//-- Activate anything Hesk UI needs, such as tooltips. var loadJquery = function() { //-- Activate tooltips $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); //-- Activate popovers $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({ trigger: 'hover', container: 'body' }); //-- Activate HTML popovers $('[data-toggle="htmlpopover"]').popover({ trigger: 'hover', container: 'body', html: 'true' }); //-- Activate jQuery's date picker $(function() { $('.datepicker').datepicker({ todayBtn: "linked", clearBtn: true, autoclose: true, todayHighlight: true, format: "yyyy-mm-dd" }); }); }; function selectAll(id) { $('#' + id + ' option').prop('selected', true); } function deselectAll(id) { $('#' + id + ' option').prop('selected', false); } function toggleRow(id) { if ($('#' + id).hasClass('danger')) { $('#' + id).removeClass('danger'); } else { $('#' + id).addClass('danger'); } } function toggleChildrenForm(show) { if (show) { $('#childrenForm').show(); $('#addChildText').hide(); } else { $('#childrenForm').hide(); $('#addChildText').show(); } } function toggleContainers(showIds, hideIds) { showIds.forEach(function (entry) { $('#' + entry).show(); }); hideIds.forEach(function (entry) { $('#' + entry).hide(); }); } function disableAllDisablable(exclusion) { $('.disablable').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $('#'+exclusion).removeAttr('disabled'); } function enableAllDisablable() { $('.disablable').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#updateText').hide(); } function startVersionUpgrade(version) { $('#spinner-'+version) .removeClass('fa-exclamation-triangle') .addClass('fa-spinner') .addClass('fa-pulse'); changeRowTo('row', version, 'info'); changeTextTo('span', version, 'In Progress'); } function markUpdateAsSuccess(version) { removeSpinner(version); $('#spinner-'+version).addClass('fa-check-circle'); changeTextTo('span', version, 'Completed Successfully'); changeRowTo('row', version, 'success'); } function removeSpinner(version) { $('#spinner-'+version) .removeClass('fa-pulse') .removeClass('fa-spinner'); } function markUpdateAsAttention(version) { removeSpinner(version); $('#spinner-'+version).addClass('fa-exclamation-triangle'); changeRowTo('row', version, 'warning'); changeTextTo('span', version, 'Attention! See below for more information'); } function markUpdateAsFailure(version) { removeSpinner(version); $('#spinner-'+version).addClass('fa-times-circle'); changeRowTo('row', version, 'danger'); changeTextTo('span', version, 'Update failed! Check the console for more information'); } function changeTextTo(prefix, version, text) { $('#'+prefix+'-'+version).text(text); } function changeRowTo(prefix, version, clazz) { //-- Remove all classes $('#'+prefix+'-'+version) .removeClass('info') .removeClass('warning') .removeClass('danger') .removeClass('success'); //-- Re-add the requested class $('#'+prefix+'-'+version).addClass(clazz); } function appendToInstallConsole(text) { var currentText = $('#console-text').text(); $('#console-text').append(text).append('
'); } function processUpdates(startingVersion) { if (startingVersion < 1) { startVersionUpgrade('p140'); executeUpdate(1000, 'p140'); } else if (startingVersion < 140) { startVersionUpgrade('140'); executeUpdate(140, '140'); } else if (startingVersion < 141) { startVersionUpgrade('141'); executeUpdate(141, '141'); } else if (startingVersion < 150) { startVersionUpgrade('150'); executeUpdate(150, '150'); } else if (startingVersion < 160) { startVersionUpgrade('160'); executeUpdate(160, '160'); } else if (startingVersion < 161) { startVersionUpgrade('161'); executeUpdate(161, '161'); } else if (startingVersion < 170) { startVersionUpgrade('170'); executeUpdate(170, '170'); } else if (startingVersion < 200) { startVersionUpgrade('200'); executeUpdate(200, '200'); } } function executeUpdate(version, cssclass) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'ajax/database-ajax.php', data: { version: version }, success: function(data) { markUpdateAsSuccess(cssclass); if (version == 200) { migrateIpEmailBans('banmigrate', cssclass); } processUpdates(version); }, error: function(data) { appendToInstallConsole('ERROR: ' + data.responseText); markUpdateAsFailure(cssclass); } }); } function migrateIpEmailBans(version, cssclass) { startVersionUpgrade(version); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'ajax/task-ajax.php', data: { task: 'ip-email-bans' }, success: function(data) { var parsedData = $.parseJSON(data); console.info(parsedData); if (parsedData.status == 'ATTENTION') { markUpdateAsAttention(version); prepareAttentionPanel(getContentForMigratePrompt(parsedData.users)); } else { markUpdateAsSuccess(version); } //if ask user, markUpdateAsAttention and append to Attention! div //otherwise, mark success and move to completion script. }, error: function(data) { appendToInstallConsole('ERROR: ' + data.responseText); markUpdateAsFailure(cssclass); } }); } function getContentForMigratePrompt(users) { var beginningText = '

Migrating IP / E-mail Bans

Mods for HESK has detected that you have added IP address ' + 'and/or email bans using Mods for HESK. As part of the upgrade process, Mods for HESK will migrate these bans ' + 'for you to HESK 2.6.0\'s IP/email ban feature. Select the user below that will be the "creator" of the bans, ' + 'then click "Submit".

'; var selectMarkup = '
' + '

'; var submitMarkup = '
' + 'Don\'t Migrate
'; return beginningText + selectMarkup + submitMarkup; } function prepareAttentionPanel(content) { $('#attention-body').html(content); $('#attention-row').show(); } function runMigration() { // Get user ID that is selected var userId = $('#user-dropdown').val(); // Hide the div, switch back to in progress $('#attention-row').hide(); startVersionUpgrade('banmigrate'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'ajax/task-ajax.php', data: { task: 'migrate-bans', user: userId }, success: function(data) { markUpdateAsSuccess('banmigrate'); //TODO cover entire install area with success message. }, error: function(data) { appendToInstallConsole('ERROR: ' + data.responseText); markUpdateAsFailure('banmigrate'); } }) } jQuery(document).ready(loadJquery);