`false` otherwise * @apiSuccess {Boolean} locked `true` if the ticket is locked
`false` otherwise * @apiSuccess {Integer[]} merged Array of merged ticket IDs * @apiSuccess {String} legacyAuditTrail HTML markup of the entire "Audit Trail" section * @apiSuccess {String} custom1-20 Custom fields 1-20's values. * @apiSuccess {Integer} linkedTo The ID of the ticket linked to this ticket * @apiSuccess {String} latitude The latitudinal coordinate of the user's location, or one of the corresponding error codes. * @apiSuccess {String} longitude The longitudinal coordinate of the user's location, or one of the corresponding error codes. * @apiSuccess {Boolean} html `true` if the ticket was created with HTML encoding
`false` otherwise * @apiSuccess {String} userAgent The user agent of the user who submitted the ticket * @apiSuccess {Integer} screenResolutionWidth The width of the screen resolution of the user who submitted the ticket * @apiSuccess {Integer} screenResolutionHeight The height of the screen resolution of the user who submitted the ticket * @apiSuccess {Date} dueDate The ticket's due date, if there is one * @apiSuccess {Boolean} overdueEmailSent Set to `true` if an overdue email has been sent.
`false` otherwise * * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * { * "id": 22, * "trackingId": "EVL-RRL-DUBG", * "name": "Test", * "email": "", * "category": 1, * "priority": 3, * "subject": "test", * "message": "test", * "dateCreated": "2014-12-28 00:57:26", * "articles": null, * "ip": "", * "language": null, * "status": 3, * "owner": 1, * "timeWorked": "00:05:07", * "archive": true, * "locked": true, * "attachments": "", * "merged": "", * "legacyAuditTrail": "
  • 2014-12-28 06:57:28 | ticket created by Your name (username)
  • 2014-12-31 21:00:59 | closed by Your name (username)
  • 2014-12-31 21:01:05 | status changed to Waiting reply by Your name (username)
  • 2014-12-31 21:01:58 | closed by Your name (username)
  • 2015-01-17 16:21:18 | closed by Your name (username)
  • ", * "custom1": "1420671600", * "custom2": "", * "custom3": "", * "custom4": "", * "custom5": "", * "custom6": "", * "custom7": "", * "custom8": "", * "custom9": "", * "custom10": "", * "custom11": "", * "custom12": "", * "custom13": "", * "custom14": "", * "custom15": "", * "custom16": "", * "custom17": "", * "custom18": "", * "custom19": "", * "custom20": "", * "parent": 139, * "latitude": "E-0", * "longitude": "E-0", * "html": false, * "userAgent": null, * "screenResolutionWidth": null, * "screenResolutionHeight": null, * "dueDate": "2016-01-01 00:00:00", * "overdueEmailSent": "true" * } * * @apiError (noTokenProvided) 400 No `X-Auth-Token` was provided where it is required * @apiError (invalidXAuthToken) 401 The `X-Auth-Token` provided was invalid */ if ($request_method == 'GET') { $token = get_header('X-Auth-Token'); $user = NULL; try { $user = get_user_for_token($token, $hesk_settings); } catch (AccessException $e) { return http_response_code($e->getCode()); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $results = get_ticket_for_staff($hesk_settings, $user, $_GET['id']); } else { $results = get_ticket_for_staff($hesk_settings, $user); } if ($results == NULL) { return http_response_code(404); } return output($results); } return http_response_code(405);