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Mods for HESK v1.6.0

Mods for HESK is a set of modifications for HESK v2.5.5, a free and popular helpdesk solution.



You can download Mods for HESK via two ways:
  1. Stable Releases: Releases that have a release tag associated with a commit are considered releases. You can click on "releases" on the top of the repo, and then click "zip" or "tar.gz" to download the repo at that stage.
  2. Bleeding-edge Releases: You can also download the latest, bleeding-edge version of Mods for HESK by simply clicking "download as zip" to the right of the repository. This will download an exact copy of this branch in its current state, which may be contain bugs/other issues. This is not recommended for a production use.


  1. Download HESK from http://www.hesk.com/download.php.
  2. Extract the contents of HESK to a directory of your choice.
  3. Download Mods for HESK from one of the two methods described above.
  4. Copy and paste the contents of the zip/tar.gz bundle and overwrite any files in the original HESK 2.x folder.
  5. Upload the resulting folder to your webserver.
  6. Go to the /install directory in your web browser and click on "Install/Update Mods for HESK Installation"

Please consult the official HESK Documentation on how to install HESK, as it is the same for both HESK and Mods for HESK.


As of current, only English is a supported language, as there have been several language items that have been edited/created. If you want to translate Mods for HESK to your own language, it is recommended to download the original HESK language file for your language, and then add/edit the lines listed under //Added or modified in Mods for HESK X.X.X (where X.X.X is a version number) for your language.

Mods for HESK translations are available at http://mods-for-hesk.mkochcs.com/download.php.

Browser Compatibility

This list may be incomplete. Please leave a note on the PHP Junkyard forums for additional browser compatibility information.

There are no intentions of making Mods for HESK compatible with Internet Explorer 6 or 7, or any browser that is 2 or more major revisions older than its latest version.


Mods for HESK will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible. Releases will be numbered with the following format:


And constructed with the following guidelines:

For more information on SemVer, please visit http://semver.org.


Mike Koch - Creator of Mods for HESK

Klemen Stirn - Creator of HESK