$v) { if ($v['use']) { if ($v['type'] == 'email' && !empty($ticket[$k])) { if ($v['value'] == 'cc') { $emails = explode(',', $ticket[$k]); array_push($ccEmails, $emails); } elseif ($v['value'] == 'bcc') { $emails = explode(',', $ticket[$k]); array_push($bccEmails, $emails); } } } }*/ hesk_mail($ticket['email'], $subject, $message, $htmlMessage, $modsForHesk_settings, $ccEmails, $bccEmails, $hasMessage); } function hesk_notifyCustomer($modsForHesk_settings, $email_template = 'new_ticket') { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $ticket; // Demo mode if (defined('HESK_DEMO')) { return true; } $changedLanguage = false; //Set the user's language according to the ticket. if (isset($ticket['language']) && $ticket['language'] !== NULL) { hesk_setLanguage($ticket['language']); $changedLanguage = true; } // Format email subject and message $subject = hesk_getEmailSubject($email_template, $ticket); $message = hesk_getEmailMessage($email_template, $ticket, $modsForHesk_settings); $htmlMessage = hesk_getHtmlMessage($email_template, $ticket, $modsForHesk_settings); $hasMessage = hesk_doesTemplateHaveTag($email_template, '%%MESSAGE%%', $modsForHesk_settings); // Add Cc / Bcc recipents if needed $ccEmails = array(); $bccEmails = array(); //TODO Update the email custom field to handle this properly /*foreach ($hesk_settings['custom_fields'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['use']) { if ($v['type'] == 'email' && !empty($ticket[$k])) { if ($v['value'] == 'cc') { array_push($ccEmails, $ticket[$k]); } elseif ($v['value'] == 'bcc') { array_push($bccEmails, $ticket[$k]); } } } }*/ // Send e-mail hesk_mail($ticket['email'], $subject, $message, $htmlMessage, $modsForHesk_settings, $ccEmails, $bccEmails, $hasMessage); // Reset the language if it was changed hesk_resetLanguage(); return true; } // END hesk_notifyCustomer() function hesk_notifyAssignedStaff($autoassign_owner, $email_template, $modsForHesk_settings, $type = 'notify_assigned') { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $ticket; // Demo mode if (defined('HESK_DEMO')) { return true; } $ticket['owner'] = intval($ticket['owner']); /* Need to lookup owner info from the database? */ if ($autoassign_owner === false) { $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `name`, `email`,`language`,`notify_assigned`,`notify_reply_my` FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "users` WHERE `id`='" . $ticket['owner'] . "' LIMIT 1"); $autoassign_owner = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res); $hesk_settings['user_data'][$ticket['owner']] = $autoassign_owner; /* If owner selected not to be notified or invalid stop here */ if (empty($autoassign_owner[$type])) { return false; } } /* Set new language if required */ hesk_setLanguage($autoassign_owner['language']); /* Format email subject and message for staff */ $subject = hesk_getEmailSubject($email_template, $ticket); $message = hesk_getEmailMessage($email_template, $ticket, $modsForHesk_settings, 1); $htmlMessage = hesk_getHtmlMessage($email_template, $ticket, $modsForHesk_settings, 1); $hasMessage = hesk_doesTemplateHaveTag($email_template, '%%MESSAGE%%', $modsForHesk_settings); /* Send email to staff */ hesk_mail($autoassign_owner['email'], $subject, $message, $htmlMessage, $modsForHesk_settings, array(), array(), $hasMessage); /* Reset language to original one */ hesk_resetLanguage(); return true; } // END hesk_notifyAssignedStaff() function hesk_notifyStaff($email_template, $sql_where, $modsForHesk_settings, $is_ticket = 1) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $ticket; // Demo mode if (defined('HESK_DEMO')) { return true; } $admins = array(); $res = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `email`,`language`,`isadmin`,`categories` FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "users` WHERE $sql_where ORDER BY `language`"); while ($myuser = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($res)) { /* Is this an administrator? */ if ($myuser['isadmin']) { $admins[] = array('email' => $myuser['email'], 'language' => $myuser['language']); continue; } /* Not admin, is he/she allowed this category? */ $myuser['categories'] = explode(',', $myuser['categories']); if (in_array($ticket['category'], $myuser['categories'])) { $admins[] = array('email' => $myuser['email'], 'language' => $myuser['language']); continue; } } if (count($admins) > 0) { /* Make sure each user gets email in his/her preferred language */ $current_language = 'NONE'; $recipients = array(); $hasMessage = hesk_doesTemplateHaveTag($email_template, '%%MESSAGE%%', $modsForHesk_settings); /* Loop through staff */ foreach ($admins as $admin) { /* If admin language is NULL force default HESK language */ if (!$admin['language'] || !isset($hesk_settings['languages'][$admin['language']])) { $admin['language'] = HESK_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } /* Generate message or add email to the list of recepients */ if ($admin['language'] == $current_language) { /* We already have the message, just add email to the recipients list */ $recipients[] = $admin['email']; } else { /* Send email messages in previous languages (if required) */ if ($current_language != 'NONE') { /* Send e-mail to staff */ hesk_mail(implode(',', $recipients), $subject, $message, $htmlMessage, $modsForHesk_settings, array(), array(), $hasMessage); /* Reset list of email addresses */ $recipients = array(); } /* Set new language */ hesk_setLanguage($admin['language']); /* Format staff email subject and message for this language */ $subject = hesk_getEmailSubject($email_template, $ticket); $message = hesk_getEmailMessage($email_template, $ticket, $modsForHesk_settings, $is_ticket); $htmlMessage = hesk_getHtmlMessage($email_template, $ticket, $modsForHesk_settings, $is_ticket); $hasMessage = hesk_doesTemplateHaveTag($email_template, '%%MESSAGE%%', $modsForHesk_settings); /* Add email to the recipients list */ $recipients[] = $admin['email']; /* Remember the last processed language */ $current_language = $admin['language']; } } /* Send email messages to the remaining staff */ hesk_mail(implode(',', $recipients), $subject, $message, $htmlMessage, $modsForHesk_settings, array(), array(), $hasMessage); /* Reset language to original one */ hesk_resetLanguage(); } return true; } // END hesk_notifyStaff() function mfh_sendCalendarReminder($reminder_data, $modsForHesk_settings) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; if (defined('HESK_DEMO')) { return true; } hesk_setLanguage($reminder_data['user_language']); $valid_emails = hesk_validEmails(); $subject = NULL; if (!isset($valid_emails['calendar_reminder'])) { hesk_error($hesklang['inve']); } else { $subject = $valid_emails['calendar_reminder']; } // Format email subject and message $subject = str_replace('%%TITLE%%', $reminder_data['event_name'], $subject); $message = hesk_getEmailMessage('calendar_reminder', NULL, $modsForHesk_settings, 1, 0, 1); $message = mfh_processCalendarTemplate($message, $reminder_data); $htmlMessage = hesk_getHtmlMessage('calendar_reminder', NULL, $modsForHesk_settings, 1, 0, 1); $htmlMessage = mfh_processCalendarTemplate($htmlMessage, $reminder_data); hesk_mail($reminder_data['user_email'], $subject, $message, $htmlMessage, $modsForHesk_settings); return true; } function mfh_processCalendarTemplate($message, $reminder_data) { global $hesk_settings; if ($reminder_data['event_all_day'] == '1') { $format = 'Y-m-d'; } else { $format = $hesk_settings['timeformat']; } $start_date = strtotime($reminder_data['event_start']); $formatted_start_date = date($format, $start_date); $formatted_end_date = ''; if ($reminder_data['event_start'] != $reminder_data['event_end']) { $end_date = strtotime($reminder_data['event_end']); $formatted_end_date = ' - ' . date($format, $end_date); } // Process replaced fields $message = str_replace('%%TITLE%%', $reminder_data['event_name'], $message); $message = str_replace('%%LOCATION%%', $reminder_data['event_location'], $message); $message = str_replace('%%CATEGORY%%', $reminder_data['event_category'], $message); $message = str_replace('%%WHEN%%', $formatted_start_date . $formatted_end_date, $message); $message = str_replace('%%COMMENTS%%', $reminder_data['event_comments'], $message); return $message; } function mfh_sendOverdueTicketReminder($ticket, $users, $modsForHesk_settings) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; if (defined('HESK_DEMO')) { return true; } hesk_setLanguage($ticket['user_language']); $valid_emails = hesk_validEmails(); $subject = NULL; if (!isset($valid_emails['overdue_ticket'])) { hesk_error($hesklang['inve']); } else { $subject = $valid_emails['overdue_ticket']; } // Format email subject and message $subject = str_replace('%%TITLE%%', $ticket['subject'], $subject); $subject = str_replace('%%TRACKID%%', $ticket['trackid'], $subject); $message = hesk_getEmailMessage('overdue_ticket', NULL, $modsForHesk_settings, 1, 0, 1); $message = hesk_processMessage($message, $ticket, 1, 1, 0, $modsForHesk_settings); $htmlMessage = hesk_getHtmlMessage('overdue_ticket', NULL, $modsForHesk_settings, 1, 0, 1); $htmlMessage = hesk_processMessage($htmlMessage, $ticket, 1, 1, 0, $modsForHesk_settings, 1); $emails = array(); if ($ticket['user_email'] != NULL) { $emails[] = $ticket['user_email']; } foreach ($users as $user) { $categories = explode(',', $user['categories']); if ($user['email'] != $ticket['user_email'] && ($user['isadmin'] || in_array($ticket['category'], $categories))) { $emails[] = $user['email']; } } foreach ($emails as $email) { hesk_mail($email, $subject, $message, $htmlMessage, $modsForHesk_settings); } return true; } function hesk_validEmails() { global $hesklang; return array( /*** Emails sent to CLIENT ***/ // --> Send reminder about existing tickets 'forgot_ticket_id' => $hesklang['forgot_ticket_id'], // --> Staff replied to a ticket 'new_reply_by_staff' => $hesklang['new_reply_by_staff'], // --> New ticket submitted 'new_ticket' => $hesklang['ticket_received'], // --> Verify email 'verify_email' => $hesklang['verify_email'], // --> Ticket closed 'ticket_closed' => $hesklang['ticket_closed'], /*** Emails sent to STAFF ***/ // --> Ticket moved to a new category 'category_moved' => $hesklang['category_moved'], // --> Client replied to a ticket 'new_reply_by_customer' => $hesklang['new_reply_by_customer'], // --> New ticket submitted 'new_ticket_staff' => $hesklang['new_ticket_staff'], // --> New ticket assigned to staff 'ticket_assigned_to_you' => $hesklang['ticket_assigned_to_you'], // --> New private message 'new_pm' => $hesklang['new_pm'], // --> New note by someone to a ticket assigned to you 'new_note' => $hesklang['new_note'], // --> Staff password reset email 'reset_password' => $hesklang['reset_password'], // --> Calendar reminder 'calendar_reminder' => $hesklang['calendar_reminder'], // --> Overdue Ticket reminder 'overdue_ticket' => $hesklang['overdue_ticket'], ); } // END hesk_validEmails() function hesk_mail($to, $subject, $message, $htmlMessage, $modsForHesk_settings, $cc = array(), $bcc = array(), $hasMessageTag = false) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang, $ticket; // Are we in demo mode or are all email fields blank? If so, don't send an email. if (defined('HESK_DEMO') || (($to == NULL || $to == '') && ($cc == NULL || count($cc) == 0) && ($bcc == NULL || count($bcc) == 0)) ) { return true; } // Stop if we find anything suspicious in the headers if ( preg_match("/\n|\r|\t|%0A|%0D|%08|%09/", $to . $subject) ) { return false; } // Encode subject to UTF-8 $subject = hesk_encodeIfNotAscii( hesk_html_entity_decode($subject) ); // Auto-generate URLs for HTML-formatted emails $htmlMessage = hesk_makeURL($htmlMessage, '', false); // Setup "name " for headers if ($hesk_settings['noreply_name']) { $hesk_settings['from_header'] = hesk_encodeIfNotAscii( hesk_html_entity_decode($hesk_settings['noreply_name']) ) . " <" . $hesk_settings['noreply_mail'] . ">"; } else { $hesk_settings['from_header'] = $hesk_settings['noreply_mail']; } // Uncomment for debugging # echo "

TO: $to
SUBJECT: $subject
MSG: $message

"; # return true; // Use mailgun if ($modsForHesk_settings['use_mailgun']) { ob_start(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.mailgun.net/v2/" . $modsForHesk_settings['mailgun_domain'] . "/messages"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'api:' . $modsForHesk_settings['mailgun_api_key']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); $postfields = array( 'from' => $hesk_settings['from_header'], 'to' => $to, 'h:Reply-To' => $hesk_settings['from_header'], 'subject' => $subject, 'text' => $message ); if (count($cc) > 0) { $postfields['cc'] = implode(',', $cc); } if (count($bcc) > 0) { $postfields['bcc'] = implode(',', $bcc); } if ($modsForHesk_settings['html_emails']) { $postfields['html'] = $htmlMessage; } if ($hasMessageTag && $modsForHesk_settings['attachments'] && $hesk_settings['attachments']['use'] && isset($ticket['attachments']) && strlen($ticket['attachments'])) { $postfields = processDirectAttachments('mailgun', $postfields); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $tmp = trim(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); return (strlen($tmp)) ? $tmp : true; } $outerboundary = sha1(uniqid()); $innerboundary = sha1(uniqid()); if ($outerboundary == $innerboundary) { $innerboundary .= '1'; } $plaintextMessage = $message; $message = "--" . $outerboundary . "\n"; $message .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" . $innerboundary . "\"\n\n"; $message .= "--" . $innerboundary . "\n"; $message .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" . $hesklang['ENCODING'] . "\n\n"; $message .= $plaintextMessage . "\n\n"; //Prepare the message for HTML or non-html if ($modsForHesk_settings['html_emails']) { $message .= "--" . $innerboundary . "\n"; $message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $hesklang['ENCODING'] . "\n\n"; $message .= $htmlMessage . "\n\n"; } //-- Close the email $message .= "--" . $innerboundary . "--"; // Remove duplicate recipients $to_arr = array_unique(explode(',', $to)); $to = implode(',', $to_arr); // Use PHP's mail function if (!$hesk_settings['smtp']) { // Set additional headers $headers = ''; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers .= "From: $hesk_settings[from_header]\n"; if (count($cc) > 0) { $headers .= "Cc: " . implode(',', $cc) . "\n"; } if (count($bcc) > 0) { $headers .= "Bcc: " . implode(',', $bcc) . "\n"; } $headers .= "Reply-To: $hesk_settings[from_header]\n"; $headers .= "Return-Path: $hesk_settings[webmaster_mail]\n"; $headers .= "Date: " . date(DATE_RFC2822) . "\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=\"" . $outerboundary . "\""; // Add attachments if necessary if ($hasMessageTag && $modsForHesk_settings['attachments'] && $hesk_settings['attachments']['use'] && isset($ticket['attachments']) && strlen($ticket['attachments'])) { $message .= processDirectAttachments('phpmail', NULL, $outerboundary); } $message .= "\n\n" . '--' . $outerboundary . '--'; // Send using PHP mail() function ob_start(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); $tmp = trim(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); return (strlen($tmp)) ? $tmp : true; } // Use a SMTP server directly instead $smtp = new smtp_class; $smtp->host_name = $hesk_settings['smtp_host_name']; $smtp->host_port = $hesk_settings['smtp_host_port']; $smtp->timeout = $hesk_settings['smtp_timeout']; $smtp->ssl = $hesk_settings['smtp_ssl']; $smtp->start_tls = $hesk_settings['smtp_tls']; $smtp->user = $hesk_settings['smtp_user']; $smtp->password = hesk_htmlspecialchars_decode($hesk_settings['smtp_password']); $smtp->debug = 1; // Start output buffering so that any errors don't break headers ob_start(); // Send the e-mail using SMTP $headersArray = array( "From: $hesk_settings[from_header]", "To: $to", "Reply-To: $hesk_settings[from_header]", "Return-Path: $hesk_settings[webmaster_mail]", "Subject: " . $subject, "Date: " . date(DATE_RFC2822) ); array_push($headersArray, "MIME-Version: 1.0"); array_push($headersArray, "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=\"" . $outerboundary . "\""); if (count($cc) > 0) { array_push($headersArray, "Cc: " . implode(',', $cc)); } if (count($bcc) > 0) { array_push($headersArray, "Bcc: " . implode(',', $bcc)); } // Add attachments if necessary if ($hasMessageTag && $modsForHesk_settings['attachments'] && $hesk_settings['attachments']['use'] && isset($ticket['attachments']) && strlen($ticket['attachments'])) { $message .= processDirectAttachments('smtp', NULL, $outerboundary); } $message .= "\n\n" . '--' . $outerboundary . '--'; if (!$smtp->SendMessage($hesk_settings['noreply_mail'], $to_arr, $headersArray, $message)) { // Suppress errors unless we are in debug mode if ($hesk_settings['debug_mode']) { $error = $hesklang['cnsm'] . ' ' . $to . '

' . $hesklang['error'] . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($smtp->error) . '

' . ''; ob_end_clean(); hesk_error($error); } else { $_SESSION['HESK_2ND_NOTICE'] = true; $_SESSION['HESK_2ND_MESSAGE'] = $hesklang['esf'] . ' ' . $hesklang['contact_webmsater'] . ' ' . $hesk_settings['webmaster_mail'] . ''; } } ob_end_clean(); return true; } // END hesk_mail() function hesk_getEmailSubject($eml_file, $ticket = '', $is_ticket = 1, $strip = 0) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; // Demo mode if (defined('HESK_DEMO')) { return ''; } /* Get list of valid emails */ $valid_emails = hesk_validEmails(); /* Verify this is a valid email include */ if (!isset($valid_emails[$eml_file])) { hesk_error($hesklang['inve']); } else { $msg = $valid_emails[$eml_file]; } /* If not a ticket-related email return subject as is */ if (!$ticket) { return $msg; } /* Strip slashes from the subject only if it's a new ticket */ if ($strip) { $ticket['subject'] = stripslashes($ticket['subject']); } /* Not a ticket, but has some info in the $ticket array */ if (!$is_ticket) { return str_replace('%%SUBJECT%%', $ticket['subject'], $msg); } /* Set category title */ $ticket['category'] = hesk_msgToPlain(hesk_getCategoryName($ticket['category']), 1); /* Get priority */ switch ($ticket['priority']) { case 0: $ticket['priority'] = $hesklang['critical']; break; case 1: $ticket['priority'] = $hesklang['high']; break; case 2: $ticket['priority'] = $hesklang['medium']; break; default: $ticket['priority'] = $hesklang['low']; } /* Set status */ $statusRs = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `text` FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "text_to_status_xref` WHERE `status_id` = " . $ticket['status'] . " AND `language` = '". hesk_dbEscape($hesklang['LANGUAGE']) ."'"); $row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($statusRs); $ticket['status'] = $row['text']; /* Replace all special tags */ $msg = str_replace('%%SUBJECT%%', $ticket['subject'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%TRACK_ID%%', $ticket['trackid'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%CATEGORY%%', $ticket['category'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%PRIORITY%%', $ticket['priority'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%STATUS%%', $ticket['status'], $msg); return $msg; } // hesk_getEmailSubject() function hesk_getHtmlMessage($eml_file, $ticket, $modsForHesk_settings, $is_admin = 0, $is_ticket = 1, $just_message = 0) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; // Demo mode if (defined('HESK_DEMO') || !$modsForHesk_settings['html_emails']) { return ''; } // We won't do validation here, as hesk_getEmailMessage will be called which handles validation. // Get email template $original_eml_file = $eml_file; $eml_file = 'language/' . $hesk_settings['languages'][$hesk_settings['language']]['folder'] . '/emails/html/' . $original_eml_file . '.txt'; $plain_eml_file = 'language/' . $hesk_settings['languages'][$hesk_settings['language']]['folder'] . '/emails/' . $original_eml_file . '.txt'; if (file_exists(HESK_PATH . $eml_file)) { $msg = file_get_contents(HESK_PATH . $eml_file); } elseif (file_exists(HESK_PATH . $plain_eml_file)) { $msg = file_get_contents(HESK_PATH . $plain_eml_file); } else { hesk_error($hesklang['emfm'] . ': ' . $eml_file); } //Perform logic common between hesk_getEmailMessage and hesk_getHtmlMessage $msg = hesk_processMessage($msg, $ticket, $is_admin, $is_ticket, $just_message, $modsForHesk_settings, true); return $msg; } function hesk_getEmailMessage($eml_file, $ticket, $modsForHesk_settings, $is_admin = 0, $is_ticket = 1, $just_message = 0) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; // Demo mode if (defined('HESK_DEMO')) { return ''; } /* Get list of valid emails */ $valid_emails = hesk_validEmails(); /* Verify this is a valid email include */ if (!isset($valid_emails[$eml_file])) { hesk_error($hesklang['inve']); } /* Get email template */ $eml_file = 'language/' . $hesk_settings['languages'][$hesk_settings['language']]['folder'] . '/emails/' . $eml_file . '.txt'; if (file_exists(HESK_PATH . $eml_file)) { $msg = file_get_contents(HESK_PATH . $eml_file); } else { hesk_error($hesklang['emfm'] . ': ' . $eml_file); } $msg = hesk_processMessage($msg, $ticket, $is_admin, $is_ticket, $just_message, $modsForHesk_settings); return $msg; } // END hesk_getEmailMessage function hesk_encodeIfNotAscii($str) { // Match anything outside of ASCII range if (preg_match('/[^\x00-\x7F]/', $str)) { return "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($str) . "?="; } return $str; } // END hesk_encodeIfNotAscii() function hesk_doesTemplateHaveTag($eml_file, $tag, $modsForHesk_settings) { global $hesk_settings; $path = 'language/' . $hesk_settings['languages'][$hesk_settings['language']]['folder'] . '/emails/' . $eml_file . '.txt'; $htmlHasTag = false; if ($modsForHesk_settings['html_emails']) { $htmlPath = 'language/' . $hesk_settings['languages'][$hesk_settings['language']]['folder'] . '/emails/html/' . $eml_file . '.txt'; $htmlContents = file_get_contents(HESK_PATH . $htmlPath); $htmlHasTag = !(strpos($htmlContents, $tag) === false); } $emailContents = file_get_contents(HESK_PATH . $path); return !(strpos($emailContents, $tag) === false) || $htmlHasTag; } function hesk_processMessage($msg, $ticket, $is_admin, $is_ticket, $just_message, $modsForHesk_settings, $isForHtml = 0) { global $hesk_settings, $hesklang; /* Return just the message without any processing? */ if ($just_message) { return $msg; } // Convert any entities in site title to plain text $hesk_settings['site_title'] = hesk_msgToPlain($hesk_settings['site_title'], 1); /* If it's not a ticket-related mail (like "a new PM") just process quickly */ if (!$is_ticket) { $trackingURL = $hesk_settings['hesk_url'] . '/' . $hesk_settings['admin_dir'] . '/mail.php?a=read&id=' . intval($ticket['id']); $msg = str_replace('%%NAME%%', $ticket['name'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%SUBJECT%%', $ticket['subject'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%TRACK_URL%%', $trackingURL, $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%SITE_TITLE%%', $hesk_settings['site_title'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%SITE_URL%%', $hesk_settings['site_url'], $msg); if (isset($ticket['message'])) { // If HTML is enabled, let's unescape everything, and call html2text. if ($isForHtml) { $htmlMessage = nl2br($ticket['message']); $msg = str_replace('%%MESSAGE_NO_ATTACHMENTS%%', $htmlMessage, $msg); return str_replace('%%MESSAGE%%', $htmlMessage, $msg); } $message_has_html = checkForHtml($ticket); if ($message_has_html) { if (!function_exists('convert_html_to_text')) { require(HESK_PATH . 'inc/html2text/html2text.php'); } $ticket['message'] = convert_html_to_text($ticket['message']); $ticket['message'] = fix_newlines($ticket['message']); } $msg = str_replace('%%MESSAGE_NO_ATTACHMENTS%%', $ticket['message'], $msg); return str_replace('%%MESSAGE%%', $ticket['message'], $msg); } else { return $msg; } } // Is email required to view ticket (for customers only)? $hesk_settings['e_param'] = $hesk_settings['email_view_ticket'] ? '&e=' . rawurlencode($ticket['email']) : ''; /* Generate the ticket URLs */ $trackingURL = $hesk_settings['hesk_url']; $trackingURL .= $is_admin ? '/' . $hesk_settings['admin_dir'] . '/admin_ticket.php' : '/ticket.php'; $trackingURL .= '?track=' . $ticket['trackid'] . ($is_admin ? '' : $hesk_settings['e_param']) . '&Refresh=' . rand(10000, 99999); /* Set category title */ $ticket['category'] = hesk_msgToPlain(hesk_getCategoryName($ticket['category']), 1, 0); /* Set priority title */ switch ($ticket['priority']) { case 0: $ticket['priority'] = $hesklang['critical']; break; case 1: $ticket['priority'] = $hesklang['high']; break; case 2: $ticket['priority'] = $hesklang['medium']; break; default: $ticket['priority'] = $hesklang['low']; } /* Get owner name */ $ticket['owner'] = hesk_msgToPlain(hesk_getOwnerName($ticket['owner']), 1); /* Set status */ $statusRs = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `text` FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "text_to_status_xref` WHERE `status_id` = " . $ticket['status'] . " AND `language` = '". hesk_dbEscape($hesklang['LANGUAGE']) ."'"); $row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($statusRs); $ticket['status'] = $row['text']; // Get name of the person who posted the last message if ( ! isset($ticket['last_reply_by'])) { $ticket['last_reply_by'] = hesk_getReplierName($ticket); } /* Replace all special tags */ $msg = str_replace('%%NAME%%', $ticket['name'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%SUBJECT%%', $ticket['subject'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%TRACK_ID%%', $ticket['trackid'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%TRACK_URL%%', $trackingURL, $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%SITE_TITLE%%', $hesk_settings['site_title'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%SITE_URL%%', $hesk_settings['site_url'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%CATEGORY%%', $ticket['category'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%PRIORITY%%', $ticket['priority'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%OWNER%%', $ticket['owner'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%STATUS%%', $ticket['status'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%EMAIL%%', $ticket['email'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%CREATED%%', $ticket['dt'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%UPDATED%%', $ticket['lastchange'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%ID%%', $ticket['id'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('%%TIME_WORKED%%', $ticket['time_worked'] ,$msg); $msg = str_replace('%%LAST_REPLY_BY%%',$ticket['last_reply_by'] ,$msg); /* All custom fields */ for ($i=1; $i<=50; $i++) { $k = 'custom'.$i; if (isset($hesk_settings['custom_fields'][$k])) { $v = $hesk_settings['custom_fields'][$k]; switch ($v['type']) { case 'checkbox': $ticket[$k] = str_replace("
","\n",$ticket[$k]); break; case 'date': $ticket[$k] = hesk_custom_date_display_format($ticket[$k], $v['value']['date_format']); break; } $msg = str_replace('%%'.strtoupper($k).'%%',stripslashes($ticket[$k]),$msg); } else { $msg = str_replace('%%'.strtoupper($k).'%%','',$msg); } } // Is message tag in email template? if (strpos($msg, '%%MESSAGE%%') !== false) { // Replace message if ($isForHtml) { $htmlMessage = nl2br($ticket['message']); $msg = str_replace('%%MESSAGE%%', $htmlMessage, $msg); } else { $plainTextMessage = $ticket['message']; $message_has_html = checkForHtml($ticket); if ($message_has_html) { if (!function_exists('convert_html_to_text')) { require(HESK_PATH . 'inc/html2text/html2text.php'); } $plainTextMessage = convert_html_to_text($plainTextMessage); $plainTextMessage = fix_newlines($plainTextMessage); } $msg = str_replace('%%MESSAGE%%', $plainTextMessage, $msg); } // Add direct links to any attachments at the bottom of the email message OR add them as attachments, depending on the settings if ($hesk_settings['attachments']['use'] && isset($ticket['attachments']) && strlen($ticket['attachments'])) { if (!$modsForHesk_settings['attachments']) { if ($isForHtml) { $msg .= "

" . $hesklang['fatt']; } else { $msg .= "\n\n\n" . $hesklang['fatt']; } $att = explode(',', substr($ticket['attachments'], 0, -1)); foreach ($att as $myatt) { list($att_id, $att_name, $saved_name) = explode('#', $myatt); if ($isForHtml) { $msg .= "

" . $att_name . "
"; } else { $msg .= "\n\n" . $att_name . "\n"; } $msg .= $hesk_settings['hesk_url'] . '/download_attachment.php?att_id=' . $att_id . '&track=' . $ticket['trackid'] . $hesk_settings['e_param']; } } // If attachments setting is set to 1, we'll add the attachments separately later; otherwise we'll duplicate the number of attachments. } // For customer notifications: if we allow email piping/pop 3 fetching and // stripping quoted replies add an "reply above this line" tag if (!$is_admin && ($hesk_settings['email_piping'] || $hesk_settings['pop3']) && $hesk_settings['strip_quoted']) { $msg = $hesklang['EMAIL_HR'] . "\n\n" . $msg; } } elseif (strpos($msg, '%%MESSAGE_NO_ATTACHMENTS%%') !== false) { if ($isForHtml) { $htmlMessage = nl2br($ticket['message']); $msg = str_replace('%%MESSAGE_NO_ATTACHMENTS%%', $htmlMessage, $msg); } else { $plainTextMessage = $ticket['message']; $message_has_html = checkForHtml($ticket); if ($message_has_html) { if (!function_exists('convert_html_to_text')) { require(HESK_PATH . 'inc/html2text/html2text.php'); } $plainTextMessage = convert_html_to_text($plainTextMessage); $plainTextMessage = fix_newlines($plainTextMessage); } $msg = str_replace('%%MESSAGE_NO_ATTACHMENTS%%', $plainTextMessage, $msg); } } return $msg; } // $postfields is only required for mailgun. // $boundary is only required for PHP/SMTP function processDirectAttachments($emailMethod, $postfields = NULL, $boundary = '') { global $hesk_settings, $ticket; $att = explode(',', substr($ticket['attachments'], 0, -1)); // if using mailgun, add each attachment to the array if ($emailMethod == 'mailgun') { $i = 0; foreach ($att as $myatt) { list($att_id, $att_name, $saved_name) = explode('#', $myatt); $postfields['attachment[' . $i . ']'] = '@' . HESK_PATH . $hesk_settings['attach_dir'] . '/' . $saved_name; $i++; } return $postfields; } else { $attachments = ''; foreach ($att as $myatt) { list($att_id, $att_name, $saved_name) = explode('#', $myatt); $attachments .= "\n\n" . "--" . $boundary . "\n"; $attachments .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $att_name . "\" \n"; $attachments .= "Content-Disposition: attachment\n"; $attachments .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n"; $attachmentBinary = file_get_contents(HESK_PATH . $hesk_settings['attach_dir'] . '/' . $saved_name); $attcontents = chunk_split(base64_encode($attachmentBinary)); $attachments .= $attcontents . "\n\n"; } return $attachments; } } function checkForHtml($ticket) { global $hesk_settings; $repliesRs = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "replies` WHERE `replyto` = ".intval($ticket['id']) . " ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"); if (hesk_dbNumRows($repliesRs) != 1) { return $ticket['html']; } $reply = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($repliesRs); return $reply['html']; }