is_valid) { $_SESSION['img_verified']=true; } else { $hesk_error_buffer['mysecnum']=$hesklang['recaptcha_error']; } } // Using ReCaptcha API v2? elseif ($hesk_settings['recaptcha_use'] == 2) { require(HESK_PATH . 'inc/recaptcha/recaptchalib_v2.php'); $resp = null; $reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha($hesk_settings['recaptcha_private_key']); // Was there a reCAPTCHA response? if ( isset($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]) ) { $resp = $reCaptcha->verifyResponse($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], hesk_POST("g-recaptcha-response") ); } if ($resp != null && $resp->success) { $_SESSION['img_verified']=true; } else { $hesk_error_buffer['mysecnum']=$hesklang['recaptcha_error']; } } // Using PHP generated image else { $mysecnum = intval( hesk_POST('mysecnum', 0) ); if ( empty($mysecnum) ) { $hesk_error_buffer['mysecnum']=$hesklang['sec_miss']; } else { require(HESK_PATH . 'inc/'); $sc = new PJ_SecurityImage($hesk_settings['secimg_sum']); if ( isset($_SESSION['checksum']) && $sc->checkCode($mysecnum, $_SESSION['checksum']) ) { $_SESSION['img_verified']=true; } else { $hesk_error_buffer['mysecnum']=$hesklang['sec_wrng']; } } } } $tmpvar['name'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('name') ) or $hesk_error_buffer['name']=$hesklang['enter_your_name']; $tmpvar['email'] = hesk_validateEmail( hesk_POST('email'), 'ERR', 0) or $hesk_error_buffer['email']=$hesklang['enter_valid_email']; if ($hesk_settings['confirm_email']) { $tmpvar['email2'] = hesk_validateEmail( hesk_POST('email2'), 'ERR', 0) or $hesk_error_buffer['email2']=$hesklang['confemail2']; // Anything entered as email confirmation? if ( strlen($tmpvar['email2']) ) { // Do we have multiple emails? if ($hesk_settings['multi_eml'] && count( array_diff( explode(',', strtolower($tmpvar['email']) ), explode(',', strtolower($tmpvar['email2']) ) ) ) == 0) { $_SESSION['c_email2'] = $_POST['email2']; } // Single email address match elseif ( ! $hesk_settings['multi_eml'] && strtolower($tmpvar['email']) == strtolower($tmpvar['email2']) ) { $_SESSION['c_email2'] = $_POST['email2']; } else { // Invalid match $tmpvar['email2'] = ''; $_POST['email2'] = ''; $_SESSION['c_email2'] = ''; $_SESSION['isnotice'][] = 'email'; $hesk_error_buffer['email2']=$hesklang['confemaile']; } } else { $_SESSION['c_email2'] = $_POST['email2']; } } $tmpvar['category'] = intval( hesk_POST('category') ) or $hesk_error_buffer['category']=$hesklang['sel_app_cat']; // Do we allow customer to select priority? if ($hesk_settings['cust_urgency']) { $tmpvar['priority'] = intval( hesk_POST('priority') ); // We don't allow customers select "Critical". If priority is not valid set it to "low". if ($tmpvar['priority'] < 1 || $tmpvar['priority'] > 3) { // If we are showing "Click to select" priority needs to be selected if ($hesk_settings['select_pri']) { $tmpvar['priority'] = -1; $hesk_error_buffer['priority'] = $hesklang['select_priority']; } else { $tmpvar['priority'] = 3; } } } // Priority will be selected based on the category selected else { $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `priority` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."categories` WHERE `id`=".intval($tmpvar['category'])); if ( hesk_dbNumRows($res) == 1 ) { $tmpvar['priority'] = intval( hesk_dbResult($res) ); } else { $tmpvar['priority'] = 3; } } $tmpvar['subject'] = hesk_input( hesk_POST('subject') ) or $hesk_error_buffer['subject']=$hesklang['enter_ticket_subject']; $tmpvar['message'] = hesk_input(hesk_POST('message')) or $hesk_error_buffer['message']=$hesklang['enter_message'];; // Is category a valid choice? if ($tmpvar['category']) { hesk_verifyCategory(); // Is auto-assign of tickets disabled in this category? if ( empty($hesk_settings['category_data'][$tmpvar['category']]['autoassign']) ) { $hesk_settings['autoassign'] = false; } } // Custom fields foreach ($hesk_settings['custom_fields'] as $k=>$v) { if ($v['use']) { if ($modsForHesk_settings['custom_field_setting']) { $v['name'] = $hesklang[$v['name']]; } if ($v['type'] == 'checkbox' || $v['type'] == 'multiselect') { $tmpvar[$k]=''; if (isset($_POST[$k])) { if (is_array($_POST[$k])) { foreach ($_POST[$k] as $myCB) { $tmpvar[$k] .= ( is_array($myCB) ? '' : hesk_input($myCB) ) . '
';; } $tmpvar[$k]=substr($tmpvar[$k],0,-6); } } else { if ($v['req']) { $hesk_error_buffer[$k]=$hesklang['fill_all'].': '.$v['name']; } $_POST[$k] = ''; } $_SESSION["c_$k"]=hesk_POST_array($k); } elseif ($v['req']) { $tmpvar[$k]=hesk_makeURL(nl2br(hesk_input( hesk_POST($k) ))); $_SESSION["c_$k"]=hesk_POST($k); if (!strlen($tmpvar[$k])) { $hesk_error_buffer[$k]=$hesklang['fill_all'].': '.$v['name']; } if ($v['type'] == 'date') { $tmpvar[$k] = strtotime($_POST[$k]); } } else { if ($v['type'] == 'date' && $_POST[$k] != '') { $tmpvar[$k] = strtotime($_POST[$k]); } else { $tmpvar[$k] = hesk_makeURL(nl2br(hesk_input(hesk_POST($k)))); } } } else { $tmpvar[$k] = ''; } } // Check bans if ( ! isset($hesk_error_buffer['email']) && hesk_isBannedEmail($tmpvar['email']) || hesk_isBannedIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) { hesk_error($hesklang['baned_e']); } // Check maximum open tickets limit $below_limit = true; if ($hesk_settings['max_open'] && ! isset($hesk_error_buffer['email']) ) { $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."tickets` WHERE `status` IN (SELECT `ID` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."statuses` WHERE `IsClosed` = 0) AND " . hesk_dbFormatEmail($tmpvar['email'])); $num = hesk_dbResult($res); if ($num >= $hesk_settings['max_open']) { $hesk_error_buffer = array( 'max_open' => sprintf($hesklang['maxopen'], $num, $hesk_settings['max_open']) ); $below_limit = false; } } // If we reached max tickets let's save some resources if ($below_limit) { // Generate tracking ID $tmpvar['trackid'] = hesk_createID(); // Attachments if ($hesk_settings['attachments']['use']) { require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/'); $attachments = array(); $trackingID = $tmpvar['trackid']; for ($i = 1; $i <= $hesk_settings['attachments']['max_number']; $i++) { $att = hesk_uploadFile($i); if ($att !== false && ! empty($att) ) { $attachments[$i] = $att; } } } $tmpvar['attachments'] = ''; } // If we have any errors lets store info in session to avoid re-typing everything if (count($hesk_error_buffer)) { $_SESSION['iserror'] = array_keys($hesk_error_buffer); $_SESSION['c_name'] = hesk_POST('name'); $_SESSION['c_email'] = hesk_POST('email'); $_SESSION['c_category'] = hesk_POST('category'); $_SESSION['c_priority'] = hesk_POST('priority'); $_SESSION['c_subject'] = hesk_POST('subject'); $_SESSION['c_message'] = hesk_POST('message'); $tmp = ''; foreach ($hesk_error_buffer as $error) { $tmp .= "
  • $error
  • \n"; } // Remove any successfully uploaded attachments if ($below_limit && $hesk_settings['attachments']['use']) { hesk_removeAttachments($attachments); } $hesk_error_buffer = $hesklang['pcer'] . '

    '; hesk_process_messages($hesk_error_buffer, 'index.php?a=add'); } $tmpvar['message']=hesk_makeURL($tmpvar['message']); $tmpvar['message']=nl2br($tmpvar['message']); // Track suggested knowledgebase articles if ($hesk_settings['kb_enable'] && $hesk_settings['kb_recommendanswers'] && isset($_POST['suggested']) && is_array($_POST['suggested']) ) { $tmpvar['articles'] = implode(',', array_unique( array_map('intval', $_POST['suggested']) ) ); } // All good now, continue with ticket creation $tmpvar['owner'] = 0; $tmpvar['history'] = sprintf($hesklang['thist15'], hesk_date(), $tmpvar['name']); // Auto assign tickets if aplicable $autoassign_owner = hesk_autoAssignTicket($tmpvar['category']); if ($autoassign_owner) { $tmpvar['owner'] = $autoassign_owner['id']; $tmpvar['history'] .= sprintf($hesklang['thist10'], hesk_date(), $autoassign_owner['name'].' ('.$autoassign_owner['user'].')'); } // Insert attachments if ($hesk_settings['attachments']['use'] && ! empty($attachments) ) { foreach ($attachments as $myatt) { hesk_dbQuery("INSERT INTO `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."attachments` (`ticket_id`,`saved_name`,`real_name`,`size`) VALUES ('".hesk_dbEscape($tmpvar['trackid'])."','".hesk_dbEscape($myatt['saved_name'])."','".hesk_dbEscape($myatt['real_name'])."','".intval($myatt['size'])."')"); $tmpvar['attachments'] .= hesk_dbInsertID() . '#' . $myatt['real_name'] . '#' . $myatt['saved_name'] .','; } } // Set latitude and longitude $tmpvar['latitude'] = hesk_POST('latitude'); $tmpvar['longitude'] = hesk_POST('longitude'); // Set html $tmpvar['html'] = $modsForHesk_settings['rich_text_for_tickets']; // Should the helpdesk validate emails? $createTicket = true; if ($modsForHesk_settings['customer_email_verification_required']) { $verifiedEmailSql = "SELECT `Email` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."verified_emails` WHERE `Email` = '".hesk_dbEscape($tmpvar['email'])."'"; $verifiedEmailRS = hesk_dbQuery($verifiedEmailSql); if ($verifiedEmailRS->num_rows == 0) { //-- email has not yet been verified. $ticket = hesk_newTicket($tmpvar, false); //-- generate the activation key, which is a hash of their email address along with the current time. $unhashedKey = $tmpvar['email'].time(); $key = hash('sha512', $unhashedKey); $escapedEmail = hesk_dbEscape($tmpvar['email']); $escapedKey = hesk_dbEscape($key); hesk_dbQuery("INSERT INTO `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."pending_verification_emails` (`Email`, `ActivationKey`) VALUES ('".$escapedEmail."', '".$escapedKey."')"); hesk_notifyCustomerForVerifyEmail('verify_email', $key); $createTicket = false; } } if ($createTicket) { //-- email has been verified, and a ticket can be created $ticket = hesk_newTicket($tmpvar); // Notify the customer if ($hesk_settings['notify_new']) { hesk_notifyCustomer(); } // Need to notify staff? // --> From autoassign? if ($tmpvar['owner'] && $autoassign_owner['notify_assigned']) { hesk_notifyAssignedStaff($autoassign_owner, 'ticket_assigned_to_you'); } // --> No autoassign, find and notify appropriate staff elseif ( ! $tmpvar['owner'] ) { hesk_notifyStaff('new_ticket_staff', " `notify_new_unassigned` = '1' "); } } // Next ticket show suggested articles again $_SESSION['ARTICLES_SUGGESTED']=false; $_SESSION['already_submitted']=1; // Need email to view ticket? If yes, remember it by default if ($hesk_settings['email_view_ticket']) { setcookie('hesk_myemail', $tmpvar['email'], strtotime('+1 year')); } // Unset temporary variables unset($tmpvar); hesk_cleanSessionVars('tmpvar'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('c_category'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('c_priority'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('c_subject'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('c_message'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('c_question'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('img_verified'); // Print header require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/'); ?>

    ' . $hesklang['ticket_submitted_success'] . ': ' . $ticket['trackid'] . '

    ' . ($hesk_settings['notify_new'] && $hesk_settings['spam_notice'] ? $hesklang['spam_inbox'] . '

    ' : '') . '' . $hesklang['view_your_ticket'] . '' ); } else { hesk_show_notice($hesklang['verify_your_email'].'

    '.$hesklang['check_spambox']); } // Any other messages to display? hesk_handle_messages(); ?>
