
An issue occurred when trying to update the file.

Add the following lines to your file:

//-- Set this to 1 to enable HTML-formatted emails. $modsForHesk_settings[\'html_emails\'] = 0;

//-- Mailgun Settings $modsForHesk_settings[\'use_mailgun\'] = 0; $modsForHesk_settings[\'mailgun_api_key\'] = \'API Key\'; $modsForHesk_settings[\'mailgun_domain\'] = \'\';

After editing your file, you can follow the instructions below.'; } $banRS = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `ID` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_emails` UNION ALL SELECT `ID` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_ips`"); $banRows = hesk_dbNumRows($banRS); if (hesk_dbNumRows($banRS) > 0) { $usersRS = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."users` WHERE `active` = '1' ORDER BY `name`"); ?>

Migrating IP / E-mail Bans

Mods for HESK has detected that you have added IP address and/or email bans using Mods for HESK. As part of the upgrade process, Mods for HESK will migrate these bans for you to HESK 2.6.0's IP/email ban feature. Select the user below that will be the "creator" of the bans, then click "Submit".

Installation / Update complete!

Please delete the install folder for security reasons, and then proceed back to the Help Desk