"The endpoint '{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}' was not found. Double-check your request and submit again.", 'uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), 404); } function before() { assertApiIsEnabled(); $token = \BusinessLogic\Helpers::getHeader('X-AUTH-TOKEN'); buildUserContext($token); } function assertApiIsEnabled() { global $applicationContext, $hesk_settings; /* @var $apiChecker \BusinessLogic\Settings\ApiChecker */ $apiChecker = $applicationContext->get[\BusinessLogic\Settings\ApiChecker::class]; if (!$apiChecker->isApiEnabled($hesk_settings)) { print output(array('message' => 'API Disabled'), 404); die(); } return; } function buildUserContext($xAuthToken) { global $applicationContext, $userContext, $hesk_settings; /* @var $userContextBuilder \BusinessLogic\Security\UserContextBuilder */ $userContextBuilder = $applicationContext->get[\BusinessLogic\Security\UserContextBuilder::class]; $userContext = $userContextBuilder->buildUserContext($xAuthToken, $hesk_settings); } function errorHandler($errorNumber, $errorMessage, $errorFile, $errorLine) { exceptionHandler(new Exception(sprintf("%s:%d\n\n%s", $errorFile, $errorLine, $errorMessage))); } /** * @param $exception Exception */ function exceptionHandler($exception) { global $applicationContext, $userContext, $hesk_settings; if (strpos($exception->getTraceAsString(), 'LoggingGateway') !== false) { //-- Suppress these for now, as it would cause issues to output two JSONs at one time. return; } /* @var $loggingGateway \DataAccess\Logging\LoggingGateway */ $loggingGateway = $applicationContext->get[\DataAccess\Logging\LoggingGateway::class]; // We don't cast API Friendly Exceptions as they're user-generated errors if (exceptionIsOfType($exception, \BusinessLogic\Exceptions\ApiFriendlyException::class)) { /* @var $castedException \BusinessLogic\Exceptions\ApiFriendlyException */ $castedException = $exception; print_error($castedException->title, $castedException->getMessage(), $castedException->httpResponseCode); } elseif (exceptionIsOfType($exception, \Core\Exceptions\SQLException::class)) { /* @var $castedException \Core\Exceptions\SQLException */ $castedException = $exception; $logId = tryToLog(getLoggingLocation($exception), "Fought an uncaught SQL exception: " . $castedException->failingQuery, $castedException->getTraceAsString(), $userContext, $hesk_settings); $logIdText = $logId === null ? "Additionally, the error could not be logged! :'(" : "Log ID: {$logId}"; print_error("SQL Exception", "Fought an uncaught SQL exception. Check the logs for more information. {$logIdText}"); } else { $logId = tryToLog(getLoggingLocation($exception), $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getTraceAsString(), $userContext, $hesk_settings); $logIdText = $logId === null ? "Additionally, the error could not be logged! :'(" : "Log ID: {$logId}"; print_error("Exception Occurred", "Fought an uncaught exception. Check the logs for more information. {$logIdText}"); } die(); } /** * @param $location string * @param $message string * @param $stackTrace string * @param $userContext \BusinessLogic\Security\UserContext * @param $heskSettings array * @return int|null The inserted ID, or null if failed to log * @internal param Exception $exception */ function tryToLog($location, $message, $stackTrace, $userContext, $heskSettings) { global $applicationContext; /* @var $loggingGateway \DataAccess\Logging\LoggingGateway */ $loggingGateway = $applicationContext->get[\DataAccess\Logging\LoggingGateway::class]; try { return $loggingGateway->logError($location, $message, $stackTrace, $userContext, $heskSettings); } catch (Exception $squished) { return null; } } /** * @param $exception Exception * @return string The location of the exception */ function getLoggingLocation($exception) { // http://stackoverflow.com/a/9133897/1509431 $trace = $exception->getTrace(); $lastCall = $trace[0]; $location = basename($lastCall['file'], '.php'); return "REST API: {$location}"; } /** * @param $exception Exception thrown exception * @param $class string The name of the expected exception type * @return bool */ function exceptionIsOfType($exception, $class) { return is_a($exception, $class); } function fatalErrorShutdownHandler() { $last_error = error_get_last(); if ($last_error['type'] === E_ERROR) { // fatal error errorHandler(E_ERROR, $last_error['message'], $last_error['file'], $last_error['line']); } } Link::before('before'); Link::all(array( // Categories '/v1/categories' => \Controllers\Categories\CategoryController::class . '::printAllCategories', '/v1/categories/{i}' => \Controllers\Categories\CategoryController::class, // Tickets '/v1/tickets/{i}' => \Controllers\Tickets\TicketController::class, '/v1/tickets' => \Controllers\Tickets\TicketController::class, // Attachments '/v1/staff/tickets/{i}/attachments' => \Controllers\Attachments\StaffTicketAttachmentsController::class, '/v1/staff/tickets/{i}/attachments/{i}' => \Controllers\Attachments\StaffTicketAttachmentsController::class, // Any URL that doesn't match goes to the 404 handler '404' => 'handle404' ));