$v) { if ($v['use']) { $sql .= ", `" . $k . "`"; } } $sql .= " FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "tickets` WHERE "; // --> CATEGORY $category = $search_filter['category']; if ($category > 0 && hesk_okCategory($category, 0)) { $sql .= " `category`='{$category}' "; } else { $sql .= hesk_myCategories(); } // --> TAGGED $tagged = $search_filter['tagged']; if ($tagged) { $sql .= " AND `archive`='1' "; } // --> TICKET ASSIGNMENT $sql = handle_ticket_assignments($search_filter, $sql); // --> TICKET STATUS $statuses = $search_filter['status']; if (count($statuses) > 0) { $sql .= " AND `status` IN ('" . implode("','", $statuses) . "') "; } // --> TICKET PRIORITY $priorities = $search_filter['priority']; if (count($priorities) > 0) { $sql .= " AND `priority` IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($priority)) . "') "; } // Sorting $sql .= " ORDER BY "; // --> PUSH TO TOP $force_to_top = $search_filter['force_to_top']; $direction = $search_filter['force_direction']; if ($force_to_top != NULL) { if ($force_to_top == 'owner') { $sql .= " CASE WHEN `owner` = '".intval($_SESSION['id'])."' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, `owner` ASC, "; } else { $sql .= ' `'.hesk_dbEscape($force_to_top).'` '; $sql .= $direction == 'ascending' ? 'ASC, ' : 'DESC, '; } } // --> CRITICAL ON TOP $critical_on_top = $search_filter['critical_on_top']; if ($critical_on_top) { $sql .= " CASE WHEN `priority` = '0' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC , "; } // --> SORT BY $sort_by = $search_filter['sort_by']; $sort_direction = $search_filter['sort_direction']; if ($sort_by) { $sql .= $sort_by == 'lastreplier' ? " CASE WHEN `lastreplier` = '0' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END DESC, COALESCE(`replierid`, NULLIF(`lastreplier`, '0'), `name`) " : ' `'.hesk_dbEscape($sort_by).'` '; } else { $sql .= ' `status` '; $sort_by = 'status'; } $sql .= $sort_direction == 'ascending' ? ' ASC ' : ' DESC '; if ($sort_by != 'priority') { $sql .= ' , `priority` ASC '; } //Uncomment for debugging purposes // echo "SQL: $sql"; } function handle_ticket_assignments($search_filter, $sql) { $assigned_to_self = $search_filter['assignment']['self']; $assigned_to_others = $search_filter['assignment']['others']; $assigned_to_no_one = $search_filter['assignment']['no_one']; if (!$assigned_to_self && !$assigned_to_others && !$assigned_to_no_one) { $assigned_to_self = true; $assigned_to_others = true; $assigned_to_no_one = true; if (!defined('MAIN_PAGE')) { hesk_show_notice($hesklang['e_nose']); } } /* If the user doesn't have permission to view assigned to others block those */ if (!hesk_checkPermission('can_view_ass_others',0)) { $assigned_to_others = 0; } /* If the user doesn't have permission to view unassigned tickets block those */ if (!hesk_checkPermission('can_view_unassigned',0)) { $assigned_to_no_one = 0; } /* Process assignments */ if (!$assigned_to_self || !$assigned_to_others || !$assigned_to_no_one) { if ($assigned_to_self && $assigned_to_others) { // All but unassigned $sql .= " AND `owner` > 0 "; } elseif ($assigned_to_self && $assigned_to_no_one) { // My tickets + unassigned $sql .= " AND `owner` IN ('0', '" . intval($_SESSION['id']) . "') "; } elseif ($assigned_to_others && $assigned_to_no_one) { // Assigned to others + unassigned $sql .= " AND `owner` != '" . intval($_SESSION['id']) . "' "; } elseif ($assigned_to_self) { // Assigned to me only $sql .= " AND `owner` = '" . intval($_SESSION['id']) . "' "; } elseif ($assigned_to_others) { // Assigned to others $sql .= " AND `owner` NOT IN ('0', '" . intval($_SESSION['id']) . "') "; } elseif ($assigned_to_no_one) { // Only unassigned $sql .= " AND `owner` = 0 "; } } return $sql; } function get_empty_filter() { $search_filter['category'] = NULL; $search_filter['tagged'] = NULL; $search_filter['status'] = NULL; $search_filter['priority'] = NULL; $search_filter['force_to_top'] = NULL; $search_filter['force_direction'] = NULL; $search_filter['critical_on_top'] = NULL; $search_filter['sort_by'] = NULL; $search_filter['sort_direction'] = NULL; $search_filter['assignment'] = array(); $search_filter['assignment']['self'] = 0; $search_filter['assignment']['others'] = 0; $search_filter['assignment']['no_one'] = 0; return $search_filter; }