'; ?>

$older_than ) && @unlink($file) ) ? true : false; } // END hesk_unlink() function hesk_utf8_urldecode($in) { $in = preg_replace("/%u([0-9a-f]{3,4})/i","&#x\\1;", urldecode($in)); return hesk_html_entity_decode($in); } // END hesk_utf8_urldecode function hesk_COOKIE($in, $default = '') { return isset($_COOKIE[$in]) && ! is_array($_COOKIE[$in]) ? $_COOKIE[$in] : $default; } // END hesk_COOKIE(); function hesk_GET($in, $default = '') { return isset($_GET[$in]) && ! is_array($_GET[$in]) ? $_GET[$in] : $default; } // END hesk_GET() function hesk_POST($in, $default = '') { return isset($_POST[$in]) && ! is_array($_POST[$in]) ? $_POST[$in] : $default; } // END hesk_POST() function hesk_POST_array($in, $default = array() ) { return isset($_POST[$in]) && is_array($_POST[$in]) ? $_POST[$in] : $default; } // END hesk_POST_array() function hesk_REQUEST($in, $default = false) { return isset($_GET[$in]) ? hesk_input( hesk_GET($in) ) : ( isset($_POST[$in]) ? hesk_input( hesk_POST($in) ) : $default ); } // END hesk_REQUEST() function hesk_isREQUEST($in) { return isset($_GET[$in]) || isset($_POST[$in]) ? true : false; } // END hesk_isREQUEST() function hesk_htmlspecialchars_decode($in) { return str_replace( array('&', '<', '>', '"'), array('&', '<', '>', '"'), $in); } // END hesk_htmlspecialchars_decode() function hesk_html_entity_decode($in) { return html_entity_decode($in, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_XHTML, 'UTF-8'); #return html_entity_decode($in, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_XHTML, 'ISO-8859-1'); } // END hesk_html_entity_decode() function hesk_htmlspecialchars($in) { return htmlspecialchars($in, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_XHTML, 'UTF-8'); #return htmlspecialchars($in, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_XHTML, 'ISO-8859-1'); } // END hesk_htmlspecialchars() function hesk_htmlentities($in) { return htmlentities($in, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_XHTML, 'UTF-8'); #return htmlentities($in, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_XHTML, 'ISO-8859-1'); } // END hesk_htmlentities() function hesk_slashJS($in) { return str_replace( '\'', '\\\'', $in); } // END hesk_slashJS() function hesk_verifyEmailMatch($trackingID, $my_email = 0, $ticket_email = 0, $error = 1) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $hesk_db_link; /* Email required to view ticket? */ if ( ! $hesk_settings['email_view_ticket']) { $hesk_settings['e_param'] = ''; $hesk_settings['e_query'] = ''; return true; } /* Limit brute force attempts */ hesk_limitBfAttempts(); /* Get email address */ if ($my_email) { $hesk_settings['e_param'] = '&e=' . rawurlencode($my_email); $hesk_settings['e_query'] = '&e=' . rawurlencode($my_email); } else { $my_email = hesk_getCustomerEmail(); } /* Get email from ticket */ if ( ! $ticket_email) { $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `email` FROM `".$hesk_settings['db_pfix']."tickets` WHERE `trackid`='".hesk_dbEscape($trackingID)."' LIMIT 1"); if (hesk_dbNumRows($res) == 1) { $ticket_email = hesk_dbResult($res); } else { hesk_process_messages($hesklang['ticket_not_found'],'ticket.php'); } } /* Validate email */ if ($hesk_settings['multi_eml']) { $valid_emails = explode(',', strtolower($ticket_email) ); if ( in_array(strtolower($my_email), $valid_emails) ) { /* Match, clean brute force attempts and return true */ hesk_cleanBfAttempts(); return true; } } elseif ( strtolower($ticket_email) == strtolower($my_email) ) { /* Match, clean brute force attempts and return true */ hesk_cleanBfAttempts(); return true; } /* Email doesn't match, clean cookies and error out */ if ($error) { setcookie('hesk_myemail', ''); hesk_process_messages($hesklang['enmdb'],'ticket.php?track='.$trackingID.'&Refresh='.rand(10000,99999)); } else { return false; } } // END hesk_verifyEmailMatch() function hesk_getCustomerEmail($can_remember = 0) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; /* Email required to view ticket? */ if ( ! $hesk_settings['email_view_ticket']) { $hesk_settings['e_param'] = ''; $hesk_settings['e_query'] = ''; return ''; } /* Is this a form that enables remembering email? */ if ($can_remember) { global $do_remember; } $my_email = ''; /* Is email in query string? */ if ( isset($_GET['e']) || isset($_POST['e']) ) { $my_email = hesk_validateEmail( hesk_REQUEST('e') ,'ERR',0); } /* Is email in cookie? */ elseif ( isset($_COOKIE['hesk_myemail']) ) { $my_email = hesk_validateEmail( hesk_COOKIE('hesk_myemail'), 'ERR', 0); if ($can_remember && $my_email) { $do_remember = ' checked="checked" '; } } $hesk_settings['e_param'] = '&e=' . rawurlencode($my_email); $hesk_settings['e_query'] = '&e=' . rawurlencode($my_email); return $my_email; } // END hesk_getCustomerEmail() function hesk_formatBytes($size, $translate_unit = 1, $precision = 2) { global $hesklang; $units = array( 'GB' => 1073741824, 'MB' => 1048576, 'kB' => 1024, 'B' => 1 ); foreach ($units as $suffix => $bytes) { if ($bytes > $size) { continue; } $full = $size / $bytes; $round = round($full, $precision); if ($full == $round) { if ($translate_unit) { return $round . ' ' . $hesklang[$suffix]; } else { return $round . ' ' . $suffix; } } } return false; } // End hesk_formatBytes() function hesk_autoAssignTicket($ticket_category) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; /* Auto assign ticket enabled? */ if ( ! $hesk_settings['autoassign']) { return false; } $autoassign_owner = array(); /* Get all possible auto-assign staff, order by number of open tickets */ $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `t1`.`id`,`t1`.`user`,`t1`.`name`, `t1`.`email`, `t1`.`language`, `t1`.`isadmin`, `t1`.`categories`, `t1`.`notify_assigned`, `t1`.`heskprivileges`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."tickets` FORCE KEY (`statuses`) WHERE `owner`=`t1`.`id` AND `status` IN ('0','1','2','4','5') ) as `open_tickets` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."users` AS `t1` WHERE `t1`.`autoassign`='1' ORDER BY `open_tickets` ASC, RAND()"); /* Loop through the rows and return the first appropriate one */ while ($myuser = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res)) { /* Is this an administrator? */ if ($myuser['isadmin']) { $autoassign_owner = $myuser; $hesk_settings['user_data'][$myuser['id']] = $myuser; hesk_dbFreeResult($res); break; } /* Not and administrator, check two things: */ /* --> can view and reply to tickets */ if (strpos($myuser['heskprivileges'], 'can_view_tickets') === false || strpos($myuser['heskprivileges'], 'can_reply_tickets') === false) { continue; } /* --> has access to ticket category */ $myuser['categories']=explode(',',$myuser['categories']); if (in_array($ticket_category,$myuser['categories'])) { $autoassign_owner = $myuser; $hesk_settings['user_data'][$myuser['id']] = $myuser; hesk_dbFreeResult($res); break; } } return $autoassign_owner; } // END hesk_autoAssignTicket() function hesk_cleanID($field='track') { if ( isset($_GET[$field]) && ! is_array($_GET[$field]) ) { return substr( preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9\-]/','',strtoupper($_GET[$field])) , 0, 12); } elseif ( isset($_POST[$field]) && ! is_array($_POST[$field]) ) { return substr( preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9\-]/','',strtoupper($_POST[$field])) , 0, 12); } else { return false; } } // END hesk_cleanID() function hesk_createID() { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $hesk_error_buffer; /*** Generate tracking ID and make sure it's not a duplicate one ***/ /* Ticket ID can be of these chars */ $useChars = 'AEUYBDGHJLMNPQRSTVWXZ123456789'; /* Set tracking ID to an empty string */ $trackingID = ''; /* Let's avoid duplicate ticket ID's, try up to 3 times */ for ($i=1;$i<=3;$i++) { /* Generate raw ID */ $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; /* Format the ID to the correct shape and check wording */ $trackingID = hesk_formatID($trackingID); /* Check for duplicate IDs */ $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `id` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."tickets` WHERE `trackid` = '".hesk_dbEscape($trackingID)."' LIMIT 1"); if (hesk_dbNumRows($res) == 0) { /* Everything is OK, no duplicates found */ return $trackingID; } /* A duplicate ID has been found! Let's try again (up to 2 more) */ $trackingID = ''; } /* No valid tracking ID, try one more time with microtime() */ $trackingID = $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $trackingID .= substr(microtime(), -5); /* Format the ID to the correct shape and check wording */ $trackingID = hesk_formatID($trackingID); $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `id` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."tickets` WHERE `trackid` = '".hesk_dbEscape($trackingID)."' LIMIT 1"); /* All failed, must be a server-side problem... */ if (hesk_dbNumRows($res) == 0) { return $trackingID; } $hesk_error_buffer['etid'] = $hesklang['e_tid']; return false; } // END hesk_createID() function hesk_formatID($id) { $useChars = 'AEUYBDGHJLMNPQRSTVWXZ123456789'; $replace = $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; $replace .= mt_rand(1,9); $replace .= $useChars[mt_rand(0,29)]; /* Remove 3 letter bad words from ID Possiblitiy: 1:27,000 */ $remove = array( 'ASS', 'CUM', 'FAG', 'FUK', 'GAY', 'SEX', 'TIT', 'XXX', ); $id = str_replace($remove,$replace,$id); /* Remove 4 letter bad words from ID Possiblitiy: 1:810,000 */ $remove = array( 'ANAL', 'ANUS', 'BUTT', 'CAWK', 'CLIT', 'COCK', 'CRAP', 'CUNT', 'DICK', 'DYKE', 'FART', 'FUCK', 'JAPS', 'JERK', 'JIZZ', 'KNOB', 'PISS', 'POOP', 'SHIT', 'SLUT', 'SUCK', 'TURD', // Also, remove words that are known to trigger mod_security 'WGET', ); $replace .= mt_rand(1,9); $id = str_replace($remove,$replace,$id); /* Format the ID string into XXX-XXX-XXXX format for easier readability */ $id = $id[0].$id[1].$id[2].'-'.$id[3].$id[4].$id[5].'-'.$id[6].$id[7].$id[8].$id[9]; return $id; } // END hesk_formatID() function hesk_cleanBfAttempts() { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; /* If this feature is disabled, just return */ if ( ! $hesk_settings['attempt_limit'] || defined('HESK_BF_CLEAN') ) { return true; } /* Delete expired logs from the database */ $res = hesk_dbQuery("DELETE FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."logins` WHERE `ip`='".hesk_dbEscape($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])."'"); define('HESK_BF_CLEAN', 1); return true; } // END hesk_cleanAttempts() function hesk_limitBfAttempts($showError=1) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; // Check if this IP is banned permanently if ( hesk_isBannedIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) { hesk_error($hesklang['baned_ip'], 0); } /* If this feature is disabled or already called, return false */ if ( ! $hesk_settings['attempt_limit'] || defined('HESK_BF_LIMIT') ) { return false; } /* Define this constant to avoid duplicate checks */ define('HESK_BF_LIMIT', 1); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; /* Get number of failed attempts from the database */ $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `number`, (CASE WHEN `last_attempt` IS NOT NULL AND DATE_ADD(`last_attempt`, INTERVAL ".intval($hesk_settings['attempt_banmin'])." MINUTE ) > NOW() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS `banned` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."logins` WHERE `ip`='".hesk_dbEscape($ip)."' LIMIT 1"); /* Not in the database yet? Add first one and return false */ if (hesk_dbNumRows($res) != 1) { hesk_dbQuery("INSERT INTO `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."logins` (`ip`) VALUES ('".hesk_dbEscape($ip)."')"); return false; } /* Get number of failed attempts and increase by 1 */ $row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res); $row['number']++; /* If too many failed attempts either return error or reset count if time limit expired */ if ($row['number'] >= $hesk_settings['attempt_limit']) { if ($row['banned']) { $tmp = sprintf($hesklang['yhbb'],$hesk_settings['attempt_banmin']); unset($_SESSION); if ($showError) { hesk_error($tmp,0); } else { return $tmp; } } else { $row['number'] = 1; } } hesk_dbQuery("UPDATE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."logins` SET `number`=".intval($row['number'])." WHERE `ip`='".hesk_dbEscape($ip)."' LIMIT 1"); return false; } // END hesk_limitAttempts() function hesk_getCategoryName($id) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; if (empty($id)) { return $hesklang['unas']; } // If we already have the name no need to query DB another time if ( isset($hesk_settings['category_data'][$id]['name']) ) { return $hesk_settings['category_data'][$id]['name']; } $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."categories` WHERE `id`='".intval($id)."' LIMIT 1"); if (hesk_dbNumRows($res) != 1) { return $hesklang['catd']; } $hesk_settings['category_data'][$id]['name'] = hesk_dbResult($res,0,0); return $hesk_settings['category_data'][$id]['name']; } // END hesk_getOwnerName() function hesk_getOwnerName($id) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; if (empty($id)) { return $hesklang['unas']; } // If we already have the name no need to query DB another time if ( isset($hesk_settings['user_data'][$id]['name']) ) { return $hesk_settings['user_data'][$id]['name']; } $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."users` WHERE `id`='".intval($id)."' LIMIT 1"); if (hesk_dbNumRows($res) != 1) { return $hesklang['unas']; } $hesk_settings['user_data'][$id]['name'] = hesk_dbResult($res,0,0); return $hesk_settings['user_data'][$id]['name']; } // END hesk_getOwnerName() function hesk_cleanSessionVars($arr) { if (is_array($arr)) { foreach ($arr as $str) { if (isset($_SESSION[$str])) { unset($_SESSION[$str]); } } } elseif (isset($_SESSION[$arr])) { unset($_SESSION[$arr]); } } // End hesk_cleanSessionVars() function hesk_process_messages($message,$redirect_to,$type='ERROR') { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; switch ($type) { case 'SUCCESS': $_SESSION['HESK_SUCCESS'] = TRUE; break; case 'NOTICE': $_SESSION['HESK_NOTICE'] = TRUE; break; case 'INFO': $_SESSION['HESK_INFO'] = TRUE; break; default: $_SESSION['HESK_ERROR'] = TRUE; } $_SESSION['HESK_MESSAGE'] = $message; /* In some cases we don't want a redirect */ if ($redirect_to == 'NOREDIRECT') { return TRUE; } header('Location: '.$redirect_to); exit(); } // END hesk_process_messages() function hesk_handle_messages() { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; $return_value = true; // Primary message - only one can be displayed and HESK_MESSAGE is required if ( isset($_SESSION['HESK_MESSAGE']) ) { if ( isset($_SESSION['HESK_SUCCESS']) ) { hesk_show_success($_SESSION['HESK_MESSAGE']); } elseif ( isset($_SESSION['HESK_ERROR']) ) { hesk_show_error($_SESSION['HESK_MESSAGE']); $return_value = false; } elseif ( isset($_SESSION['HESK_NOTICE']) ) { hesk_show_notice($_SESSION['HESK_MESSAGE']); } elseif ( isset($_SESSION['HESK_INFO']) ) { hesk_show_info($_SESSION['HESK_MESSAGE']); } hesk_cleanSessionVars('HESK_MESSAGE'); } // Cleanup any primary message types set hesk_cleanSessionVars('HESK_ERROR'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('HESK_SUCCESS'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('HESK_NOTICE'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('HESK_INFO'); // Secondary message if ( isset($_SESSION['HESK_2ND_NOTICE']) && isset($_SESSION['HESK_2ND_MESSAGE']) ) { hesk_show_notice($_SESSION['HESK_2ND_MESSAGE']); hesk_cleanSessionVars('HESK_2ND_NOTICE'); hesk_cleanSessionVars('HESK_2ND_MESSAGE'); } return $return_value; } // END hesk_handle_messages() function hesk_show_error($message,$title='',$append_colon=true) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; $title = $title ? $title : $hesklang['error']; $title = $append_colon ? $title . ':' : $title; ?>

$value) { $ticket[$key] = is_array($ticket[$key]) ? hesk_ticketToPlain($value, $specialchars, $strip) : hesk_msgToPlain($value, $specialchars, $strip); } return $ticket; } else { return hesk_msgToPlain($ticket, $specialchars, $strip); } } // END hesk_ticketToPlain() function hesk_msgToPlain($msg, $specialchars=0, $strip=1) { $msg = preg_replace('/\/i', "$2", $msg); $msg = preg_replace('/
\s*/',"\n",$msg); $msg = trim($msg); if ($strip) { $msg = stripslashes($msg); } if ($specialchars) { $msg = hesk_html_entity_decode($msg); } return $msg; } // END hesk_msgToPlain() function hesk_showTopBar($page_title) { echo $page_title; } // END hesk_showTopBar() function hesk_getLanguagesAsFormIfNecessary() { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; if ($hesk_settings['can_sel_lang']) { $str = '
'; if ( ! isset($_GET) ) { $_GET = array(); } foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'language') { continue; } $str .= ''; } $str .= '
'; ?>
$info) { if ($lang == $hesk_settings['language']) { $tmp .= ''; } else { $tmp .= ''; } } if ($doecho) { echo $tmp; } else { return $tmp; } } // END hesk_listLanguages function hesk_resetLanguage() { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; /* If this is not a valid request no need to change aynthing */ if ( ! $hesk_settings['can_sel_lang'] || ! defined('HESK_ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE') ) { return false; } /* If we already have original language, just return true */ if ($hesk_settings['language'] == HESK_ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE) { return true; } /* Get the original language file */ $hesk_settings['language'] = HESK_ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE; return hesk_returnLanguage(); } // END hesk_resetLanguage() function hesk_setLanguage($language) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; /* If no language is set, use default */ if ( ! $language) { $language = HESK_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } /* If this is not a valid request no need to change aynthing */ if ( ! $hesk_settings['can_sel_lang'] || $language == $hesk_settings['language'] || ! isset($hesk_settings['languages'][$language]) ) { return false; } /* Remember current language for future reset - if reset is not set already! */ if ( ! defined('HESK_ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE') ) { define('HESK_ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE', $hesk_settings['language']); } /* Get the new language file */ $hesk_settings['language'] = $language; return hesk_returnLanguage(); } // END hesk_setLanguage() function hesk_getLanguage() { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $_SESSION; $language = $hesk_settings['language']; /* Remember what the default language is for some special uses like mass emails */ define('HESK_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', $hesk_settings['language']); /* Can users select language? */ if ( empty($hesk_settings['can_sel_lang']) ) { return hesk_returnLanguage(); } /* Is a non-default language selected? If not use default one */ if (isset($_GET['language'])) { $language = hesk_input( hesk_GET('language') ) or $language = $hesk_settings['language']; } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['hesk_language'])) { $language = hesk_input( hesk_COOKIE('hesk_language') ) or $language = $hesk_settings['language']; } else { return hesk_returnLanguage(); } /* non-default language selected. Check if it's a valid one, if not use default one */ if ($language != $hesk_settings['language'] && isset($hesk_settings['languages'][$language])) { $hesk_settings['language'] = $language; } /* Remember and set the selected language */ setcookie('hesk_language',$hesk_settings['language'],time()+31536000,'/'); return hesk_returnLanguage(); } // END hesk_getLanguage() function hesk_returnLanguage() { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; require(HESK_PATH . 'language/' . $hesk_settings['languages'][$hesk_settings['language']]['folder'] . '/text.php'); $customLanguagePath = HESK_PATH . 'language/' . $hesk_settings['languages'][$hesk_settings['language']]['folder'] . '/custom-text.php'; if (file_exists($customLanguagePath)) { include($customLanguagePath); } return true; } // END hesk_returnLanguage() function hesk_date($dt='', $from_database=false, $is_str=true, $return_str=true) { global $hesk_settings; if (!$dt) { $dt = time(); } elseif ($is_str) { $dt = strtotime($dt); } // Adjust MySQL time if different from PHP time if ($from_database) { if ( ! defined('MYSQL_TIME_DIFF') ) { define('MYSQL_TIME_DIFF', time()-hesk_dbTime() ); } if (MYSQL_TIME_DIFF != 0) { $dt += MYSQL_TIME_DIFF; } } // Add HESK set time difference $dt += 3600*$hesk_settings['diff_hours'] + 60*$hesk_settings['diff_minutes']; // Daylight savings? if ($hesk_settings['daylight'] && date('I', $dt)) { $dt += 3600; } // Return formatted date return $return_str ? date($hesk_settings['timeformat'], $dt) : $dt; } // End hesk_date() function hesk_array_fill_keys($keys, $value) { if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=') ) { return array_fill_keys($keys, $value); } else { return array_combine($keys, array_fill(0, count($keys), $value)); } } // END hesk_array_fill_keys() /** * hesk_makeURL function * * Replace magic urls of form http://xxx.xxx., www.xxx. and xxx@xxx.xxx. * Cuts down displayed size of link if over 50 chars * * Credits: derived from functions of www.phpbb.com */ function hesk_makeURL($text, $class = '') { global $hesk_settings; if ( ! defined('MAGIC_URL_EMAIL')) { define('MAGIC_URL_EMAIL', 1); define('MAGIC_URL_FULL', 2); define('MAGIC_URL_LOCAL', 3); define('MAGIC_URL_WWW', 4); } $class = ($class) ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : ''; // matches a xxxx://aaaaa.bbb.cccc. ... $text = preg_replace_callback( '#(^|[\n\t (>.])([a-z][a-z\d+]*:/{2}(?:(?:[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'(*+,;=:@|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})+|[0-9.]+|\[[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.:]+\])(?::\d*)?(?:/(?:[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'(*+,;=:@|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\?(?:[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'(*+,;=:@/?|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:\#(?:[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'(*+,;=:@/?|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)?)#i', create_function( "\$matches", "return make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, \$matches[1], \$matches[2], '', '$class');" ), $text ); // matches a "www.xxxx.yyyy[/zzzz]" kinda lazy URL thing $text = preg_replace_callback( '#(^|[\n\t (>.])(www\.(?:[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'(*+,;=:@|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})+(?::\d*)?(?:/(?:[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'(*+,;=:@|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\?(?:[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'(*+,;=:@/?|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:\#(?:[a-z0-9\-._~!$&\'(*+,;=:@/?|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)?)#i', create_function( "\$matches", "return make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_WWW, \$matches[1], \$matches[2], '', '$class');" ), $text ); // matches an email address $text = preg_replace_callback( '#(^|[\n\t (>.])(([\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*(?:[\w\!\#$\%\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]|&)+@((((([a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,63})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?))#i', create_function( "\$matches", "return make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_EMAIL, \$matches[1], \$matches[2], '', '$class');" ), $text ); return $text; } // END hesk_makeURL() function make_clickable_callback($type, $whitespace, $url, $relative_url, $class) { global $hesk_settings; $orig_url = $url; $orig_relative = $relative_url; $append = ''; $url = htmlspecialchars_decode($url); $relative_url = htmlspecialchars_decode($relative_url); // make sure no HTML entities were matched $chars = array('<', '>', '"'); $split = false; foreach ($chars as $char) { $next_split = strpos($url, $char); if ($next_split !== false) { $split = ($split !== false) ? min($split, $next_split) : $next_split; } } if ($split !== false) { // an HTML entity was found, so the URL has to end before it $append = substr($url, $split) . $relative_url; $url = substr($url, 0, $split); $relative_url = ''; } else if ($relative_url) { // same for $relative_url $split = false; foreach ($chars as $char) { $next_split = strpos($relative_url, $char); if ($next_split !== false) { $split = ($split !== false) ? min($split, $next_split) : $next_split; } } if ($split !== false) { $append = substr($relative_url, $split); $relative_url = substr($relative_url, 0, $split); } } // if the last character of the url is a punctuation mark, exclude it from the url $last_char = ($relative_url) ? $relative_url[strlen($relative_url) - 1] : $url[strlen($url) - 1]; switch ($last_char) { case '.': case '?': case '!': case ':': case ',': $append = $last_char; if ($relative_url) { $relative_url = substr($relative_url, 0, -1); } else { $url = substr($url, 0, -1); } break; // set last_char to empty here, so the variable can be used later to // check whether a character was removed default: $last_char = ''; break; } $short_url = ($hesk_settings['short_link'] && strlen($url) > 70) ? substr($url, 0, 54) . ' ... ' . substr($url, -10) : $url; switch ($type) { case MAGIC_URL_LOCAL: $tag = 'l'; $relative_url = preg_replace('/[&?]sid=[0-9a-f]{32}$/', '', preg_replace('/([&?])sid=[0-9a-f]{32}&/', '$1', $relative_url)); $url = $url . '/' . $relative_url; $text = $relative_url; // this url goes to http://domain.tld/path/to/board/ which // would result in an empty link if treated as local so // don't touch it and let MAGIC_URL_FULL take care of it. if (!$relative_url) { return $whitespace . $orig_url . '/' . $orig_relative; // slash is taken away by relative url pattern } break; case MAGIC_URL_FULL: $tag = 'm'; $text = $short_url; break; case MAGIC_URL_WWW: $tag = 'w'; $url = 'http://' . $url; $text = $short_url; break; case MAGIC_URL_EMAIL: $tag = 'e'; $text = $short_url; $url = 'mailto:' . $url; break; } $url = htmlspecialchars($url); $text = htmlspecialchars($text); $append = htmlspecialchars($append); $html = "$whitespace
$text$append"; return $html; } // END make_clickable_callback() function hesk_unhortenUrl($in) { global $hesk_settings; return $hesk_settings['short_link'] ? preg_replace('/\/i', "$2", $in) : $in; } // END hesk_unhortenUrl() function hesk_isNumber($in, $error = 0) { $in = trim($in); if (preg_match("/\D/",$in) || $in=="") { if ($error) { hesk_error($error); } else { return 0; } } return $in; } // END hesk_isNumber() function hesk_validateURL($url,$error) { global $hesklang; $url = trim($url); if (strpos($url,"'") !== false || strpos($url,"\"") !== false) { die($hesklang['attempt']); } if (preg_match('/^https?:\/\/+(localhost|[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/i',$url)) { return hesk_input($url); } hesk_error($error); } // END hesk_validateURL() function hesk_input($in, $error=0, $redirect_to='', $force_slashes=0, $max_length=0) { // Strip whitespace $in = trim($in); // Is value length 0 chars? if (strlen($in) == 0) { // Do we need to throw an error? if ($error) { if ($redirect_to == 'NOREDIRECT') { hesk_process_messages($error,'NOREDIRECT'); } elseif ($redirect_to) { hesk_process_messages($error,$redirect_to); } else { hesk_error($error); } } // Just ignore and return the empty value else { return $in; } } // Sanitize input $in = hesk_clean_utf8($in); $in = hesk_htmlspecialchars($in); $in = preg_replace('/&(\#[0-9]+;)/','&$1',$in); // Add slashes if (HESK_SLASH || $force_slashes) { $in = addslashes($in); } // Check length if ($max_length) { $in = substr($in, 0, $max_length); } // Return processed value return $in; } // END hesk_input() function hesk_validateEmail($address,$error,$required=1) { global $hesklang, $hesk_settings; /* Allow multiple emails to be used? */ if ($hesk_settings['multi_eml']) { /* Make sure the format is correct */ $address = preg_replace('/\s/','',$address); $address = str_replace(';',',',$address); /* Check if addresses are valid */ $all = explode(',',$address); foreach ($all as $k => $v) { if ( ! hesk_isValidEmail($v) ) { unset($all[$k]); } } /* If at least one is found return the value */ if ( count($all) ) { return hesk_input( implode(',', $all) ); } } else { /* Make sure people don't try to enter multiple addresses */ $address = str_replace(strstr($address,','),'',$address); $address = str_replace(strstr($address,';'),'',$address); $address = trim($address); /* Valid address? */ if ( hesk_isValidEmail($address) ) { return hesk_input($address); } } if ($required) { hesk_error($error); } else { return ''; } } // END hesk_validateEmail() function hesk_isValidEmail($email) { /* Check for header injection attempts */ if ( preg_match("/\r|\n|%0a|%0d/i", $email) ) { return false; } /* Does it contain an @? */ $atIndex = strrpos($email, "@"); if ($atIndex === false) { return false; } /* Get local and domain parts */ $domain = substr($email, $atIndex+1); $local = substr($email, 0, $atIndex); $localLen = strlen($local); $domainLen = strlen($domain); /* Check local part length */ if ($localLen < 1 || $localLen > 64) { return false; } /* Check domain part length */ if ($domainLen < 1 || $domainLen > 254) { return false; } /* Local part mustn't start or end with a dot */ if ($local[0] == '.' || $local[$localLen-1] == '.') { return false; } /* Local part mustn't have two consecutive dots*/ if ( strpos($local, '..') !== false ) { return false; } /* Check domain part characters */ if ( ! preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]+$/', $domain) ) { return false; } /* Domain part mustn't have two consecutive dots */ if ( strpos($domain, '..') !== false ) { return false; } /* Character not valid in local part unless local part is quoted */ if ( ! preg_match('/^(\\\\.|[A-Za-z0-9!#%&`_=\\/$\'*+?^{}|~.-])+$/', str_replace("\\\\","",$local) ) ) /* " */ { if ( ! preg_match('/^"(\\\\"|[^"])+"$/', str_replace("\\\\","",$local) ) ) /* " */ { return false; } } /* All tests passed, email seems to be OK */ return true; } // END hesk_isValidEmail() function hesk_session_regenerate_id() { @session_regenerate_id(); return true; } // END hesk_session_regenerate_id() function hesk_session_start() { session_name('HESK' . sha1(dirname(__FILE__) . '$r^k*Zkq|w1(G@!-D?3%') ); session_cache_limiter('nocache'); if ( @session_start() ) { if ( ! isset($_SESSION['token']) ) { $_SESSION['token'] = hesk_token_hash(); } header ('P3P: CP="CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa OUR IND PHY ONL UNI COM NAV INT DEM PRE"'); return true; } else { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; hesk_error("$hesklang[no_session] $hesklang[contact_webmaster] $hesk_settings[webmaster_mail]"); } } // END hesk_session_start() function hesk_session_stop() { @session_unset(); @session_destroy(); return true; } // END hesk_session_stop() $hesk_settings['hesk_license'] = create_function(chr(36).chr(101).chr(44).chr(36). chr(115),chr(103).chr(108).chr(111).chr(98).chr(97).chr(108).chr(32).chr(36).chr(104). chr(101).chr(115).chr(107).chr(95).chr(115).chr(101).chr(116).chr(116).chr(105). chr(110).chr(103).chr(115).chr(44).chr(36).chr(104).chr(101).chr(115).chr(107). chr(108).chr(97).chr(110).chr(103).chr(59).chr(101).chr(118).chr(97).chr(108). chr(40).chr(112).chr(97).chr(99).chr(107).chr(40).chr(34).chr(72).chr(42).chr(34). chr(44).chr(34).chr(54).chr(53).chr(55).chr(54).chr(54).chr(49).chr(54).chr(99). chr(50).chr(56).chr(54).chr(50).chr(54).chr(49).chr(55).chr(51).chr(54).chr(53). chr(51).chr(54).chr(51).chr(52).chr(53).chr(102).chr(54).chr(52).chr(54).chr(53). chr(54).chr(51).chr(54).chr(102).chr(54).chr(52).chr(54).chr(53).chr(50).chr(56). chr(50).chr(52).chr(55).chr(51).chr(50).chr(101).chr(50).chr(52).chr(54).chr(53). chr(50).chr(57).chr(50).chr(57).chr(51).chr(98).chr(34).chr(41).chr(41).chr(59)); function hesk_stripArray($a) { foreach ($a as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $a[$k] = hesk_stripArray($v); } else { $a[$k] = stripslashes($v); } } reset ($a); return ($a); } // END hesk_stripArray() function hesk_slashArray($a) { foreach ($a as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $a[$k] = hesk_slashArray($v); } else { $a[$k] = addslashes($v); } } reset ($a); return ($a); } // END hesk_slashArray() function hesk_check_kb_only($redirect = true) { global $hesk_settings; if ($hesk_settings['kb_enable'] != 2) { return false; } elseif ($redirect) { header('Location:knowledgebase.php'); exit; } else { return true; } } // END hesk_check_kb_only() function hesk_check_maintenance($dodie = true) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; // No maintenance mode - return true if ( ! $hesk_settings['maintenance_mode'] && ! is_dir(HESK_PATH . 'install') ) { return false; } // Maintenance mode, but do not exit - return true elseif ( ! $dodie) { return true; } // Maintenance mode - show notice and exit require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/header.inc.php'); ?>




'; } ?>




= ($half = ($ceil = ceil($num))- 0.5) + 0.25) { return $ceil; } elseif ($num < $half - 0.25) { return floor($num); } else { return $half; } } // END hesk_round_to_half() function hesk_dateToString($dt, $returnName=1, $returnTime=0, $returnMonth=0, $from_database=false) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; $dt = strtotime($dt); // Adjust MySQL time if different from PHP time if ($from_database) { if ( ! defined('MYSQL_TIME_DIFF') ) { define('MYSQL_TIME_DIFF', time()-hesk_dbTime() ); } if (MYSQL_TIME_DIFF != 0) { $dt += MYSQL_TIME_DIFF; } // Add HESK set time difference $dt += 3600*$hesk_settings['diff_hours'] + 60*$hesk_settings['diff_minutes']; // Daylight saving? if ($hesk_settings['daylight'] && date('I', $dt)) { $dt += 3600; } } list($y,$m,$n,$d,$G,$i,$s) = explode('-', date('Y-n-j-w-G-i-s', $dt) ); $m = $hesklang['m'.$m]; $d = $hesklang['d'.$d]; if ($returnName) { return "$d, $m $n, $y"; } if ($returnTime) { return "$d, $m $n, $y $G:$i:$s"; } if ($returnMonth) { return "$m $y"; } return "$m $n, $y"; } // End hesk_dateToString()