$(document).ready(function() { // We should show the latest 50 logs when the user first views the page. searchLogs(null, null, null, null); $('#search-button').click(function() { var location = getNullableField($('input[name="location"]').val()); }); }); function getNullableField(value) { return value !== "" ? value : null; } function searchLogs(location, fromDate, toDate, severity) { var endpoint = getHelpdeskUrl(); endpoint += '/internal-api/admin/message-log/'; $.ajax({ url: endpoint, data: { location: location, fromDate: fromDate, toDate: toDate, severityId: severity }, method: 'POST', success: displayResults, error: function(data) { console.error(data); } }); } function displayResults(data) { data = $.parseJSON(data); var table = $('#results-table > tbody'); table.empty(); if (data.length === 0) { table.append('No results found'); } else { for (var index in data) { var result = data[index]; table.append('' + '' + result.timestamp + '' + '' + result.username + '' + '' + result.location + '' + '' + result.message + ''); } } } function getRowColor(result) { switch (result.severity) { case "1": return 'class="info"'; case "2": return 'class="warning"'; case "3": return 'class="danger"'; } return ''; }