var steps = [ { name: 'intro', text: 'Thanks for choosing Mods for HESK', callback: undefined }, { name: 'db-confirm', text: 'Confirm the information below', callback: undefined }, { name: 'install-or-update', text: 'Updating to the latest version...', showBack: false, showNext: false, callback: installOrUpdate }, { name: 'complete', text: 'Installation / Upgrade Complete', showBack: false, callback: undefined } ]; $(document).ready(function() { var currentStep = 0; $('#next-button').click(function() { goToStep(++currentStep); }); $('#back-button').click(function() { goToStep(--currentStep); }); }); function goToStep(step) { $('[data-step]').hide(); $('[data-step="' + steps[step].name + '"]').show(); if (step === 0) { $('#tools-button').show(); $('#back-button').hide(); } else { $('#tools-button').hide(); $('#back-button').show(); } if (step === steps.length - 1) { $('#next-button').hide(); } else { $('#next-button').show(); } // Back/Next button overrides if (steps[step].showBack !== undefined && !steps[step].showBack) { $('#back-button').hide(); } if (steps[step].showNext !== undefined && !steps[step].showNext) { console.log('hiding this'); $('#next-button').hide(); } $('#header-text').text(steps[step].text); if (steps[step].callback !== undefined) { steps[step].callback(); } } function installOrUpdate() { var startingMigrationNumber = parseInt($('input[name="starting-migration-number"]').val()); var heskPath = $('p#hesk-path').text(); $.ajax({ url: heskPath + 'install/ajax/get-migration-ajax.php', method: 'GET', success: function(data) { data = JSON.parse(data); $('[data-step="install-or-update"] > #spinner').hide(); $('[data-step="install-or-update"] > .progress').show(); // Recursive call that will increment by 1 each time executeMigration(startingMigrationNumber, data.lastMigrationNumber, 'up'); } }) } function executeMigration(migrationNumber, latestMigrationNumber, direction) { var heskPath = $('p#hesk-path').text(); $.ajax({ url: heskPath + 'install/ajax/process-migration.php', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ migrationNumber: migrationNumber, direction: direction }), success: function(data) { console.log('migrationNumber: ' + migrationNumber); console.log('latestMigrationNumber: ' + latestMigrationNumber);'---'); if (migrationNumber === latestMigrationNumber || (migrationNumber === 1 && direction === 'down')) { updateProgressBar(migrationNumber, latestMigrationNumber, direction === 'down', true); console.log('%c Success! ', 'color: white; background-color: green; font-size: 2em'); } else { updateProgressBar(migrationNumber, latestMigrationNumber, false, false); var newMigrationNumber = direction === 'up' ? migrationNumber + 1 : migrationNumber - 1; executeMigration(newMigrationNumber, latestMigrationNumber, direction); } }, error: function(response) { try { message = JSON.parse(response); } catch (e) { message = response.responseText; } $('#error-block').html("

An error occurred! (Error Code: " + migrationNumber + ")
" + message).show(); updateProgressBar(migrationNumber, latestMigrationNumber, true, false); if (direction === 'up') { // Revert! executeMigration(migrationNumber - 1, latestMigrationNumber, 'down'); } else { console.error("I even failed to roll back. Yikes! :'("); } console.error(message); } }) } function updateProgressBar(migrationNumber, latestMigrationNumber, isError, isFinished) { var $progressBar = $('#progress-bar'); if (isError === true) { $progressBar.find('.progress-bar').removeClass('progress-bar-success') .addClass('progress-bar-danger'); if (isFinished) { var $errorBlock = $('#error-block'); $errorBlock.html($errorBlock.html() + '

Successfully reverted database to before the installation/update.'); } } else { var percentage = Math.round(migrationNumber / latestMigrationNumber * 100); $progressBar.find('.progress-bar').css('width', percentage + '%'); } if (isFinished && !isError) { goToStep(steps.length - 1); } }