is_valid) { //$_SESSION['img_a_verified']=true; } else { $hesk_error_buffer['mysecnum']=$hesklang['recaptcha_error']; } } // Using ReCaptcha API v2? elseif ($hesk_settings['recaptcha_use'] == 2) { require(HESK_PATH . 'inc/recaptcha/recaptchalib_v2.php'); $resp = null; $reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha($hesk_settings['recaptcha_private_key']); // Was there a reCAPTCHA response? if ( isset($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]) ) { $resp = $reCaptcha->verifyResponse($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], hesk_POST("g-recaptcha-response") ); } if ($resp != null && $resp->success) { //$_SESSION['img_a_verified']=true; } else { $hesk_error_buffer['mysecnum']=$hesklang['recaptcha_error']; } } // Using PHP generated image else { $mysecnum = intval( hesk_POST('mysecnum', 0) ); if ( empty($mysecnum) ) { $hesk_error_buffer['mysecnum'] = $hesklang['sec_miss']; } else { require(HESK_PATH . 'inc/'); $sc = new PJ_SecurityImage($hesk_settings['secimg_sum']); if ( isset($_SESSION['checksum']) && $sc->checkCode($mysecnum, $_SESSION['checksum']) ) { //$_SESSION['img_a_verified'] = true; } else { $hesk_error_buffer['mysecnum'] = $hesklang['sec_wrng']; } } } } // Connect to database and check for brute force attempts hesk_load_database_functions(); hesk_dbConnect(); hesk_limitBfAttempts(); // Get email $email = hesk_validateEmail( hesk_POST('email'), 'ERR', 0) or $hesk_error_buffer['email']=$hesklang['enter_valid_email']; // Any errors? if (count($hesk_error_buffer)!=0) { $_SESSION['a_iserror'] = array_keys($hesk_error_buffer); $tmp = ''; foreach ($hesk_error_buffer as $error) { $tmp .= "
  • $error
  • \n"; } $hesk_error_buffer = $tmp; $hesk_error_buffer = $hesklang['pcer'].'

    '; hesk_process_messages($hesk_error_buffer,'NOREDIRECT'); } else { // Get user data from the database $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `id`, `name`, `pass` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."users` WHERE `email` LIKE '".hesk_dbEscape($email)."' LIMIT 1"); if (hesk_dbNumRows($res) != 1) { hesk_process_messages($hesklang['noace'],'NOREDIRECT'); } else { $row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res); $hash = sha1(microtime() . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . mt_rand() . $row['id'] . $row['name'] . $row['pass']); // Insert the verification hash into the database hesk_dbQuery("INSERT INTO `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."reset_password` (`user`, `hash`, `ip`) VALUES (".intval($row['id']).", '{$hash}', '".hesk_dbEscape($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])."') "); // Prepare and send email require(HESK_PATH . 'inc/'); // Get the email message $msg = hesk_getEmailMessage('reset_password',array(),1,0,1); // Replace message special tags $msg = str_replace('%%NAME%%', hesk_msgToPlain($row['name'],1,1), $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%SITE_URL%%', $hesk_settings['site_url'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%SITE_TITLE%%', $hesk_settings['site_title'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%PASSWORD_RESET%%', $hesk_settings['hesk_url'].'/'.$hesk_settings['admin_dir'].'/password.php?h='.$hash, $msg); // Send email hesk_mail($email, $hesklang['reset_password'], $msg); // Show success hesk_process_messages($hesklang['pemls'],'NOREDIRECT','SUCCESS'); } } } // If the "h" parameter is set verify it and reset the password elseif ( isset($_GET['h']) ) { // Get the hash $hash = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $_GET['h']); // Connect to database hesk_load_database_functions(); hesk_dbConnect(); // Expire verification hashes older than 2 hours hesk_dbQuery("DELETE FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."reset_password` WHERE `dt` < (NOW() - INTERVAL 2 HOUR)"); // Verify the hash exists $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `user`, `ip` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."reset_password` WHERE `hash` = '{$hash}' LIMIT 1"); if (hesk_dbNumRows($res) != 1) { // Not a valid hash hesk_limitBfAttempts(); hesk_process_messages($hesklang['ehash'],'NOREDIRECT'); } else { // Get info from database $row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res); // Only allow resetting password from the same IP address that submitted password reset request if ($row['ip'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { hesk_limitBfAttempts(); hesk_process_messages($hesklang['ehaip'],'NOREDIRECT'); } else { // Expire all verification hashes for this user hesk_dbQuery("DELETE FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."reset_password` WHERE `user`=".intval($row['user'])); // Get user details $res = hesk_dbQuery('SELECT * FROM `'.$hesk_settings['db_pfix']."users` WHERE `id`=".intval($row['user'])." LIMIT 1"); $row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res); foreach ($row as $k=>$v) { $_SESSION[$k]=$v; } unset($_SESSION['pass']); // Clean brute force attempts hesk_cleanBfAttempts(); // Regenerate session ID (security) hesk_session_regenerate_id(); // Get allowed categories if (empty($_SESSION['isadmin'])) { $_SESSION['categories']=explode(',',$_SESSION['categories']); } // Redirect to the profile page hesk_process_messages($hesklang['resim'],'profile.php','NOTICE'); exit(); } // End IP matches } } // Tell header to load reCaptcha API if needed if ($hesk_settings['recaptcha_use'] == 2) { define('RECAPTCHA',1); } $hesk_settings['tmp_title'] = $hesk_settings['hesk_title'] . ' - ' .$hesklang['passr']; require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/'); ?>