['location_colon'] = 'Location:'; $hesklang['your_current_location'] = 'Your location'; $hesklang['requesting_location_ellipsis'] = 'Requesting location...'; $hesklang['unable_to_determine_location'] = 'Unable to determine your location, or you declined to share it.'; $hesklang['save_to_see_updated_address'] = 'Save the new location to see the updated address'; $hesklang['manager'] = 'Manager'; $hesklang['manager_updated'] = 'Category manager has been updated.'; $hesklang['can_set_manager'] = 'Can set category managers'; $hesklang['no_manager'] = 'No manager'; $hesklang['number_of_users'] = 'Number of Users'; $hesklang['actions'] = 'Actions'; $hesklang['staff_cannot_be_admin'] = 'Staff permission group does not have admin access, and cannot be set as an admin'; $hesklang['admin_cannot_be_staff'] = 'Administrator permission group has admin access, and cannot be set as non-admin'; $hesklang['template_is_admin_cannot_change'] = 'The permission group currently has admin privileges, so you cannot set specific permissions here.'; $hesklang['you_must_select_a_category'] = 'You must select at least one category.'; $hesklang['you_must_select_a_feature'] = 'You must select at least one feature.'; $hesklang['custom'] = 'Custom'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.4.0 $hesklang['sort_by_user_defined_order'] = 'Sort by user-defined order'; $hesklang['sort_alphabetically'] = 'Sort alphabetically'; $hesklang['category_sort'] = 'Category Sorting'; $hesklang['category_sort_help'] = 'Determines if categories shown on the manage categories page and all dropdowns are sorted by the user-defined order (default), or sorted alphabetically.'; $hesklang['quick_help_sections'] = 'Quick Help Sections'; $hesklang['quick_help_sections_help'] = 'Check the checkbox to show the "Quick Help" sections on the left-hand side, or uncheck to not show.'; $hesklang['create_ticket'] = 'Create ticket (customers)'; $hesklang['view_ticket_form'] = 'View ticket form'; $hesklang['knowledgebase'] = 'Knowledgebase section'; $hesklang['staff_create_ticket'] = 'Create ticket (staff)'; $hesklang['allow_rich_text_for_tickets'] = 'Allow rich text for tickets'; $hesklang['allow_rich_text_for_tickets_help'] = 'Allow staff and customers to use rich text formatting when writing ticket messages / replies.'; $hesklang['click_to_edit_name'] = 'Click to edit name'; $hesklang['new_status'] = 'New Status'; $hesklang['create_new_status_title'] = 'Create New Status'; $hesklang['status_name_title'] = 'Status Name'; $hesklang['status_name_title_help'] = 'The name of the status that should appear when viewing the ticket, for each language you have installed.'; $hesklang['properties'] = 'Properties'; $hesklang['closable'] = 'Closable'; // Same as $hesklang['closable_question'], but without punctuation $hesklang['new_status_created'] = 'New status successfully created'; $hesklang['editing_status_x'] = 'Editing status %s'; // 1st %s: text color, 2nd %s: status name $hesklang['status_not_in_database'] = 'The status text for this language was not found in the database, so a suggested translation has been filled for you. Please click "Save Changes" to save this translation to the database and to remove this warning.'; $hesklang['ticket_status_updated'] = 'Ticket status successfully updated!'; $hesklang['ticket_status_deleted'] = 'Ticket status deleted!'; $hesklang['confirm_delete_status_question'] = 'Delete status?'; $hesklang['confirm_delete_status'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this status? This cannot be undone!'; $hesklang['status_sort_updated'] = 'Ticket status sort updated!'; $hesklang['status_sort'] = 'Status Sorting'; $hesklang['status_sort_help'] = 'Determines if statuses shown on the manage statuses page and all dropdowns are sorted by the user-defined order (default), or sorted alphabetically.'; $hesklang['cannot_delete_status_tickets'] = 'This status cannot be deleted because there are tickets set to this status.'; $hesklang['default_statuses_updated'] = 'Default statuses have been updated!'; $hesklang['download_count'] = 'Download Count'; $hesklang['kb_attach_dir'] = 'Knowledgebase attachments folder'; $hesklang['kb_attach_dir_help'] = 'Name of the folder, where knowledgebase attachments will be stored.

The folder needs to exist within the main HESK folder and be writable by PHP. On most systems names are CaSe SeNSiTiVe.

Allowed chars (other will be removed): a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -'; $hesklang['ticket_attach_dir'] = 'Ticket attachments folder'; $hesklang['cannot_edit_status_demo'] = 'You cannot edit statuses while in demo mode!'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.5.0 $hesklang['ticket_message_no_attachments'] = 'Ticket/Reply message, however attachments will not be included in the email'; $hesklang['click_for_device_information'] = 'Click for device information'; $hesklang['device_information'] = 'Device information'; $hesklang['operating_system'] = 'Operating System'; $hesklang['browser'] = 'Browser'; $hesklang['screen_resolution'] = 'Screen Resolution'; $hesklang['display_user_agent_information'] = 'Show user agent'; $hesklang['display_user_agent_information_help'] = 'When enabled, staff will be able to view the operating system, browser, and screen resolution of the device used to create the ticket.'; $hesklang['value_colon'] = 'Value:'; $hesklang['hidden_custom_field'] = 'Hidden text field'; $hesklang['hidden_custom_field_help'] = 'This input is the same as a text field; however this value cannot be changed and will not be visible to the user.'; $hesklang['readonly_custom_field'] = 'Read-only text field'; $hesklang['readonly_custom_field_help'] = 'This input is the same as a text field; however this value cannot be changed, but will be visible to the user.'; $hesklang['navbar_title_url'] = 'Navbar Title URL'; $hesklang['navbar_title_url_help'] = 'Enter the URL you wish to use when a customer (or staff) clicks on the help desk title on the top-left corner of the screen. The URL must begin with http:// or https://.'; $hesklang['this_field_is_required'] = 'This field is required'; $hesklang['select_at_least_one_value'] = 'Please select at least one value'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.5.2 $hesklang['manage_statuses'] = 'Manage Statuses'; $hesklang['manage_service_messages'] = 'Manage Service Messages'; $hesklang['manage_banned_ips'] = 'Manage Banned IPs'; $hesklang['manage_banned_emails'] = 'Manage Banned Emails'; $hesklang['manage_email_templates'] = 'Manage Email Templates'; $hesklang['linked_tickets'] = 'Linked tickets'; $hesklang['add_ticket'] = 'Add Ticket'; $hesklang['cannot_link_ticket_to_itself'] = 'You cannot link a ticket to itself!'; $hesklang['linked_ticket_does_not_exist'] = '%s is not a valid Tracking ID!'; //%s: the child tracking ID $hesklang['is_already_linked'] = '%s is already linked to this ticket.'; //%s: the child tracking ID $hesklang['link_added'] = 'Successfully linked %s to this ticket.'; //%s: the child tracking ID $hesklang['ticket_no_longer_linked'] = 'Ticket is no longer linked.'; $hesklang['unlink'] = 'Unlink'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 2.6.0 $hesklang['search_logs'] = 'Search Logs'; $hesklang['date_logged'] = 'Date Logged'; $hesklang['from_date'] = 'From Date'; $hesklang['to_date'] = 'To Date'; $hesklang['severity'] = 'Severity'; $hesklang['debug'] = 'Debug'; $hesklang['warning_title_case'] = 'Warning'; $hesklang['logs'] = 'Logs'; $hesklang['view_message_log'] = 'View Message Log'; $hesklang['can_view_logs'] = 'Can view message logs'; $hesklang['attachment_viewer_message'] = "Drag files here or click the 'Add File' button below to select files to upload."; $hesklang['attachment_invalid_type_message'] = 'Sorry, but the file type you tried to upload is not allowed.'; $hesklang['attachment_upload_error'] = 'An error occurred when trying to upload. Please try again later.'; $hesklang['attachment_too_large'] = 'This attachment is larger than the max filesize permitted.'; $hesklang['attachment_cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $hesklang['attachment_confirm_cancel'] = 'Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?'; $hesklang['attachment_remove'] = 'Remove attachment'; $hesklang['due_date'] = 'Due Date'; $hesklang['category_updated'] = 'Changes to %s have been saved'; $hesklang['new_event'] = 'New Event'; $hesklang['create_event'] = 'Create Event'; $hesklang['event_title'] = 'Title'; $hesklang['event_title_tooltip'] = 'The title of the event'; $hesklang['event_location'] = 'Location'; $hesklang['event_location_tooltip'] = 'The location of the event'; $hesklang['event_category_tooltip'] = 'Category for the event'; $hesklang['event_start'] = 'Start'; $hesklang['event_start_tooltip'] = 'The starting date (and time) of the event'; $hesklang['event_start_date'] = 'Start Date'; $hesklang['event_start_time'] = 'Start Time'; $hesklang['event_all_day'] = 'All day'; $hesklang['event_end'] = 'End'; $hesklang['event_end_tooltip'] = 'The ending date (and time) of the event'; $hesklang['event_end_date'] = 'End Date'; $hesklang['event_end_time'] = 'End Time'; $hesklang['event_reminder'] = 'Reminder'; $hesklang['event_reminder_tooltip'] = 'Receive an e-mail reminder for this event. Only you will receive this reminder email.'; $hesklang['event_min_before_event'] = 'minutes before event'; $hesklang['event_hours_before_event'] = 'hours before event'; $hesklang['event_days_before_event'] = 'days before event'; $hesklang['event_weeks_before_event'] = 'weeks before event'; $hesklang['event_comments'] = 'Comments'; $hesklang['event_comments_tooltip'] = 'Additional comments about the event'; $hesklang['event_create_ticket'] = 'Create Ticket'; $hesklang['to_title_case'] = 'To'; $hesklang['clear_for_no_due_date'] = 'Clear for no due date'; $hesklang['ticket_due_date_updated'] = 'Ticket due date successfully updated'; $hesklang['error_updating_ticket_due_date'] = 'An error occurred when trying to update the ticket due date'; $hesklang['error_loading_events'] = 'An error occurred when trying to load events'; $hesklang['error_deleting_event'] = 'An error occurred when trying to delete the event'; $hesklang['event_deleted'] = 'Event successfully deleted'; $hesklang['event_created'] = 'Event successfully created'; $hesklang['error_creating_event'] = 'An error occurred when trying to create the event'; $hesklang['event_updated'] = 'Event successfully updated'; $hesklang['error_updating_event'] = 'An error occurred when trying to update the event'; $hesklang['calendar_title_case'] = 'Calendar'; $hesklang['calendar_categories'] = 'Categories'; $hesklang['can_man_calendar'] = 'Can manage calendar events'; $hesklang['calendar_reminder'] = 'Upcoming Event: %%TITLE%%'; $hesklang['overdue_ticket'] = '[%%TRACKID%%] Ticket Overdue!'; $hesklang['notify_overdue_unassigned'] = 'A ticket is overdue not assigned to me'; $hesklang['calendar_settings'] = 'Calendar Settings'; $hesklang['enable_calendar'] = 'Enable calendar'; $hesklang['enable_calendar_help'] = 'Setting to enable / disable the calendar. The calendar can be shown to everyone, staff only, or disable the calendar entirely.'; $hesklang['yes_enable_calendar'] = 'YES, enable calendar'; $hesklang['yes_enable_calendar_staff_only'] = 'YES, enable calendar, but only for staff'; $hesklang['no_disable_calendar'] = 'NO, disable calendar'; $hesklang['first_day_of_week'] = 'First day of week'; $hesklang['first_day_of_week_help'] = 'This setting decides which day of the week to show first per week.'; $hesklang['calendar_disabled'] = 'The calendar is disabled'; $hesklang['default_view'] = 'Default Calendar View'; $hesklang['default_view_help'] = 'Decide which view will be shown to customers and staff by default when viewing the calendar. Staff can change this setting via their own profile.'; $hesklang['week'] = 'Week'; $hesklang['calendar_day'] = 'Day'; $hesklang['calendar_index'] = 'View upcoming events'; $hesklang['usage'] = 'Usage'; $hesklang['tickets_and_events'] = 'Tickets and events'; $hesklang['tickets_only'] = 'Tickets only'; $hesklang['events_only'] = 'Events only'; $hesklang['events'] = 'Events'; $hesklang['add_files'] = ' Add File'; $hesklang['select_all_title_case'] = 'Select All'; $hesklang['deselect_all_title_case'] = 'Deselect All'; $hesklang['event'] = 'Event'; $hesklang['overdue_ticket_legend'] = 'Overdue ticket'; $hesklang['attachment_max_exceeded'] = 'This file will not be uploaded becuase you have already uploaded the maximum number of files allowed.'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 3.0.0 $hesklang['you_have_x_messages'] = 'You have %s new %s'; // %s: Number of new messages, "message" or "messages", depending on # $hesklang['message_lower_case'] = 'message'; $hesklang['messages_lower_case'] = 'messages'; $hesklang['deleted_user_title_case'] = 'Deleted User'; $hesklang['x_system_warnings'] = '%s System %s'; // %s: Number of warnings, $s: "Warning" or "Warnings", depending on # $hesklang['warnings_title_case'] = 'Warnings'; $hesklang['articles_in_category_x'] = 'Articles in Category %s'; // %s: category name $hesklang['private_category_star'] = 'Private categories indicated by *'; $hesklang['private_article_star'] = 'Private articles indicated by *'; $hesklang['ticket_details'] = 'Ticket Details'; $hesklang['more'] = 'More'; $hesklang['click_to_edit'] = 'Click to edit'; $hesklang['no_device_information'] = 'No device information'; $hesklang['message_colon'] = 'Message:'; $hesklang['original_message'] = 'Original message'; $hesklang['reply_by_customer'] = 'Reply by customer'; $hesklang['reply_by_staff'] = 'Reply by staff'; $hesklang['timeline_today'] = 'Today'; $hesklang['no_notes_for_this_ticket'] = 'No notes for this ticket'; $hesklang['private_message_header'] = 'Private Message'; $hesklang['date_colon'] = 'Date:'; $hesklang['api_information'] = 'API Information'; $hesklang['api_version'] = 'API Version'; $hesklang['external_api'] = 'External API'; $hesklang['external_api_help'] = 'Enable or Disable the external REST API'; $hesklang['disabled_title_case'] = 'Disabled'; $hesklang['enabled_title_case'] = 'Enabled'; $hesklang['api_settings'] = 'API Settings'; $hesklang['user_security'] = 'User Security'; $hesklang['api_documentation'] = 'API Documentation'; $hesklang['changes_saved'] = 'Changes saved!'; $hesklang['save_failed_check_logs'] = 'Saving changes failed. Check the logs for more information.'; $hesklang['number_of_tokens'] = 'Number of Tokens'; $hesklang['generate_new_token'] = 'Generate New Token'; $hesklang['revoke_all_tokens'] = 'Revoke All Tokens'; $hesklang['generated_token_colon'] = 'Generated Token:'; $hesklang['record_this_token_warning'] = 'Please record this token, as this is the only time you will be able to view it!'; $hesklang['all_tokens_revoked'] = 'All tokens for this user have been revoked'; $hesklang['staff_login_title'] = 'Staff Login'; $hesklang['manage_custom_fields'] = 'Manage Custom Fields'; $hesklang['value'] = 'Value'; $hesklang['readonly'] = 'Readonly'; $hesklang['copy_ticket'] = 'Copy Ticket'; $hesklang['canned_responses_dropdown_title'] = 'Canned Responses'; $hesklang['helpdesk_settings'] = 'Helpdesk Settings'; $hesklang['click_to_toggle'] = 'Click to toggle'; $hesklang['see_all_messages'] = 'See All Messages'; // ADDED OR MODIFIED IN Mods for HESK 3.1.0 $hesklang['stack_trace_header'] = 'Stack Trace'; $hesklang['ticket_message_contents_exist'] = 'The ticket message is not empty. Are you sure you want to leave this page?'; $hesklang['resend_email_notification'] = 'Re-send Email Notification'; $hesklang['email_notification_sent'] = 'Email notification sent!'; $hesklang['email_notification_resend_failed'] = 'Error occurred when trying to send notification email.'; $hesklang['edit_category'] = 'Edit Category'; $hesklang['custom_nav_menu_elements'] = 'Custom Nav Menu Elements'; $hesklang['create_new'] = 'Create New'; $hesklang['custom_nav_element_deleted'] = 'Custom Navigation Element Deleted!'; $hesklang['no_custom_nav_elements_found'] = 'No custom nav menu elements found'; $hesklang['alert_success'] = 'Success'; // Used for alert messages $hesklang['alert_error'] = 'Error'; // Used for alert messages $hesklang['failed_to_load_custom_nav_elements'] = 'Failed to load custom nav elements!'; $hesklang['custom_nav_element_deleted'] = 'Custom nav element deleted!'; $hesklang['error_deleting_custom_nav_element'] = 'Error deleting custom nav element!'; $hesklang['error_sorting_custom_nav_elements'] = 'Error sorting custom nav elements!'; $hesklang['custom_nav_element_created'] = 'Custom nav element created!'; $hesklang['custom_nav_element_saved'] = 'Custom nav element saved!'; $hesklang['homepage_block'] = 'Homepage - Block'; $hesklang['customer_navigation'] = 'Customer Navigation'; $hesklang['staff_navigation'] = 'Staff Navigation'; $hesklang['custom_nav_text'] = 'Text'; $hesklang['custom_nav_subtext'] = 'Subtext'; $hesklang['image_url_slash_font_icon'] = 'Image URL / Font Icon'; $hesklang['edit_custom_nav_element_title_case'] = 'Edit Custom Nav Element'; $hesklang['create_custom_nav_element_title_case'] = 'Create Custom Nav Element'; $hesklang['place'] = 'Place'; $hesklang['image_type'] = 'Image Type'; $hesklang['image_url'] = 'Image URL'; $hesklang['image_url_help'] = 'The URL of the image you wish to use. For customer/staff navigation, recommended size is 16x16px. For the homepage blocks, recommended size is 32x32px.'; $hesklang['font_icon'] = 'Font Icon'; $hesklang['error_saving_custom_nav_element'] = 'Error saving custom nav element!'; $hesklang['place_help'] = 'The location of the custom navigation element.'; $hesklang['url_help'] = 'The URL where the user should be taken to. Both relative and absolute URLs are supported.'; $hesklang['common_properties'] = 'Common Properties'; $hesklang['customer_view'] = 'Customer View'; $hesklang['admin_panel'] = 'Admin Panel'; $hesklang['manage_custom_nav_elements'] = 'Manage Custom Nav Elements'; $hesklang['can_man_custom_nav'] = 'Can manage custom nav elements'; $hesklang['category_background_color'] = 'Background Color'; $hesklang['category_foreground_color'] = 'Foreground Color'; $hesklang['category_background_color_help'] = 'The hex code for the background color to be used on the view ticket screen and calendar.'; $hesklang['category_foreground_color_help'] = 'The hex code for the foreground color to be used on the view ticket and calendar screens. Leave blank for automatic color based on background.'; $hesklang['category_display_border'] = 'Display Border'; $hesklang['category_display_border_help'] = 'Choose to decide whether or not to display a border around the category (uses foreground color). This is ignored if foreground color is set to automatic.'; $hesklang['login_page'] = 'Login Page'; // Header on admin settings page $hesklang['login_background'] = 'Login Background'; $hesklang['solid_color'] = 'Solid color'; $hesklang['login_background_color'] = 'Login Background Color'; // Input field information for screen-readers. Does not appear on-screen $hesklang['login_background_image'] = 'Login Background Image'; // Input field information for screen-readers. Does not appear on-screen $hesklang['login_box_header'] = 'Login Box Header'; $hesklang['login_header_image'] = 'Login Header Image'; // Input field information for screen-readers. Does not appear on-screen $hesklang['background_color'] = 'Background Color'; $hesklang['background_color_help'] = 'The background color.'; $hesklang['text_color'] = 'Text Color'; $hesklang['text_color_help'] = 'The text color'; $hesklang['text_hover_color'] = 'Hover Color: Text'; $hesklang['text_hover_color_help'] = 'The text color when hovering over a link'; $hesklang['background_hover_color'] = 'Hover Color: Background'; $hesklang['background_hover_color_help'] = 'The background color when hovering over a link'; $hesklang['navbar'] = 'Navigation Bar'; $hesklang['navbar_brand'] = 'Navigation Brand'; $hesklang['sidebar'] = 'Sidebar'; $hesklang['sidebar_header'] = 'Sidebar Header'; $hesklang['font_weight'] = 'Font Weight'; $hesklang['font_weight_help'] = 'The font weight for text'; $hesklang['normal'] = 'Normal'; $hesklang['bold'] = 'Bold'; $hesklang['color_preset'] = 'Color Preset'; $hesklang['color_preset_help'] = 'Select a color preset for the backend, or define custom colors below.'; $hesklang['select_a_preset'] = '-- Select a Preset --'; $hesklang['preset_blue'] = 'Blue'; $hesklang['preset_blue_light'] = 'Blue (light)'; $hesklang['preset_yellow'] = 'Yellow'; $hesklang['preset_yellow_light'] = 'Yellow (light)'; $hesklang['preset_green'] = 'Green'; $hesklang['preset_green_light'] = 'Green (light)'; $hesklang['preset_purple'] = 'Purple'; $hesklang['preset_purple_light'] = 'Purple (light)'; $hesklang['preset_red'] = 'Red'; $hesklang['preset_red_light'] = 'Red (light)'; $hesklang['preset_black'] = 'Black'; $hesklang['preset_black_light'] = 'Black (light)'; $hesklang['url_rewrite'] = 'URL Rewrite'; $hesklang['url_rewrite_help'] = 'Remove the need to include /index.php in API URLs (i.e. /api/index.php/v1/... -> /api/v1/...). Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess in the /api folder to use.'; $hesklang['url_rewrite_saved'] = 'URL rewrite setting saved!'; $hesklang['api_settings_saved'] = 'API settings saved!'; $hesklang['an_error_occurred'] = 'An error occurred. Check the logs for more information'; // Added or modified in Mods for HESK 3.2.0 $hesklang['error_deleting_category'] = 'An error occurred when trying to delete the category.'; $hesklang['cat_private'] = 'Private'; $hesklang['cat_public'] = 'Public'; $hesklang['cat_name_description'] = 'Name / Description'; $hesklang['error_sorting_categories'] = 'An error occurred sorting categories!'; $hesklang['error_retrieving_categories'] = 'An error occurred retrieving categories!'; $hesklang['error_saving_updating_category'] = 'An error occurred creating / saving the category!'; $hesklang['description_colon'] = 'Description:'; // Same as 'description', but with a colon (:) afterwards $hesklang['copied_to_clipboard'] = 'Copied to clipboard'; // Language for the calendar pages // Supported language codes: https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar/tree/v3.0.1/locale (do not include .js!) // If your language is NOT in the supported langauges, leave 'en' $hesklang['CALENDAR_LANGUAGE']='en'; $hesklang['manage_permission_groups'] = 'Manage Permission Groups'; $hesklang['manage_permission_groups_help'] = 'Here you can create and edit permission groups. These groups will appear when creating/editing a user. When editing a permission group, all users assigned to this group will also have their permissions updated accordingly.'; $hesklang['view_permissions_for_this_group'] = 'View/edit permissions for this group'; $hesklang['permission'] = 'Permission'; $hesklang['permissions_for_group'] = 'Permissions for group %s'; // %s template name $hesklang['permission_group_updated'] = 'Permission group has been updated!'; $hesklang['create_new_group'] = 'Create new permission group'; $hesklang['create_new_group_title'] = 'Create New Permission Group'; // same as create_new_template, but in Title Case $hesklang['group_name'] = 'Group name'; $hesklang['group_name_required'] = 'Group name required.'; $hesklang['permission_group_error'] = 'The permission group could not be saved due to the following error(s): %s'; // %s: error list $hesklang['group_created'] = 'Permission group successfully created!'; $hesklang['cannot_delete_admin_or_staff'] = 'The Administrator and Staff permission groups cannot be deleted!'; $hesklang['no_groups_were_deleted'] = 'No groups were deleted!'; $hesklang['permission_group_deleted'] = 'Permission group deleted!'; $hesklang['manange_permission_groups_menu'] = 'Permission groups'; // Menu link $hesklang['permission_groups'] = 'Permission Groups'; $hesklang['can_man_permission_tpl'] = 'Can manage permission groups'; $hesklang['permission_group_colon'] = 'Permission Group:'; $hesklang['permission_group'] = 'Permission Group'; $hesklang['changing_permissions_will_reset_permission_group'] = 'Changing a user\'s categories / features will reset their permission group! Click "Discard Changes" to reset the user\'s categories / features.'; // --> Ticket audit trail $hesklang['audit_moved_category']='%s moved ticket to category %s'; // %s = new category, user making change, thist1 $hesklang['audit_assigned']='%s assigned ticket to %s'; // %s = assigned user, user making change $hesklang['audit_assigned_self'] = '%s self-assigned ticket'; $hesklang['audit_unassigned'] = '%s unassigned ticket'; $hesklang['audit_closed']='%s closed ticket'; // thist3 $hesklang['audit_automatically_closed'] ='Ticket automatically closed'; $hesklang['audit_opened']='%s opened ticket'; // thist4 $hesklang['audit_locked']='%s locked ticket'; // thist5 $hesklang['audit_automatically_locked'] = 'Ticket automatically locked'; $hesklang['audit_unlocked']='%s unlocked ticket'; // thist6 $hesklang['audit_created']='%s created ticket'; $hesklang['audit_priority']='%s changed priority to %s'; // %s = date,new priority, user making change, thist8 $hesklang['audit_status']='%s changed status to %s'; // %s = date, new status, user making change, thist9 $hesklang['audit_autoassigned']='%s automatically assigned to ticket'; //thist10 $hesklang['audit_submitted_via_piping']='Ticket submitted via e-mail piping'; // thist11 $hesklang['audit_attachment_deleted']='%s deleted attachment %s'; // %s = date, deleted attachment, user making change $hesklang['audit_merged']='%s merged ticket %s with this ticket'; // %s = date, merged ticket ID, user making change, thist13 $hesklang['audit_time_worked']='%s updated time worked to %s'; // %s = date, new time worked, user making change $hesklang['audit_submitted_by']='%s submitted ticket'; $hesklang['audit_submitted_via_pop']='Ticket submitted via POP3 fetching'; // thist16 $hesklang['audit_due_date_removed'] = '%s removed due date'; $hesklang['audit_due_date_changed'] = '%s changed due date to %s'; $hesklang['audit_linked_ticket'] = '%s linked ticket %s to this ticket'; $hesklang['audit_unlinked_ticket'] = '%s unlinked ticket %s'; // Added or modified in Mods for HESK 3.3.0 $hesklang['audit_event_created'] = '%s created event'; $hesklang['audit_event_updated'] = '%s updated event'; $hesklang['error_retrieving_sm'] = 'An error occurred retrieving service messages!'; $hesklang['error_saving_updating_sm'] = 'An error occurred creating / saving the service message!'; $hesklang['error_deleting_sm'] = 'An error occurred when trying to delete the service message.'; $hesklang['error_sorting_sm'] = 'An error occurred sorting service messages!'; $hesklang['sm_location'] = 'Location'; // Location for service messages $hesklang['sm_customer_pages'] = 'Customer Pages'; $hesklang['sm_staff_pages'] = 'Staff Pages'; $hesklang['sm_homepage'] = 'Homepage'; $hesklang['sm_kb_home'] = 'Knowledgebase Home'; $hesklang['sm_view_kb_article'] = 'View Knowledgebase Article'; $hesklang['sm_submit_ticket'] = 'Submit Ticket'; $hesklang['sm_view_ticket'] = 'View Ticket'; $hesklang['sm_login_page'] = 'Login Page'; $hesklang['business_hours'] = 'Business Hours'; $hesklang['business_hours_help'] = 'Set business hours for the calendar. There is no functional change by setting this, but times outside of the defined business hours will have a darker gray background for increased visibility.'; $hesklang['show_event_start_time'] = 'Show event start time in title'; $hesklang['show_event_start_time_help'] = 'Always show the start time on event titles (unless the event is an all-day event).'; $hesklang['highlight_ticket_rows_based_on_priority'] = 'Highlight ticket rows based on priority'; $hesklang['highlight_ticket_rows_based_on_priority_help'] = 'If enabled, each ticket on the tickets page will be highlighted based on priority. If disabled, only * Critical * and High priority tickets will be highlighted.'; $hesklang['highlight_ticket_rows_based_on_priority_descr'] = 'Highlight all ticket rows based on priority'; $hesklang['protected_group'] = 'This is a protected group; you cannot change accessible categories / features.'; $hesklang['emails_to_receive'] = 'Emails to receive'; $hesklang['emails_sent_to_staff'] = 'Emails sent to staff'; $hesklang['emails_sent_to_customer'] = 'Emails sent to customer'; // DO NOT CHANGE BELOW if (!defined('IN_SCRIPT')) die('PHP syntax OK!');